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调查个人材料范文英语 篇一

Title: Personal Profile Investigation


In this article, we will be conducting a personal profile investigation of John Smith, a 28-year-old professional working in the IT industry. The purpose of this investigation is to gain a deeper understanding of John's background, education, work experience, skills, and personal interests.


John Smith was born and raised in a small town in the United States. He completed his high school education with excellent grades and was known for his strong work ethic and dedication. After high school, John decided to pursue a degree in Computer Science at a prestigious university.


John successfully completed his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a focus on software development. During his time at university, he actively participated in various extracurricular activities, including coding competitions and internships at renowned technology companies. These experiences helped him develop a strong foundation in programming languages, algorithms, and problem-solving skills.

Work Experience:

Following his graduation, John started his career as a software engineer at a well-known technology firm. Over the past five years, he has gained extensive experience in developing and implementing complex software solutions. John has been recognized for his ability to deliver high-quality work within tight deadlines and work effectively within a team. He has also been involved in several successful projects, including the development of a mobile application that received widespread acclaim.


John possesses a wide range of technical skills, including proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++. He is knowledgeable in various software development methodologies, including Agile and Scrum. Additionally, John has excellent problem-solving abilities and is adept at debugging and resolving complex technical issues.

Personal Interests:

Outside of work, John enjoys staying active by playing basketball and going for long runs. He is an avid reader and believes in continuous learning. John also has a passion for travel and experiencing different cultures, which has led him to explore various countries around the world.


Through this personal profile investigation, we have gained insight into John Smith's background, education, work experience, skills, and personal interests. It is evident that he is a highly skilled and accomplished professional in the IT industry, with a strong work ethic and a passion for continuous learning. John's dedication to his work and his diverse range of skills make him a valuable asset to any organization.

调查个人材料范文英语 篇二

Title: Personal Profile Investigation


In this article, we will be conducting a personal profile investigation of Sarah Johnson, a 32-year-old marketing professional. The purpose of this investigation is to gain a deeper understanding of Sarah's educational background, work experience, skills, and personal interests.


Sarah Johnson was born and raised in a bustling city. She grew up with a strong passion for creativity and communication. After completing high school, Sarah decided to pursue a degree in Marketing at a renowned university.


Sarah successfully completed her Bachelor's degree in Marketing with a focus on digital marketing and brand management. During her time at university, she actively participated in internships at various marketing agencies, where she gained hands-on experience in developing marketing strategies, conducting market research, and managing social media campaigns.

Work Experience:

Following her graduation, Sarah started her career as a marketing executive at a leading advertising agency. Over the years, she has worked with a diverse range of clients across industries, including fashion, technology, and hospitality. Sarah has proven herself to be a highly skilled marketer, with a keen eye for detail and a knack for creating compelling content. She has successfully executed numerous marketing campaigns that have resulted in increased brand awareness and customer engagement.


Sarah possesses a wide range of marketing skills, including expertise in digital marketing strategies, social media management, content creation, and market analysis. She is proficient in using various marketing tools and platforms, such as Google Analytics and social media scheduling software. Sarah is also an excellent communicator and has demonstrated her ability to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams.

Personal Interests:

Outside of work, Sarah enjoys exploring her creative side through painting and photography. She is an avid traveler and loves immersing herself in different cultures and cuisines. Sarah also takes part in community service activities, volunteering her time to support local charities and organizations.


Through this personal profile investigation, we have gained insight into Sarah Johnson's educational background, work experience, skills, and personal interests. It is evident that she is a highly skilled marketing professional with a passion for creativity and communication. Sarah's expertise in digital marketing, coupled with her strong interpersonal skills, make her a valuable asset to any marketing team.

调查个人材料范文英语 篇三

A Report on Children's Gratitude to Their Parents

Children's lives are given by their parents and originally,children should be grateful to all the children can do report made recently suggests that one-fourth of the people think that to raise children is the duty of their parents and so children needn't express any gratitude to one-fourth of the people suppose that there is a big gap between them and their don't know how to communicate with their parents,let alone to say say that they hate to express any is boring.

To respect parents and express our gratitude to them is a good tradition of Chinese far as I am concerned,to we should show our respect and gratitude to our give birth to us,and undoubtedly we are supposed to be grateful to them in return.

调查个人材料范文英语 篇四

认为学习英语是为了适应社会需求的学生占52%,以应付考试的占38%,而出于兴趣学习英语的仅占10%由上数据可以看出大多数学生英语并非出于兴趣或爱好,而是社会所趋,比如英语四级证书与学位证挂钩,以后走上社会求职英语四级证是一道门槛等等此类 莲山课件 原文地址:/article/zjbgdcbg/ 达61%的人平时基本不阅读任何英语读物;每周阅读10小时以上的只有1%。另外,75%的人基本不使用英语写作;偶尔写写的仅有18%。可见,仅靠自学很难养成英语学习习惯,更不用说得到良好的学习效果了。在我们学习英语的自觉性不高的情况下,到培训机构“补一课”无疑成为了提高英语技能的一个重要途径。

莲山课件 原文地址:/article/zjbgdcbg/ 大学生英语学习调查报告

2008-8-19 9:15:59 针对目前市场上流行的英语培训风潮,我们对此展开了一系列深入的调查,无可否认这次我们做的很不全面,也不怎么到位,但我们认为找到了一些我们感兴趣的东西,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助,首先我们在学生中间进行了一份问卷调查,调查内容如下: 根据调查结果我把接受调查的学生大致分为三种类型:












words ,而忽略下面的关键词和关键语句??解决办法呢?增大词汇量: 阅读英文名著,看英语原声电影,背词根字典,我们就我们的实际经历来一一解读,一)英文名著看似是一个不错的选择,其实事实情况是怎样的呢?举一个例子,放暑假的时候我借了一本《基督山伯爵》,书后有一句很有趣的话: 神仙姐姐啊,看不懂啊!这说明什么问题呢?英文名著大都是上个世纪或者是上上个世纪的名著,跟我们有一定的代沟,而且生词量很多,常常一句话里就只有几个单词是懂的,一遇见生词要联想词根、比较象的单词,一般情况下是不那么容易就能想到的,字典来了,最普遍的牛津字典应该是很权威的吧,拿出来再找到,再找到对应的意思,比较偏的意思,而很多情况下对普遍的意思根本就视而不见,在有一次的课外课堂里我听到这样一句话:在面试的时候面试官根本就不看所谓的证书,把你拿过来跟我说几分钟,你说的我听得懂,我说的你听得懂,那就ok 了。对,英语就是交流的工具,而正常的交流词汇的单词长度一般不超过8个,所以我们认为阅读英文名著对于不感兴趣的人不是很明智的选择。


调查个人材料范文英语 篇五

According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 21 - According to “People’s Republic of China Land Management Law” and “the State Council on Deepening the Reform in strict land management decisions” (National Development [2004] 28) the relevant provisions of the State Council decided since 2007 years from July 1 to carry out the second national land to the arrangements, to basically

complete the first half of 2008 the eastern part of the the first half of 2009 to complete the national national land survey of the main contents include: the use of remote sensing acro the country and other advanced technology to map is the basis of photography, like, block-by-field survey of land type and size, have the National arable land, garden, woodland, industrial land,

infrastructure, land, financial and commercial services, the development of the park, real estate, as well as all kinds of unused land, such as land distribution and utilization; case-by-block survey of urban and rural areas of various land ownership and use the right conditions, have the right to use state-owned land and rural collective land ownership status; to investigate the quantity of basic farmland nationwide,

distribution and conservation status of each piece on the map of basic farmland, registration, inventories; the creation of Internet-sharing coverage of national, provincial and city (prefecture) and county four sets of images, graphics, and type, size and ownership of the land survey as a whole database; the establishment of changes in land resources survey information and timely monitoring and rapid update mechanism.

second national land survey was conducted by the deployment of national unity be implemented step by step, focus and in urgent need of priority January 2007 to June of this survey, carried out the preparatory work, the completion of the investigation programming, technical

specifications, as well as the development of the pilot, training and publicity work, the full deployment of the second national land July 2007 to June 2009, throughout the organization to conduct investigations and database second half of 2009, around the collated results of the investigation, and October 31, 2009 to investigate the de facto standard, unified to make changes to update the survey data to the Ministry of Land and Resources汇交results, summarized by the Ministry of Land and Resources to form the second the National Land Survey in the basic data.

2010 years later, an annual national survey of land change, and maintain the investigation results of the current trend.

the State Council set up the second national land survey leading group in charge of the investigation of the organization and leadership,

coordinate and solve major governments at all levels should set up corresponding leading group for investigation and his office, in charge of the area to investigate the organization and implementation.土地调查在7月1日开始第二次在2009年完成

据xxx北京6月21日-根据“xxx土地管理法”和“xxx关于深化改革严格土地管理的决定” (国家发展[ 2004 ] 28 )的有关规定xxx决定自二〇 〇七年7月1日起开展第二次全国土地调查。根据安排,基本完成2008年上半年东部地区的调查。到2009年上半年,完成全国调查。

第二次全国土地调查的主要内容包括:利用遥感技术在全国各地和其他先进技术,以地图为基础的摄影,像座通过实地调查土地类型和大小,有全国可耕地,园林,林地,工业用地,基础设施,土地,金融和商业服务,开发园区,房地产,以及各种闲置土地,如土地分配和利用;逐块调查城市和农村地区的各种土地所有权和使用权的条件下,有权使用国有土地和农村集体土地所有权状况;调查的数量,全国基本农田,分布和保护状况的每件地图的基本农田,登记,清查;建立互联共享的覆盖国家,省和市(地) ,县4套图像,图形,和类型,大小和土地所有权的调查作为一个整体的数据库;的建立土地资源变化信息的调查和及时的监测和快速更新机制。

第二次全国土地调查由国家统一部署,将分步实施,重点和迫切需要的优先领域。在2007年1月至6月的这次调查,开展了筹备工作,完成调查方案编制,技术规格,以及发展的试点,培训和宣传工作,全面部署第二次全国土地调查。从2007年7月至2009年6月,整个组织开展调查和数据库建设。 2009年下半年,各地整理调查结果,以及2009年10月31号进行调查的事实标准,统一进行变更调查数据更新向xxx汇交成果,总结部土地和资源,形成了第二次全国土地调查的基本数据。


调查个人材料范文英语 篇六

A Questionnaire about college students smoking gender(




A 10---18



you smoking? A:Yes

B :No C: Ever had , quit smoking now

is the reson of your fist smoking? A .Curiosity

fashion mood is depreed persuaded reasons

what situations do you need to smoke?

bored B .too much preure of frustration D .other reasons

is your opinions of your smoking habit? A .personal choice. not objectionable fashion C .easy to reach out to another myself

long have you been smoking? –5years —10years D .Above ten years


your family opinions of your smoking? A They do not know B disagree and Anger C agree and understand D will be persuaded to give up it

you think stoping smoking is difficult? A yes

B no C uncertainty

you ever thought about giving up smoking? A yes,but not succe

B yes and succe

C no

harm does smoking do you think ? `t good for healthy of money


a negative impreion to people

12 Generally speaking,you think smoking is

A .benefits greater than disadvantage B .more harm than good. advantages and disadvantages ==================== THE END Thanks for completing the survey questions.


