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关于拒绝的经典句子英语作文 篇一

Title: The Power of Saying No


In life, we often find ourselves in situations where we have to make difficult decisions, including the act of refusing or saying no. Although saying no may seem negative, it can be empowering and essential for our personal growth. In this essay, we will explore the significance and power of saying no through a selection of classic quotes.


1. "The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything." - Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors in history, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and focusing on what truly matters. By saying no to distractions and opportunities that do not align with our goals, we can allocate our time and energy effectively. This enables us to excel in areas that truly deserve our attention.

2. "You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage to say no, pleasantly, unapologetically, and without guilt." - Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy, a renowned motivational speaker, highlights the need to identify our priorities and stand firmly by them. Saying no with grace and confidence is crucial in maintaining our own boundaries and protecting our time and well-being. It takes courage to say no, but by doing so, we can create space for the things that truly matter to us.

3. "The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes." - Tony Blair

Tony Blair, a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, emphasizes the significance of strong leadership in making difficult decisions. True leaders understand the importance of setting boundaries and making tough choices. Saying no when necessary can ensure that resources are allocated wisely and prevent unnecessary compromises.

4. "No is a complete sentence. It does not require an explanation to follow. You can truly answer someone's request with a simple no." - Sharon E. Rainey

Sharon E. Rainey, an author and life coach, reminds us that saying no is a complete response in itself. It is not necessary to provide justifications or explanations for our decision. By respecting our own boundaries and being assertive, we can maintain healthy relationships and prevent the feeling of being taken advantage of.


Saying no is a powerful tool that allows us to prioritize, set boundaries, and protect our well-being. By understanding the significance of saying no, as highlighted by these classic quotes, we can navigate through life with clarity and purpose. It is essential to remember that saying no does not make us selfish or uncooperative; instead, it enables us to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Word count: 601

关于拒绝的经典句子英语作文 篇二

Title: The Art of Refusing


Refusing or saying no is an inevitable part of life. It requires tact, empathy, and self-awareness to navigate these situations gracefully. In this essay, we will explore the art of refusing through a selection of classic quotes that shed light on the importance of communication and emotional intelligence in the process of rejection.


1. "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin's quote reminds us of the importance of adaptability. When refusing a request or opportunity, it is crucial to adapt our communication style and approach to the specific situation. Being open-minded and understanding can help us maintain healthy relationships even in the face of rejection.

2. "A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success." - Bo Bennett

Bo Bennett, an author and entrepreneur, emphasizes that rejection is a natural part of the journey towards success. By reframing rejection as a stepping stone rather than a personal failure, we can approach the act of refusing with optimism and resilience. Each refusal brings us closer to finding the right opportunities that align with our goals and values.

3. "Saying no frees you up to say yes when it matters most." - Greg McKeown

Greg McKeown, the author of "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less," highlights the importance of saying no to unimportant tasks or commitments. By refusing what is not essential, we create space and energy for the activities and relationships that truly matter to us. This allows us to make thoughtful and meaningful decisions when it truly counts.

4. "Rejection is an opportunity for your selection." - Bernard Branson

Bernard Branson, a motivational speaker, emphasizes that rejection provides an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. When faced with rejection, we have the chance to evaluate our choices and decisions, learn from them, and make better-informed decisions in the future. Refusing can be an act of self-improvement and personal development.


The art of refusing involves adaptability, resilience, and self-reflection. By drawing inspiration from these classic quotes, we can approach the act of saying no with empathy and understanding. Refusing is not a sign of weakness or unkindness; instead, it is a necessary step towards personal growth, success, and the pursuit of what truly matters to us.

Word count: 604

关于拒绝的经典句子英语作文 篇三

关于拒绝的经典句子英语作文 精选43句

1. 心情不是人生的全部,却能左右人生的全部。心情好,什么都好,心情不好,一切都乱了。我们常常不是输给了别人,而是坏心情影响了我们的形象,降低了我们的能力,扰乱了我们的思维,从而输给了自己。

2. 人生要有“三得”:一是沉得住气,二是弯得下腰,三是抬得起头。沉得住气,是睿智的彰显,是理智的沉淀,是成熟的标志。弯得下腰,就是做人要低调谦卑,海纳百川,能屈能伸。抬得起头,无论身处逆境还是顺境中,都要保持一种乐观进取的心态。

3. 年纪越大,越会发觉社交的种种不堪,因此,踏实的掌握一门生存的技能,认真发展一个独处的爱好,永远都不会错。

4. 其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place

5. 教育法与文明

6. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore

7. 人不对,付出再多,用情再深,最后感动的也只有自己。不要动不动就倾其所有,与其卑微到尘土里,不如留一些骄傲与疼爱给自己,最卑贱不过感情,最凉不过人心。

8. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

9. On the one hand,...,on the other hand,...

10. It's hardly too much to say that… 它几乎没有太多的说…

11. As mentioned above,...综上所述……

12. What calls for special attention is that…需要特别注意的是

13. 人生不易,生活很难,家家都有难念的经,人人都有辛酸的泪,没人知道,痛苦会在哪个时段出现,也没人清楚,烦恼会在哪个地方出现。我们能做的,就是做好自己,珍惜拥有的。

14. It must be realized that.

15. It's hardly that… 这是很难的……

16. As far as I am concerned, the advantages of...is more than disadvantages.

17. 不说人短,不思人过;不念人恶,不扬人错。能过便是生活,能走便是道路。莫嫌路颠簸,世界本曲折。

18. I sincerely believe that.

19. 这个世界不会因为你的疲惫,而停下它的脚步。今天你不用力走,明天就要用力跑。如果无法避免,那我们能做的,不过只是把自己变得更强大,强大到能够应对下一场挑战。

20. 当我们碰到这样或那样的不开心时,不妨静下心想一想,我们做这些事究竟是为了什么。当我们找回自己最初的愿望时,便会发觉眼下的不快压根算不了什么。无论何时,当苦恼袭来时,当我们的心不听话硬要生气时,一定要告诉自己:活着不是为了生气,只是为了开心的度过。

21. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

22. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,

23. 难过时就少听悲伤的歌,郁闷时就少想以前的事,饿的时候就多吃点,困的时候就早点睡,留不住的人就想开点。不要想太多,你会开心点。

24. 得不到的就顺其自然好了,不是所有的努力都会有结果,也不是所有的过程都没有意义,你不需要为不值得的人难过,更不需


25. Transportation and housing problems in major cities can be solved by moving large companies and factories and their employees to agriculture Do you agree or disagree that the old transportation infrastructure is poor, the traffic control is fast, the population growth is insufficient, the housing supply is insufficient, the city, the big company, and the factory may suffer the huge economic loss, because it is usually more difficult to operate in the remote place than in the city.

26. 请记住一个真理,不管对谁,太过热情就增加了不被珍惜的概率。

27. It's likely that … 这可能是因为…

28. 失去一个人,只是生命中的一段过程,天空不会永远都下雨,我们总会在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。

29. 可能生活有过多无能为力和无可奈何,可终究还是要努力一点儿,开心一点,想得开一点儿,毕竟历经山河,人间值得。

30. 世上没有走不通的路,只有想不通的人。想得开,想不开,最终还得想得开,何不提前想得开,找那么多烦恼干什么;放得下,放不下,最终都得被放下,何不快乐地放下,受那么多累干什么。

31. 永远不要为已发生的和未发生的事忧虑。已经发生既成事实忧虑也于事无补,未发生的凭主观臆测,无法推断事情的走向,徒增烦恼而已。

32. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with

33. 有些事,处理了就是结果,别管是对还是错,都不要再纠结;有些人,看清了就要洒脱,别管舍还是不舍,都不要再拽着。

34. 人生没有假设,当下即是全部。背不动了,就放下;伤不起的,就看淡;想不通的,不想了;恨不过的,放下吧;前面的路还要走。人生,就是一个修炼的过程,不要用内心的不平,作践了自己,也伤害了岁月。

35. 人生往往是这样,你以为的希望,其实是让你陷得更深的绝望;而你认为无尽的绝望,在一拐角却满眼希望。

36. Despite the fact that most of them like..., I would like to choose...

37. 凡事不以恶意揣度别人,不以私利给他人添堵,不妄自菲薄,也不诋毁他人,这是对自己最基本的要求。

38. Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that...

39. From above...综上所述……

40. 疼都是别人给的,但伤都是自己好的。期望是你硬塞给别人的,失望是别人甩你脸上回赠你的。

41. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

42. 一生中总会遇到这样的时候,你的内心已经兵荒马乱天翻地覆了,可是在别人看来你只是比平时沉默了一点,没人会觉得奇怪。这种战争,注定单枪匹马。

43. Only in this way can we.


