
时间:2016-07-02 05:27:39
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Basketball is a popular sport that brings people together. The sound of sneakers squeaking on the court, the swish of the ball as it goes through the net, the cheers and encouragement from teammates and spectators – all these elements create an energetic and thrilling atmosphere. For young boys, playing basketball is not just a game, it is a passion.

As a young boy myself, I am deeply fascinated by the world of basketball. Every day after school, I rush to the basketball court with my friends. We dribble, shoot, and compete against each other. The court becomes our playground, where we can escape from the pressures of school and simply enjoy the game. The feeling of holding the basketball in my hands, controlling its every movement, is exhilarating. It is as if the ball and I are connected, moving in sync to achieve a common goal.

Playing basketball has taught me many valuable lessons. It has taught me the importance of teamwork and communication. In order to win a game, we need to work together, pass the ball, and trust our teammates. It has also taught me the value of perseverance. There are times when we miss shots or lose games, but we never give up. We keep practicing, learning from our mistakes, and striving to improve.

Beyond the physical aspects, basketball has also helped me develop mentally and emotionally. It has taught me to be disciplined, to set goals, and to work hard to achieve them. It has taught me to stay focused and to stay calm under pressure. When I step onto the court, all my worries and troubles fade away. In that moment, it is just me and the game. It is a form of therapy, a way to escape from the outside world and find inner peace.

Playing basketball has not only improved my skills and abilities, but it has also brought me closer to my friends. We share a common love for the game, and through basketball, we have forged strong bonds and created lasting memories. The court has become a place where we can have fun, release our energy, and support each other. It is a place where we can be ourselves, without any judgment or expectations.

In conclusion, basketball is more than just a sport for young boys. It is a passion that ignites a fire within us. It teaches us important life lessons, helps us develop mentally and emotionally, and brings us closer to our friends. The love for basketball will always remain in our hearts, and we will continue to dribble, shoot, and compete with all our might.


Basketball has always been a part of my life. From the moment I picked up a basketball for the first time, I knew it was something special. As a young boy, playing basketball was just a hobby, but as I grew older, it became much more than that. It became a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

When I first started playing basketball, I was a novice. I struggled to dribble the ball, shoot it accurately, and understand the rules of the game. But I was determined to improve. I spent hours practicing, watching tutorials, and learning from experienced players. Slowly, I began to see progress. My dribbling became more controlled, my shooting became more accurate, and my understanding of the game became deeper.

With each game I played, I learned something new. I learned the importance of teamwork and communication. I learned how to strategize and make split-second decisions. I learned how to handle pressure and remain calm in intense situations. The more I played, the more I grew as a player and as a person.

Basketball also taught me the value of hard work and dedication. There were times when I felt tired, when I wanted to give up and take a break. But I knew that in order to achieve my goals, I had to push through the fatigue and keep going. I knew that success would not come easily, but through perseverance and determination, I could overcome any obstacle.

As I continued to play basketball, I began to realize that it was not just about the game itself, but also about the friendships and connections I formed along the way. I met people from different backgrounds and cultures, all brought together by our shared love for basketball. We supported each other, encouraged each other, and celebrated each other's successes. The basketball court became a place of unity and camaraderie, where differences were set aside and a common passion brought us together.

Today, basketball is not just a sport for me, it is a way of life. It has shaped me into the person I am today – confident, disciplined, and resilient. It has taught me the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. It has taught me to embrace challenges and to never give up. It has taught me the power of perseverance and the joy of success.

In conclusion, playing basketball has been a transformative journey for me. It has taught me valuable life lessons, helped me grow as a person, and brought me lifelong friendships. From a young boy with a basketball in hand to a young man chasing his dreams, basketball has been my constant companion. And I know that no matter where life takes me, the love for the game will always remain in my heart.

描写少年打篮球范文英语4 篇三

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第一篇

I'm a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it's interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan, Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, O'Neal and so on.

Yao Ming is in the NBA, too. He's Chinese. He plays basketball well. He's a center forward. He's our pride. All the ball stars can jump, shoot and pour in the basket. So each game of the NBA is wonderful. Sometimes the players can perform miracles, I think.

This year's champion is Spur Team. It's one of the strongest contenders.

I like NBA. I love basketball.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二篇

I like to play basketball very much, so when I wentto middle school, I joined the basketball team.


Last week, our team had a match, we were againstanother school, all of us were so excited , becausethis was the first time for us to play.


When half match time went, we lagged behind, our team leader called us together and told uswe must get united, so that we could have the chance to win.


Then we played hard and cooperated so well, we won the game at last, it was so amazing, unionis strength.


描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三篇

There are so many sports we can play these days, but among them, I like to play basketball best. I learnt to play it when I was 11 years old.

Playing basketball can bring me some good friends, they have something in common with me, they always ask me to play it with them; And we can always share our skills together. We learnt what teamwork is from playing basketball. Sometimes we watch NBA games together, my favourite NBA star is Yao Ming, he is very modest, too.

We usually play basketball after school and on the weekends as well. I feel very happy when I pass my ball to my pals. We always cheer when we win the games.

I hope I can play basketball as well as Yao Ming someday in the future.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第四篇

The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium.

By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled. The school band was there; they wore yellow and black uniforms. They started to play at about a quarter to eight. Everybody stood up, and the people sang. The game was about to start. Two teams ran out to the floor. The referee blew his whistle, and the game started. A basketball game is pided into two halves, and each half is pided into two quarters. There is a rest period between the halves. During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was tied. From then on, the game was very exciting. First one team made a basket, then the other. The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to win.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第五篇

Everytime I went across the court near my community,a strong feeling,with eager,with desire,raised found it's really an uncompetible and awesome sports I have ever experienced,the moment I was rebounding,I would find the blessing happiness in admit,that's a little bit crazy,while the same reason I'm fond in playing,also watching NBA games,Kobe Bryant(你可以自己写)is my favorite super star player,my only should practice day and night to reach his height,though a day-dream.

That's me,a fantastic basketsball fans,and I will keep it forever.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第六篇


One day, my father said to me, "Cunxi, I'll teach you how to play basketball, so that you can grow and exercise." Playing basketball is my favorite sport. I'm very happy.

我来到体育场上,那里都是打篮球的。爸爸说:“儿子,我教你打篮吧。”说时迟,那时快只见爸爸忽然跳了起来,同时球也被爸爸投了出去,只听“砰”的一声,球被爸爸投中了,我竖起了大 拇指对爸爸说:“爸爸真棒!”爸爸把球交给了我,让我来试一试,本以为很好打篮球的我遇到了想不到的困难,有时球砸到了我的头上,把我的头震的“嗡嗡”直响;有时从我的眼前落地了,把我吓 了一大跳;还有时没有瞄准,球打到了篮板上,球被弹了回来,“砰”的一声吓了我一跳。

I came to the stadium, where I played basketball. Dad said, "son, let me teach you how to play basketball." Later, I saw my father jump up suddenly. At the same time, the ball was thrown out by my father. I only heard "bang". The ball was thrown by my father, and I made a big stand Thumb said to Dad, "Dad is great!" Dad gave the ball to me and asked me to try it. I thought it was very good to play basketball. I met with unexpected difficulties. Sometimes the ball hit my head and made my head buzzing. Sometimes it landed in front of my eyes and scared me; When I didn't aim, the ball hit the backboard, the ball was bounced back, and the "bang" scared me.

爸爸走了过来,对我说:“儿子,投篮时首先要抱住球,使劲一蹦,然后瞄准篮筐一投,就有百分之九十的希望投中了。”我按照爸爸的方法,果然十个中有六个进了,我高兴极了!于是我再接 再厉,终于在爸爸苦口婆心的教导下,我渐渐的会带球快跑了。

Dad came up to me and said, "son, when you shoot, you have to hold the ball, jump hard, and then aim at the basket, and you have 90 percent of the hope to hit." According to my father's method, six out of ten got in, and I was very happy! So I continued to work hard, and finally, under my father's painstaking instruction, I would gradually run fast with the ball.


Later, I learned three step hurdle and other basketball skills. What a fulfilling day!

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第七篇

Look! On the pitch, a "Flying Tigers BasketballTeam" sport youngster, excitedly to aim at basketball basket, was ready toshoot: he supported the basketball, hung jump, easily threw the ball,basketball steady fell into the basket, his teammates cheered: "Good ball!"Happy mother, faced me and made a "\ (^_^)/" gesture!

With the passionate feeling music,training started! To tell you the truth, training is very hard! First time todo warming up, I run with full of sweat on head; Then do tensile movement,prevent sports injury, this is very interesting; And then pass the ball training,posture is same with shooting,just put theball to your teammates .Passing link, coach designs the reaction force game;The players have a great high! Then I dribble faster! Pass the ball farther!Shoot more accurate! At present, My shot technology is very good, the beststate can be cast ten times and hit ninetimes. Ha ha, my goal is not the "in the bag," is " every shothits the target ", tell myself, must strive to oh!

Each lesson, there would hold shootinggames between the groups, that's fun! Sometimes, when the ball hit the basket,but just don't give force, like a naughty little mouse, "Whoosh - Whoosh -Whoosh" on the ball basket edge runs several laps, and flys out!Sometimes, the ball clearly aims at the basket, throws out, but inadequate, theball is laziness, Dizzy to hit the backboard, depressed by aggressive reboundsa belly ,and go away! More often, under basketball frame,there are a scene ofcheers: basketball from hands smartly flysout, draws a perfect line, neatlythrough the ball basket, basketball is like meteor that across the sky ,it is sobeautiful! My teammates are pided into groups, and constantly encourage and cheerforteammates ,we quickly become good friends! The basketball game, winning is nota race, but friendship and happiness!

Playing basketball, strengthened mycollective sense of honor and teamwork ability, looking forward to the futurepractice can really put me into a flying tiger!

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第八篇

as one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can mentally.

nowadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it .under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry that's one of the charming of the basketall。



描写少年打篮球范文英语 第九篇


This morning, as soon as I entered the basketball court of the gymnasium, I began to dribble the ball. Unexpectedly, there was a player whose speed was like the wind. He jumped up from behind and xxxed my ball. However, I reacted immediately and ran to him to xxx the ball.

可球总是不到我这儿来;很快,我就已经满头大汗了,正在我累得直喘气时,球员不小心把我推了一下,我便一下坐在地上,他见我跌倒了,便赶忙跑来,问我伤到没有;我见他将球丢下时,便站起 来把球抢了过来,他愣了愣才反应过来。接下来,我拍着球冲到了栏下,正准备投球时,突然,那个球员跑到了我的面前准备要抢我的球;我也学着他的样式运球,忽然一跃而起,将球投上了篮框,球 进了!

But the ball always doesn't come to me; soon, I'm sweating all over my head. When I'm tired and gasping, the player accidentally pushes me, and I sit on the ground. When he saw that I fell, he rushed to ask if I was hurt. When I saw that he dropped the ball, he stood up and grabbed the ball. He was stunned and then reacted. Next, I hit the ball and rushed to the bar. When I was ready to throw, all of a sudden, the player ran to me and was ready to grab my ball. I also learned his style of dribbling, and suddenly jumped up, threw the ball into the basket, and the ball entered!


This is my first time to fight with a master and win, some excitement, some pride. In the future, I will work harder to make my basketball technology to a higher level.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十篇

In my summer vacation,I was very I play basketball all the keeps me I am in great basketball,I like it a lot,it is a very interesting it is basketball is popular in all countries nowadays,so there are a lot of big star of basketball,just like Kobe ,James,Wade and a lot of basket ball people fan them I like playing basketball very much,and I playing basket very is all,so this is my favourite sports,thanks.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十一篇

Playing basketball is my favorite sport. As long as there is not dozen one day, my heart always uncomfortable, not steadfast.

Weekly TV "basketball park" program I would see, my favorite is the NBA basketball game, in the NBA basketball game, star collects gathers, every game is very wonderful, fascinating. I adore many basketball stars, such as basketball flying Michael Jordan, the best Dennis rodman, etc.

From 1 grade began to play basketball. At that time, I shot is very low, not to mention what kind of ball control technology. Because I am in this two years of unremitting efforts, my basketball technology improved a lot. I often play basketball with some junior high school students.

I think playing basketball is a very meaningful activities. First of all, basketball is a collective movement, is a collection of several players and another group, so the basketball match can show a kind of collectivism spirit of mutual cooperation.

Basketball also have very big profit to the body. Since I play basketball, the body grew strong, no longer can't withstand the wind and rain like once upon a time, often catch a cold. At home, I often can help my mother do some housework. Heavy physical strength Mum often proudly to the neighbors said, "my son is now a good helper of me."

I like basketball, I would like to basketball with my life.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十二篇

In the P. E. class we had a basketball match. I jumped up to catch the ball. However, when I fell to the ground, I stepped my left foot on a foot of another student. My ankle was sprained. And it ached very much. I had to walk with a limp.


描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十三篇

I like playing basketball that is my favorite play it twice a week and that is health for me and strengthen my muscle.

Basketball is an international sports that have many competitions in world,many people love this sports and exercise it every can take me any active,passion and interesting of this addition we can get many friends in this process and being happy as enhance our body healthy and can with your friends play this sports together,it would be let you fanny and make a lot of fun.

Above all,I can take a good sports for me of basketball that is my favorite you love,just do it!Because we are young now,take a good sports to just do it and maintain this condition like your first love!

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十四篇

I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our for me,I like playing basketball. You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so aiways piay basketball in the morning and in the course,'where there is a will,there is a way',Not only my teachers but also my classmates are all pleasant with the other hand,I am in good of that,I like basketball better than also can see,when I am angry,I will piay basketball,then,I may be happy. I like playing basketball,what is your favorite sport?

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十五篇


Today is March 20. I have a PE class.


Today's PE class is to play basketball, everyone has a good time, today, I'll introduce our group to play it!


Our group: Tang Chen, Wu Zihou, Bao Siyuan, I and Hu Yiyang play together. The final score is 2-2. At the beginning, everyone didn't throw in. But after a while, they scored a goal and scored a point.


Next, our team is not willing to fall behind. Later, I used the useless ball to pass the ball. Soon, Tang Chen of our team broke out his potential and let our team quickly win a goal and draw 1-1 with them!


Their team also found that my sports difficult life has become stronger (a little boastful), so they also raised and let me go, and every time they free throw, when we serve, they also started to raise and let me go, but they still didn't stop me (maybe I became stronger!), but because of our poor throwing skills, they won a goal.


In the end, our team's ability broke out, from the original 1 combat power to 1000 combat power, and our tacit understanding value changed from 1 to 100! Finally, we won a goal, so class ended.


What's up? Is this basketball game fun?

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十六篇


Yesterday morning, my father and I went to play basketball. We had two balls and dad said, you pass from below, I pass from above. I said, OK. Lets pass, pass. I passed well and Im very proud. At the time of my pride, I didnt get it. After a while... It rained. We took our clothes home. I know: I dont want to be proud, I want to be careful

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十七篇

As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can mentally. nowadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it .under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .

just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry that's one of the charming of the basketall。

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十八篇

On Monday afternoon, we had a PE class. Many people in the class brought basketball, and so did the teacher.

When we got off the playground, the teacher told us in a loud voice: "practice shooting today, boys and girls are pided into four teams, ready to practice shooting! Unit

We pided the team, began to shoot: I can't shoot, just throw it casually, and I'm afraid of hitting people, I seriously miss it. I was surprised and frightened.

When I came to me again, I saw the skills of all the pitchers and began to be serious. I thought about it for a while and was ready to throw the ball - Yap! Yes!

I've hit seven of these innumerable loops! I applaud myself!

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第十九篇

I like to play basketball very much, so when I wentto middle school, I joined the basketball team.

Last week, our team had a match, we were againstanother school, all of us were so excited,becausethis was the first time for us to play.

When half match time went, we lagged behind, our team leader called us together and told uswe must get united, so that we could have the chance to win.

Then we played hard and cooperated so well, we won the game at last, it was so amazing, unionis strength.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十篇

In the afternoon, I and my cousin came to school to practice playing basketball on the playground of cold and cheerless, the wind carnival, just blow my hair all messed up. Two campus playground, four basketball board, on the other side there are two primary school children and two adults play basketball together.

Looked at the man over there in basketball, rob the ball, shooting, ball... This really fast, and every one of your shot quite a quasi. In our hearts I admire, admire you!

"Well, now only me and my cousin on the basketball court side two, and two basketball rookie, nobody taught, how to play? Forget it, when to play and play." I thought to myself.

I beat the basketball, practice exercises. Basketball fell on the floor of the crisp voice echoed in the empty campus, the campus is more cold and cheerless. I stopped in the basketball stand a few meters from the distance movement, raised his ball is shot up. Unfortunately, 1 of "boom" basketball is on board, didn't in! Pick up the ball and try a second time and also didn't, I go too low... Don't tried a dozen times, three times is a made basket. I threw the ball to his cousin, let him have a try, hey, this guy like me, now have a "partner"!

Know basketball people see us playing the ball over there, then we will face gone! The two pupils are playing better than they appear to be a middle school student, that at my face don't in the cousin's face do?

I do not know when, it is here. There is hope! She can play basketball, at least in the campus contact more better than me, I haven't touch basketball for three times, maybe that's my sadness. She will teach me how to get to the basket, is I before shooting posture. But, I finally learned so little fur, the most basic things. I want to thank it!

All of a sudden, we explore the "legs basketball" this action. "I've never seen any students will do this action." I said. "Let's try!" Clearly smile happily. "Good, you come first!" I threw the basketball to her with a smile, is very curious about her how to perform this action. First she slapped the basketball, and then put a leg across from the basketball in the past, mouth cried out, "hey, look at my crotch basketball!" Action is very funny, very like playing that kind of feeling. We've all been laugh, this is "legs" basketball!

She picked up the ball to me, to my deduced. I also take some basketball and slightly open, your leg let basketball directly rolled past. Basketball rolling assiduously in the past, we all laughed. "You're so silly!" Clear criticise.

The last one is my cousin. He studies the collection, wanted to call it across the basketball, but carelessly become "football". The problem is he kicked the ball to my side, hit me! He quickly withdrew his foot, escaped my assiduously "after"...

We are also in the play "turn on a fingertip basketball", it's very funny. We are all basketball rookie, rookies play basketball very well, now that don't know how to play with it to play in all kinds of strange way. Since can't become a basketball player, when a very failure of basketball rookie well, at least it's much more interesting than when the master!











描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十一篇

Since I came to middle school, I spent some time to get used to the new environment. Now I have made many friends here and I get along well with my classmates.

The communication between students develops so fast must be owed to the basketball match. I joined the team and fought for my class. I practised with my partners and during the progress, we got to know each other well and soon we became the real team.

The other classmates cheered for us when we in the match. It was such a good atmosphere. The whole class became so closed at this moment. The group activity can unite people together.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十二篇


On Monday afternoon, we had a PE class. Many people in the class brought basketball, and so did the teacher.


When we got off the playground, the teacher told us in a loud voice: "practice shooting today, boys and girls are pided into four teams, ready to practice shooting! Unit


We pided the team, began to shoot: I can't shoot, just throw it casually, and I'm afraid of hitting people, I seriously miss it. I was surprised and frightened.


When I came to me again, I saw the skills of all the pitchers and began to be serious. I thought about it for a while and was ready to throw the ball - Yap! Yes!


I've hit seven of these innumerable loops! I applaud myself!

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十三篇

On TV, I saw the Chinese team against the United States, and the Chinese team just grabbed the backboard and was taken away by the United states. What's more, it is also internationally recognized: the United States is the most powerful national basketball. I don't believe it. Are Americans geniuses of basketball? I don't believe it. Will China be inferior to the United States? There are so many people in our country, can't we form a strong team and break the unwritten law? Therefore, I have a dream that I can become a member of the Chinese basketball team and represent China in the world basketball match!

I like playing basketball very much. As soon as I get to the big break, my figure will appear on the basketball court. I'm tall, and besid

es, I'm good at football. So, I want to be a basketball player, lead the Chinese team to defeat the American team, let China also become a basketball power. I'm going to score NBA and be the second Jordan.

But if you have ideals, you must act! If you want to play basketball, you must be tall and slam dunk. So, I want to eat more, eat less snacks. Get up and run in the morning. I also use my spare time to play basketball. Sometimes I have to read books about basketball and see how other countries train. I want to think about how to crack them. At one time, on the Internet to see how close coordination between the players, how to dribble, how to intercept the cap. Silently remember their dribbling track, smooth coordination, perfect pace and graceful layup. There was no basket, but my dream made a basket in my mind. I kept on practising, and sometimes I was surprised by others, and some children laughed at me. But I didn't mind, holding basketball, I forgot the world, and even forget myself.

Ideal is a lamp at night that enables you to see the fire of hope in the dark." I will work hard for my ideal.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十四篇

There are so many sports we can play these days, but among them, I like to play basketball best. I learnt to play it when I was 11 years old.

Playing basketball can bring me some good friends, they have something in common with me, they always ask me to play it with them; And we can always share our skills together. We learnt what teamwork is from playing basketball. Sometimes we watch NBA games together, my favourite NBA star is Yao Ming, he is very modest, too.

We usually play basketball after school and on the weekends as well. I feel very happy when I pass my ball to my pals. We always cheer when we win the games.

I hope I can play basketball as well as Yao Ming someday in the future.


描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十五篇

Since I was small, I like to play basketball, because I was effected by my father, he likes to watch basketball game so much, I will watch the basketball game with him. So when I went to school, I joined the basketball team in my class, we made up of a basketball team. Last week, we had our first match. I was asked to play in the first time, I felt so nervous, I am so afraid that I could not cooperate with my team well.

When the match started, I watched the basketball and moved as the ball flied, I forgot my job, I was asked to cover the team leader. I recognized my mistake, I changed my move, at last, I covered our captain successfully, our team won the game. I learned so much from this match, team work comes first.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十六篇

Playing basketball is my favorite sport. As long as there is not dozen one day, my heart always uncomfortable, not steadfast.

Weekly TV "basketball park" program I would see, my favorite is the NBA basketball game, in the NBA basketball game, star collects gathers, every game is very wonderful, fascinating. I adore many basketball stars, such as basketball flying Michael Jordan, the best Dennis rodman, etc.

From 1 grade began to play basketball. At that time, I shot is very low, not to mention what kind of ball control technology. Because I am in this two years of unremitting efforts, my basketball technology improved a lot. I often play basketball with some junior high school students.

I think playing basketball is a very meaningful activities. First of all, basketball is a collective movement, is a collection of several players and another group, so the basketball match can show a kind of collectivism spirit of mutual cooperation.

Basketball also have very big profit to the body. Since I play basketball, the body grew strong, no longer can't withstand the wind and rain like once upon a time, often catch a cold. At home, I often can help my mother do some housework. Heavy physical strength Mum often proudly to the neighbors said, "my son is now a good helper of me."

I like basketball, I would like to basketball with my life.







描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十七篇

What's your dream? A dream like faith, dream as Krylov said: "the reality is that on this side, the other side is ideal, the middle of the river rapids, action is the bridge on the river." While everyone has dreams, but to achieve the dream of people have two kinds, one is a strong heart, full of confidence, constant efforts, in order to achieve the purpose, and the other is a strong self-control, only imaginary people, often the people can realize the dream and I, it is because the basketball has become one of the former basketball, changed my destiny.

When I was in junior high school, I was in touch with basketball. Why? Just because before I read junior high school, I didn't think basketball had any charm, but I didn't know I would like it deeply. I thought it was my friend, my friend. And I learn basketball process is very difficult, but it is also happy. I have to learn basketball as my junior high school dream, but my genius may really not as good as others tend to others of a thing, I want to learn dozens of times, maybe more, maybe not, but Zhai Pengfei's words let me hold down, his dream: "once the action, it will become holy." Gave me great encouragement, because only the word, because do not want to give up the dream, let me get up early every day, others can learn things, and I was practicing 100 times, practice than they know, because my resistance is not enough, I will insist on running every day, because I bounce I have enough, weight, beyond them, although the process is very hard, sweat too much, but I was very happy, because I'm making progress every day, I finally succeeded, in the junior middle school, I also considered a good play, but this is not enough, I will continue to work hard, because of my dream take action, become sacred.

Do you know what is the happiest thing? Just as Du Shiyang said: "the happiest thing in the world is to thoroughly understand their own life and the pursuit of dreams, and relying on their natural talent, let your dreams be realized, so that their talents to highlight.

My dream is to be a good basketball player. When I was in grade three, I took part in the school basketball team. Next is Xiao Bian for you to tidy up my basketball dream student composition, I hope to help you.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十八篇

My extra-curricular life, is so rich and varied: reading, Internet, listen to music, playing basketball…… may be my favorite is playing basketball.

Winter vacation day, and several students came to school on the playground playing basketball. We pided into two teams, each team starting five, with two bench.

Game started, our team of the basketball center Chenheng Sen fought over, I grabbed the basketball, immediately dribble a midfielder. Wang Hao as a result of the cover to me, I speed up the pace, like a wild horse, like the Tuojiang Zhidao Huanglong, immediately attracted a pincer attack from the siege of three opponents. They leaping high, I tried to cover the ball. I Linweibuju, with the eyes of Yuguang glance around to see the small Wang Hao, then a pass behind, passed the ball a little space身处Wang Hao, after his catcher, jumped the sky and the ball went Into the basket.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第二十九篇


● 怕孩子会“感染”上他们可怕的口音

● 害怕自己混淆语法,或用错词语

● 担心自己的词汇量不够用来教孩子








描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十篇

Every one has lots of hobbies, some people like collect coin and stamp, and some people also like sport and music , but my favourite sport is basketball, I think play basket ball can build up my body and it can make me relax .It is interesting and it can keep me healthy

However , I know that I spend lots of time playing basketball is unwise . But I like it . Because It is very useful for my life .

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十一篇

I'm fourteen years old this year, so to be sure, it's a dynamic and confident age, but for me, life is nothing like that.

It is often said that a man can have a goal only if he has a dream. It's full of energy and full of confidence, though I have dreams and goals. But I don't have much confidence. Because I think my dream is too far away, too far away, there seems to be no hope for me.

Before I was 12 years old, I didn't know much about basketball and didn't pay much attention to it. But I often play basketball with my classmates. Under the dazzling skills of the students, I feel like a super rookie". It is also from that time, I like basketball, like it brings me pleasure, I like the basketball court that kind of freedom feeling.

At the age of 12, I began to contact with the basketball, because before primary school students often play some skills, so learn more easily, quickly from the "super rookie" into "rookie", also made the acquaintance of several class love basketball students. Among us, I am the worst, and this is my shortcoming.

I've been working hard ever since I learned to play basketball. I hope I can get into a professional team someday. I don't want to be famous. I just want to make my dream come true. However, my height as I become a occupation basketball players the biggest problem, because of my height is only 1 meters seven, the team entered the occupation height is not enough, I have been thinking, what method can make him taller, I want to dunk, but because of the height. I don't even know how to rebound. But I did not give up, I believe there will be miracles.

I love basketball, as I love life; love the sound of the ball into the basket when brushing the nets; love that does make the shot reflection and correction; I started pitching posture is not right, which for me is that playing for more than a year ball position, want to change easier said than done! I didn't give up. I practiced my pitching at the wall every day at home, practiced for nearly a month, and finally gained something.

There is a song called "my future is not a dream", I was deeply touched by it, I always believe, believe that one day, even if I failed, I will not give up my love of basketball, I won't forget the basketball has brought me endless joy.

I've been thinking, if I'm good at it, maybe my basketball dream will come true. I believe in a word, "as long as hard work, iron rod into a needle."." As long as I don't give up, I am sure I will succeed.

I, a basketball fan, have a basketball dream - I want to fly freely in the basketball sky and find my own sky!

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十二篇


Today, I played basketball with my brother. We had a good time.


As soon as we got to the court, we went straight to the theme and started the basketball competition between the two of us. At first it was my brother with the ball. I defended. I saw my elder brother step forward with an arrow. When I just stretched out my upper arm to block him, he hit the East and hit the West and ran away from the other side. I didn't expect that my brother, a little fat man, could reach out his hand so quickly. He could run faster with the ball than me. I can't help but admire my brother.


We were fighting so hard that we didn't know when it started to drizzle. Although the coat is wet, it doesn't affect our enthusiasm for playing at all. My brother and I shoot at fixed points, and my brother's hit rate is much higher than me. My brother's posture is standard. Although he has a small fat belly, his cool posture is no worse than that of NBA players. Ha ha! My brother's hit rate has reached 80%, while I only have about 30%. I'm really ashamed. It seems that I need more practice.


Although my brother beat me to pieces today, there is no chance to fight back, but I believe that through my unremitting efforts, I will continue to surpass myself and my brother!

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十三篇

As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super weekend.

they transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can mentally.

nowadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it .under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry thats one of the charming of the basketall.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十四篇

A Basketball Match

Last Friday afternoon, there was a basketball match between Class One and Class Four. It was the final match of basketball games. Almost all students went to the playground to enjoy this match. The students of the two classes are the most excited. They tried their best to cheer for their team. This match lasted for half an hour. It was very exciting. Both teams did very well. At last, Class Four won the games and the scores were47:39.



描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十五篇


Today, there is a white cloud floating in the blue sky. I went out to play with Dingding, Xiaogang and Xiaoma.


Xiaogang said happily, "let's play basketball."


Ding Ding said, "yes, it's a good day to play basketball."


Xiaoma said, "Yang Qi, with your father, it will be more fun."


I said, "OK!"


With that, I'll take dad with me. Hold the basketball and go to the basketball court.


We began to group. It was like this: Dad and pony. I work with Xiaogang and Dingding.


Ding Ding listened to this, and he was stupefied. Said: "ah, my uncle also participated. Uncle can top ten of me, isn't that pony taking advantage of it? "


"Don't worry, I'm sure." I said confidently.


"Toot -" the whistle sounded. The game started


Xiaogang is a "ball xxxer". He xxxed the ball from Xiaoma and took it with him. Dad saw it and rushed to grab the ball. Xiao gang saw me and passed the ball to me. I catch the ball. The pony sees it. Hurry up. But the pony's skill is not as good as mine. I got rid of him three times, five times and two times. When Dad came to grab the ball, I took it for a while first, and gave it to Ding Ding with a fake move. Dad saw my fake action first, and went to pursue it in a dazed way. When he saw it, he found that only his teammate, Xiaoma, turned around and saw that there was basketball, so-called "Shenxing Taibao" Xiaoma. It's late, it's fast. Ding Ding put in the basket unhurriedly. Just in time, the first half was over.


During the break, I said to Dingding, "Dingding, you also said that my father also participated. My father can top ten of me. As a result, our team is in the lead for the time being. You scored the first goal. "


Ding Ding said, "hee hee."


Xiaogang said: "don't be complacent too early, and in the second half, we must win in the second half."


I said to Dingding, "I see."


Dad, dad said to Xiaoma, "don't be discouraged, and in the second half, you must surpass him in the second half." After listening to his father's words, Xiaoma was confident and said, "uncle, we must win."


The second half of the game began. Our team used three strategies: to get rid of the tiger, to take advantage of the fire, and to blossom on the trees. Dad's team used two subtopics, one is easy to get rid of the other.


Finally, the score is 25-24, Dad's team is only one point behind our team, we are very happy.


What a wonderful basketball match!

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十六篇

Every one has lots of hobbies, some people like collect coin and stamp, and some people also like sport and music,but my favourite sport is basketball, I think play basket ball can build up my body and it can make me relax .It is interesting and it can keep me healthy

However,I know that I spend lots of time playing basketball is I like It is very useful for my life .

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十七篇

A 300 word diary of playing basketball.


Today, in the second half of the second class, I went downstairs to play basketball after I corrected the wrong questions. This basketball game is absolutely exciting and intense. I am full of expectation.

我们分好班后,准备血拼.第一步商议战术,各有分工.我、黄文昶、王明辉一组.敌方由吕子健、王楷迪、张方泽组成.我们的战术是这样的:黄文昶投球和抢篮板,王明辉断球,我嘛,是专门防 止别人把球投进篮筐的,也就是俗称的“盖帽”!好比赛正式开始,张方泽首先把球传给吕子健,随后,吕子健拉三一计三分球,我跑上前去准备盖帽,但由于我起跳太晚,吕子健把球投了出来,结果 没投中,该抢篮了,王楷迪可谓是抢篮板的高手,就这样,他拥有一个“板神”的称号,这次,他又抢着了,一个补投没进,王明辉也在板下,正好,王明辉也在篮板,他抢着了球了,王明辉,也有一 称号“内奸”,这回他传给了黄文昶,黄文昶投进了球,经过20分钟的角逐我们大获全胜.今天太开心了。

After we have pided the classes, we are ready to fight. The first step is to discuss tactics, each with its own pision of labor. I, Huang Wenchang and Wang Minghui. The enemy consists of LV Zijian, Wang Kaidi and Zhang Fangze. Our tactics are as follows: Huang Wenchang pitches and grabs rebounds, Wang Minghui breaks the ball, and I am specialized in defense No one else throws the ball into the basket, which is also known as "blocking"! Good game officially starts, Zhang Fangze first passes the ball to LV Zijian, and then LV Zijian pulls a three one three—point goal, I run to prepare for blocking, but because I jump too late, LV Zijian throws the ball out, and the result is No shooting, it's time to grab the basketball. Wang Kaidi is a good rebounder. In this way, he has the title of "board God". This time, he grabbed another shot. He missed a make—up shot. Wang Minghui is also under the board. Just in time, Wang Minghui is also in the backboard. He grabbed the ball. Wang Minghui, there is also one The title "traitor", this time he passed it to Huang, who scored the goal, and after 20 minutes of competition we won. Today is so happy.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十八篇

My favorite Sports is basketball. It looks so cool in TV that I was crazy about those basketball stars ever since I was little.

Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I’m like wind flying in the playground for my goal, which makes me feel so GREat!

Basketball needs quick reaction and decision. When chance comes, it may disappear in the next second. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf.

Further more, basketball is a sports more than just exercising, It needs team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate doing and what he needs me to do for him. On the other side, I should learn to show my teammate what I need. At the same time, I need to keep an eye on the whole game, knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team. It involved more cooperation and strategy.

I played basketball more for about 5 years now. I make many good friends throught this sports. It is proud to win honor for my team and my school. Also I enjoy all games with my friends. Basketball will be my best friends in the future and my best memory about school life.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第三十九篇

When I see NBA TV to watch them play basketball star, as always praise them in your heart. See! What a cool game they play. Bang"! With the clear Wyatt, a basketball landing sound, sweat dripping, a quiet heartbeat even athletes have heard, there was an athlete in three points, the game raged like the same lively, beside the cheerleaders and the audience are cheering for him.

When I grow up, I want to be an excellent athlete like Yao Ming. It is an honorable job for athletes. It adds luster and glory to China, and the country needs the Olympic athletes like us.

Basketball is not only a sport, or a kind of spirit, it encourages people to forge ahead, do not be afraid of any challenge, it is difficult to give difficulties to a backstroke".

As for me, I was obsessed with basketball fans, no matter what the weather is bad, my partner and I still play basketball together, when I play basketball too often injured, not the legs broken, his arm is broken, my parents often advised me not to play basketball, but still did not change my love for basketball the. Is it true that the Olympic athletes in the Olympic Games are not injured? How about this small injury?

I believe that one day I will become a basketball player.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第四十篇

Everyone has a hobby. I like doing sports and I like playing basketball the best. So I decided to play basketball every morning with my classmates. Today, the weather was nice. Early in the morning, I got up and worn clothes quickly. When I arrived at the basketball ground, my classmates have already been there. First, we ran around the basketball ground so that we could play better in the game.

After that, we began to play basketball. In the end, we beat another team. Although we all felt tired, we were happy and proud.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第四十一篇

There are so many sports we can play these days, but among them, I like to play basketball best. I learnt to play it when I was 11 years old.

Playing basketball can bring me some good friends, they have something in common with me, they always ask me to play it with them; And we can always share our skills together. We learnt what teamwork is from playing basketball. Sometimes we watch NBA games together, my favourite NBA star is Yao Ming, he is very modest, too.

We usually play basketball after school and on the weekends as well. I feel very happy when I pass my ball to my pals. We always cheer when we win the games.

I hope I can play basketball as well as Yao Ming someday in the future.





描写少年打篮球范文英语 第四十二篇

Sunshine, brilliant sunshine, warm shining the earth, like the happy angel, to bring people unlimited warmth.

The sports class, we exercise several times high leg and small run, more than 10 minutes left, the teacher said: "after the dissolution of free." This is really wonderful! I was like a happy bird, I was glad to have flowers, so I picked up basketball and played on the basketball court.

But the joy didn't last long. When I was just putting in a few balls, I was ready to catch the ball. I didn't know where it was. My eyes followed the movement of the ball landed in a tall boy. At this time, more than a dozen boys gathered around. He saw the ball in his waist and said to me, "what ball do you play for a girl? Rope skipping is for you."!" He has just finished, he heard a shrill laughter, suddenly, I fly into a rage: "how the girl? I just love playing basketball!" Then he reached for the ball. Unexpectedly, he suddenly turned around, I grab a space, but they are many, I robbed several times didn't get discouraged, finally, to find a quiet place to sit down, all eyes looked at my favorite basketball in their hand passed, felt very uncomfortable.

I love playing basketball, whether it was before or now. Even though I knew I was a girl, playing basketball was still my love. Once, I worked so hard to break through the "38" line between men and women, and let them teach me how to play, and even willing to let me associate with them and play with other classes. Now, in retrospect, no one can remember clearly, but is it wrong to be a girl now? Isn't there a women's basketball match in the world now? Why do I think of here, I can not help but an acid nose, a big bean tears, with my basketball dream can not help but slide

The sun is shining like that, but it doesn't warm me. I broke my heart.

描写少年打篮球范文英语 第四十三篇


After dinner today, my father and I decided to have another fight. We picked up the basketball and started playing in the yard.


I took the basketball and ran to the basketball rack. Just as I was about to throw the ball to the basketball rack, Dad suddenly put out his two big hands from behind me and grabbed the ball. I felt very unconvinced, so I ran to dad and tried to get the ball back. However, no matter how hard I try, the ball always moves up and down in my father's hands. I just can't get it. All of a sudden, I got an idea and pretended to say to my father, "Dad, look, there's a plane in the sky!" Dad listened, looked up and went to see the plane. When I saw that my father had been cheated, I grabbed the basketball quickly. Of course, dad didn't see anything. When he found out that he was on, I quickly threw the ball to the basket. Yeah! The ball is in. I'm 1-0 ahead for the time being.


In this way, we competed nervously and happily in the yard. When our score was 15-15, we were sweating and panting. Dad said, "son, this is the end of today's game. Let's play next time!"


It's a happy contest!


