
时间:2018-03-07 03:13:41
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英语特色课收费通知范文 篇一

Subject: Notice of English Special Course Fees

Dear students and parents,

We hope this notice finds you well. We are writing to inform you about the introduction of fees for our English Special Course, effective from the beginning of next semester.

Over the years, our English Special Course has gained popularity among students as it provides additional support and enrichment in English language learning. The course focuses on enhancing students' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills through interactive activities and engaging teaching methods. Due to the increasing demand and the need for maintaining the quality of education, we have decided to implement a nominal fee for the course.

Starting from the upcoming semester, a fee of $100 per student per semester will be charged for the English Special Course. This fee will cover the costs of materials, resources, and additional teaching support required to deliver a comprehensive learning experience. The payment will be collected at the beginning of each semester, along with the regular tuition fees.

We understand that the introduction of fees may raise concerns among some of you. However, it is important to note that this fee will enable us to continue delivering high-quality education and provide students with an enhanced English learning experience. The funds collected will be reinvested into the course, allowing us to update teaching resources, organize extracurricular activities, and bring in guest speakers to further enrich the learning environment.

We believe that the English Special Course is a valuable addition to our curriculum and will greatly benefit students in their academic and future endeavors. We encourage all eligible students to take advantage of this opportunity and enroll in the course.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the fees or the English Special Course, please do not hesitate to contact the school administration. We are here to assist you and address any queries you may have.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support in providing the best possible education for our students.


[Your Name]

[School Administration]

英语特色课收费通知范文 篇二

Subject: Important Update Regarding English Special Course Fees

Dear students and parents,

We hope this notice finds you well. We would like to bring to your attention an important update regarding the fees for the English Special Course offered at our school.

As you may be aware, the English Special Course has been a popular choice among students looking to improve their English language skills. The course has been highly regarded for its comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, and interactive teaching methods. In order to maintain the quality of education and cater to the increasing demand for the course, we have made the decision to introduce a revised fee structure.

Starting from the beginning of the next academic year, the fee for the English Special Course will be adjusted to $150 per student per semester. This revision in fees has been carefully considered and is necessary to cover the costs of materials, resources, and additional teaching support required to deliver an enhanced learning experience. We believe that by implementing a revised fee structure, we will be able to further improve the course and provide students with an even more effective language learning platform.

We understand that this update may come as a surprise to some of you. However, it is important to note that the revised fees will allow us to continue providing a high-quality English Special Course and meet the evolving needs of our students. The funds collected will be reinvested into the course, enabling us to update teaching resources, incorporate new technologies, and organize various extracurricular activities to further enhance the learning environment.

We value your trust and support in our commitment to providing the best education possible. We believe that the English Special Course is an invaluable asset to our students' academic and personal growth. We encourage all eligible students to take advantage of this opportunity and enroll in the course.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the revised fees or the English Special Course, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school administration. We are here to address any queries you may have and ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to your continued support in our efforts to provide the best language education for our students.


[Your Name]

[School Administration]

英语特色课收费通知范文 篇三













3)学时/学分:2-4 (学生选择)/ 4





通用学术英语课程3学分(含 《研究生英语水平测试》2学分, 《口试》1学分);


英语特色课收费通知范文 篇四



例1:你们学校在下周五(11月9日)19:00在校报告厅举行一场学术讲座,主要讨论如何有效学习英语。目前在美国西北大学任教的Johnson教授将应邀讲话。请你写一个通知,希望大家踊跃参加。 词数:60词左右

academic lecture

effectively/ in an effective way

lecture hall/ auditorium


There is going to be a lecture about how to learn English.

We’re going to hold a lecture to discuss ways to learn English.

A lecture about learning English effectively is going to be held at 7 . next Friday.

英语特色课收费通知范文 篇五

A Report On Intro to American University

A lecture was given by a foreign teacher on November 11th.

The lecture was about Intro to American universities,including applying for American universities and some other vital information.

she talked about Harvard University,Yale University ,Princeton University,Ohio State University,Pennsylvania State University,and University of California Los Angeles. She gave us statistics about the numbers of students in those universities ,Faculty members,Tuition fees,books in libraries ,financial aids.

英语特色课收费通知范文 篇六




通知必须用简练、准确的语言传递信息。如果包含对演讲人、主要参与人或组织者等的介绍,则语言应大方得体,重点突出,切忌长篇大论。 格式

1)标题(Subject Line):通常只用NOTICE作为标题,或用所通知事宜的具体内容作为标题。为了醒目起见,标题的每个字母可以用大写NOTICE(但如发出通知的单位以首字母大写形式出现在通知的标志之上,则也要首字母大写形式Notice)。标题通常写在上方的居中处。



