
时间:2019-01-02 08:13:34
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Love is a language that transcends words. When you want to express your feelings to someone special, sometimes simple and concise sentences can be the most effective. Here are some short and sweet English confession sentences that can help you convey your emotions:

1. You make my world brighter.

2. My heart skips a beat whenever I see you.

3. Being with you is the best feeling ever.

4. You are the reason behind my smile.

5. I can't imagine my life without you.

6. Every moment spent with you is precious.

7. You complete me.

8. I am grateful for your love.

9. You are my everything.

10. I love you more than words can say.

These sentences may be short, but they carry a lot of meaning. They can be used as standalone expressions of love or combined to create a heartfelt confession. Remember, it's not always about the length of the sentence, but rather the sincerity behind it.


Love is a universal language that can be expressed in many ways. When it comes to confessing your feelings in English, short and simple sentences can be just as powerful as long and elaborate ones. Here are some short English confession sentences that can help you express your love:

1. You're the one for me.

2. I can't stop thinking about you.

3. My heart belongs to you.

4. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.

5. I'm falling for you.

6. You make me feel alive.

7. I cherish every moment with you.

8. I'm crazy about you.

9. You're the missing piece in my life.

10. I love you more than words can describe.

These sentences may be short, but they are filled with love and affection. Use them to express your feelings to someone special and let them know how much they mean to you. Remember, it's not about the length of the sentence, but the depth of your emotions.

英语表白句子简短的 篇三

英语表白句子简短的 篇四


2. 如果你需要一个人陪你走到最后,我是不会拒绝的。

3. 山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。

4. 你有没有喜欢一个人,喜欢到不行。我遇到了。

5. 从很久前开始,我就不相信爱情这回事,可是我偏偏遇见了你,后来我想啊,人这一辈子总要相信一次,哪怕一次也好,那么你呢,你可不可以让我的相信,一次一生。

6. 曾经想征服全世界,到最后回首才发现,这世界滴滴点点全部都是你。

7. 你可以是我年少时的兵荒马乱,亦会是我共渡余生的白首良人。

8. 朋友说告白要在520,可我不愿意,因为爱你之后一切化作了零;朋友们又说告白要在521,可我不愿意,因为爱你之后剩下的只有自己。527,你是我的妻,我愿用余生来爱你。

9. 我做着圆周运动,一圈又一圈,却不知道路程的增加,改变不了零的位移。即使是位移的最大处,我也只是换了一个方向遥望你,你我之间永远隔着一个半径。人们都说:过程比结果更重要。殊不知心与心的作用力却是保守力,做功与路径无关,只在于始态与终态。

10. 你比全部多一点。

11. 你背着画板我背着你,去一个只有你和我的地方,你画风景我画你。

12. 我用尽所有修辞,遣尽所有字句,到最后表达的,仍是我爱你。

13. 世


14. 我没有信仰,我的信仰就是你。当我爱上你,就是我最初,也就是最后拥有信仰的时刻。

15. 当我站在这里的时候,你又欠我一个拥抱,当你听到我说话的时候呢,你就欠了我一个微笑,当你对我微笑的时候,你又欠了我一个全部,当你对我笑而不语的时候,你就是我的了。

16. 从前,我不相信你说的话,最后我只相信你这个人。

17. 男人一生中要干几件不平凡的事,才算没有白活一世。得到你就是其中一件。

18. 其实世间好多道理我都不甚明白,但只要你在哪怕时光腐败什么都不算太坏。

19. 我有一句喜欢你,不知当讲不当讲。

20. 没有什么会永垂不朽,唯独你是我情之所钟。


21. 你虽是我生命中的过路人,但我会陪你走到路的尽头。

22. 我想给你世界上最好的,后来发现你才是世界上最好的。

23. 希望能像Batman守护Gothan City一样守护你。

24. 没什么,只是我突然发现,我爱上你了。

25. 唯独于你,心有余悸。

26. 喜欢和爱,你说是一个意思。可是,我喜欢很多人,却只爱你一个。因为喜欢只是觉得对胃口,爱却是想要一辈子在一起。你不要问我喜不喜欢你,因为我不喜欢你,我只是爱你。

27. 我好喜欢你的名字,和你笑的样子。

28. 爱情若是一年只有一次却能永不断的缘,愿意你是一生只爱一个却能爱一世的人。

29. 近视的我就算把眼镜摘了,也能够在模糊的世界里,看到最爱我的你。

30. 我喜欢的东西有很多,但都比不上你。

31. 快别说了,一句你好就已经快让我沦陷了。


