
时间:2019-05-04 05:15:42
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Title: Rejection Quotes for Confessions of Love

篇一 (Article 1):


Rejection Quotes for Confessions of Love

In the realm of love, not all feelings are reciprocated. Sometimes, you find yourself in a position where you have to turn down someone's declaration of love. It can be a delicate situation, as you want to be gentle and kind, yet honest and clear about your feelings. To help you navigate this challenging predicament, we have compiled a list of rejection quotes for confessions of love.

1. "I appreciate your feelings, but I don't share the same romantic sentiments towards you."

This quote acknowledges the person's emotions while politely expressing that the romantic feelings are not mutual.

2. "I value our friendship and don't want to jeopardize it by pursuing a romantic relationship."

This quote emphasizes the importance of the existing friendship and highlights the potential consequences of pursuing a romantic relationship.

3. "I admire your courage for expressing your feelings, but I don't see us as more than friends."

This quote compliments the person's bravery in confessing their feelings while being clear about not seeing the relationship progressing beyond friendship.

4. "I believe it's important to be honest with our emotions, and I have to admit that I don't feel the same way about you."

This quote emphasizes the importance of honesty in relationships and states that the speaker's feelings do not align with the other person's.

5. "While I appreciate your affection, I am not able to reciprocate those feelings."

This quote acknowledges the person's affection while stating that the speaker is unable to reciprocate those feelings.

It is crucial to remember that rejection is never easy for either party involved. These quotes aim to provide a gentle and honest response while respecting the other person's emotions. It is essential to be compassionate and understanding during this vulnerable time.

篇二 (Article 2):


Rejection Quotes for Confessions of Love

Love can be both beautiful and complicated. When someone musters up the courage to confess their love to you, it puts you in a challenging position if you don't feel the same way. It is crucial to handle this situation delicately, ensuring that you are respectful and considerate of the other person's feelings. To help you navigate this difficult situation, we have gathered a selection of rejection quotes for confessions of love.

1. "I deeply value our friendship and don't want to risk losing it by pursuing a romantic relationship."

This quote emphasizes the importance of the existing friendship and conveys the fear of jeopardizing it by venturing into a romantic relationship.

2. "You are an incredible person, but my heart belongs to someone else."

This quote acknowledges the person's qualities while expressing that the speaker's heart is already committed to someone else.

3. "I appreciate your feelings, but I don't feel the same way towards you. I hope we can continue to be friends."

This quote validates the person's emotions while being honest about the speaker's lack of romantic feelings, followed by an expression of desire to maintain friendship.

4. "Love is a complex thing, and unfortunately, I don't feel a romantic connection with you."

This quote acknowledges the complexity of love and states that the speaker does not feel a romantic connection with the other person.

5. "I admire your bravery in expressing your feelings, but I have to be honest and say that I don't see a future for us beyond friendship."

This quote compliments the person's courage while being honest about not envisioning a romantic future together.

When rejecting someone's confession of love, it is crucial to remember that kindness and empathy go a long way. These quotes can serve as a starting point to express your feelings honestly while ensuring that the other person's emotions are respected.

拒绝表白的英文句子 篇三


I think your gentleness is more suitable for other girls.


With all due respect, but I'm sorry I can't hear it.


Your enthusiasm should be given to someone who deserves it.


Everyone has their own astronaut. I'm sorry. It's not me.

五,“我觉得我好像喜欢你 “这次对我不确定没关系下次遇到真正心动的女孩子“记得一定要语气坚定一点啊”

"I feel like I like you." This time I am not sure about me. It doesn't matter if I meet a girl who is really heart-warming next time. "Remember to be firm


If I can not give you and you give me the same gentle and like, I can not always enjoy your good to me sorry ah.

七,承蒙厚爱我的温柔已经承包给别人了所以我不值得你的温柔 但是我想总会有一个女孩值得你把温柔给她她也会给你全部的温柔.

Thanks to the love, my gentleness has been contracted to others, so I am not worthy of your gentleness, but I think there will always be a girl worthy of you to give her gentleness, she will give you all the gentleness.

八,抱歉我并不喜欢你 出于礼貌一直没有跟你断开联系这可能让你产生一些误会 我不想吊着你也不值得你喜欢.

I'm sorry. I don't like you. I haven't been out of touch with you out of courtesy. It might have caused you some misunderstanding. I don't want to hang you, and it's not worth it. 我会找到别的星星 你也会拥有你的月亮I'll find other stars and you'll have your moon


I'm still not the one worth running for


I can't stain your white shirt with all my scars

十一,学业未成 岂能谈儿女情长

Can you talk about your children's love when your studies are not successful

十二,我觉得我和易烊千玺很配 我们还是算了吧

I think I'm a good match for Yangqianxi Yi. Let's just forget it


I'm sorry. I'm not the gummy bear you wanted

十四,一身清贫怎敢入繁华 两袖清风怎敢误佳人.

How dare you dare to enter the bustling two-sleeved breeze and dare to mistake the beauty.


My five elements lack feelings and I only want to get rich

十六,真羡慕你有喜欢的人 .

I envy you having someone you like.


There are people you like, and you deserve better


I'm a fairy. It's against the rules to fall in love with a mortal. ..



