
时间:2015-08-07 01:22:22
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Introduction to the Summer Palace

Essay One: The History and Architecture of the Summer Palace

The Summer Palace, also known as the Yiheyuan in Chinese, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Beijing, China. It is renowned for its exquisite architecture, stunning natural landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. As one of the most well-preserved imperial gardens in the country, the Summer Palace attracts millions of visitors each year.

The Summer Palace has a long history that dates back to the Jin Dynasty in the 12th century. However, it was during the Qing Dynasty in the 18th century that the palace was extensively renovated and expanded, making it the magnificent complex we see today. The palace was originally built as a royal garden for the emperors to escape the scorching summer heat of Beijing.

Covering an area of 2.9 square kilometers, the Summer Palace is mainly composed of three parts: the Court Area, the Longevity Hill Area, and the Kunming Lake Area. The Court Area, located in the east, is the political and administrative center of the palace. It features traditional Chinese architectural styles and houses several iconic buildings such as the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity and the Hall of Jade Ripples.

The Longevity Hill Area, situated in the west, is characterized by its beautiful garden landscapes, pavilions, and temples. The most famous structure in this area is the Tower of Buddhist Incense, a towering pagoda that offers panoramic views of the palace and its surroundings. The Kunming Lake Area, covering about three-fourths of the entire palace, is a man-made lake that adds serenity and beauty to the landscape. Visitors can take a boat ride on the lake or stroll along the elegant Long Corridor that runs alongside it.

Apart from its architectural wonders, the Summer Palace is also known for its rich cultural heritage. It houses numerous ancient artifacts, paintings, and calligraphy, including the famous Seventeen-Arch Bridge, which is a masterpiece of Chinese bridge architecture. The palace also hosts various cultural events and performances, such as traditional Chinese music and dance, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of China.

In conclusion, the Summer Palace is a remarkable testament to China's imperial past and its rich cultural heritage. With its stunning architecture, picturesque landscapes, and cultural treasures, it continues to captivate visitors from around the world. A visit to the Summer Palace is not only a journey through history but also a feast for the senses.

Essay Two: The Natural Beauty of the Summer Palace

The Summer Palace, located in Beijing, China, is not only a place of historical significance but also a haven of natural beauty. Spanning an area of 2.9 square kilometers, the palace is surrounded by lush gardens, serene lakes, and picturesque landscapes, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts.

One of the highlights of the Summer Palace is Kunming Lake, a man-made lake covering about three-fourths of the entire palace. The lake is dotted with charming islets, bridges, and pavilions, creating a tranquil and harmonious atmosphere. Visitors can take a boat ride on the lake, enjoying the gentle breeze and admiring the beautiful scenery. The lake is also home to various species of fish and birds, adding to its ecological diversity.

Another striking feature of the Summer Palace is Longevity Hill, a prominent hill located in the western part of the palace. The hill is covered with lush vegetation, including ancient trees, colorful flowers, and winding pathways. As visitors climb to the top of the hill, they are rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and the palace itself. The hill is also home to several temples and pavilions, offering a spiritual and serene atmosphere.

The palace is adorned with numerous gardens and pavilions, each with its own unique charm. The Garden of Harmonious Pleasures, for example, is famous for its vibrant flowers, elegant rockeries, and intricate architecture. The Seventeen-Arch Bridge, another iconic feature of the palace, is a stunning example of traditional Chinese bridge architecture. Its reflection in the calm waters of Kunming Lake creates a picturesque scene that is truly mesmerizing.

The Summer Palace is not only a feast for the eyes but also a place of relaxation and rejuvenation. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the Long Corridor, a covered walkway that stretches for 728 meters and offers stunning views of the lake and surrounding landscapes. The palace also features several pavilions and teahouses where visitors can unwind and enjoy a cup of traditional Chinese tea.

In conclusion, the Summer Palace is a treasure trove of natural beauty. From its serene lakes and lush gardens to its majestic hills and charming pavilions, the palace offers a peaceful sanctuary amidst the bustling city of Beijing. A visit to the Summer Palace is a journey into the heart of nature, where one can experience the tranquility and beauty of the natural world.

介绍颐和园的英语作文 篇三

  Situated in the western outskirts of Haidian District, the Summer Palace is 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from central Beijing. Having the largest royal park and being well preserved, it was designated, in 1960 by the State Council, as a Key Cultural Relics Protection Site of China. Containing examples of the ancient arts, it also has graceful landscapes and magnificent constructions. The Summer Palace is the archetypal Chinese garden, and is ranked amongst the most noted and classical gardens of the world. In 1998, it was listed as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

  Constructed in the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), during the succeeding reign of feudal emperors; it was extended continuously. By the time of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), it had become a luxurious royal garden providing royal families with rest and entertainment. Originally called "Qingyi Garden" (Garden of Clear Ripples), it was know as one of the famous "three hills and five gardens" (Longevity Hill, Jade Spring Mountain, and Fragrant Hill; Garden of Clear Ripples, Garden of Everlasting Spring, Garden of Perfection and Brightness, Garden of Tranquility and Brightness, and Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure). Like most of the gardens of Beijing, it could not elude the rampages of the Anglo-French allied force and was destroyed by fire. In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it for her own benefit, changing its name to Summer Palace (Yiheyuan). She spent most of her later years there, dealing with state affairs and entertaining. In 1900, it suffered again, being ransacked by the Eight-Power Allied Force. After the success of the 1911 Revolution, it was opened to the public.

  Composed mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, The Summer Palace occupies an area of 294 hectares (726.5 acres), three quarters of which is water. Guided by nature, artists designed the gardens exquisitely so that visitors would see marvelous views and be amazed by perfect examples of refined craftwork using the finest materials.

  Centered on the Tower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge) the Summer Palace consists of over 3,000 structures including pavilions, towers, bridges, and corridors. The Summer Palace can be pided into four parts: the court area, front-hill area, front-lake area, and rear-hill and back-lake area.

  Front-Hill Area: this area is the most magnificent area in the Summer Palace with the most constructions. Its layout is quite distinctive because of the central axis from the yard of Kunming Lake to the hilltop, on which important buildings are positioned including Gate of Dispelling Clouds, Hall of Dispelling Clouds,Hall of Moral Glory, Tower of Buddhist Incense, the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, etc.

  Rear-Hill and Back-Lake Area: although the constructions are fewer here, it has a unique landscape, with dense green trees, and winding paths. Visitors can feel a rare tranquility, and elegance. This area includes scenic spots such as Garden of Harmonious Interest and Suzhou Market Street.

  Court Area: this is where Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu met officials, conducted state affairs and rested. Entering the East Palace Gate, visitors may see the main palace buildings: the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity served as the office of the Emperor, the Hall of Jade Ripples where Guangxu lived, the Hall of Joyful Longevity, Cixi‘s residence, the Hall of Virtue and Harmony where Cixi was entertained.

  Front Lake Area: covering a larger part of the Summer Palace, opens up the vista of the lake. A breeze fluttering, waves gleam and willows kiss the ripples of the vast water. In this comfortable area there are the Eastern and Western Banks, the Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Nanhu Island, and so on. On the western bank float six distinct bridges amongst which the Jade-Belt Bridge is the most beautiful.


  建于金王朝(1115 - 1234),成功封建帝王统治期间,不断扩展。在清朝(1644 - 1911),它已经成为一个豪华的皇家花园为皇室提供休息和娱乐。最初叫“清漪园”(明确的涟漪花园),这是知道作为一个著名的“三山和五花园”(万寿山、玉春山和香山;明确的涟漪,花园花园永恒的春天,花园里的完美和亮度,宁静的花园和亮度,和花园的宁静和快乐)。最喜欢北京的花园,它不能躲避,英法联军的骑兵,毁于一场大火。1888年,慈禧太后挪用海军经费重建它为了自己的利益,改变其名称来颐和园(Yiheyuan)。她晚年的大部分时间,处理国家事务和娱乐性。1900年,再次遭受被8次方盟军部队洗劫一空。1911年革命的成功后,向公众开放。




  Rear-Hill Back-Lake面积:虽然这里的建筑更少,它有一个独特的景观,茂密的绿树,蜿蜒的路径。游客们可以感到难得的宁静,优雅。这个区域包括景点如花园和谐利益和苏州市场街。



介绍颐和园的英语作文 篇四

  good morning ladies and gentlemen:

  my name is joanne.i’m very honored to be youre guide.i do hope all of you could like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day.this morning we are going to visit the summer palace.

  the summer palace is located on the northwest suburbs of beijing,about 20 kilometers away from the center of the city.so it will take us about 1 hour to get there.before we arrived at the summer palace,i would like to introduce you a brief introduction of the woderful imperial garden.the summer palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden existing in chinan,and it is the best-preserved imperial garden in the world.in 1998,it was placed on the list of world cultural heritage by the unesco.

  the summer palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of 12th century in the jin dynasty.the construction continued to the yuan and ming dynasties.in the qing dynasty,the building of imperial gardens reached its culmination.during emperor qianlong’s reign,the famous ‘three hills and five gardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of beijing.the summer palace was a part of it and at that time was called the garden of clear ripples.in 1860,the anglo-french allied forces invaded beijing.the ‘three hills and five gardens’ were burnt down to ashes.

  in 1888,the empress dowager cixi spent the navy fund having the garden of clear ripples rebuilt.and then she renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony (summer palace).

  in 1900,the allied forces of eight powers invaded beijing.the summer palace was once again severely damaged.it was rebuilt again in 1902.

  in 1924,the last emperor puyi was driven out of the palace,after that,the summer palace was turned into a public park.

  ladies and gentlemen,please look over there,in front of us is an archway.it is called “emptiness and the collection of excelle nce”,and it is the first scenery of the summer palace.the two chinese words on the front side of the archway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery.the two words on the back side mean collection of excellence and refer to the tranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

  (outside the east palace gate)

  now,we have arrived at the east palace gate.it’s the main entrance of the summer palace.on top of the gate there is a plaque with three chinese characters ‘the summer palace’ in emperor guangxu’s handwriting.the gate that we are now entering was used by the emperor,the empress only in the old days.

  (inside the east palace gate)

  now we are inside the summer palace.in front of us is the second gate of the summer palace— the gate of benevolence and longevity.the annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the privy council.well,before we start our tour in the garden,i will briefly introduce you the layout of the summer palace and our tour route.o.k.,ladies and gentlemen,may i have your attention please?let’s look at the map together,from it we can see the summer palace covers an area of 290 hectares,which the lake occupies the three-fourths.the whole garden can be pide into three parts:the area was for political activities,resting places of the emperor and empress,and sightseeing areas.our tour will start from the area of the political activities,and end off the marble boat.on the way,we will visit the main constructions of the summer palace,such as the hall of jade ripples,the hall of happiness and longevity,the long corridor,the hall of dispelling clouds and so on.it will take us about two hours to visit the summer palace.please attention,we won’t walk back and our driver will pick us up at the north gate.should you get lost or separated from the group,please meet us at the north gate.













介绍颐和园的英语作文 篇五

  The Summer Palace is located on the northwest outskirts of Beijing. It is the best-preserved and largest imperial garden existing in China. The Summer Palace is formed mainly with Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake. The lake occupies three quarters of the whole area. It covers an area of over 290 hectares.

  The Summer Palace was first built as an imperial garden and palace at the beginning of 12th century in the Jin Dynasty, the construction continued to the Yuan and Ming dynasties and the palace was enlarged in the Qing Dynasty, thus, altogether lasting for more than 800 years. In the Jin Dynasty, the Golden Hill Hall was built here. In the Yuan Dynasty, the name of the hill was changed to Jar Hill because it was said that an old man had dug up a jar here. In the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhengde built the Wonderful Imperial Garden by the lake. In the Qing Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Qianlong, large-scale construction of imperial gardens reached its culmination. The whole project was named the Three Hills and Five Garden of Clear Ripples. In 1860 the Anglo-French Allied Forces invaded Beijing and the Three Hills and Five Gardens were burnt down to ashes. In 1888 Empress Dowager Cixi perted the funds for navy to restore the Garden of Clear Ripples and renamed it as the Summer Palace. In 1900 the Allied Forces of Eight Powers invaded Beijing and occupied the Summer Palace for more than a year. The Summer Palace was plundered by the invaders. They took away everything valuable and destroyed the buildings. Upon Empress Dowager Cixi's return to Beijing, she ordered the garden to be rebuilt immediately. When reconstruction to Beijing, she ordered the garden to be rebuilt immediately. When reconstruction was completed, Empress Dowager Cixi came to live in this imperial garden from April to October every year for the rest of her life. In 1924 the Summer Palace was turned into a public park.

  The East Palace Gate is the main entrance to the Summer Palace. The central gate called the Imperial Gateway was for the emperor and the empress. The gates on either side were for princes and high-ranking officials. The plaque above the middle gate bears three big Chinese characters “The Summer Palace” in Emperor Guangxu's handwriting.

  Entering the East Palace Gate, we will see the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. It's the second gate in the palace area. Inside the gate, there is 3-meter-high giant rock. The rock serves as a decoration and it was transported from Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province, so it is called Taihu Rock. Now we have come to the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. The hall was the place where Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi held audience and handled state affairs when they were in the Summer Palace. In front of the hall stands a bronze mythical animal called Suanni. It is believed that the Suanni was able to distinguish the right from wrong. In the center of the hall there is a platform with a throne on it. The throne was carved with a nine-dragon design, symbolizing dignity of the emperor. There are four incense burners at each corner of the platform with a throne on it. The throne was held, sandalwood incenses were burnt in the incense burners, giving out fragrant smoke. There are two fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacock feathers. In front of the throne there are incense burners of dragon and phoenix shapes and candlesticks of crane shape. The two big mirrors on the left and right of the throne against the wall was for warding off evil spirits. There are two scrolls on the wall, one on each side, with a big Chinese character meaning longevity, in Empress Dowager Cixi's handwriting and the 100 bats in the background of the scroll symbolize happiness.

  The Hall of Jade Ripples used to be the place where Qing Emperor Qianlong spent his leisure hours with his ministers. Later it was Emperor Guangxu's pricate living quarters and also the place where he was once under house arrest after 1898.

  Walking along the corridor at the two side of the Hall of Jade Ripples, we will see the back word the Hall of Pleasing Rue where the empress Longyu lived.

  The Garden of Virtuous Harmony is also called the Great Theatre Building. It was the place where Peking Opera was performed for Empress Dowager Cixi. The building is a three-storey structure, 21 meters high and 17 meters wide on the lowest floor. There are trapdoors above and below the stage for “fairies” to descend from the sky and “devils” to rise up from the underneath. The Make-up Tower is connected with the stage. It was the place for the performers to make up and now it has become an exhibition hall.

  To the northwest of the Hall of Pleasing Rue is the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. It was Empress Dowager Cixi's residence. In the courtyard there is a huge rock named “Qing Zhi Xiu”。 It looks like a magic fungus, glossy with a greenish and smooth surface. In front of this hall there are pairs of bronze deer, bronze cranes, bronze cases and big water vats, symbolizing universal peace. In addition, there are many precious trees and flowers planed here, representing riches and honor, or wealth and prestige. The hall consists of four chanbers. The east out chamber was for her breakfast and tea. The east inner chamber was her dressing room. The west inner room was her bedroom and the west outer room was her reading room. A large table in the central hall served as a dinning table for Empress Dowager Cixi. A big porcelain jar on each side was used to contain fruits to produce fragrant smell. There are two embroideries in the central hall. One is of a peacock displaying its full plumage, the other is of a phoenix amony 100 birds. The chandeliers hangin

g from the ceiling of the hall were presented by the Germans. It was the first electric light in China and electric light has been used since then.

介绍颐和园的英语作文 篇六

  The Front Hill Area(前山景区)

  To the south of the Hall of Dispelling Clouds is the Gate of Dispelling Clouds positioned in the middle of the Long Gallery to pide the gallery's eastern and western sides. On each side of the gate lie bronze lions symbolizing protection, and twelve stone statues of the Chinese zodiac animals --- rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

  Long Corridor(Changlang 长廊)

  The long corridor actually is a long covered walkway. It starts from the gate of the greeting the moon in the east and ends the marble boat in the west. It is 728 meters long with 273 sections, so it is called long corridor. The long corridor lies in front of the longevity hill with the gate of dispelling clouds in the center. It was first built in 1750 by emperor Qianlong for his mother to enjoy the rainy scenery on Kunming lake and to keep off the sunshine in summer. There are totally 14,000 pictures painted on the beams and crossbeams of the long corridor. These colorful paintings can be pided into 4 kinds: landscapes and scenic spots, beautiful flowers and birds, Chinese architecture and human figures. The beautiful flowers and birds and landscapes were copied from the scenery of West Lake. In 1990,the long corridor was listed in the Guinness world records as the longest painted corridor in the world. Like most of the summer Palace, the Long Corridor was severely damaged by fire which Anglo---French allied forces laid in 1860 during the Second Opium War. It was rebuilt in 1886. As a part of the Summer Palace, the Long Corridor was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List in December, 1998. There are four octagonal pavilions with double eaves, two on each side of the Cloud---Dispelling Gate. The pavilions symbolize the four seasons(spring, summer, autumn, winter)and are named(from east to west): Liu Jia (留佳 “retaining the goodness”), Jin Lan (寄澜;“living with the ripples”), Qiu Shui(秋水 “autumn water”), and Qing Yao (清遥 “clear and far”).

  The name of the hall of Dispelling Clounds derivers from a verse by the poet Guo Pu(276-324) in the Jin Dynasty “in such a splendid hall, supernatural beings will emerge.” It is situated on the central axis of Longevity Hill and is the heart of a succession of buildings used for celebrations. Built on the site of Daxiong Hall (Hill of Sakyamuni or Main Shrine Hall), it was the place to celebrate Empress Dowager Cixi's birthday. On her birthday, October 10 of the Chinese lunar year, with Emperor Guangxu leading the troops, all ranks kowtowed to her as she sat on the “Nine-Dragon Throne” to receive greetings and rare gifts. With red pillars and yellow tiles, the Paiyundian contains 21 rooms. Although the treasures on display inside are fewer than those in the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity, some of the are more valuable.

  Although this is the most magnificent architectural complex of the Summer Palace, CIxi used the hall only once a year on her birthday.

  Hall of the Sea of Wisdom(智慧海)

  Grand Buddha stably sitting in the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, Summer Palace, Beijing Built on the pinnacle of Longevity Hill, The Hall of the Sea of Wisdom is designed to stand at the upper end of an axis stretching from the Kunming Lake to the summit. When initially built during made entirely of colored glaze bricks, without any timber beams, and was also known as “No Beam Hall”. Owing to its timber-free frame, it survived the fire set by the Anglo-French allied force in 1860. However, the holy statue of Amitayus Buddha, as well as 1008 smaller engraved Buddhas surrounding it, was destroyed.

  It is a holy building, with its name,“ the Sea of Wisdom” which comes from the sutra, symbolizing the mighty force and the infinite wisdom of Tathagada Buddha. A visitor who connects the three characters on the architraves of the hall and the glazed memorial archway will find that form the Buddhist's chant.

  Purple Cloud Gate Tower(紫气东来)

  This two-story tower structure, on the east slope of the Longevity Hill, was built during Emperor Qianlong's reign(1736-1795). The inscriptions on both sides of the tower were written by Emperor Qianlong.

  The inscription on the north gate-tower “Chichengxiaqi” means “the rosy clouds rising in Chicheng Mountain.” Chicheng is the name of a place in Zhejiang province. This phrase describe the gate-tower shining from the morning sunshine.

  The four Chinese characters on the south gate-tower, “Ziqidonglai” means “the purple clouds come from the east.” This phase comes from a story about an ancient Chinese philosopher named Laozi, who was trying to get through a major military pass named Hangu Pass. It was said that Ling Yin, a military official in this pass, saw a wisp of purple clouds coming gently from the east. He knew that this good omen meant that a saint was coming. Than he took a bath and put on his new clothes, getting everything ready to welcome the saint. The next day he really saw LaoZi riding slowly to the pass on a black ox. Later, a famous post Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty wrote this story in his poem.

  The Hall for Listening to Orioles(听鹂馆)

  The Hall for Listening to Oriole used to be a Two-story stage built by Emperor Qianlong for his mother Emperor Dowager Niugulushi to enjoy Peking opera and performances. The stage was later used by Empress Dowager Cixi.

  Oriole is a kind of bird, and it has very sweet voice and pleasing sound; ergo, the stage is named “Hall for Listening to Oriole.” After the Garden of Virtuous Harmony was complete, the hall became a residence for imperial concubines. Now it is a very nice restaurant for both Chinese and foreign tourists.


