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服装金典句子英语 篇一

The Art of Dressing: Classic Fashion Quotes

Fashion is not just about clothes; it is an expression of one's personality, taste, and creativity. Over the years, many fashion icons and designers have shared their wisdom and insights about the world of style. These classic fashion quotes have become timeless reminders of the importance of dressing well and embracing individuality. Let's explore some of these inspiring quotes:

1. "Fashion fades, style is eternal." - Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent, a legendary French fashion designer, emphasized the longevity of style rather than following fleeting trends. This quote reminds us to prioritize timeless pieces and personal style over temporary fashion fads.

2. "One is never overdressed or underdressed with a little black dress." - Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld, the former creative director of Chanel, highlighted the versatility and elegance of the little black dress. This iconic piece has become a wardrobe staple for women around the world, representing sophistication and simplicity.

3. "I don't do fashion. I am fashion." - Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel, a pioneer of modern fashion, believed that fashion was not just an industry but an art form that reflected one's identity. This quote encourages us to embrace our unique style and make a statement through our clothing choices.

4. "Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." - Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel's emphasis on simplicity and elegance resonates with those who appreciate understated beauty. This quote reminds us that sometimes less is more and that simplicity can be the ultimate form of sophistication.

5. "Fashion is about dressing according to what is fashionable. Style is more about being yourself." - Oscar de la Renta

Oscar de la Renta, a renowned fashion designer, highlighted the distinction between fashion and style. While fashion is influenced by external trends, style is an expression of one's true self. This quote encourages us to stay true to ourselves and embrace our unique identity through our fashion choices.

6. "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." - Rachel Zoe

Rachel Zoe, a prominent fashion stylist, emphasizes the power of style as a form of self-expression. This quote reminds us that our clothing choices can communicate our personality and values to the world.

7. "Fashion is about something that comes from within you." - Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren, an American fashion designer, believes that fashion is not solely about external appearances but an expression of one's inner self. This quote encourages us to embrace our individuality and let our inner creativity shine through our fashion choices.

In conclusion, these classic fashion quotes serve as timeless reminders of the significance of dressing well and embracing our unique style. They encourage us to prioritize personal expression, simplicity, and individuality over fleeting trends. Let these words of wisdom inspire you to make fashion choices that reflect your true self and stand the test of time.


服装金典句子英语 篇二

The Power of Fashion: Inspiring Fashion Quotes

Fashion is an art form that has the power to transform not only our appearance but also our confidence and self-expression. Throughout history, fashion icons and designers have shared their insights and wisdom, offering inspiration for fashion enthusiasts around the world. Here are some inspiring fashion quotes that showcase the power of clothing and personal style:

1. "Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them." - Marc Jacobs

Marc Jacobs, a prominent American fashion designer, highlights the transformative nature of clothing. This quote reminds us that fashion is not just about the clothes themselves but about how we wear them and make them a part of our lives.

2. "The joy of dressing is an art." - John Galliano

John Galliano, a renowned British fashion designer, emphasizes the joy and creativity that come with dressing. This quote encourages us to view fashion as a form of self-expression and an opportunity to showcase our artistic flair.

3. "Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life." - Bill Cunningham

Bill Cunningham, a legendary fashion photographer, believed that fashion acted as a shield against the challenges of everyday life. This quote reminds us of the transformative power of fashion, allowing us to face the world with confidence and grace.

4. "You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it." - Edith Head

Edith Head, an influential costume designer, believed that dressing appropriately and stylishly could help us achieve our goals. This quote encourages us to dress for success and embrace the power of clothing in shaping our lives.

5. "Fashion is about dreaming and making other people dream." - Donatella Versace

Donatella Versace, an Italian fashion designer, believes that fashion is not just about personal expression but also about inspiring others. This quote reminds us of the transformative power of fashion to ignite imagination and create a sense of wonder.

6. "Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." - Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel's quote emphasizes the link between fashion and society. Fashion is not an isolated concept but a reflection of the world around us. This quote encourages us to embrace the ever-changing nature of fashion and its connection to our lives.

7. "Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life." - Bill Cunningham

Bill Cunningham's powerful quote reminds us that fashion is not just about aesthetics but also about providing a shield against the challenges of everyday life. It allows us to feel confident and empowered as we navigate the world.

In conclusion, these inspiring fashion quotes remind us of the transformative power of clothing and personal style. Fashion goes beyond superficial appearances, allowing us to express ourselves, dream, and inspire others. Let these words of wisdom ignite your passion for fashion and empower you to embrace your individuality through your clothing choices.

服装金典句子英语 篇三

1. 再好的文案,都不及你穿上好看。

2. 衣服是灵魂的外壳,而我负责搭配,你只管美丽就好。

3. 冬天没有羽绒外套,没法出门。

4. 大家都在抢双十二宝贝,为什么没有人抢我这个宝贝。

5. 用成熟的中性色,为你的夏天加点色。

6. 因为印花的不确定性,每一件衬衫都是孤品。

7. 几何拼接,优雅不失干练个性。

8. 属于夏天的颜色千变万化,总有一种能打动你。

9. 人在衣中晃

10. 天若有情天亦老,秋裤还是穿的好。

11. 每件衬衫,都是喜欢的样子。

12. 每个女人,都是独一无二的花朵。

13. 全棉水洗,熨帖不安的心。

14. 轻柔塑形,风情满溢。

15. 生活里你不易照料到的地方,我们替你想到。

16. 干净的穿搭和干净的圈子,一样重要。

17. 自然光变胶印,有光,心就微微发烫。

18. 属于洗眼的色系,文艺又减龄。

19. 喜爱黑色,喜爱黑色的自己。

20. 衣服小贵,品质才配,我不擅长花言巧语,但擅长分享好东西给你。

21. 夏日的冰镇苏打,在身上冒泡。

22. 一条百搭吸烟裤,无数个自我腾云驾雾。

23. 拒绝随波逐流,游走于时尚前沿,一扫单调。

24. 每个女孩都是一朵独一无二的花朵。

25. 爱老婆爱孩子的同时,别忘了爱自己。

26. 努力修饰自己的外表,才更能让人看见自己值得珍爱的美丽内心。

27. 被美好熨烫,温柔体贴。

28. 的复数形式

29. 极简视觉,意外塑造出个性姿态。

30. Women are always stealing my shirts.

31. All right, baby, your blue shirts are on top, the pants in between, and the white shirts are on the bottom.

32. 衣服是半成品,你的温度赋予它完整。

33. 每一天都要精心打扮,因为你不知道下一秒会遇到谁。

34. 穿上好看的衣服,就不用刻意微笑了。

35. No, they're not just shirts.

36. 衬衫

37. 这款背心有种,让人和冰箱谈恋爱的感觉。

38. 藏青、淡卡其交织的风衣外套, 一眼就能识别的秋天气息。

39. 宝贝的每一次穿搭,都是妈妈赠与的成长贺礼。

40. 亦活力亦清爽,格调永远在线。

41. 长相是爹妈给的,但穿得漂亮是自己决定的。

42. 你应该穿上最漂亮的衣服去遛狗,让街道上迫害神经的建筑物丢脸。

43. 在精棉双纱上,时间都显得温柔许多。

44. 天真无邪,一切皆甜。

45. 请允许自己身体里有不同的自己.

服装金典句子英语 篇四

1. 被妈妈精心打扮过的孩子,从来都是自信满满的。

2. 孩子没有缺点只有特点,衣服就是要突出孩子的特点。

3. 人与人的亲密关系,有时不如一件打底衫。

4. 时间会折旧这件衣服,也会更新你。

5. 它温柔、清澈、带点浪漫,有点像你。

6. 不同的自己赋予同一件衣服不同的感觉。

7. 长夜如诗,衣裳如梦。

8. 成长只有一次,把最好的都给孩子。

9. 生活需要激情,新款需要提醒,我只想告诉你,我家春装上新啦!

10. But not for the men in white shirts.

11. 小店不大,却是一辈子的事业,你的一句喜欢,我就很满足。

12. 从小精心打扮孩子吧,气质三分天注定,七分靠麻麻。

13. 只有利落的外套和脚步不被杂草束缚。

14. 衣服不会说话,但却能告诉别人,你过得怎么样。

15. Childrenwear and Baby Garments, Shirts, Junior Apparels, Casuals Shirts, Dresses.

16. 我可能是盐吃多了,闲得总是想让你的宝贝一周不重样。

17. 今年春装必备款,美丽没有来日方长,只有当下。

18. ## Santa shirts, reindeer skirts

19. 告别一板一眼的生活,从放弃一板一眼的衬衫开始。

20. 别等没了好身材,才买得起漂亮的衣服。

21. 碎花与纯棉柔软碰撞,俏皮与舒适跃然眼前。

22. 以为过了遇见花就心动的年纪,就买了这样的T恤。

23. 只要你还认真穿衣,生活就没有失去希望。

24. 小孩子能有什么坏心思呢?不过是想每天美美地出街。

25. 三分长相七分打扮,小孩子就要尝试不同的风格,怎么好看怎么穿。

26. 小立领,高开叉,是为了反抗单调。

27. 不只是小孩子,才能穿的像个孩子。

28. 挺括形状,呈现盛夏光年。

29. 漂亮的话我不会说,但是漂亮的童装我有很多。

30. Were they wearing lumberjack shirts and jeans?

31. 活着,不仅需要氧气,更需要勇气,还得帅气、霸气。

32. 版型宽松,是希望夏日不要有束缚。

33. 将天真俏皮


34. 身体交给外套,心交给雪地,才是感受冬天的方式。

35. 重复的生活让人眩晕,穿漂亮衣服让我清醒。

36. 你有发现美的眼光,我有等待被发现的好品质,我在春天里等你。

37. 你花的每一分钱,都是在为你想要的世界投票!

38. 天冷了,穿厚点,注意别感冒了。没衣服穿?随时来找我啦!

39. 没有明显的曲线设计,隐藏了身材的秘密。

40. 情愿周身被蓝色浸染, 也不要那种毫无来由的光和热。

41. 有漂亮衣服才会有故事,别舍不得穿。

42. 穿搭很重要,不要因为自家宝贝很可爱,就随便买一套。

43. 你要多穿衣服,别冻着我的全世界了。

44. 风都是跟风,但穿什么真的不一样!

45. 面料是服装的灵魂

46. 用不同的心情,去拥抱不同的衣服。

47. 斑斓色彩,制胜夏日。

48. 我们都用念旧的情绪,来完成新的事物。(复古衣服)

49. 用灿烂的黄色,展现阳光和希望。

50. 你永远无法预测下一个浪花,会拍在什么地方,所以照顾好心情和裤腿就好。

51. 当人们默认穿黑色的人寡言少语,它就成了我拒绝社交的保护色。

52. 不影响青春的成熟,做男人一样成熟。

53. 衣服是我情绪的表达。

54. 这件迷你裙,很可爱。

55. 哪有人喜欢邋遢,不过是舍不得而已。

56. 假如你感到悲伤,希望一件毛衣的暖,能带你离开。

57. 一件衣服,就可以为你带来惊喜。

58. 秋天穿高领毛衣,能够让脖子保暖。

59. 一针针“织”起的夏日新趣。

60. 黑白两色有两款,相遇总不会少了另一半。

61. 拉链以为,世界上所有的伤口,都被愈合。

62. 性感的另一种可能

63. 人生两大烦恼:现状配不上野心,外表衬不上灵魂!

64. 在一条裙子上养了许多的花。

65. 以青春活跃的姿态迎接夏天的热情。

66. 一件全能的T恤,像你一样毫不逊色。

67. 百因必有果,变美请找我,我虽不能逗你笑,但却能让你美哭。

68. 衣服除了装饰之外,也是身体的保护膜。

69. What size are these shirts?

70. And remember, black Shirts,

71. 在失意寒冷的世界里,最需要披上的一件外衣,叫做不服。

72. 把衣柜塞满,心才不会空。

73. 明媚的柠檬黄,突破生活的框架,展现散漫的自由感。

74. 从容本色,一触即发。

75. 偶尔一点俏皮的装扮,才能找回青春的灿烂。

76. 女生如果不打扮,以后遇到抢劫的,都只会劫你的财。

77. 动画片可以重放,但童年只有一次,每个宝宝的童年应该是彩色的。

78. 造型百变,你就是夏日调色盘。

服装金典句子英语 篇五

1. 初冬已温暖舒适开启,不张扬也不刻意,为你精选每一季。

2. 坚守我的黑白主义, 管他世界五彩纷呈。

3. 重复的很多,独特的很少。你的个性,是这世界急需的养料。

4. 穿喜欢的颜色,做自己生活的主角。

5. 生活可以平凡,穿搭不能无趣。

6. 一个女生不购物,那她的审美只能由周围人决定!

7. 听,你的衣服在说话。

8. 浅声细语的雾霾蓝,织就独一无二的温柔。

9. 赋予一件衣服的人格,不需要太多装饰。

10. 送给孩子穿行世界的礼物,从他出生那刻开始。

11. 春天穿风衣,就够保暖了。


