
时间:2014-05-01 07:10:23
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标题:The Importance of Learning English

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I would like to talk to you about the importance of learning English.

English is widely regarded as the global language. It is the most commonly spoken language in the world and is used as the official language in many countries. Learning English opens up a world of opportunities, both personally and professionally.

Firstly, learning English can greatly enhance your career prospects. In today's international job market, employers value candidates who can communicate effectively in English. Many multinational companies require their employees to have a good command of English. By learning English, you can increase your chances of finding a well-paying job, advancing in your career, and even working abroad.

Secondly, learning English can broaden your horizons and enable you to connect with people from different cultures. English is the language of international communication, and being able to speak it fluently can help you make friends and establish meaningful relationships with people from all over the world. It allows you to learn about different cultures, traditions, and perspectives, which can be incredibly enriching and eye-opening.

Furthermore, learning English can also improve your cognitive abilities. Numerous studies have shown that bilingualism or multilingualism can enhance cognitive functions such as problem-solving, memory, and attention span. When you learn English, you are not only acquiring a new language but also training your brain to think and process information in different ways.

In addition, learning English provides access to a vast amount of knowledge and resources. The majority of scientific research, academic papers, and literature are written in English. By mastering the language, you can tap into this wealth of information and gain a deeper understanding of various subjects. Moreover, the internet is predominantly in English, and knowing the language allows you to navigate through online platforms, access online courses, and stay updated with the latest information.

Lastly, learning English can boost your self-confidence and improve your overall communication skills. Being able to express yourself fluently in English can give you a sense of achievement and empower you to participate actively in discussions, debates, and presentations. It can also help you overcome language barriers when traveling or studying abroad, making your experiences more enjoyable and fulfilling.

In conclusion, learning English is of utmost importance in today's globalized world. It can open doors to better career opportunities, foster cultural understanding, enhance cognitive abilities, provide access to knowledge, and improve communication skills. So, let's embrace the English language and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth.

Thank you for your attention.


标题:The Power of Public Speaking

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I would like to share with you the power of public speaking.

Public speaking is a skill that can have a profound impact on various aspects of our lives. It is not just about standing in front of an audience and delivering a speech; it is about effectively communicating your ideas, inspiring others, and making a lasting impression.

Firstly, public speaking can enhance your career prospects. Whether you are a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, the ability to speak confidently and persuasively in public is highly valued. It can help you stand out in job interviews, secure promotions, and gain leadership positions. Effective public speaking skills can also give you an edge in business negotiations, sales presentations, and networking events.

Secondly, public speaking can empower you to advocate for your ideas and causes. It allows you to share your opinions, beliefs, and experiences with others, and influence their thoughts and actions. By mastering the art of public speaking, you can become a persuasive communicator and make a difference in your community, workplace, or even on a larger scale. Your words have the power to inspire, motivate, and bring about positive change.

Furthermore, public speaking can boost your self-confidence and personal development. As you overcome the fear of speaking in front of others and become more comfortable with public speaking, your confidence grows. This newfound confidence can extend to other areas of your life, such as social interactions, leadership roles, and even personal relationships. Public speaking challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, face your fears, and become a more resilient and self-assured individual.

In addition, public speaking can improve your communication skills. It requires you to organize your thoughts, structure your ideas, and deliver them in a clear and coherent manner. By practicing public speaking, you develop strong communication skills, including effective verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, and the ability to engage and connect with your audience. These skills are invaluable in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional collaborations.

Lastly, public speaking can help you become a lifelong learner. When you prepare for a speech or presentation, you delve into a topic, conduct research, and acquire knowledge. Through public speaking, you continuously learn and expand your horizons. It encourages critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to present complex information in a concise and engaging manner. Public speaking allows you to share your passion for learning and inspire others to explore new ideas and perspectives.

In conclusion, public speaking is a powerful skill that can positively impact your career, personal development, communication abilities, and lifelong learning. It empowers you to express yourself, influence others, and make a difference. So, let's embrace the power of public speaking and unlock our full potential.

Thank you for your attention.

英语演讲介绍文章范文 篇三

verytime I am asked what I want to do in the future. I think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job.

Doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good. I think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others. It is a feeling of pride and I am fond of it. In modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health. It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life. I dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again. Curing people is a doctors holy responsibility.

Being a doctor is my dream job, now I should study hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal.




英语演讲介绍文章范文 篇四

You all are leaving your alma mater now. i have no gift to present you all except a piece of advice.

What i would like to advise is that "don’t give up your study." most of the courses you have taken are partly for your certificate. you had no choice but to take them. from now on, you may study on your own. i would advise you to work hard at some special field when you are still young and vigorous. your youth will be gone that will never come back to you again. when you are old, and when your energy are getting poorer, you will not be able to as you wish to. even though you have to study in order to make a living, studies will never live up to you. making a living without studying, you will be shifted out in three or five years. at this time when you hope to make it up, you will say it is too late. perhaps you will say, "after graduation and going into the society, we will meet with an urgent problem, that is, to make a living. for this we have no time to study. even though we hope to study, we have no library nor labs, how can we study further?"

I would like to say that all those who wait to have a library will not study further even though they have one and all these who wait to have a lab will not do experiments even though they have one. when you have a firm resolution and determination to solve a problem, you will naturally economize on food and clothing.

As for time, i should say it’s not a problem. you may know that every day he could do only an hour work, not much more than that because darwin was ill for all his life. you must have read his achievements. every day you spend an hour in reading 10 useful pages, then you will read more than 3650 pages every year. in 30 years you will have read 110,000 pages.

My fellow students, reading 110,000 pages will make you a scholar. but it will take you an hour to read three kinds of small-sized newspapers and it will take you an hour and a half to play four rounds of mahjian pieces. reading small-sized newspapers or playing mahjian pieces, or working hard to be a scholar? it’s up to you all.

Henrik ibsen said, "it is your greatest duty to make yourself out."

Studying is then as tool as casting. giving up studying will destroy yourself.

I have to say goodbye to you all. your alma mater will open her eyes to see what you will be in 10 years. goodbye!

英语演讲介绍文章范文 篇五

good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you aspeech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen.

psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problemof living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , andquickened pace of life .

statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life . financialproblems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults nowsuffering . as students in the university , we are also under our special stress. while study , having to take various tests and submit a project against adeadline may put a great pressure on us . and the things make us felt stressedmay be our parents’s greater expectations on us than we could reach . later ,when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us . ithink we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and howwe can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job .

the chief problem we should face to is our atitude towards stress .peopleusually say they can not live in the sun except they escape from stress . it’sunwelcome ! yes , however , very necessary . just image a world where stressdoes not exist and people lead their life in a very comfortable way . but isthis kind of living condition as perfect as we hope ? without stress , they mayfeel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover newthings . too much satisfaction result in nothing except a countermarch of thesociety . no stress , no development . so a certain amount of stress is good .it can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness .

and our answer to stress is another vital problem . how to do withourselves when stress suddenly break into our life ? to wave the white flag andadmit our unability , to give up to our ideality , or worstly , just to suicideas to put an end to everything … of cause not . the principle is to tackle withstress gentlely and harmoniously. we should try our best to release ourselves .such as to do some exercise , to linsen to traditional chinese music orclassical music to ease our minds and to learn to view these changes of life aschallenges .it’s no use crying over spilt milk . only to accept what hashappened can solve the problem .

ok , i think i was under large stress 3 minutes before , but now i am hereand have finished my speech . here is the last thing i want to add to my topic,face to it 英语演讲稿范文2

istinguished judges, teachers, dear friends:

Hello, everyone! My name is cheng xiang yan , I am a junior student comefrom life science institution .Today, I am very glad to stand here and sharewith you my most sincere speech‘Flying youth, master our future!’

Life is a process of growing up. Saying goodbye to childhood, we step intoanother important time of life in the pace of young, facing new situations,dealing with different problems.....

However, who can really say what the youth is ? A period of time? Abelief?An attitude to life? Or anything else? actually, everyone has hisownunderstanding of young, it is a period of time of beauty and wonders, onlyafter you have experienced the sour , sweet ,bitter and salty, can you reallybecome a person of significance.

Just like A famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing isimpossible ,youth is a meaningful book, you’ll be never bored of it ;youth is arapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it showsyou different kinds of tastes in your life.

As youth is so precious, of course, we must treasure it .Don’t let thelimited time pass by, grasping the young will means a better time is waiting foryou in the near future.

So,It’s necessary for us to prepare ourselves well for the future to a view on those great men in the history of hunman being, they all madefull use of their youth time to do things that are useful to society, to thewhole mankind, and as a consequence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone. so do something in the time of young, although you may notget achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole world, just foryoueself, for those around! So, what should we do when we are young? Here,I’llpoint out some tips to help equip ourselves.

First of all,think of what you’d like to be some day. A teacher ? A doctor? A writer? Don’t afraid of dreaming of big and great .Since you are young , youcan dream of doing anything and becoming anyone in the future. What’s more ,never ignore the power of knowledge. Read more books and travel around. For onething, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it’ll broaden yourhorizon.

Last but not the least , stick to your dream. It easier said than all, future is not all roses. young is just like blooming flowers, theyare so beautiful when blooming, which make people feel happy, but with timepassing by, after they withers ,most people think they are ugly. and so it isthe same with young, we are enthusiastic when we are young, then we may lose ourpassion when getting older and older. So we should have enough courage anddetermination to overcome all the difficulties in struggling on the road.

I firmly believe one sentence that‘If you think you can, of course youcan!’Just believe we can make it! Keep on walking towards our dream. Flyingyouth , master our future. From today, from now on , are you Ready ? That’s you so much for your attention !

英语演讲介绍文章范文 篇六

As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News, I visited Dr. James Gilman, the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and we are looking at a dragon's tooth. This is a true story.

65 years ago, James lived in Qingdao. Then he was only 5 years old. He often visited the Aquarium and was fascinated by a creature on display there, which he thought was a dragon. He was afraid of its sharp teeth and wanted one to keep as a treasure.

In the late 1930s, when the Japanese occupied Qingdao, his family had to leave. On his last day in Qingdao, he ran to the Aquarium and pulled out one of the teeth from the dragon's mouth.

He kept the tooth for the next 65 years, but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it was there in the background all through his life. It was always on his conscience, and the feeling intensified as he became older. Finally he decided to put right his childish error. In 2002, he visited Qingdao and returned it to the Aquarium with his sincere apologies. He received a warm wele.

When James visited Qingdao, I acpanied him all the time and reported on his visit. I was deeply touched by his honesty. It has taught me a lot. I think to err is human. The important thing is to have the courage to admit and correct one's error.

Honesty is a vital quality of human behaviour. So we should try to keep an honest mind in everything we say and do. I would like to say to all of my friends: Let's be honest people of good moral character.

Thank you.


