
时间:2015-07-05 07:21:36
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英文的心情不好的句子大全 篇一

Feeling down? Here's a collection of gloomy English sentences to express your not-so-good mood.

1. I'm feeling blue today; everything seems to be going wrong.

2. The weight of the world seems to be on my shoulders, and it's dragging me down.

3. It feels like a dark cloud is hovering over me, casting a shadow on my every move.

4. My heart feels heavy, burdened by the weight of sadness.

5. I can't seem to shake off this feeling of emptiness; it's consuming me.

6. The world feels dull and lifeless, and I'm just going through the motions.

7. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of despair, struggling to stay afloat.

8. The walls are closing in on me, suffocating me with loneliness.

9. I'm trapped in a perpetual state of melancholy, unable to find a way out.

10. My soul feels weary, as if it's been drained of all vitality.

11. Every step I take feels like I'm walking through quicksand, unable to move forward.

12. The ache in my heart is a constant reminder of the pain I'm going through.

13. I feel like a shattered mirror, reflecting a broken image of myself.

14. The world feels like a dark tunnel, with no light at the end to guide me.

15. I'm lost in a maze of confusion, unable to find my way out.

16. The weight of disappointment is crushing my spirit, making it hard to breathe.

17. I'm suffocating under the weight of my own insecurities and self-doubt.

18. The silence is deafening, echoing the emptiness in my soul.

19. It feels like I'm walking on thin ice, afraid of every step I take.

20. The pain in my heart is a constant reminder of the love I've lost.

英文的心情不好的句子大全 篇二

Feeling down? Here's another collection of gloomy English sentences to express your not-so-good mood.

1. There's a storm raging inside me, tearing me apart with every gust of emotion.

2. I feel like a broken record, replaying the same sad song over and over again.

3. The world feels like a gray canvas, devoid of color and vibrancy.

4. It's as if the stars have disappeared from the sky, leaving behind only darkness.

5. My mind is a tornado of negative thoughts, wreaking havoc on my peace of mind.

6. I'm trapped in a never-ending cycle of sadness, unable to find an escape.

7. The pain in my heart is a constant reminder of the wounds I carry within.

8. I'm drowning in a sea of sorrow, struggling to keep my head above water.

9. The silence is suffocating, amplifying the weight of my loneliness.

10. It feels like I'm standing on the edge of a precipice, afraid to take the leap.

11. My soul feels like a tangled mess of emotions, with no clarity or reprieve.

12. The world feels like a battlefield, and I'm constantly fighting against my own demons.

13. I'm lost in a labyrinth of despair, searching for a way back to happiness.

14. The emptiness inside me is a void that cannot be filled, no matter how hard I try.

15. It feels like I'm walking on a tightrope, one wrong step away from falling into darkness.

16. The weight of regret is crushing my spirit, making it hard to find any joy.

17. I'm surrounded by a fog of sadness, obscuring my vision and clouding my thoughts.

18. The echoes of past pain reverberate in my heart, reminding me of past hurts.

19. It feels like I'm living in a world of shadows, where happiness is just out of reach.

20. The tears that fall from my eyes are a testament to the pain I cannot put into words.

英文的心情不好的句子大全 篇三

1. I traveled every corner of the city, not to meet again, only to feel that you have.

2. 明明心事重重却一副若无其事的样子,不是不想找人说,只是怕没人懂。

3. 擦肩了,却来不及遇见;遇见了,却来不及相识;相识了,却来不及熟悉;熟悉了,却还是要说再见。

4. If you send a short message to a person, he has not been back, do not send a. not so humble waiting.

5. The only thing in the world that gets better and better as time goes by, only memories、

6. I gave you the most precious confession, but you gave me the most painful joke.

7. If he likes you, most of your temper is called personality. If he doesn't like you, even if you are gentle l

8. Knowing your signature is not for me, but I was talking.

9. 爱洗礼了你我的青春,痛过才知爱的有多卑微。

10. 青春像一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。

11. to be your original self, it"s better to be a copy of everyone.

12. 男人哭了,是因为他真的爱了;女人哭了,是因为她真得放弃了。

13. 情不敢至深,恐大梦一场,卦不能算尽,是天命无常。

14. 你心软你总是害怕伤害到谁谁谁,所以被伤害到的人总是你。

15. walk, walk, walk away, the memories are faded. It is difficult to review.

16. 你在敷衍,我在撒谎,反正也没人真正在意。

17. 走着走着,就散了,回忆也都淡了。重温也都难了。

18. 世上的感情分为三种:无情、多情、自作多情。

19. 多希望死亡只是身上的一个按钮,一按即去,不痛不痒。

20. 我走遍這座城市的每壹個角落,不為再次遇見,只為感受有妳的曾經。

21. 你爱我我爱你,后来你不爱了,而我却碍你。

22. 如果笑能止住眼泪,我为何哭得如此伤悲。

23. 离开的人潇洒地走了,原地的人还在默默收拾碎片。

24. 没什么,只是学聪明了,不再问你离开我的原因。

25. 明明当初说分手的是嘴巴,为什么现在心却痛了。

26. 从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

27. 我淋过的最大的雨,是那一天你在烈日下的不回头。

28. 后来晚睡变成了一种习惯,习惯的人都知道太难戒。

29. 当我爱你的时候,你潇洒的活在我的世界,当我不爱你的时候,请潇洒的滚出我的世界。

30. You are not qualified to say that I have changed, I know that there is a word called worship you give it?

31. 人之所以会心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放下之间。

32. 我可以坚强到没有眼泪,却无法真的无动于衷。

33. Fault is temporary regret, but miss is eternal regret.

34. 我现在不想要幸福,因为现在的幸福会有终点。

35. 一朵孤芳自赏的花只是美丽,一片互相依恃着而怒放的锦绣才是灿烂。

36. how fragile is the relationship between us, I just turn off the computer to turn off the phone, maybe you will never contact me this life.

37. 我和他的故事超级长,需要一生来遗忘。

38. waiting is not terrible, terrible is not knowing when it is the end.

39. those engraved in the chair behind the love, will not like the cement on the flowers, out of no wind, lonely forest.

40. I am okey is the biggest lie of girls.

41. sometimes I feel really bad about life, I want to shut myself up and what do not listen to what do not want to.

42. 时间在变,心在变,有些事情,回不去就是回不去。

43. cherish wearing school uniforms and their time together, because a take off is a lifetime.

44. 那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林。

45. 我在等一个人,等一个不可能的人!

46. I look at your life like a passer-by, sad that your joys and sorrows are not for me.

47. 酒,喝的半醉的好,喝的太多就醉了。爱,还是半真的好,爱的太深就心碎了。

48. 人生最糟的不是失去爱的人,而是因为太爱一个人,而失去了自己。

49. the same thing, happy is paradise, hard is hell.

50. 到最后我才知道,我最对不起的其实是我自己。

51. 别说我很好,我很好,你为什么不要?

52. 爱你到体无完肤,可依然抓不到你一丝丝的疼惜。

53. 那句愿你安好和祝你幸福都是真的,心痛也是真的。

54. 我喜欢现在的年纪,却不喜欢现在的自己。

55. how I hope that death is just a button on the body, according to that, neither painful nor itching.

56. 怪只能怪自己:有本事喜欢上别人,却没本事让别人喜欢自己。

57. 有时候感觉生活真的很糟糕,好想把自己封闭起来什么也不听什么也不想。

58. 仰望星空,这世界有太多无奈。

59. 我们虽然分手了,但是我依旧爱你,记住,你,一定要幸福,一定要过得比我好。

60. 什么时候我也开始小心翼翼跟你说话,我记得我以前挺猖狂的。

61. Later, we are not love, nor a friend, and even a little on the other side of the news are no longer there.

62. 长大成人这件事最**的地方之一在于:你或许会变成自己曾经最看不起的那种人。

63. 有些的时候,正是为了爱才悄悄躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。

64. 相遇总是有原因的,不是恩赐就是教训。

65. 多么遗憾,我爱的人,早有意中人。

66. In the world, there is nothing left to do.

67. 何必把简单的好感放大成喜欢,最后夸张成爱。

68. 你没资格说我变了,知道有句话叫拜你所赐吗?

69. 有时候折腾一下,只为了证明自己的重要性。

70. 你不是我,怎知我走过的路,心中的苦与乐。

71. 世界上唯一会随着时间的流逝而越变越美好的东西,只有回忆。

72. 有些人明明说好了不在意,去还是忍不住去关注。

73. 时间不会让你忘了他,只会让你习惯没有他。

74. 提起你还是心酸,却不再像从前那么喜欢。


