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Writing Homework Action Description Sample English

Article One

As I sat at my desk, the bright light from the lamp illuminated the papers spread out before me. The room was quiet, except for the faint sound of my pencil scratching against the paper. My brow furrowed in concentration as I delved into the complexities of the assignment.

I began by organizing my thoughts, jotting down key points and ideas. My hand moved swiftly across the page, forming neat, orderly lines. Occasionally, I paused to refer to my textbook, flipping through the pages to find the necessary information. The rustling sound of the pages turning broke the silence, momentarily disrupting the peaceful atmosphere.

Once I had gathered all the necessary information, I took a deep breath and started writing. The words flowed smoothly from my mind to my hand, as I carefully crafted each sentence. With each stroke of my pen, I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that I was making progress. The steady rhythm of my writing filled the room, creating a comforting background noise.

Occasionally, I would pause to review what I had written, making small edits and revisions. I tapped my pencil against my chin, deep in thought, as I considered whether my arguments were strong enough. With each revision, the words on the page became clearer, more concise, and more persuasive.

Time seemed to pass quickly as I continued to work diligently on my assignment. The only indication of the passing hours was the gradual dimming of the daylight outside. The room was now enveloped in a soft, warm glow, provided by the lamp on my desk. The familiar scent of freshly sharpened pencils and ink filled the air, further immersing me in my task.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I reached the last sentence of my assignment. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me. I read through the entire paper one final time, checking for any lingering errors. Satisfied with my work, I closed my notebook and stretched my tired muscles.

Article Two

As I settled into my seat, the desk became my sanctuary. The soft hum of the computer filled the room, providing a constant background noise. The screen glowed brightly, inviting me to embark on my writing journey.

I began by brainstorming ideas, my fingers dancing across the keyboard as I typed furiously. Thoughts poured out of my mind, flowing seamlessly onto the screen. I would occasionally pause to reread what I had written, making small edits and adjustments. The clacking sound of the keys echoed through the room, a rhythmic melody that fueled my creativity.

Once I had a solid foundation of ideas, I started to organize them into coherent paragraphs. I meticulously rearranged sentences, ensuring a logical flow of thoughts. The mouse glided effortlessly across the mousepad, as I highlighted and dragged sections of text. The occasional click of the mouse echoed through the room, punctuating my progress.

As I continued to type, I occasionally paused to consult online sources for additional information. The clicking sound of the mouse intensified, as I eagerly clicked on various links, searching for relevant articles and studies. The information I found served as building blocks for my arguments, adding depth and credibility to my writing.

Hours seemed to pass in a blur as I immersed myself in my assignment. The only indication of time passing was the gradual fading of daylight outside the window. The room was now bathed in a soft, warm glow, provided by the desk lamp. The scent of coffee lingered in the air, fueling my determination to finish the task at hand.

Finally, I reached the conclusion of my assignment. I leaned back in my chair, a sense of satisfaction washing over me. I read through the entire document one final time, checking for any lingering errors. With a final click of the mouse, I hit the submit button, releasing my work into the digital realm.

In conclusion, writing homework is a journey that requires dedication, concentration, and creativity. Whether through the scratch of a pencil or the click of a keyboard, each word written represents a step towards completion. The process may be challenging at times, but the sense of accomplishment that comes from a well-written assignment makes it all worthwhile.

写作业动作描写范文英文 篇三








写作业动作描写范文英文 篇四

"她握紧了板子,轻轻地把球往空中一抛,以闪电的速度把球运了过去,留下两声脆响.对手。 QQ专区 > 搜搜问问 - 2008-8-7 描写人物动作,语言,心理活动的句子 为数学老师所熟悉、喜爱的神态. 每当我做作业时,笔尖沙沙响,好像小鸟在对我唱歌,又。

(4)描写人物的句子 她的脸上有一双带着稚气的、被长长的睫毛装饰起来的美丽的眼睛,。 教育科学 > 学习帮助 - 2008-8-8 谁能提供一些描写人物动作细腻的句子? 她们的身材是那样苗条,步履是那样轻盈,仪态大方,好像一群美丽的仙子从天而降. 2、看见冰场上的人,穿梭一般地滑来滑去,我的心激荡着,也急忙换上冰鞋,上场去了.开始的几步。

教育科学 > 学习帮助 - 2008-8-4 四大名著中描写人物动作、心理活动、神态的好词好句好段 "当时林冲扳将过来,扳着他的肩胛,却认得是本官高衙内,先自手软了""先自手软了"这五个字非常值得注意,这不是简单的、一般人物的动作神态的描写,而是一下子挖掘到人的内心。 艺术文学 > 中国文学 - 2009-05-07 谁有描写人物动作神态的段落(200字以上)? 人们常说:"厚嘴唇的人笨嘴拙舌."可是他却能说会道,是个健谈的人. 4、哥哥的眼睛高。

她没有那种职业女司机戴着墨镜洒脱高傲的神态,看那架势,好像是开"东方红"或者"铁牛。 教育科学 > 学习帮助 - 2008-09-25 描写人物动作的词语 蹑手蹑脚 手舞足蹈 蹦蹦跳跳 指手划脚 手忙脚乱 摇头晃脑 艺术文学 > 外国文学 - 2007-12-26 描写人物动作的四字词语(越多越好) 手舞足蹈走〕散步 漫步 踏步 信步 转悠 闲逛 徜徉 踉跄 蹒跚 踱方步 健步如飞 步履矫健 步履轻盈 大步流星 飞檐走壁 大摇大摆 步履艰难一瘸一拐 匍匐前进 蹑手蹑脚 〔。

教育科学 > 学习帮助 - 2008-4-11 城南旧事中描写人物动作的片段 都四十多年了,没听说这儿有林则徐住过的地方呀?您再问问别人吧.说着,我们一起往里。像是证实自己的印象确实没有错似的,她冲我说:您看是吧?都没听说过.您是不是记错地。

艺术文学 > 中国文学 - 2008-5-24 求描写人物动作的语句? 声音颤抖地问道:"大哥哥是什么时候来伦敦的?为什么不告诉我一声?在这里等多久了?是。"老师的一席话,在我的心窝里添了一把火,浑身都烧得热乎乎的. 老校长的每一句话都打。

艺术文学 > 中国文学 - 2008-11-29 改句子,修改病句,写成语,古诗问题 (1)描写人物神态的:神采奕奕、神采飞扬、笑逐颜开、喜上眉梢(2)描写人物动作的:坐立不安、健步如飞、翩翩起舞、手舞足蹈(3)描写春天景色的:万物复苏、阳光明媚、生机勃。 教育科学 > 学习帮助 - 2009-05-11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 下一页> 约有130,802项搜索结果,用时秒搜索历史清除 ? 描写人物动作神态的精彩。

? 五年级英语演讲稿百度首。 ? 五年级英语演讲稿 您可能感兴趣 ? 排毒食物 ? 接吻技巧视频播放 ? 佛舍利 ? 汶川地震尸体图片 ? dnf天空深渊爆什么 ? qq游戏 台球 ? 简单瘦腿方法 ? 飙车 ? 甲型h1n1 ? 摩尔庄园免费超级拉姆 相关搜索 描写人物动作的段落 描写人物神态的段落 描写人物动作的成语 描写人物动作的句子 描写人物动作的词语 描写人物神态的成语 描写人物神态的句子 描写人物动作的作文 描写人物神态的词语 描写人物动作的片段 Copyright ? 1998 - 2009 Tencent. All Rights Reserved.。

写作业动作描写范文英文 篇五

A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are

I have many XXX is my best is as old as taller than is his favorite are in the same is good at his study is very learn from each other and help each will help me if i got in will help he as much as I can. I hope our friendship will forever and ever.

A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. I have many friends. However I only have one best friend and it's XXX. He is the same age as me. He is taller than me. Basketball is his favourite sport. We are in the same class. He likes studying and is good at it, so he gets high marks. We learn from each other and help each other. He will help me if I ever get into troubles. So will I. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever

My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am *** arter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study.

I think our friendship will last forever.





写作业动作描写范文英文 篇六





