
时间:2011-06-01 03:20:34
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学会承担责任英语作文 篇一:The Importance of Taking Responsibility

Responsibility is an essential quality that everyone should possess. It is the ability to accept and fulfill obligations, duties, and tasks. Taking responsibility not only shows maturity and reliability but also contributes to personal growth and success. In this article, we will explore the importance of taking responsibility in various aspects of life.

Firstly, taking responsibility is crucial in academic settings. As students, we have a responsibility to attend classes regularly, complete assignments on time, and strive for academic excellence. By taking responsibility for our studies, we develop discipline, time management skills, and a strong work ethic. Moreover, taking responsibility for our education empowers us to take control of our own learning and achieve our goals.

Secondly, responsibility plays a significant role in personal relationships. In friendships and romantic relationships, being responsible means being honest, trustworthy, and dependable. It involves being accountable for our actions and taking ownership of mistakes. By taking responsibility in relationships, we build trust, strengthen bonds, and foster healthier connections with others. Additionally, being responsible for our words and actions helps us avoid conflicts and maintain harmonious relationships.

Furthermore, taking responsibility is essential in the workplace. Employees who take ownership of their tasks and responsibilities are more likely to be respected and trusted by their colleagues and superiors. They show dedication, reliability, and a commitment to the success of the organization. Taking responsibility at work also leads to personal and professional growth, as it provides opportunities for learning, development, and advancement.

Lastly, taking responsibility extends beyond personal and professional realms. It also involves being responsible global citizens. We have a responsibility to protect the environment, respect and promote human rights, and contribute to the betterment of society. By taking responsibility for our actions and choices, we can create a positive impact on the world around us.

In conclusion, taking responsibility is crucial in all aspects of life. Whether it is in academics, relationships, work, or as global citizens, being responsible enhances personal growth and success. It is a quality that should be cultivated and nurtured from a young age. So, let us all strive to be responsible individuals and make a positive difference in the world.

学会承担责任英语作文 篇二:Developing Responsibility in Children

Responsibility is an important value that parents should instill in their children from a young age. Teaching children to take responsibility for their actions and behaviors not only helps them become accountable individuals but also prepares them for future challenges and success. In this article, we will discuss some effective strategies for developing responsibility in children.

Firstly, parents can encourage responsibility by assigning age-appropriate tasks and chores to their children. By having regular responsibilities, children learn the importance of contributing to the family and taking ownership of their duties. Whether it is setting the table, making their bed, or helping with household chores, these tasks teach children the value of hard work and accountability.

Secondly, parents should lead by example. Children learn by observing their parents' actions and behaviors. Therefore, it is essential for parents to demonstrate responsibility in their own lives. Whether it is keeping promises, admitting mistakes, or fulfilling obligations, parents should set a positive example for their children to follow. When children see their parents taking responsibility, they are more likely to adopt the same behavior.

Furthermore, parents can foster responsibility by allowing children to make decisions and face the consequences of their choices. It is important for children to understand that their actions have consequences, both positive and negative. By giving children the opportunity to make decisions, parents teach them to think critically, consider the potential outcomes, and take responsibility for the choices they make.

In addition, parents should provide praise and recognition when their children demonstrate responsibility. Positive reinforcement plays a significant role in shaping children's behavior. When children are acknowledged for their responsible actions, they feel a sense of accomplishment and are more motivated to continue being responsible individuals.

Lastly, open communication is key to developing responsibility in children. Parents should engage in regular conversations with their children about the importance of responsibility, the consequences of actions, and the value of fulfilling obligations. By having open and honest discussions, children gain a deeper understanding of responsibility and its significance in their lives.

In conclusion, developing responsibility in children is a crucial aspect of their upbringing. By assigning tasks, leading by example, allowing them to make decisions, providing praise, and maintaining open communication, parents can help their children become responsible individuals. It is through these efforts that children learn to take ownership of their actions, make responsible choices, and become accountable members of society.

学会承担责任英语作文 篇三

  There is a widespread concern over whether famous people shoulder more responsibilities than ordinary people. But it is true that famous people play an very important role in our society.

  For example Bill Gates the chairman of Microsoft who is one of the most famous people to promote the development of computer technology in the world. He set up the Microsoft Company in 1975 and developed one of the most famous Microsoft products that a program called Windows. As we all know Windows makes it much easier to use a computer. And Bill Gates is very keen on China. His company's new "Venus project" is a combination of software and hardware that lets VCD players and other similar display Chinese-language Internet content on an ordinary TV sets. So he also promote our country's development of science.

  This example is very convinced. As far as I am concerned I agree the view that famous people shoulder more responsibilities.人们普遍关注名人是否比普通人承担更多的责任。但是,名人在我们的社会中扮演着非常重要的角色,这是真的。




  Skyfire spicy I'm still on the concrete work his mouth constantly nagging. Because sun valley today dad is not at home I had to undertake this task. I took pushing rake broom in the cement work on site.

  I put down my broom with a rake push out in the mountains of millet to the air. Just began to work I feel very relaxed. But not how long I feel hard up pushing rake is getting heavier and heavier. So I had a rest. And then I got to work. I pushed millet away first then push the millet into a ridge of a ridge. After these work I find a place to sit down. In a few minutes my eyes slowly closed. I was asleep.

  I wake up see the millet tan about I stood up picked up the tools in the. The one I put a plow of millet it took me a lot of time. Then I pushed the corn into a ditch ditch. So under the original millet to turn up and can increase the sun valley area corn drying up and easy to dry.

  Some work finished this I feel very happy. Then I took to carry the books to see. At the same time my eyes also from time to time millet don't let the chicken to eat millet.

  Work through this time I not only took part in sun valley also exercise the body and share the responsibility for the parents. I think thinking is more happy.天火辣,我仍然在具体工作中,嘴里不断的唠叨。因为太阳谷今天,爸爸不在家,我不得不承担这个任务。我带着推耙、扫把在水泥工地上工作。






