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孝顺唯美句子英文 篇一

The Beauty of Filial Piety

Filial piety is a concept deeply rooted in Chinese culture, emphasizing the importance of respect, love, and care towards one's parents and elders. It is a virtue that has been celebrated for centuries, and it continues to hold great significance in contemporary society. In this article, we will explore the beauty of filial piety through a collection of heartwarming and inspiring English sentences.

1. "A mother's love is like no other, and a filial child cherishes it forever."

This sentence beautifully captures the essence of filial piety, highlighting the unconditional love and selflessness that a child feels towards their mother. It reminds us of the deep bond between a parent and a child, and the importance of treasuring and honoring that relationship.

2. "Respecting our parents is not just a duty, but a privilege."

This sentence emphasizes the idea that filial piety is not merely an obligation, but a privilege. It reminds us that being able to care for and support our parents is a blessing, and we should approach it with gratitude and humility.

3. "Filial piety is a bridge that connects generations and fosters harmony within families."

This sentence beautifully captures the role of filial piety in maintaining family harmony. It highlights the idea that when children show respect and care towards their parents, it creates a strong bond that transcends generations, fostering love and understanding within the family unit.

4. "Actions speak louder than words, and filial piety is shown through our daily deeds."

This sentence reminds us that filial piety is not just about saying the right words, but about demonstrating our love and respect through our actions. It encourages us to actively seek opportunities to support and care for our parents, creating a positive and nurturing environment for them.

5. "A filial child is a reflection of their parents' love and upbringing."

This sentence recognizes the role of parents in shaping their children's character and values. It highlights that when a child displays filial piety, it is a testament to the love, care, and guidance they have received from their parents.

6. "Filial piety is a virtuous circle that brings happiness to both parents and children."

This sentence beautifully captures the reciprocal nature of filial piety. It emphasizes that when children show love and respect towards their parents, it brings joy and fulfillment to both parties, creating a harmonious and loving family dynamic.

7. "In the presence of filial piety, family bonds grow stronger, and love knows no bounds."

This sentence highlights the transformative power of filial piety within a family. It emphasizes that when children prioritize the well-being and happiness of their parents, it strengthens the family bond and deepens the love shared among family members.

In conclusion, filial piety is a beautiful virtue that transcends cultural boundaries. These English sentences capture the essence of filial piety, reminding us of the importance of respecting, loving, and caring for our parents. By practicing filial piety, we can create a nurturing and harmonious environment that fosters love, understanding, and happiness within our families.

孝顺唯美句子英文 篇二

The Eternity of Filial Piety

Filial piety, a concept deeply ingrained in Chinese culture, is a virtue that transcends time and place. It is a testament to the universal values of love, respect, and care towards parents and elders. In this article, we will explore the eternity of filial piety through a collection of poignant and inspiring English sentences.

1. "Filial piety is the bridge that connects the past, present, and future, ensuring the continuity of love and devotion."

This sentence beautifully captures the timeless nature of filial piety. It highlights that by honoring and caring for our parents, we not only pay tribute to the past but also ensure the perpetuation of love and devotion in future generations.

2. "Filial piety is a language that transcends words, spoken through gestures of love and acts of kindness."

This sentence emphasizes that the essence of filial piety lies not in verbal expressions but in the actions we take to show our love and care. It reminds us that our deeds speak louder than words and that true filial piety is demonstrated through our daily acts of kindness.

3. "Filial piety is a treasure that grows richer with time, as it is passed down from one generation to the next."

This sentence beautifully captures the idea that filial piety is an inheritance that appreciates in value over time. It highlights the significance of passing down this virtue from parents to children, ensuring its perpetuation and continuation through the ages.

4. "In the heart of a filial child, the flame of love for their parents burns eternally."

This sentence beautifully encapsulates the unwavering love and devotion that a filial child holds for their parents. It reminds us that the flame of love never extinguishes and continues to burn bright in the heart of a truly filial individual.

5. "Filial piety is a bond that surpasses distance and time, connecting hearts across generations."

This sentence emphasizes the power of filial piety to transcend physical barriers. It highlights that no matter the distance or the passage of time, the bond of filial piety connects hearts across generations, fostering love and understanding between parents and children.

6. "The legacy of filial piety is a gift that enriches not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us."

This sentence recognizes the profound impact of filial piety beyond the immediate family. It emphasizes that by practicing filial piety, we set an example for others, inspiring them to cherish and honor their own parents, creating a ripple effect of love and respect within society.

7. "Filial piety is a thread that weaves a tapestry of love, binding families together for eternity."

This sentence beautifully captures the metaphorical significance of filial piety. It highlights that by practicing this virtue, we create a strong and enduring bond within our families, weaving a tapestry of love and unity that withstands the test of time.

In conclusion, filial piety is a virtue that transcends cultural boundaries and stands as a testament to the eternal values of love, respect, and care towards parents and elders. These English sentences capture the essence of filial piety, reminding us of its timeless significance. By embracing filial piety, we can create a legacy of love and devotion that enriches not only our own lives but also the lives of future generations.

孝顺唯美句子英文 篇三

And were it not predestined

Why should they meet again in this existence?


Yet, if predestined,

Why does their love come to nothing?


One sighs to no purpose,

The other yearns in vain;


One is the moon reflected in the water,

The other but a flower in the mirror.


How many tears can well from her eyes?

孝顺唯美句子英文 篇四

Can they flow on from autumn till winter,

From spring till summer?


霍克斯 译


Pages full of idle words

Penned with hot and bitter tears:


All men call the author fool;

None his secret message hears.


Illusory Land of Great Void

杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


When false is taken for true, true becomes false;

If non-being turns into being, being becomes non-being.


杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


As blossoms fade and fly across the sky,

Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been?


Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions,

Gently the willow fluff wafts to the embroidered screen.


A girl in her chamber mourns the passing of spring,

No relief from anxiety her poor heart knows;


Hoe in hand she steps through her portal,

Loath to tread on the blossom as she comes and goes.


Willows and elms, fresh and verdant,

Care not if peach and plum blossom drift away;


Next year the peach and plum will bloom again,

But her chamber may stand empty on that day.


By the third month the scented nests are built,

But the swallows on the beam are heartless all;


Next year, though once again you may peck the buds,

From the beam of an empty room your nest will fall.


Each year for three hundred and sixty days

The cutting wind and biting frost contend.


How long can beauty flower fresh and fair?

In a single day wind can whirl it to its end.


Fallen, the brightest blooms are hard to find;

With aching heart their grave-digger comes now.


Alone, her hoe in hand, her secret tears

Falling like drops of blood on each bare bough.


Dusk falls and the cuckoo is silent;

Her hoe brought back, the lodge is locked and still;


A green lamp lights the wall as steep enfolds her,

Cold rain pelts the casement and her quilt is chill.


What causes my two-fold anguish?

Love for spring and resentment of spring;


For suddenly it comes and suddenly goes,

Its arrival unheralded, noiseless its departing.


Last night from the courtyard floated a sad song –

Was it the soul of blossom, the soul of birds?


Hard to detain, the soul of blossom or birds,

For blossoms have no assurance, birds no words.


I long to take wing and fly

With the flowers to earth's uttermost bound;


And yet at earth's uttermost bound

Where can a fragrant burial mound be found?


Better shroud the fair petals in silk

With clean earth for their outer attire;


For pure you came and pure shall go,

Not sinking into some foul ditch or mire.


Now you are dead I come to bury you;

None has pined the day when I shall die;


Men laugh at my folly in burying fallen flowers,

But who will bury me when dead I lie?


See, when spring draws to a close and flowers fall,

This is the season when beauty must ebb and fade;


The day that spring takes wing and beauty fades

Who will care for the fallen blossom or dead maid?


霍克斯 译



Her mist-wreathed brows at first seemed to frown, yet were not frowning;

Her passionate eyes at first seemed to smile, yet were not merry.


Habit had given a melancholy cast to her tender face;

Nature had bestowed a sickly constitution on her delicate frame.


Often the eyes swam with glistening tears;

Often the breath came in gentle gasps.



In stillness she made one think of a graceful flower reflected in the water;

In motion she called to mind tender willow shoots caressed by the wind.



She had more chambers in her heart than the martyred Bi Gan;

And suffered a tithe more pain in it than the beautiful Xi Shi.


杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


His appearance took Daiyu by surprise. “How very strange!” she thought. “It’s as if I’d seen him somewhere before. He looks so familiar.”


“I’ve met this cousin before,” he declared at the end of his scrutiny.


“You’re talking nonsense again,” said his grandmother, laughing.“How could you possibly have met her?”


“Well, even if I haven’t, her face looks familiar. I feel we’re old friends meeting again after a long separation.”


霍克斯 译

孝顺唯美句子英文 篇五

Eyes like a painted phoenix,

eyebrows like willow-leaves,


a slender form,

seductive grace;


the ever-smiling summer face

of hidden thunders showed no trace;

the ever-bubbling laughter started

almost before the lips were parted.


Caught By Her Own Cunning

霍克斯 译


Too shrewd by half, with such finesse you wrought

That your own life in your own toils was caught;


But long before you died your heart was slain,

And when you died your spirit walked in vain.


Fall'n the great house once so secure in wealth,

Each scattered member shifting for himself;



And half a life-time’s anxious schemes

Proved no more than the stuff of dreams.


Like a great building’s tottering crash,

Like flickering lamp wick burned to ash,



Your scene of happiness concludes in grief:

For worldly bliss is always insecure and brief.


霍克斯 译


Seldom the moon shines in a cloudless sky,

And days of brightness all too soon pass by.


A noble and aspiring mind

In a base-born frame confined.


All Good Things Must End

杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


All men long to be immortals

Yet to riches and rank each aspires;


The great ones of old, where are they now?

Their graves are a mass of briars.


All men long to be immortals,

Yet silver and gold they prize


And grub for money all their lives

Till death seals up their eyes.


All men long to be immortals

Yet dote on the wives they’ve wed,


Who swear to love their husband evermore

But remarry as soon as he’s dead.


All men long to be immortals

Yet with getting sons won’t have done.


Although fond parents are legion,

Who ever saw a really filial son?


A Life Misspent

杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


Well-matched, all say, the gold and the jade;

I alone recall the pledge between plant and stone.



Vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow-clad hills

I forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world.



I sigh, learning that no man’s happiness is complete:

Even a pair thought well-matched

May find disappointment.


杨宪益 戴乃迭 译



Like drops of blood fall endless tears of longing,

By painted pavilion grow willows and flowers untold;



Sleepless at night when wind and rain lash gauze windows,

She cannot forget her sorrows new and old;



Choking on rice like jade

and wine like gold,

She turns from her wan reflection in the glass;


Nothing can smooth away her frown,

It seems that the long night will never pass;



Like the shadow of peaks, her grief is never gone;

Like the green stream it flows for ever on.


杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


A stork’s shadow flit across the chilly pool

The poet’s spirit is buried in cold moonlight.


The Birds Into The Wood Have Flown

霍克斯 译



The office jack’s career is blighted,

The rich man’s fortune now all vanished,



The kind with life have been requited,

The cruel exemplarily punished;



The one who owed a life is dead,

The tears one owed have all been shed.


Wrongs suffered have the wrongs done expiated;

The couplings and the sundering were fated.


Untimely death sin in some past life shows,

But only luck a blest old age bestows.



The disillusioned to their convents fly,

The still deluded miserably die.


Like birds who, having fed, to the woods repair,

They leave the landscape desolate and bare.


