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古风英文句子 篇一

A Journey through Time: Exploring the Beauty of Ancient China

China, a country steeped in history and rich in culture, has always captivated the hearts of many with its ancient charm. In this article, we will embark on a journey through time, exploring the beauty of ancient China through the lens of elegant and evocative English sentences in the style of classical Chinese literature.

1. "Amidst the misty mountains, a solitary figure stands, his robes billowing in the wind, as if contemplating the mysteries of the universe."

2. "In the tranquil courtyard, the sound of flowing water echoes softly, creating a sense of serenity that transcends time."

3. "Under the moonlit sky, a graceful dancer moves with ethereal elegance, her silk sleeves fluttering like the wings of a celestial being."

4. "In the temple's hallowed halls, the scent of incense permeates the air, transporting one's soul to a realm of divine tranquility."

5. "Beneath the ancient willow tree, a poet sits in quiet contemplation, his brush dancing upon the paper, immortalizing his emotions in delicate strokes."

6. "On the bustling streets of the imperial capital, merchants and scholars alike gather, their colorful attire and scholarly conversations adding a vibrant touch to the cityscape."

7. "In the imperial garden, a delicate blossom unfolds its petals, a symbol of beauty and resilience that has withstood the test of time."

8. "As the sun sets over the vast rice fields, farmers return home with weary but contented smiles, their hard work a testament to their unyielding spirit."

9. "In the teahouse's dimly lit interior, the aroma of tea fills the air, while the gentle melodies of a guqin transport the patrons to a world of tranquility."

10. "Within the ancient palace, the emperor sits upon his throne, his regal presence commanding respect and awe from all who enter."

These sentences, inspired by the beauty and elegance of ancient China, invite us to immerse ourselves in its rich history and culture. They paint vivid pictures of scenic landscapes, graceful individuals, and the vibrant atmosphere of ancient Chinese society.

As we journey through time, let us embrace the exquisite beauty of ancient China and appreciate the profound impact it has had on the world. For it is through the preservation and celebration of our cultural heritage that we can truly understand and appreciate the wonders of our past.

古风英文句子 篇二

Whispers of the Past: Embracing the Essence of Ancient Chinese Poetry

Chinese poetry, with its delicate and profound language, has been an integral part of the country's cultural heritage for centuries. In this article, we will delve into the world of ancient Chinese poetry through a collection of enchanting and evocative English sentences that capture the essence of this timeless art form.

1. "In the moonlit night, the river's gentle ripples reflect the stars above, as if nature herself is composing a symphony of tranquility."

2. "Beneath the cherry blossom tree, a young couple shares a stolen moment, their love blossoming like the delicate petals that surround them."

3. "On the mountain peak, a lone crane spreads its wings, soaring high above the clouds, a symbol of freedom and grace."

4. "As the rain falls softly, it weaves a tapestry of emotions upon the windowpane, a poetic reflection of the human heart."

5. "In the ancient temple, the scent of sandalwood lingers, carrying with it the prayers and hopes of countless souls."

6. "On a misty morning, a fisherman casts his net into the river, his silhouette blending seamlessly with the ethereal landscape."

7. "In the bamboo grove, the gentle rustling of leaves whispers secrets of the past, as if the spirits of ancient poets are still present."

8. "Under the silver moon, a poet pens his verses, each word a brushstroke that paints the emotions of his soul upon the canvas of eternity."

9. "In the field of golden wheat, a farmer toils tirelessly, his sweat mingling with the earth, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit."

10. "As the sun sets over the distant mountains, the world is bathed in a golden glow, a reminder of the beauty that lies within the simplest of moments."

These sentences, inspired by the enchanting world of ancient Chinese poetry, transport us to a realm of beauty and contemplation. They capture the essence of nature, love, and the human experience, inviting us to reflect upon the timeless wisdom and profound emotions conveyed through the art of poetry.

Let us embrace the whispers of the past and immerse ourselves in the beauty of ancient Chinese poetry. For it is through the delicate and profound language of verse that we can truly connect with the hearts and minds of those who came before us, and find solace and inspiration in the wisdom of the ages.

古风英文句子 篇三

1. 纵然万劫不复,纵然相思入骨,我也待你眉眼如初岁月如故。

2. 如今风雨西楼夜,不听清歌也泪垂。

3. 你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。

4. 未曾相逢先一笑,初会便已许平生。

5. The scars of your love, they leave me breathless爱火易成殇,熬煎难叹息

6. 执子之手,陪你痴狂千生。

7. 叹如今,忆往昔,泪彷徨。

8. 一切物象都在比赛着淡,明月淡,水中的月影更淡。

9. 一个人,一座城,一生心疼。

10. 好雨知时节,当春乃发生。

11. 十里桃花倾君心,一纸离伞伴佳人。

12. 凡行公事,须深谋远虑。

13. 人间惆怅客,知君何事泪纵横,断肠声里忆平生。

14. 千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉。

15. 梯横画阁黄昏后,又还是、斜月帘栊。

16. 小生不才,愿姑娘芳心暗许!

17. 随你走在天际,看繁花满地。

18. 假如你舍一滴泪,假如老去我能陪,烟波里成灰,也去得完美!

19. 无常便是有常,无知所以无畏。

20. 老子说,上善若水。其实心亦如水,方能见融万物。

21. 谁为谁把青丝熬成白发,谁为谁把青春耗成落花。

22. Although it is hard for thousands of taowan, it is not until the yellow sand is blown out that gold can be found.

23. 残月脸边明,别泪临清晓。

24. 一世红尘一笑间,一指流年沧桑。

25. 江山如画,山河戎马。我逐鹿天下,守你盛世容华。

26. 黄花无数,碧云日暮,美人兮,美人兮,未知何处。

27. 过程和结局都有了,再去纠缠,连自己都觉得贪婪。

28. 蝴蝶为花醉,花却随风飞。

29. 若你此生能将我铭心相记,我愿今世颠沛四海流离。

30. 天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。

31. 倾我一生一世念,来如飞花散似烟。

32. 既爱其才,宜略其小节。

33. 与彼共醉兮,桃花飞往兮,偷偷弄墨涂画你睡脸兮。

34. 立春后五日,春态纷婀娜。

35. The scars of your love, remind me of us过往之痛楚,岁月难灭迹

36. 我为你青丝高挽,你带我纵马天下。

37. 戒傲戒惰,保家之道也。

38. 莫道不销魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。

39. 谁,扶我之肩,驱我一世沉寂。

40. 此生固短,无你何欢。

41. 敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也。

42. 荏苒岁月覆盖的过往,白驹过隙,匆匆铸成一抹忧伤。

43. 柔情似水,佳期如梦。两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝幕幕。

44. 做个俗人,子然一身,再无春风十里,再无你。

45. 从别后,忆相逢,几番魂梦与君同。

46. 二斤桃花酿做酒,万杯不及你温柔。

47. 谪仙何处,无人伴我白螺杯。

48. 将花影移帘幕,风怒松声卷翠涛,呼童涤器煮茶苗。

49. If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered?

50. 闺中少妇不知愁,春日凝妆上翠楼。

51. Broken light, Mu year, the good man began at the end of the day cliff, Muge to no remote period.

52. 枝袅一痕雪在,叶藏几豆春浓。

53. The bluebird does not spread the cloud outside the letter, the clove empty knot in the rain worries.

54. Don‘t underestimate the things that I will do我欲何所为,我欲何所去

55. 陌上人如玉,公子世无双。

56. 岁岁年年,花前月下,一尊芳酒。

57. 只愿你看见的我,是最好的我。

58. 陌上花开,可缓缓归矣。

59. 你说,执手比肩,天涯仗剑,后来,沧海桑田,尽负流年。

60. 立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。

61. 多少红颜悴,多少相思碎,唯留血染墨香哭乱冢。

62. I don't know where I'm going.

63. 孤坟残雪,凄草上长眠。谁解一生寂寥,华服千面。

64. 朕给你的,才是你的。

65. 尘缘从来都如水,罕须泪,何尽一生情,莫多情,情伤己。

66. 读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之不足。

67. 暖日傍帘晓,浓春开箧红。

68. 若教眼底无离恨,不信人间有白头。

69. 我为凤,你为凰,听我一曲凤求凰可好。

70. 提笔欲写相思寄,怎道相思难相诉。

古风英文句子 篇四

1. 英文:I want to have a man heart until my hair white not leave

2. 风蚀千载灵月,神坛终见;飞羽流云,指缝沙湮。

3. 嘴角挂着一抹邪异的微笑,听着那个夏日留下的歌。

4. 待我弦断音垮,许你青丝白发。

5. 还君明珠双泪垂,恨不相逢未嫁时!

6. 别来半岁音书绝,一寸离肠千万结。

7. 纵是风月千年,万里江山,也不及与你对视的瞬间。

8. 女人心不狠,如何站的稳。

9. 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

10. 琵琶弦上说相思,当时明月在,曾照彩云归。

11. 一笑万古春,一啼万古愁。

12. 富贵可离,权柄可逆,独独是你不可弃。

13. 记住你今天所说的,以后,切不可以失忆来搪塞!

14. 总在不经意的年生。回首彼岸。纵然发现光景绵长。

15. 愿塞外冰雪消逝,月夜不寒,我待君归,白了青丝。

16. 今生若不能长相守,生有何欢,死有何惧。

17. 恰归旧隐再逢春,村巷荒凉草没人。

18. 老当益壮,宁移白首之心;穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。

19. 多日未出宫,忽觉朕的江山里多了一些。

20. Guess she gave you things, I didn‘t give to you.料得是,卿识君望

21. 红尘万丈,只为渡你而来。

22. 人间不值得,情深苦世事。道是长鹤游,回首若顿足。

23. 春风十里扬州路,卷上珠帘总不如。

24. Reaching a fever pitch and it*s bringing me out the dark炽热之绪,驱离暗雾

25. When that old river runs pass your eyes To wash off the dirt on the riverside.Go to the water so very near.The river will be your eyes and ears.当从前的河水从你眼睛流走时,把河岸上的污浊洗清吧 ,快亲近这可贵的河水 ,这河水就是你的眼睛和耳朵,你的感官。

26. Red volume, iron fan, day white, looking at the world of red, Shaohua such as bamboo shoots, night like me.

27. 丹青卷,铁扇昼白,望红尘,韶华如笋,夜色似我。

28. 有美一人,清扬婉兮。

29. 蝶为花儿醉,花却随风飞。

30. 有一美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。

31. 何其有幸为你所依,何其不幸被你所弃。

32. Drunk know wine thick, wake up to know the empty dream, the original look at the withered flowers is also a pain.

33. 今岁春盘始住家,也胜羁旅走天涯。

34. 十年情思百年渡,不斩相思不忍顾。

35. 气忌盛,心忌满,才忌露。

36. Try to peep at the peak of the moon, occasionally open the sky to look at the world of mortals, poor body is the eye of people.

37. 敌不过的哪是似水流年,江山早为你我说定了永别。

38. 我于你是王,却未必是郎。

39. 曾经信誓旦旦的承诺,如今变成不值得一提的心酸。

40. Reading makes up for nature, and experience makes up for reading.

41. 红莲相倚浑如醉,白鸟无言定自愁。

42. 口腹不节,致疾之因;念虑不正,杀身之本。

43. 长安城有人歌诗三百,歌尽了悲欢。

44. 待我君临天下,许你四海为家。

45. 恶莫大于毁人之善,德莫大于白人之冤。

46. want to have a man heart until my hair white not leave心似千千结,唯愿君如瑶台花上蝶,花落蝶成雪,白发无相别。

47. 谁曾笑一回,如花似玉钗摇姿盈。

48. 这辈子,你成不了我的诗,我入不了你的梦。

49. 乱世繁华,只为你倾尽天下;苍水蒹葭,只为你归田卸甲。

50. 君善抚琴我善舞,曲终人离心若堵。

51. 独立小桥风满袖,平林新月人归后。

52. 扶柔倾国色,风华绝世人。

53. 任他凡事清浊,为你一笑见轮回甘堕。

54. 除非黄土白骨,我守你百岁无忧。

55. 纵是风月千年,万里江山也不及与你对视的瞬间。

56. How lucky you are to rely on, how unfortunate to be abandoned by you.

57. There is nothing else for white tea,Ixxxm waiting for the wind.白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也等你。

58. 一樽清酒祭往事,半卷红尘奠青春。

59. 君生我未生,我生君已老,恨不同时生,日日与君好。

60. 长夏逝去。山野间的初秋悄然涉足。

61. 破城声起时他还作新画,焉知朱楼已坍塌。

62. 莫言山深,无寻山中人。雾里花影残艳,落淡素颜。

63. 老来多健忘,唯不忘相思。

64. 夺一个天下,分一半给你。

65. 愿得一心人,白首莫相离。

66. 执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。

67. 故人轻卷帘,终日徊徊念,形销骨立时,盼得郎君见。

68. No return,Love in the mountains and seas!不见归来 ,相思寄于山海!

69. 鱼沈雁杳天涯路,始信人间别离苦。

70. 有美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。

71. 深吻子眸,伴你万世轮回。

72. 纵有桃林万里,取一朵放心上足以。

73. 轻施粉黛羞双颊,凤烛长明揭红纱。

74. 人生天地间,忽如远行客。

75. 走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。

76. 凡事留余地,雅量能容人。

77. 此生若能得幸福安稳,谁又愿颠沛流离?

78. 托雁寄锦书,尔可归乎?江畔斯人独立,泰然候君。

79. 风沙贯满早已湿透的双眼,为何还能看见你的容颜?

80. 你已相思成疾,我又怎舍离去。

81. 从今以往,勿复相思,相思与君绝。

82. 寄君一曲,不问曲终人聚散。

83. 绝情一笔,我葬在等待里。

84. 岁月不饶人,我亦未曾绕过岁月。

85. 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。同居长干里,两小无嫌猜。

86. 事前加慎,事后不悔。

87. 道生一,一生二,只为三生三世皆爱你。

88. It turned out that all the flowers were in full bloom.

89. 我的泪变成雨,也舍不得淋湿你。

90. 英文:Well,not that emotional,but I move the heart

91. 谁家新冢念旧坟,然最终未招魂。

92. 长道相依,几恨别离,锦绣断相思意,待人相惜。

93. 向来缘浅,奈何情深!

94. Time to forget. Red cherry. Green banana.流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。

95. 看樱花满天,悲伤在流转,却掩不住斑驳的流年。

96. 一生情,为君殇,一生念,为君等。

97. 古琴可定我意,古筝能醉我心;古琴看破红尘,古筝看淡红尘。

98. 凡事太尽,缘分势必早尽。

99. 小仁者,大仁之贼。

100. Love is a play that a person who gets gains and losses.风月如我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。

101. 我要走,谁敢拦。

102. 直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。

103. 清高太过则伤仁,和顺太过则伤义,是以贵中道也。

104. 为了留住你,我第一次赌了我的人,第二次,我赌了婚姻。

105. 碎光,沐年,良人始于天尽崖,木格至致无遥期。

106. 我将往事煮成茶,从此清苦不为它。

107. We could have had it all人生若只如初见

108. 观人之法,以有操守而无官气,多条理而少大言为主。

109. Reaching a fever pitch and it‘s bringing me out the dark炽热之绪,驱离暗雾

110. 生与死,冷眼一瞥。行者,且赶路。

111. 只缘感君一回顾,从此念君朝与暮。

112. Thousands of gold longitudinal buy Xiangru Fu, pulse this feeling who complain.

113. 那首情歌有关风月,却无关你我。

114. 若有来生,我愿为树,一叶之灵,窥尽全秋。

115. 试上高峰窥皓月,偶开天眼觑红尘,可怜身是眼中人。

116. 情不知所起,一往而深。

117. 你饮花中酒不醉,我寻月下人不归。

118. 且看今朝,谁主沉浮。

119. 醉月迷花,深闺梦里,看春风乍起,池水凄凄。

120. 客子光阴诗卷里,杏花消息雨声中。

121. 读书之乐乐陶陶,起并明月霜天高。

122. 走!带朕去看看朕的江山!

123. Three cups of Hun liquor, a few words heartfelt. When to return home, and her *** ile.

124. 纵使这世间再过繁花似锦,也抵不过你的回眸一笑。

125. Go ahead and sell me out and I’ll lay your sheet bare背离万般事,难共赴佳期

126. From now on, do not miss again, Acacia and Jun Jue.

127. 山河拱手,为君一笑。

128. 余生再无倾城色,一草一木皆相思。

129. 谁的流年,乱了谁的浮华。

130. 孤意如月寂如莲,孤月独映人不眠,灯深月浅两相念。

131. 凄凄落梅,琵琶一曲,伊人回眸,予之,半世繁华。

132. 岁月静好,只盼共华发。

133. In addition to the triple snow, who in the world should wear white clothes.

134. But I‘ve heard one of you and I‘m gonna make your head burn我已离去,君可满意

135. 年华似水,匆匆一瞥,多少岁月,轻描淡写。

136. There are beauties, I don't forget when I see them, I don't see them for a day, and I think like crazy.

137. 春深花浅笑,秋浓叶忧伤,夜月一帘梦,春风十里情。

138. 凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。

139. 总在不经意的年生,回首彼岸,纵然发现光景绵长。

140. 以剑之名,挡你一生哀愁。

141. 千杯不醉,与你共饮一杯便醉。

142. When that old river runs pass your eyes To wash off the dirt on the riverside.Go to the water so very near.The river will be your eyes and ears.

143. 千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽黄沙始到金。

144. 欲寄彩笺兼尺素,山长水阔知何处。

145. 泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。

146. See how I leave, with every piece of you相思如碎片,片片难舍弃

147. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。

古风英文句子 篇五

1. 春宵苦短日高起,从此君王不早朝。

2. 笔落,墨出,一笔笔一画画,勾勒出一个盛世王朝。

3. Edge to edge to edge, such as water, feeling scattered, gathered feeling where to go.

4. 一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨。

5. 入目无别人,四下皆是你。

6. 既不回头,何必不忘。

7. 红颜抵不过岁月,温柔抵不过时间。

8. 长夏逝去,山野间的初秋悄然涉足。

9. 衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。

10. 你的夕阳,我的容颜,谁的三分之一年。

11. Wu Yi lane, moon tide empty city Dang, plain face, north city wall, o *** anthus trees have spread fire light.

12. 不到长城非好汉,屈指行程二万。

13. 风月如我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。

14. 待得春来解病颜,东风犹细北风顽。

15. 丈夫非无泪,不洒离别间。

16. Straight way acacia is useless, but melancholy is pure madness.

17. 开辟鸿蒙,谁为情种?都只为风月情浓。

18. 你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我奉陪到底。

19. 穷我一生,陪你一世。

20. 梦里花落,当年相知未回首,空叹年华似水流。

21. 除了黄土白骨,我守你百岁无忧。

22. 风掠过树梢,碎落一地的花瓣,成为季节里的残痕。

23. 三杯浑白酒,几句话衷肠。何时归故里,和她笑一场。

24. 曲一首烟花笑,谱一曲离别伤。

25. 转身的回眸,不见阑珊灯光,只有背影相依落寞。

26. 不要等到人生垂暮,才想起俯拾朝花,且行且珍惜。

27. No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world.乱世繁华,只为你倾尽天下。苍水蒹葭,只为你归田卸

28. I have no time to participate in your past. I will accompany you in the future.

29. 缘来缘去缘如水,情散情聚情何归。

30. 英文:Wherever you go, whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you.

31. 只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。

32. 醉知酒浓,醒知梦空,原来看残花凋尽也是一种痛。

33. 是谁把光阴剪成了烟花,一瞬间,看尽繁华。

34. 墨染天下,红尘的浮华,是你手中酝酿的笔尖花。

35. 戏子入画,一生天涯。彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。

36. 除却君身三重雪,天下谁人配白衣。

37. 他生莫作有情痴,人间无地著相思。

38. 风雨如晦,鸡鸣不已,既见公子,云胡不喜。

39. 扶门切思君之嘱,登高望断天涯路。

40. 三番两次梦回,念蝶舞依旧,雨虽仍馨,夜却已冷。

41. 人去楼空空寂寂,旧日恩情情切切。

42. 凡人做一事,便须全副精神注在此一事,不可见异思迁。

43. 花从箧里发,叶向手中春。

44. 英文:If I know what love is,it is because of you

45. 塞北黄沙,送我无尽风华叹。

46. 经流年梦回曲水边看烟花绽出月圆。

47. 再无一人,陪我到老。

48. 好一笔撇捺竖点,害我珊瑚淋漓空妄千年。

49. 既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。

50. 若山河岁月不经,我愿与你承受山之无棱。

51. 上林宫馆好,春光独早知。

52. When it's time for flower affairs to bloom, we'll see how much we know.

53. 你是我,安稳岁月里的,节外生枝。

54. 前生乌衣巷,月潮空城荡,素面望,北城墙,桂树已蔓火光。

55. 用一千年的时间去爱你,再用一万年的时间去忘记。

56. 青青子衿,悠悠我心。但为君故,沉吟至今。

57. 那年曾有灯火阑珊映我眼,目送你渐行渐远。

58. Now the wind and rain of the west tower night, do not listen to the song also tears.

59. 海上生明月,天涯共此时。

60. In this life, you can't become my poem, I can't enter your dream.

61. The joy of reading, the bright moon and the frosty sky.

62. 青山不老,与君白头。

63. 北城别,回眸三生琥珀色。西城诀,转身一世琉璃白。

64. 清歌短,朱阁转,回廊延,木兰舟畔独留人长叹。

65. 吾不能变心以从俗兮,故将愁苦而终穷。

66. 弱水三千,繁华红尘宴。临风笑却世间,封尘也艳。

67. 英文:You lay on the grass raising the eyes.Far away from the green

68. You have been sick of love, how can I leave.

69. 高山仰止,景行行止。虽不能至,心向往之。

70. A smile, but also against your eyebrows a little cinnab


71. Since then, the mountains and rivers do not meet, do not detain nor turn back.

72. 余生摇摇,天命昭昭。

73. 内断于心,自为主持。

74. 原来姹紫嫣红开遍,似这般都付与断井颓垣。

75. 爱是谁来还谁的债。

76. 不怕打不着,只怕打不胜。

77. 春饮一杯酒,便吟春日诗。

78. 与君初相识,犹如故人归。

79. 如若今生再相见,哪怕流离百世,迷途千年,也愿。

80. 云青青兮欲雨,水澹澹兮生烟。

81. If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered?若只是遇你如一曲惊鸿,未能濡沫以共,未能醉此一盅。不如忘记梦里这场朦胧,独身月明中。

82. 情不敢至深,恐大梦一场。

83. Wherever you go, whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you.无论你身在何处,无论你如何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

84. 侯门一入深似海,从此萧郎是路人。

85. You lay on the grass raising the eyes.Far away from the green playground.Not a baby bird below the sky.Raindrops fell on your hair.枕彼碧丝兮,轻敛眉睫。杳杳旷野兮,不见鴥鴥。烟雨迢递兮,沾子云鬓。

古风英文句子 篇六

1. 春蚕到死丝仿尽,烛炬成灰泪始干。

2. 用我万世千秋,换你风华绝代。

3. Your sunset, my face, whose third year.

4. They keep me thinking that we almost had it all今夕念往昔,此情犹可惜

5. 英文:No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world

6. 开到荼蘼花事了,尘缘尽,知多少。


