
时间:2018-05-05 06:36:11
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最新的开学典礼的英语作文 篇一

The Latest School Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of a new school year is always an exciting and important event for both students and teachers. It marks the beginning of a new journey filled with knowledge, growth, and opportunities. Recently, our school held its latest opening ceremony, and it was a truly remarkable and memorable experience.

The ceremony started with the school principal's welcoming speech. He emphasized the importance of education and encouraged all students to work hard and strive for excellence. He also introduced the new teachers and expressed his confidence in their abilities to inspire and guide the students towards success.

Following the principal's speech, the ceremony proceeded with various performances from different student groups. The school choir delivered a powerful rendition of the national anthem, filling the auditorium with a sense of pride and unity. The dance club showcased their impressive choreography, captivating the audience with their fluid movements and synchronization. Additionally, the drama club performed a short play that conveyed a meaningful message about the value of friendship and teamwork.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the student representative's speech. This year, the honor was given to a senior student who shared her personal experiences and reflections on her journey through school. She spoke about the challenges she faced, the friendships she formed, and the lessons she learned. Her speech was both inspiring and relatable, resonating with everyone in the audience.

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of awards to outstanding students from the previous academic year. The recipients were recognized for their achievements in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities. Their hard work and dedication were acknowledged, serving as a motivation for all students to strive for greatness.

Overall, the latest school opening ceremony was a grand success. It brought together the entire school community and set a positive tone for the upcoming academic year. It reminded everyone of the importance of education, unity, and personal growth. With renewed enthusiasm and determination, we are ready to embark on a new chapter of our educational journey.

最新的开学典礼的英语作文 篇二

The Latest School Opening Ceremony

The latest school opening ceremony was a momentous occasion that marked not only the beginning of a new academic year but also the start of a new era for our school. The ceremony was filled with excitement, anticipation, and a sense of unity as students, teachers, and parents gathered to celebrate this significant event.

The ceremony started with the traditional flag-raising ceremony, symbolizing the pride and honor we have for our nation. The national anthem echoed through the air, instilling a sense of patriotism and unity among the attendees. This was followed by a heartfelt speech from the school principal, who emphasized the importance of education and the role of the school in shaping the future of its students.

The ceremony continued with various performances showcasing the talents of our students. The school band played a medley of uplifting melodies, filling the auditorium with joy and energy. The martial arts club displayed their agility and discipline through a captivating demonstration. Additionally, the art club exhibited their creativity and skill with an impressive art display, showcasing the diverse talents within our school community.

One of the most memorable moments of the ceremony was the student oath-taking ceremony. All students, from the youngest to the oldest, stood together and recited a pledge to uphold the values of the school, to be responsible learners, and to contribute positively to the school community. This solemn moment reinforced the sense of belonging and shared responsibility among the students.

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of scholarships and awards to deserving students. The recipients were recognized for their outstanding achievements in various fields, including academics, leadership, and community service. Their accomplishments served as an inspiration to their peers and highlighted the importance of hard work and dedication.

The latest school opening ceremony was a true celebration of education, unity, and growth. It brought together students, teachers, and parents in a joyous and meaningful event. It set the tone for the upcoming academic year, reminding everyone of the values and principles that our school upholds. With renewed motivation and enthusiasm, we are ready to embark on a journey of learning, discovery, and personal development.

最新的开学典礼的英语作文 篇三




  September 1st is the day of our school, but the sun just hide into the clouds. Early in the morning, the other children in school uniform, wearing a red scarf, happily walked into the school gate.

  Eight o 'clock, the opening ceremony finally started! Look! The podium, the principal and student representatives, director, positive with smiled and waved to us!

  In a short time, only heard plausibly, director of the manifold to announce: experiment elementary school opening ceremony now begins. The first national flag. King director with a louder voice announced: all saluted. Countless right hand high over the head, countless pairs of eyes staring at the national flag, our heart tightly and flag together. The playground is so quiet, only hear the national anthem echoed over the campus, http://gkstk # from this article from the university entrance exam resources end# only heard rustle slightly in the breeze blowing flag. I looked at the flag, seem to see the battlefield, soldiers bravely fight with the enemy, for the pieces by the enemy occupied territory... The national flag gradually risen! Risen! Against the background of the teaching building is so solemn, so bright! The national flag rose in the sky of the motherland, also rose in our hearts.

  Then, President hu jintao to create the spirit headquarters flags award headquarters less total battalion chief Xie Xiaochen classmates. Then the student representative Yin Han, Xia Lou respectively for the holiday and new semester going to speak of. That sweet voice really brought all the way to a wonderful realm. Finally, enthusiastically, director of the king of the new term work schedu


  The opening ceremony ended, just like that. Looking forward to the new semester, I will not live up to the expectations of parents and teachers, let your accomplishments to the next level.




  不一会儿,只听见廖主任振振有词地报幕: 实验小学开学典礼现在开始。第一项,升国旗。 王主任用宏亮地声音宣布: 全体立正敬礼。 无数只右手高高地举过头顶,无数双眼睛注视着国旗,我们的心紧紧地和国旗连在一起。操场上安静极了,只听见国歌在校园上空回荡着,#from 本文来自高考资源网http://gkstk end#只听见微风吹拂着国旗发出 沙沙 地声音。我望着国旗,仿佛看到战场上,一个个战士英勇地与敌人搏斗,争夺了一块块被敌人霸占的领土......国旗渐渐的升起来了!升起来了!在教学楼的衬托下显得多么庄严,多么鲜艳!国旗升上了祖国的天空,也升在了我们的心里。




