
时间:2011-08-07 04:46:32
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感动的英语作文 篇一

A Lesson in Empathy

I was deeply moved by an incident that happened recently when I witnessed an act of kindness and empathy. It was a typical weekday morning, and I was on my way to school, walking through the bustling streets of my city. As I passed by a park, I noticed a young boy sitting alone on a bench, crying uncontrollably. His disheveled appearance and tear-stained face made me pause and approach him.

I introduced myself and asked if he was okay. Through his sobs, he managed to tell me that he had lost his way and couldn't find his parents. Feeling a pang of sympathy, I decided to help him. I offered him my hand and asked him to come with me so we could find someone who could assist him.

As we walked together, I tried to calm him down and reassure him that everything would be alright. I noticed a police officer nearby and approached him, explaining the situation. The officer took immediate action and contacted the boy's parents. Within minutes, the parents arrived, frantic with worry. They thanked me profusely for helping their son and expressed their gratitude for my empathy and kindness.

Reflecting on this incident, I realized the power of empathy in making a difference in someone's life. The young boy's fear and distress could have been exacerbated if I had chosen to ignore him or continue on my way without offering assistance. However, by showing him empathy and extending a helping hand, I was able to alleviate his worries and reunite him with his family.

This experience taught me an important lesson about the importance of empathy in our daily lives. It reminded me that a small act of kindness can have a significant impact on someone who is in need. It also made me appreciate the power of human connection and the ability to empathize with others.

In conclusion, this incident served as a reminder that empathy is not just a virtue but a crucial aspect of being human. By extending empathy and kindness to others, we can make a positive difference in their lives and create a more compassionate society.

感动的英语作文 篇二

The Power of a Smile

A simple smile can make a tremendous impact on someone's day. I was reminded of this recently when I witnessed a heartwarming exchange between two strangers in a crowded subway station. It was during the evening rush hour, and the platform was filled with weary commuters eager to reach their destinations.

Amidst the chaos, I noticed a young woman with a tired expression on her face. She seemed lost in her thoughts, detached from the hustle and bustle around her. Suddenly, an elderly man approached her and offered her a warm smile. At first, the young woman seemed surprised, but then a smile slowly spread across her face as well.

In that moment, I realized the power of a smile. It has the ability to brighten someone's day and uplift their spirits. The simple act of one person reaching out to another with kindness can create a ripple effect of positivity and connection.

As I continued to observe, I noticed that the young woman's demeanor had completely transformed. Her shoulders were no longer slumped, and her eyes sparkled with newfound energy. It was as if the elderly man's smile had infused her with a renewed sense of hope and happiness.

This incident made me reflect on the importance of spreading positivity in our daily interactions. Sometimes, we underestimate the impact of small gestures, such as a smile or a kind word. However, these seemingly insignificant acts can have a profound effect on someone who may be going through a difficult time.

In conclusion, the exchange between the young woman and the elderly man served as a powerful reminder of the impact of a smile. It taught me the importance of spreading kindness and positivity in our daily lives. By reaching out to others with empathy and a genuine smile, we can create a more compassionate and connected world.

感动的英语作文 篇三

  "Protect the environment, everyone duty", who can really protect the environment? It is cleaner.

  On one occasion, I and a friend put some garbage on the ground, just saw a garbage truck parked in passing, a cleaner is another of the street sweeping the floor. So

  partners quietly pushed clean the car, turn a clean car, garbage strike out, suddenly smelled a musty smell. So we run, has not gone far hide in a corner, peeping. See

  the workers came up and bit by bit with clean tools to dig up, thrown into the garbage truck. While wearing masks, but I seem to smell pungent odor, my mind a acid,

  really want to immediately walked up his say Im sorry, but sorry. Finally, he walked away, I stepped forward and said sorry to his back.

  A silently dedication to the world, we dont care about what he is, like the workers, we are not careful hurt him, he is a words also dont scold, also dont say a

  word, only silently to do the thing you should do, these people make me moved!







感动的英语作文 篇四

  I moved that a few days ago, my mother had a disease, lie on the bed every day, I see, very distressed.At noon, my father bought a chicken, mom made soup, my stomach as early as "cuckoo" call.At this time, my mother got out of bed, Dad took a bowl of soup to drink mom.I see my mother did not eat, the father gave her a bowl of soup, in front of me, faintly said: "eat."My throat is like by the needle, do not eat.That moment, I was touched, tears to flow out, but I said: "can not."You care deeply printed in my heart, your love is not great?Silent love.

  几天前,妈妈生了一次病,每天躺在床上,我看后,很心疼。中午,爸爸买了鸡,给妈妈熬了一锅汤,我的肚子早在“咕咕”的叫。这时,妈妈下床了,爸爸连忙把一碗汤给妈妈喝。妈妈见我没吃饭,把爸爸给她的那碗汤,放到我面前,微弱地说:“吃。”我的喉咙里像被针扎一样,吃不下。 那一瞬间,我感动了,眼泪像要流出来,但我说:“不能。”您的关怀深深印在我的心里,难道您的爱不伟大吗?大爱无声。

感动的英语作文 篇五

  A winebibber,when he has wine addiction,that he is going to the bar and drink some cups of wine.

  He will goes to the bar every day before he going to work.Its a snowy morning.He goes to bar before he going to work again.He fells there is somebody follows him on his way to his office.He turns his head and he see his son is treading his footmark.His son is following him.

  His son is excited and says:"Dad! Look,I am treading your footmark!"The man is very surprise that his son shocks to him. He thinks:"I will go to the bar, but my son is following me!"

  After that day,the man gives up the wine.He doesnt go the bar any more.


  他每天去酒吧之前,他去工作。这是一个下雪的早晨。他又在上班之前他去了酒吧。 在他去他的办公室的路上,他发现总有人跟着他。他转过头,他看到他的儿子在踩他的足迹。他的儿子在跟着他。

  他的儿子很兴奋,说:"爸! 看,我踩着你的脚印!”男人很奇怪,他的儿子震惊了他。他认为:“我要去酒吧时,但是我儿子跟着我!”


感动的英语作文 篇六

  Parents are the people who care about us the most. But for a lot children, they think it is necessary for parents to give them everything. As they grow up, they start to realize their responsibility and feel grateful to their parents. I was very naughty before. One day, I hanged out to play with my friends very late, but I havent told my parents, because I thought they would not care. But when I went home, I found my parents and uncle were sitting together, and they looked very upset. When my parents saw me, they were angry to ask me why I went home so late. I felt unhappy and shouted at them. Then my uncle told me that my parents worried about me so much, and they had searched me for the whole street. At this moment, I felt so touched, and felt their love.



