
时间:2015-01-05 06:18:28
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有关时间的句子英文 篇一

Time is precious and should be cherished. It is a valuable resource that once spent, cannot be regained. Every second, every minute, every hour that passes by is a reminder of the fleeting nature of time.

Time waits for no one. It moves forward relentlessly, never pausing or slowing down for anyone. It is a constant companion in our journey through life, ticking away in the background, always reminding us of its presence.

Time is a great equalizer. It treats everyone the same, regardless of their status, wealth, or power. It is the one thing that cannot be bought or sold, controlled or manipulated. It is the ultimate leveler, reminding us that we are all bound by the same constraints.

Time is a teacher. It teaches us patience, as we wait for the right moment to act. It teaches us discipline, as we learn to manage our time effectively. It teaches us resilience, as we pick ourselves up after setbacks and keep moving forward. It teaches us the value of prioritization, as we learn to focus on what truly matters.

Time is a healer. It has the power to mend wounds and soothe pain. With the passage of time, even the deepest scars can fade, and the heaviest burdens can be lifted. It gives us the opportunity to heal and grow, to learn from our mistakes and become better versions of ourselves.

Time is a reminder of our mortality. It serves as a constant reminder that our time on this earth is limited. It urges us to make the most of every moment, to live our lives with purpose and passion. It encourages us to pursue our dreams and aspirations, for we never know when our time will run out.

Time is a gift. It is a precious commodity that we should not take for granted. It is a reminder that every moment is an opportunity to make a difference, to create memories, and to leave a lasting impact on the world.

In conclusion, time is a powerful force that shapes our lives in countless ways. It is a reminder of the fleeting nature of life, a great equalizer, a teacher, a healer, and a gift. Let us cherish and make the most of the time we have, for it is a precious resource that should not be wasted.

有关时间的句子英文 篇二

Time is a puzzle that we are constantly trying to solve. It is an ever-present force that governs our lives, dictating when we wake up, when we eat, when we work, and when we sleep. It is both a friend and a foe, a constant companion and a relentless taskmaster.

Time is a measurement. It is a way for us to make sense of the world around us, to quantify the passing of moments and the progression of events. It allows us to organize our lives, to plan for the future, and to reflect on the past. Without time, our existence would be chaotic and unpredictable.

Time is a construct. It is a human invention, a way for us to make sense of the infinite expanse of the universe. It is a concept that varies across cultures and civilizations, with different societies having their own ways of measuring and understanding time. It is a reminder of our shared humanity and the universal need to organize and structure our lives.

Time is a paradox. It is both finite and infinite, fleeting yet eternal. We are bound by the constraints of time, yet we are also capable of transcending it through our memories, our legacies, and our impact on future generations. It is a reminder that while our time here on earth is limited, the effects of our actions can reverberate through time.

Time is a perception. It is subjective and can vary from person to person. It can speed up or slow down depending on our state of mind, our level of engagement, and our sense of fulfillment. It can fly by in an instant or drag on for what feels like an eternity. It is a reminder to savor the present moment and to be fully present in our experiences.

Time is a catalyst for change. It propels us forward, pushing us out of our comfort zones and into new territories. It forces us to adapt, to evolve, and to grow. It is a reminder that life is constantly in motion, and that we must embrace change in order to thrive.

In conclusion, time is a complex and multifaceted concept that shapes every aspect of our lives. It is a measurement, a construct, a paradox, a perception, and a catalyst for change. It is a reminder of our shared humanity and the universal need to make the most of the time we have. Let us embrace time as a precious resource and use it wisely to create a life filled with purpose and meaning.

有关时间的句子英文 篇三

有关时间的句子英文 精选65句

1. 北客翩然,壮心偏感,年华将暮。

2. 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

3. 为君聊赋今日诗,努力请从今日始。

4. 流年莫虚掷,华发不相容。

5. 花有重开日,人老何曾再少年。

6. 时间不等,余生不多,懂得珍惜。

7. 珍惜现在,莫负时光。

8. 明日巴陵道,秋山又几重。

9. 任何节约归根到底是时间的节约。

10. 高阁客竟去,小园花乱飞。

11. 人生岂得长无谓,怀古思乡共白头。

12. vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day.Proverb: Quotes: TimeLost time is never found again.Samuel Smiles: Quotes: TimeLost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge bystudy,lost health by

13. 错过银钱犹之可,错过光阴无处寻。

14. 花落花开,不管年华度。

15. 明朝寒食了,又是一年春。

16. 春宵一刻值千金,花有清香月有阴。

17. 萋萋春草秋绿,落落长松夏寒。

18. 快乐是一种境界,幸福是一种追求。

19. 昨日之日不可追,今日之日须臾期。

20. 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。

21. 拖延时间是压制恼怒的最好方式。

22. 明年岂无年,心事恐蹉跎。

23. 忘记了时间,只缘身在此山中。

24. 时间像沙漏中的细沙,悄悄流逝。

25. 事事及时做,一日胜三日。

26. 做事情拖泥带水是时间被偷。

27. 百年三万六千日,光阴只有瞬息间。

28. 去年寄书报阳台,今年寄书重相催。

29. 今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。

30. ardy:Time changes everything except somethingwithinus which is alwayssurprised by change.Unknown Author: Quotes on TimeOrdinary people think merely of spendingtime.Great people thinkof using it.Sir William Osler: Quotes: Time power of concentration which grows with its exercise.Let each hour of the

31. 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。

32. 草秀故春色,梅艳昔年妆。

33. 人生聚散长如此,相见且欢娱。

34. 不知何日东瀛变,此地还成要路津。

35. 胡子拔不尽,根在岁月中。

36. 流水落花春去也,天上人间。

37. 玉颜憔悴三年,谁复商量管弦。

38. 合理安排时间就是节约时间。

39. 夜来风雨声,花落知多少。

40. 青春须早为,岂能长少年。

41. 时间,抚摸的是记忆,而非回忆。

42. 白日去如箭,达者惜今阳。

43. 走过的路,才知道有短有长。

44. 昨别今已春,鬓丝生几缕。

45. 况是青春日将暮,桃花乱落如红雨。

46. Rumi:Come out of the circle of timeAnd into the circle of love.Salman Rushdie:Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from the past, the more concrete and plausible it seems - but as you approach the present, it inevitably seems incredible.Seneca:Whatever begins, also ends.Thomas H

47. 旦别河桥杨柳风,夕卧伊川桃李月。

48. 人生仿佛小别离,聚少离多无限愁。

49. 时间如流水,默默的从你指甲滑过。

50. day have its allottedduty,and cultivate thatTagore: Quotes: TimeLet your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.Benjamin Disraeli: Quotes: TimeLife is too short to be small.Francis Gray: Quotes: TimeLook well to this day. Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a

51. temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever.Horace Mann: Quotes: TimeLost, yesterday, somewherebetween sunrise and sunset, two goldenhours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered forthey are gone forever.Alexander Woollcott: Quotes: TimeMany of us spend half our time wis

52. 有生命,那里便有希望。

53. 珍惜时光,今日的事,今日便做毕。

54. 想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。

55. 花有重开时,人无再少年。

56. 莫轻易,白了少年头,空悲切。

57. 白日何短短,百年苦易满。

58. 时间如流水,物是人非!

59. 我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。

60. 时间,有时候是一种宽恕。

61. 时间如梭,生命如歌。

62. 晚岁登门最不才,萧萧华发映金罍。

63. 给时间时间,让过去过去。



65. 借酒醉半生,不知谁人伴余生。


