
时间:2013-06-02 08:10:28
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国庆节爱国主义英语演讲稿 篇一

Title: The Significance of National Day in Cultivating Patriotism

Ladies and gentlemen, dear teachers and fellow students,

Today, I am honored to stand here and deliver a speech on the occasion of National Day. National Day is a momentous occasion for all of us to celebrate the founding of our great nation and to reflect upon the importance of patriotism. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by our ancestors and the responsibility we have as citizens to uphold the values and principles upon which our country was built.

Patriotism is an essential virtue that every citizen should possess. It is the love and devotion one feels towards their own country, and the willingness to defend and contribute to its well-being. Patriotism is not just about waving flags or singing the national anthem; it goes much deeper than that. It is about understanding the history, culture, and achievements of our nation, and feeling a sense of pride and belonging.

National Day provides us with an opportunity to foster and strengthen our sense of patriotism. It is a time when we can reflect upon the struggles and hardships our forefathers endured to secure our independence and sovereignty. It is a time when we can pay tribute to the heroes and martyrs who fought bravely for our freedom. By commemorating National Day, we are reminded of the sacrifices made by those who came before us, and we are inspired to continue their legacy.

Moreover, National Day celebrations also promote unity and harmony among our diverse population. Regardless of our backgrounds, we all share a common identity as citizens of our nation. National Day brings people together, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of belonging. It is a time when we can set aside our differences and come together as one, celebrating the achievements and progress we have made as a nation.

Furthermore, National Day acts as a catalyst for social progress and development. As we celebrate our nation’s accomplishments, we are encouraged to reflect upon the challenges that lie ahead. It is a time when we can contemplate the ways in which we can contribute to the betterment of our society, whether it be through education, innovation, or community service. National Day serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in shaping the future of our nation.

In conclusion, National Day is not just a day off from school or work; it is a time for us to come together in celebration and reflection. It is an occasion to honor our nation’s history and heritage, and to cultivate a strong sense of patriotism. Let us use this opportunity to deepen our understanding of our country, to appreciate the sacrifices made by our ancestors, and to contribute to the progress and development of our nation. Thank you.

国庆节爱国主义英语演讲稿 篇二

Title: The Role of Youth in Upholding Patriotism

Ladies and gentlemen, dear teachers and fellow students,

Today, I am honored to stand before you and deliver a speech on the occasion of National Day. As young individuals, we hold a crucial role in upholding patriotism and ensuring the future prosperity of our nation. On this special day, I would like to emphasize the significance of youth engagement in fostering a strong sense of love and devotion towards our country.

Youth is the backbone of any nation. We are the future leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Therefore, it is essential for us to understand the importance of patriotism and to actively contribute to the well-being of our nation. Patriotism is not something that should be taken for granted; it is a value that needs to be cultivated and nurtured from a young age.

One way in which we can uphold patriotism is through education. As students, we have the privilege of receiving knowledge and guidance from our teachers and mentors. It is important for us to learn about the history, culture, and achievements of our nation, so that we can develop a sense of pride and belonging. By understanding our country’s past, we can better appreciate the sacrifices made by our ancestors and the progress we have made as a nation.

Furthermore, as young individuals, we have the power to make a difference. We can actively engage in activities and initiatives that promote unity and harmony within our society. Whether it be through volunteering, participating in community service projects, or organizing cultural events, we can contribute to the betterment of our nation. By working together towards a common goal, we can create a sense of solidarity and foster a stronger sense of patriotism.

Moreover, as the digital age continues to evolve, we have the opportunity to utilize technology and social media platforms to promote patriotism. We can share stories and experiences that highlight the achievements and progress of our nation. We can participate in online discussions and debates that encourage critical thinking and reflection. By utilizing these platforms effectively, we can inspire others to embrace patriotism and take pride in our country.

In conclusion, the role of youth in upholding patriotism is crucial for the future prosperity of our nation. As young individuals, we have the responsibility to actively engage in activities that promote unity, contribute to the betterment of our society, and cultivate a strong sense of love and devotion towards our country. Let us seize this opportunity to be the driving force behind the progress and development of our nation. Thank you.

国庆节爱国主义英语演讲稿 篇三




  Dear teacher, dear students:

  Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is "the motherland in my heart".

  After five thousand years of thoroughly remould oneself change, the Chinese people along the way. In five thousand, the long journey of change, has experienced a lot of wind and rain all the way. The Chinese nation had glorious era of the han dynasty, also once had closed, backward and other modern shame. All the way to the road ahead is full of dangerous, but dangerous contains the infinite hope. Now, into the modern Chinese, footsteps become more firm, more forcefully. As we know, China to the summit of the world, national rejuvenation, just around the corner.

  Looking back on history, zhang qian to the western regions, xuan zang west scriptures, monk jianzhen, zheng he's seven expeditions to the western seas... The four great inventions have made our once proud. But in modern times, China's feudal rulers arrogance, isolation. Us from the world, the world left China. Then, China has successively experienced the opium war, the sino-french war, the war between China and Russia, and signed the "nanjing treaty", "Beijing treaty", "the shimonoseki,... Too much suffering, too many chains, also is referred to as the "sick man of Asia" foreigners laugh.

  Finally, the day finally arrived. The communist party of China leads the Chinese people stood up. Stigma gone, the history of the splendid prospect waved to us. New China with self-esteem and independence. With brand-new posture, peaceful coexistence, towards the world. Finally the bright five-star red flag rising in the United Nations solemnly.

  Rise in the pudong new area, Hong Kong and Macao return, successfully held Beijing Olympic Games, the "shenzhou" spacecraft into space, China's economy the wto smoothly. All this should be the rapid development of the Chinese dragon and powerful!

  Today, we are the hope of the motherland; Tomorrow, we are the backbone of the motherland! The motherland in my heart, my heart is belong to the motherland!

  I finished the speech, thank you!

  The speaker:












  Dear classmates, teachers, everybody!

  Today I'm going to lecture on the topic of "the motherland in my heart".

  China has more than five thousand years long history culture, whenever I see the five-star red flag rising, magnificent national anthem rings in the ear, the pride in my heart arises spontaneously, proud of yourself as a Chinese. I seem to see before liberation, the Chinese people and the invaders fought on the battlefield, for the establishment of new China at the expense of life. After the liberation, China's rapid rise, economic strength is getting stronger and stronger, let foreigners sit up and take notice.

  History turned over to October 6, 1860, British and French troops invaded the old Summer Palace, the garden of all kinds of treasures all away and really take not to walk, for any damage, destroy, burned for three days and three nights, the smoke permeated the whole city of Beijing. Chinese are clenched his fist, but they are powerless to resist, so we have to watch the old Summer Palace by British and French troops burned to ashes. On September 18, 1931, Japanese invaders when open the door to China, see a killing one, for a moment, the blood become river, songhua river, bodies are everywhere, disastrous. At that time we China is how fragile ah, China suffers from foreign insult, the Chinese people struggling.

  The heroic Chinese people start up against all kinds of invaders, after years of fighting the war of resistance, October 1, 1949, the emotional steam days, finally established the new China, everyone excited to sell out. Chairman MAO declared: "the founding of the People's Republic of China!" Off stage a cheer, listening to the national anthem, tears in their eyes of everyone, this is the tears of joy, is proud to tears, stand up from now on, China is strong! After the reform and opening up, China's political, economic, cultural and sports undertakings have rapid development, in 2008, we have held the Beijing Olympic Games, the games, let the world see a strong China, no matter in domestic or overseas Chinese people are proud of myself as a Chinese, in the past discrimination in the presence of foreigners Chinese can now self-respect, proud to say: I am a Chinese!

  After the founding of new China, our motherland is becoming more and more prosperous, in under the leadership of the CPC central committee, the national people's unite as one, the one party hard, p plus support situation, when a certain region by natural disasters of the motherland, the people across the country to actively support. In 2008, for example, on May 12, in wenchuan earthquake happened, people eager to make donations, there are a lot of people go to the disaster area compulsory when volunteers, to help the people's liberation army to save, do psychological counseling for survivors, felt the warmth to the people in the disaster areas.

  The motherland prosperity can make people to live and work in peace and contentment. We should study hard, for his contribution to the construction of the motherland!

  I finished the speech, thank you!





  历史翻到了1860年10月6日,英法联军侵入圆明园,他们把园内的各种奇珍异宝通通拿走,实在拿不走的,就任意破坏,毁掉,大火烧了三天三夜,硝烟弥漫了整个北京城。中国人都握紧了拳头,可是他们却无力反抗,只好眼睁睁地看着圆明园被英法联军烧为灰烬。1931年9月18日,日本侵略者打开中国的大门时,见一个就杀一个,一时间, 松花江血流成河,到处都是尸体,惨不忍睹.那时我们的中国是多么脆弱啊,神州大地经常遭受外敌的侮辱,中国人民处于水深火热之中.

  英勇的中国人民开始起来反抗各类侵略者,经过多年的浴血抗战,1949年 10月1日,这个令人心潮腾涌的日子,新中国终于成立了,大家激动地奔走相告。毛主席宣布:“中华人民共和国成立了!”台上台下一片欢呼,听着国歌,人人眼里都含着泪,这是喜悦的泪,是自豪的泪,从此中国站起来了,中国强大起来了!改革开放以后,中国的政治,经济,文化,体育事业都有了飞速的发展,在 2008年,我们还举行了北京奥运会,奥运会的举办,让世界看到了一个强大的中国,无论在国内还是海外的中国人都以自己是一个中国人而自豪,以往在外国人面前遭受歧视的华人华侨现在可以昂首挺胸,自豪地说:我是中国人!






