英美文化演讲范文参考 篇一:英国与美国的教育文化差异
英美文化演讲范文参考 篇二:英美文化中的礼仪与习俗
英美文化演讲范文参考 篇三
摘要:高等院校英语专业英美文学教学作为主干课程,在教学方法过于传统,教学内容对学生的学习热情激发不够.外文影视作品作为英美文学教学的重要辅助手段,旨在从课堂教学互动性上,丰富教学创新模式,特别是在影视作品赏析中,从文学价值.文化理论等方面来发挥影视欣赏的积极作用,为开创影视资源教学提供实证研究依据. 关键词:高等教育:英美文学:影视作品:辅助赏析:应用原则 英美文学课程作为高校英语专业的主干课程之 ...
(转别人的)论英美文化差异 英国与美国,是当今世界社会上的两大强国,这两国在很多方面有着极其相似的地方,都说的是英语,都是资本主义国家,都主宰着当今世界诸多事件的走向,都有着严格的法律制度与健全的社会体系,都拥有莘莘学子们梦寐以求的世界上首屈一指的高等学府--英国人和美国人互不服气,英国人说美国人没有历史,美国人说英国人不懂未来.这样相似的两个国家,又有着那些明显的不同之处呢?我将从一下几点进行论 ...
浅议高职院校英美文学作品研究方法 摘要:文学作品既是语言运用的经典,也是一种文化现象的体现.所以,作为高职院校的学生在学习英语的过程中,需要学习英美文学,让学生从中受到美的熏陶.从提高教师分析英美文学作品的能力.提高学生对英美文学作品的兴趣.指导学生自主学习英美文学作品的意识三方面阐述高职院校的老师研究英美文学作品的方法. 关键词:高职院校:英美文学作品:学习兴趣:自主学习 俗话说:xxx文 ...
<英美文化概论>教学大纲 一.教学对象: 本大纲的教学对象是全校学生.只要对跨文化交际感兴趣,喜欢英美文化,想扩充人文知识的同学都可以选修. 二.总学时与学分: 本课程总学时为24学时,每周2学时,共十二周, 学分. 三.教学目的和要求 1.教学目的: 同英语国家的人们用英语进行有效的交流是学习英语的重要目的之一.然而有效的交流不仅仅是一个语言技巧问题,还涉及到许多文化因素.本 ...
<英美文学史>课程简介 <英美文学史>属英语专业高年级必修课程,按照国别分为<英国文学史>和<美国文学史>两个教学阶段,分别设为<英美文学史(1)>和<英美文学史 (2)>,于英语专业第三学年第一.第二学期开设.每周2学时,开设对象为全体英语专业的学生. <英美文学史>课程的主要目的和任务在于引导学生了解英美文学的 ...
<英语国家概况>课程标准 一.课程定位 <英语国家概况>是高职应用英语专业学生的专业知识必修课.本课程的设置是为了使学生了解英美等几个主要英语国家的地理.历史.经济.政治等方面的概况,了解英语国家的文化传统.风俗习惯和社会生活的其它情况,以提高学生对文化差异的敏感性.宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,培养学生的跨文化交际能力:加深对语言的理解,提高分析和批判的能力:提高学生的思 ...
摘 要:每个民族在不断的社会实践中日积月累起来了一种特殊的语言形式――习语,它含义丰富,反映出了英语民族悠久的历史.英语习语带有丰富的含义,单从字面上是难以领会的.本文将探讨因英美文学作品改编为影视作品而广为流传的习语表达,并以生动的例子进行解析. 关键词:习语:英美文学:影视剧作品 [中图分类号]:h03 [文献标识码]:a [文章编号]:1002-2139(2016)-18--01 习语是语言 ...
[摘要]针对英语专业学生开设的英美文学课程是一门专业必修课,旨在帮助学生了解英美国家文学的历史与特点.文学批评的基本知识与方法及其他人文社会科学知识,信息量大.有计划地.有步骤地组织学生课外开展文学作品阅读,读后进行思考并撰写读书报告,交流读书心得是改革传统文学教学模式的有益尝试. [关键词]英美文学教学:文学作品阅读:读书报告 一.问题的提出 英美文学课程是英语专业本科的专业必修课,主要讲授英美 ...
2012高中英语优秀论文评选 高中英语教学中的文化差异 一.引言 在New Concept English 中有一篇文章xxxFuny or Not?xxx中有这么一段话:xxxWhether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up. The sense of hum ...
英美文化演讲范文参考 篇四
Good afternoon ladies and Gentlemen,
I believe that humanism is about kindness and caring for people in need.
I believe the role of humanism in today’s technological world is to guide technological development to respond to human need in a benevolent way.
In 2010 I was in Yushu during that terrible earthquake. I experienced the full horror of buildings falling and people being trapped. I witnessed the quick response from modern technology when people inside yushu called people outside for help with their mobile phones. Very soon the whole world was responding whole heartedly. After only 5 hours, there was another sound- this time it was helicopters bringing doctors, medical supplies, and the facilities to evacuate the wounded to hospital.
Recent advances in earthquake detection and rescue technology have been developed in response to the need to save lives quickly.
Consider advances in green food technology, guided by the need for clean natural food and to protect the environment;
Advances in water conservation and purification, guided by the need for clean drinking water and for crops and livestock;
advances in delivering education to everyone, especially the use of video and the internet for distance learning;
advances in medicine, especially affordable medicine for xxx sufferers in Africa;
and advances in building technology guided by the need to keep people safe and warm.
All these are the result of responding to human needs with kindness and caring and guiding technology for the benefit of mankind.
When I think about the world of advanced technology today, I think of my home, the remote and harsh environment of the Tibetan Plateau, and farmers living in tents with solar energy that they use to power their lights, TV, computers and to improve their lifestyle. I think of farmers talking on their mobile phones, discussing the weather patterns, the cost of food, community news and events. They even talk about Steve Jobs. The train to Lhasa, itself a
wonderful engineering feat, brings modern medicine and education to these remote areas. The communities are now interlinked and connected, one of the most basic human needs.
Human beings have a need to be connected, to be safe to be cared for in times of trouble and hardship.
The development of technology must be guided by these needs. If this is not so, then the development of technology is in the hands of mean and, greedy people. The focus of technological development would be wars and weapons, fraud the misuse of information, and the exploitation of people, such as cheap labor.
It can only be humanism which provides the guidance we all need for a better world.
And it is you, who have the responsibility to use the technology wisely, to spread the kindness and caring.
英美文化演讲范文参考 篇五
Honourable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Humanism, by which I mean the will to give people love and care, is the most joyful and meaningful part of being human. From the old days to technologically advanced world, humanism is always telling ordinary but moving stories.
Let me tell you what touched my heart this winter break, one morning when I visited my grandmother in the hospital. Walking down the cold, tiled corridor, I noticed an old man, with his granddaughter – maybe 10 years old – sitting by his side. I was lured there by her voice – light and playful – and after I'd seen them together, I could barely take my eyes away. Delicately draped over this old man's beeping cardiograph was a silk sheet with an ancient, cheerful Chinese poem beautifully written on it – and now, this little girl's entrancing voice lovingly brought these words to life. I stood there transfixed; no longer did I see the family members swimming in nervousness; no longer did I feel the hospital's tense cloud of anxiety; no longer did I hear mortality's soft whispers in the corridors; instead, I saw a startling marriage of juxtaposing images and emotions. I was beholding, I realized, a bewilderingly simple yet overwhelmingly powerful metaphor – one that shows that no matter how cold an environment technology can conjure, humanity is always there. In the forefront or the fringes, it is always there.
For here it was, illustrated vividly before me – the coldness of technology embodied in the hospital walls, while the soulful words of the little girl danced around them in defiance.
This experience opened my eyes in many ways – ever since, I have been acutely aware of, and wonderfully conscious of, the warm heart of humanity surrounding us, whether we choose to recognise it or not. As one psychological theory states, xxxWe see what we want to seexxx. After my experience that day at the hospital, I have chosen to recognize, day by day, the warmth of humanism everywhere I can.
I refuse to accept the negative, narrow-minded, caustic opinions that technology is eroding our souls. I say to them, let the machines continue their monotonous cacophony, for just one smiling face is infinitely more valuable than a thousand churners of binary code; let technological progress develop and develop until it poetically devours itself, because one heartfelt xxxhelloxxx to a fellow traveller can speak libraries of warmth; let the powermongers and oil barons puff their last cigars, because the love and care, and warmth of humanism will always shine like beacon, reaching out to each and every heart on this small planet.
Although I'll probably never see that little girl or her grandfather again, I'll never forget seeing them there in the hospital that day – and if I did, I'd thank them for showing me how vivid yet subtle, how firm yet fragile, and how invisible yet omnipresent the human spirit is in our world today. Thank you.
英美文化演讲范文参考 篇六
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It is my honor to be here to present my speech to you about the role of humanism in today’s technologically advanced world.
What’s the role of humanism today? At the first sight of this topic, I felt that I had a vision of walking along a dark passage to our destination, an ideal harmonious society. Humanism, is a lighthouse on this way to guide us in case we are getting lost, together with modern technology, we are well on our way toward our destination.
Like other young men, I love the internet. To be honest, I could not imagine a life without internet, which is a blessing taken by high technology. To some extent, it represents the whole world to me. I have registered some accounts on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Renren, Weibo and so forth. It’s really amazing because these network technologies make it possible for people all over the world to communicate with each other freely and conveniently.
However, there are two sides to the argument, so what of the internet. While it could lighten our life, it could also turn into evil. It started with some of these arguments—well, it is argument at first—then the situation seems out of control: people start to curse and scold each other just because they have different opinions. People became more and more aggressive, seditious, and insulting, and later on, with the “Human-flesh searching” involved, the situation gets even worse. Those are what we called “Network of violence”, they are still happening, and still going on.
It seems like that the internet frees us from the burden of our public identities so we should be our true, authentic selves online, except it turns out—who wouldn’t see that coming—that our true, authentic selves aren’t that fantastic.
The reason we define ourselves as human is because we have some natural instincts to care for and respect other people. In other words, we are pursuing the universal brotherhood, a peaceful world of free minds. It is humanism that keeps our society moving on and on.
As one of the most important inventions in our time, internet has changed the way of our life tremendously. It has changed the way we express and communicate with each other. It has made it possible for us to meet each other without distance; it has made it easier for us to know and to comprehend each other.
However not only some changes has it brought, but also brought on some challenges. Net has anarchy in its DNA, It’s always been about anonymity, playing with your own identity and messing with other people’s heads. It is a challenge, it challenges our self-discipline that we are proud of, it challenges our humanity that we are proud of. Sure technology promises us more freedom but it doesn’t mean that we should leave our civilization behind.
That’s why we need a guideline to light up our path, to lead us. In this technologically advanced world, what we need to do is to avoid the misuse of technology, but to take it as an accelerator, a lube or a navigator on our high way to create a better world, a harmonious society.
So don’t ever forget our aspiration, and always have faith in humanism, and we are going to make it happen, in this technologically advanced world! Yes! We can!
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.