
时间:2019-02-07 08:18:40
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Human Life is a Gamble - Article One

Life is often compared to a gamble, and rightly so. Every decision we make, every action we take, is akin to placing a bet. From the moment we are born, we are thrust into a world filled with uncertainty and unpredictability. We navigate through a series of choices, hoping that they will lead us to success and happiness. However, just like in a game of chance, there are no guarantees.

In this game of life, we are given a set of cards - our talents, abilities, and circumstances. It is up to us to play these cards wisely and strategically. Some of us are dealt a winning hand, while others may start with a less favorable one. But regardless of the cards we hold, it is essential to remember that it is our choices that determine the outcome.

Just like in gambling, life requires risk-taking. We must be willing to step out of our comfort zones, to make bold moves, and to embrace uncertainty. It is through taking calculated risks that we have the opportunity to reap substantial rewards. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between risk and caution. Blindly gambling without careful consideration can lead to disastrous consequences.

One can argue that the element of luck also plays a significant role in both gambling and life. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things do not go as planned. Just like a gambler who loses a bet due to unforeseen circumstances, we may face setbacks and failures that are beyond our control. However, it is how we respond to these setbacks that truly defines us. We can choose to let them defeat us or use them as stepping stones to learn and grow.

Moreover, just like in a game of gambling, there are winners and losers in life. Some individuals seem to be naturally lucky, consistently making the right choices and enjoying success in all their endeavors. On the other hand, some people face continuous hardships and seem to be perpetually unlucky. However, it is essential to understand that luck alone does not determine our fate. It is our resilience, perseverance, and determination that can eventually turn the tides in our favor.

In conclusion, life is indeed a gamble. We are constantly faced with choices and uncertainties that determine the course of our lives. Just like in a game of chance, there are risks, luck, winners, and losers. However, it is our ability to make calculated decisions, take risks, and learn from our failures that can ultimately lead us to success. So, let us embrace the unpredictable nature of life, play our cards wisely, and remember that we hold the power to shape our destiny.

Human Life is a Gamble - Article Two

Life is often likened to a gamble, a game of chance where the outcome is uncertain and unpredictable. It is a beautiful chaos, filled with highs and lows, successes and failures. In this game of life, we are all players, trying to navigate through the complexities and uncertainties that come our way.

Just like in a game of gambling, life requires courage. We must be willing to take risks, to step outside our comfort zones, and to embrace the unknown. It is through these daring moves that we can truly experience the thrill and excitement of life. Without daring to take chances, we are merely spectators, watching as others seize opportunities and make the most of their lives.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that not all risks are worth taking. Just as in gambling, where a reckless bet can lead to significant losses, making impulsive decisions in life can have severe consequences. It is essential to assess the odds, consider the potential outcomes, and make informed choices. Sometimes, the wisest decision is to walk away and save our resources for a more favorable opportunity.

Moreover, just like in a game of chance, luck plays a significant role in life. There are moments when we stumble upon unexpected opportunities or encounter fortunate circumstances that propel us forward. These strokes of luck can bring us closer to our goals and dreams. However, it is crucial to remember that luck alone is not enough to guarantee success. It is our persistence, hard work, and dedication that can transform luck into something tangible and sustainable.

In this game of life, we must also be prepared to face setbacks and failures. Just like a gambler who loses a bet, we too may experience disappointment and setbacks along the way. However, it is through these failures that we learn, grow, and become stronger individuals. It is through these hardships that we develop resilience and the ability to bounce back.

Lastly, it is essential to remember that life is not solely about the end result but about the journey itself. Just as in gambling, where the thrill is in the process of playing, life should be embraced for all its ups and downs. It is in the moments of uncertainty, the highs and lows, that we discover our true selves and find meaning in our existence.

In conclusion, life is indeed a gamble. It is a game of chance, filled with risks, luck, setbacks, and victories. Just like in gambling, it requires courage, strategic thinking, and the ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances. So, let us embrace the uncertainty, make informed decisions, and enjoy the exhilarating journey that is life.

人生就是赌博英文句子 篇三

1. 马力回家听家人说后,知是当年恩人来过,一面痛斥家人无礼,一面派家丁日久快马追赶路遥。

2. 从心爱你,从感觉爱你,从说话及目光中爱你,从嘴角吻你,从肩膀吻你,从熟睡中记起,抱着你,呵护你。

3. 我遇到一个亡命徒,我是全副武装,他只有一把改锥。

4. 后来,一杯酒能解决的事,也就不想再浪费眼泪了。

5. 爱钱的人,会雕成泉钮,就是铜钱的样子,中间有一个四四方方的洞,大大方方地戴在身上。

6. 人生有你,阳光灿烂;人生有你,四季温暖;人生有你,不畏艰险;人生有你,期盼永远。

7. 悄悄告诉自己说,没事的,一切皆如此,漫漫人生,淡然对待,从容行走。

8. 有些人永远都不会知道,他的一句话,我会记得很久。

9. 岁月会记得,你温柔赤诚的心。

10. 回过头,收起笑容,让自己肆意的哭泣。

11. 说完,拿起自己的b插在你妈的嘴上,你妈也不甘示弱,脱了裤子,拿起xxx还击,最后双双倒在血泊,爷爷我只好给他们做了一个坟墓,纪念你的父母你爷爷喜欢搞基啊?你知道?可你爷爷我从不好那口,老子喜欢草你M.不信把你妈拿来给老子试试?绝对给你老母逼爆烂。

12. 似是而非的对白,诉说着我和你的爱。

13. 其实我们并不是真的讨厌或排斥现实,按劳动分配成果、有才能的人更值得尊重……这些预期之内、理所应当的东西,抛开那一点点人人偶尔都有的不劳而获的小心思,我们自然是支持的。

14. “莫看水面平如镜,要知水底万丈深。

15. 是一起经历聚散离合后的不离不弃。

16. 在上述意义上,一年一度的两会是用群众智慧治理国家、用科学发展观统筹全局的一次生动实践。

17. 老公要威猛,儿女要漂亮。

18. 原来,我总是那个“退一步”海阔天空的人。

19. 成熟就是把怨恨化作笑脸,把哀伤凝成妩媚。

20. 想要站得高,做事。

21. 我的幸福,需要自己的成全。

22. 若能进入你的舞台,做不了搭档,做道具也无妨。

23. 人要是被引向邪路,就会毁了一生前程。

24. 作者大声地赞美他——他的健壮、朴实、充满生气,让我们与作者一同欣赏这个旧中国的北京人力车夫吧。

25. 感受柔情,明媚了我的世界。

26. 爱就是赋予某人摧毁你的力量,却坚信他/她不会伤害你。

27. 自信是成功的第一诀窍。

28. 后来才发现其实不是放不下,只是自己不愿意放下。

29. 尽管造物主没有赐予我们创造肉身的权力,但却给予我们追求理想的心灵创造生活的头脑与双手。

30. 爱情里没有委屈不委屈,在爱情里只有都委屈。

31. 但是,事情好像并非如人意,尽管女孩怎么做,男孩还是一如平静地冷漠,在男孩的心中一直有一个很重要的人,放之不下,她的存在,让男孩对外界的情愫充满了排斥,对于女孩的美好视而不见。

32. 一个成功者,必然是实现人生价值的人。

33. 遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦。

34. 心宽,就是对自己最好的礼物。

35. 大地不宽容山川草木,不过是一个丑陋的、千疮百孔的骷髅头。

36. 走远了再回头看,很多事已经模糊,很多人已经淡忘,只有很少的人与事与我们有关,牵连着我们的幸福与快乐,这才是我们真正要珍惜的地方。

37. 若你能许我一个未来,我定会为你,长袖翩翩,舞尽锦瑟年华。

38. 暗恋一个人就如同一个世界里的人爱着另一个世界的人,你知道那个世界里有他,他却不知道另一个世界里有你。

39. 安静的不吵不闹,永远以自己为局外人的身份看待一切。

40. ︶▔既然丢下了我就不要再想捡起丶灵性的女人,有外在美,更有内在美。

41. 当我们兴冲冲闯进去的时候,才发现自己成了傻子。

42. 愿有人待你如初,疼你入骨,从此深情不被辜负。

43. 文徵明的印章,是他的念想和寄托。

44. 你希望自己成熟吗?自己否定自己,极易走向自弃。

45. 那一段时光很幸福,而如今却只能把它当成回忆来回忆。


