
时间:2017-03-05 05:14:26
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Article 1: Despairing Sentences about Love

Love is a complex and unpredictable emotion that can bring both immense joy and devastating heartbreak. When things go awry in a relationship, it can leave us feeling hopeless and desperate. In times of despair, it is often comforting to find solace in the words of others who have experienced similar pain. Here are some despairing sentences about love that may resonate with those who have felt the weight of a broken heart.

1. "Love is like a roller coaster ride, full of thrilling highs and gut-wrenching lows. But when it comes to an end, all that remains is the feeling of being stuck at the bottom, unable to climb back up."

2. "Sometimes it feels like love is nothing more than an illusion, a mirage that disappears as soon as we reach out to touch it."

3. "Love has the power to make us believe in the impossible, but it also has the power to shatter our dreams into a million irreparable pieces."

4. "It's ironic how love can make us feel incredibly alive and yet leave us feeling completely empty at the same time."

5. "Love is like a puzzle, and when one piece goes missing, the entire picture falls apart, leaving us with nothing but a jumble of broken fragments."

6. "When love turns sour, it can feel like the world is conspiring against us, reminding us of our own vulnerability and fragility."

7. "Love has the ability to heal the deepest wounds, but it also has the power to inflict the most agonizing pain."

8. "In the game of love, the odds are often stacked against us, leaving us feeling like helpless victims of an unfair and cruel universe."

9. "Love can make us blind to the flaws and imperfections of our partner, but when the illusion fades, we are left with a harsh reality that is difficult to accept."

10. "Sometimes it feels like love is a battlefield, and we are the casualties left behind to pick up the shattered pieces of our hearts."

While these despairing sentences may paint a bleak picture of love, it is important to remember that healing is possible. Through self-reflection, personal growth, and time, we can overcome the despair and find love again.

Article 2: Desperate Sentences about Love

Love, the most profound and elusive of human emotions, can sometimes leave us feeling desperate and hopeless. When the person we love no longer reciprocates our feelings, or when a relationship crumbles before our eyes, it can be a devastating blow to our sense of self-worth and happiness. In these moments of despair, it can be both comforting and cathartic to find solace in the words of others who have experienced similar pain. Here are some sentences that capture the essence of desperation in matters of the heart.

1. "Love, once a source of joy and warmth, now feels like a suffocating burden, weighing heavily on my chest."

2. "The absence of love is like a void that consumes everything in its path, leaving behind only a hollow shell of a person."

3. "When love turns its back on us, it feels like the world is collapsing around us, suffocating us with its relentless cruelty."

4. "Love, once a beacon of hope, now feels like a cruel joke played by the universe, mocking our deepest desires."

5. "We search for love, hoping it will fill the empty spaces within us, only to find that it has the power to magnify our emptiness and leave us feeling even more lost."

6. "Desperation sets in when we realize that love is not a guarantee, but rather a fragile thread that can unravel at any moment, leaving us stranded in a sea of loneliness."

7. "Love, once a source of strength, now feels like a weakness that exposes our vulnerabilities and leaves us susceptible to heartbreak."

8. "In the depths of despair, it can feel like love is an unattainable dream, forever out of reach, taunting us with its elusive nature."

9. "Desperation consumes us when we realize that love cannot be forced or manufactured, but rather it is a delicate dance of timing and fate."

10. "When love slips through our fingers, it feels like we are grasping at smoke, watching helplessly as it dissipates into thin air."

While these desperate sentences may resonate with those who have experienced the pain of a broken heart, it is important to remember that love is not the only source of happiness. By focusing on self-love, personal growth, and surrounding ourselves with supportive relationships, we can rise above the despair and find fulfillment in our own lives.

对感情绝望的英文句子 篇三

1. successcoversamultitudeofblunders.成功由大量的失望铸就。

2. 害怕冷却喜欢冬天害怕失望却好喜欢你

3. 我们踏着荆棘走下去,才知道有种期望叫失望。

4. Peoplewhomeetintheseaofpeoplewilleventuallybereturnedtotheseaofpeople.

5. 不如两清做回甲乙丙丁

6. 梦中有你醒来荒凉梦中无你皆是失望

7. 感觉一望无际看不见半点希望

8. Not Im going to give up, but have no choice。

9. 爱情…在指缝间承诺 指缝….在爱情下交缠.

10. 一段感情最难过的,不是恶语相加冷漠疏离,而是曾经你对我很好很好。

11. 回忆是所有心痛的根源。如若不曾有回忆,就不会有那么多甜美的画面,如果不曾有回忆,也不会有那么多失望的眼泪……心不动,则不痛。——默默冉《余光》

12. 我们的爱就此淹没在人海了

13. 以前是拿心珍惜你。现在是拿命珍惜你。

14. upset,disappoint,

15. 人生路山高路远。不要羡慕别人的境况有多好,不要感叹自己的境遇有多糟。改变自己现有的坏习惯和坏脾气,你会发现:原来,生活是如此的美好,世界是这样的宽容。淡泊人生和包容别人,原来是这般的海阔天高。

16. Smile, sometimes is a kind of injury did not say exports。

17. 没温度的路灯提醒着我,我们已经分手。

18. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

19. 29.她提着酒瓶摇摇晃晃的走,她说她不想回家。你从未想过给她一个家,她笑着摔倒哭着推开所有人的手。风吹乱了她的头发,裙子上沾上了酒渍,她说她能爱上烟酒。她曾经放弃所有的骄傲,低下头来请他不要走,她曾经放弃了周围身边的人只为陪他,而他却悄无声息的离开了。她有故事不知说给谁听,她流浪在他最喜欢的街头,等他一起回家。

20. 对不起啊,最后也没能变成你喜欢的样子。


