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初中英语句子翻译 篇一

The Importance of Learning English in Middle School

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and learning it in middle school is of great importance. Here are several reasons why learning English at this stage of education is beneficial.

Firstly, learning English in middle school helps students to develop strong language skills. It provides them with a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, enabling them to communicate effectively in both written and spoken English. This will greatly benefit them in their future academic and professional pursuits.

Secondly, learning English at a young age opens up a world of opportunities for students. English is the language of international communication, and being proficient in it allows students to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. It also enhances their ability to access a wide range of resources, such as books, websites, and research papers, which are often available only in English.

Moreover, learning English in middle school helps students to develop valuable cognitive skills. It improves their problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and creativity. English language learning involves tasks that require logical reasoning and analysis, which contribute to the overall cognitive development of students.

Furthermore, learning English in middle school prepares students for further language learning in high school and beyond. It provides them with a strong foundation and familiarity with the language, making it easier for them to continue their English studies in the future. This is particularly important as English is often a compulsory subject in high school and is required for university entrance exams.

In conclusion, learning English in middle school is of great importance. It not only helps students to develop strong language skills, but also opens up opportunities, enhances cognitive abilities, and prepares them for further language learning. Therefore, it is crucial for schools to prioritize English education and provide students with ample opportunities to practice and improve their English proficiency.

初中英语句子翻译 篇二

The Benefits of Practicing English in Everyday Life

English is a global language that is used in various aspects of life, including education, business, and travel. Therefore, practicing English in everyday life is highly beneficial for middle school students. Here are several reasons why incorporating English into daily activities is advantageous.

Firstly, practicing English in everyday life helps students improve their language skills. By using English in real-life situations, such as ordering food at a restaurant or asking for directions, students can enhance their vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. This practical application of English language knowledge is essential for developing fluency and confidence in speaking.

Secondly, practicing English in everyday life promotes cultural understanding. English is not only a language, but also a window to different cultures around the world. By engaging in English conversations with people from different countries or watching English movies and TV shows, students can gain insights into different customs, traditions, and ways of thinking. This fosters tolerance, empathy, and global awareness among students.

Moreover, practicing English in everyday life enhances critical thinking skills. When using English, students need to interpret and convey information effectively. This requires them to think critically and analyze the meaning and context of words and sentences. Such cognitive processes strengthen their problem-solving abilities and train them to think in a logical and analytical manner.

Furthermore, practicing English in everyday life builds confidence and self-esteem. By actively using English in various situations, students become more comfortable expressing themselves in the language. This boosts their confidence and encourages them to further explore and improve their English skills. Increased self-esteem also positively impacts their overall academic performance and personal development.

In conclusion, practicing English in everyday life offers numerous benefits for middle school students. It helps improve language skills, promotes cultural understanding, enhances critical thinking abilities, and boosts confidence. Therefore, it is crucial for students to actively practice English in their daily lives, and for schools to create an environment that encourages and supports such practices.

初中英语句子翻译 篇三

Could you tell me _____________yesterday?

75. 学生们正根据老师给出的建议在认真复习功课。

The students are ____________________the teachers’ advice.

初中英语句子翻译 篇四


Although Tu Youyou___________________, she never ________________.

初中英语句子翻译 篇五


You ______________________________ on your lessons.


Neithe_________________ themselves.

73. I was not allowed to stay up late by my parents when I was a child.

74. Could you tell me if/whether he was absent from the class meeting yesterday?

75. The students are going over (their) lessons carefully according to the teachers’ advice.

76. Although Tu Youyou has made great achievements, she never shows off.

77. You won’t make any progress until you spend a great deal of time on your lessons

78. Neither Daniel nor his classmates know how to be strict with themselves.


74. 他的搭档别无选择只能允诺故演讲。

His partner ______________________.

75. 令我惊讶的是,Alex成功地把电脑和手机连接了。

___________,Alex_________the computer_____________the mobile phone.

76. 在保持所有东西井然有序方面他有什么困难吗?

What__________________________ ?

77. 我怀疑她是否注意到了我的语法.

I doubted____________________or not.

78. 如果你能想出好主意来解决这个问题,你就会处于领先地位。

If you can ___________________________this problem, you__________________________.

79. 我姐姐不仅给我提供了宝贵的建议,而且使我振作起来了。

My sister____________________________.

74. His partner had no choice but to promise to make a speech.

75. To my surprise , Alex succeeded in connecting the computer to the mobile phone.

76. What difficulty he had keeping all the things in good order?

77. I doubted whether she took notice of my grammar or not.

78. If you can come up with good ideas to solve this problem, you will take the lead.

79. My sister not only offered me valuable advice but also cheered me up.


72. 他建议我们接受新挑战并三思而行。

He advised ________________________before taking action.

73. 当时他的父母亲别无办法,只能承诺帮助他。

His parents _________________________help him at that time.

74. 我父母亲不允许我熬夜和朋友聊天。

I _______________________chat with friends by my parents.

75. 他在每件事情上都对自己如此严格,以致经常感到筋疲力尽。

He is___________________________that he always_______________________________.

76. 有些孩子既不参加体育运动,又不注意健康饮食。

Some children _________________healthily.

77. 雨停了他们才开始讨论如何处理这个问题。

They _____________________

______until the rain stopped.

1. us to take on new challenges and think twice

2. had no choice but to promise to

3. am not allowed to stay up (late) to

4. so strict with himself in everything feels tired out

5. neither play sports nor pay attention to eating

6. didn't start to discuss how to deal with the problem



People born in the Year of the Tiger would _______________________________________.

74. 晚饭后散步会让你更容易入睡。

Walking after supper will _____________________________ .

75. 去年,布朗一家被迫搬到了另一座城市。

The Browns __________________ last year.

76. 我不知道她加入舞蹈俱乐部多久了。

I don’t know__________________________ the Dancing Club.

77. 使我们感到惊奇的是,这位新作家的书值得一读。



The visitors had no choice _______________ Typhoon Aere.

73. People born in the Year of the Tiger would rather take on challenges than give up easily

74. Walking after supper will make it easier for you to fall asleep.

75. The Browns were forced to move to another city last year.

76. I don’t know how long she has been in/ how long she has been a member of the Dancing club.

77. To our surprise, the new writer’s book is worth reading.

78. The visitors had no choice but to change their mind because of Typhoon Aere.


73. David对自己足够严格,才能在班里领先。

David _____________________ in his class.

74. 那位外科大夫一得知这个消息就会改变主意。

The surgeon _____________________the news.

75. 令我们吃惊的是,这位领导者处理信任问题并没费什么劲。

__________________, ________________ the trust problem.

76. 史密斯一家上周一直在参加那部新电影的试演吗?

________ the Smiths _____________last week?

77. 不仅西蒙的老师还有他的家长已经成功地注意到了他的问题。

________Simon's teacher _______ his parents _________________ of his problem.

78. 根据新闻报导所说,不久这个镇将由地铁与市中心相连。

The town _____________ the news report.

73. David is strict enough with himself to take the lead in his class. / David is so strict with himself that he takes the lead in his class.

74. The surgeon will change his mind as soon as he knows the news.

75. To our surprise, the leader had no / little / didn’t have any difficulty (in) solving /dealing with the trust problem.

76. Were the Smiths trying out for the new film last week?

77. Not only Simon’s teacher but also his parentshave succeeded in taking notice / have successfully taken notice of his problem.

78. The town will be connected to / with the city centre by the underground soon according to the news report.



____________________________ so late.

73. 关于这件事,我要再三考虑才能给你答复。

I won’t __________________________.

74. 这位运动员曾经在平衡训练和学业上遇到多么大的困难啊初中英语句子翻译

___________________________________ between his training and the school work!

75. 因为健康问题,他被迫结束了自己的篮球生涯。

He ________________________________.

76. 令我们惊讶的是,他通过努力成功地从那所大学毕业了。

___________, he _______graduating _____.

77. 昨天,比起向他寻求建议,我更喜欢独立处理这个事故。

I __________ yesterday.

72. Neither of us is sure whether it is worth staying up

73. reply to you until I think twice about it

74. What great difficulty the player once had achieving a balance

75. was forced to end his basketball career because of health problems

76. To our surprising; succeeded in; from the university through hard work

77. preferred dealing with the accident by myself to asking him for adcvice


73. Sandy晚上习惯于开着灯睡觉,因为她怕黑暗.

Sandy _____________ because she is afraid of darkness.


The song is so nice that it’s worth for us ( ) .


He ( ) because of his poor health.

76. 你知道他加入足球俱乐部多久了?

Do you know ( ) the Football Club?

77. 屠呦呦已经把所有的空余时间都花在从植物中提取青蒿素了。

TuYouyou ( ) Artemisinin from plants.


My car was broken, so I ( ).

73. is used to sleeping with the light on

74. listening to many times

75. was forced to give up smoking

76. how long he has been in/ how long he has been a member of

77. has devoted all her free/spare time to getting

78. had no choice but to walk to work/ go to work on foot


54. 我希望你能满意我的进步。

I hope you ( ) .

55. 超过一半的学生已经意识到练习说英语的重要性。

Over half of the students ( ) .

56. 这本书会译成多少种语呢?

How many ( ) ?

57. 把钱贡献给教育是多么有意义啊!

How meaningful ( ) !

58. 机器人会使我们执行危险任务变得更()Robots will ( ) .

59. 环境污染太严重以至于我们不得不用围巾遮住脸。

The ( ) we ( ) .

54: I hope you will be satisfied with my progress.

55: Over half of the students have realized the importance of practicing speaking English.

56: How many languages will this book be translated / put into?

57: How meaningful it is to give / donate all the money to the education!

58: Robots will make it easier for us to carry out dangerous tasks.

59: The environment was so serious that we had to cover our faces with scarves.



