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英语重点题设计意图范文 篇一

Title: The Intent behind Designing Key English Questions


English language learning requires a comprehensive understanding of grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. To assess students' proficiency in these areas, teachers design key English questions with specific intentions. This article aims to explore the intent behind designing key English questions and how they contribute to effective language learning.

1. Assessing Grammar Proficiency:

One of the primary intentions of designing key English questions is to assess students' grammar proficiency. These questions are carefully crafted to test students' knowledge of verb tenses, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, and other grammatical concepts. By including a range of grammar-related questions, teachers can evaluate students' understanding of the language's fundamental rules.

2. Evaluating Vocabulary Mastery:

Another important aspect of language learning is vocabulary. Key English questions are designed to assess students' vocabulary mastery by including word definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and fill-in-the-blank exercises. These questions allow teachers to gauge students' ability to comprehend and use a wide range of words, ultimately enhancing their overall language proficiency.

3. Enhancing Reading Comprehension:

Key English questions also play a significant role in evaluating students' reading comprehension skills. Teachers include comprehension passages followed by questions that require students to analyze the text, infer the meaning of words, identify main ideas, and make connections. These questions test students' ability to comprehend and interpret written information, which is crucial for effective communication in English.

4. Developing Writing Skills:

Designing key English questions also serves the purpose of assessing students' writing skills. Teachers include prompts that require students to write essays, letters, or summaries. These questions test students' ability to organize their thoughts, express ideas coherently, and use appropriate grammar and vocabulary. By practicing writing through key English questions, students can develop their written communication skills, which are essential for academic and professional success.


The intent behind designing key English questions is to assess students' grammar proficiency, evaluate vocabulary mastery, enhance reading comprehension, and develop writing skills. These questions play a crucial role in measuring students' language learning progress and identifying areas for improvement. By incorporating a variety of question types, teachers can provide a comprehensive evaluation of students' language abilities, thereby facilitating effective English language learning.

英语重点题设计意图范文 篇二

Title: The Significance of Key English Questions in Language Learning


Key English questions are carefully designed to assess students' language proficiency in various aspects such as grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. This article focuses on the significance of key English questions in language learning and how they contribute to students' overall language development.

1. Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses:

Key English questions provide teachers with valuable insights into students' strengths and weaknesses in different language areas. By analyzing students' performance in these questions, teachers can identify specific areas where students excel and areas that require improvement. This information helps teachers tailor their instruction to meet individual students' needs effectively.

2. Reinforcing Learning:

Key English questions serve as a reinforcement tool for students' language learning. By revisiting and practicing concepts through these questions, students consolidate their understanding of grammar rules, vocabulary usage, and reading comprehension strategies. Consistent practice through key English questions helps students internalize language concepts and apply them in real-life situations.

3. Encouraging Critical Thinking:

The design of key English questions often involves critical thinking skills. These questions require students to analyze information, make connections, draw conclusions, and evaluate arguments. By engaging in such thought-provoking questions, students develop their critical thinking abilities, enabling them to tackle complex language tasks and make informed judgments.

4. Promoting Effective Communication:

Effective communication in English involves not only language skills but also the ability to express ideas clearly and coherently. Key English questions that require students to write essays, summaries, or letters encourage the development of effective communication skills. By practicing writing through these questions, students learn to organize their thoughts, convey meaning accurately, and use appropriate linguistic devices.


Key English questions play a significant role in language learning by helping teachers identify students' strengths and weaknesses, reinforcing learning, encouraging critical thinking, and promoting effective communication. These questions provide students with the opportunity to practice and apply language skills in a structured manner, ultimately enhancing their overall language proficiency. By incorporating key English questions into their teaching practices, educators can support students' language development and facilitate successful language learning journeys.

英语重点题设计意图范文 篇三


1.能够熟练运用fly , swim ,hop,这三个行为动词的用法。


3.能够借助图画理解《Why the Rabbit Has Long Ears》故事大意。


1.能够熟练运用fly , swim ,hop,这三个行为动词的用法。

2.能够借助图画理解《Why the Rabbit Has Long Ears》故事大意。




1.在开始复习阶段,通过让学生正确地回答问题来复习Can you____?如果学生回答:“Yes,I can.”时,就让学生来“Show me”在问题横线上加上swim 和hop,利用自己的手势语言来引导学生回答问题。

2.引导学生进行拓展练习Can a _____ ______?然后讨论课本内容。


Birds fly,飞飞飞(做飞的动作)f-l -y;

Fish swim,游游游(做游泳的动作)s-w-i-m

Rabbits hop,跳跳跳(做跳的动作)h-o-p


T:Look at Ling Ming, Is he happy?


T:What happened?发生什么事了?示意学生跟读。

Ss跟读What happened?

T:What happened? Li Ming fell in the mud. Look at Jenny and happened?What happened? Is Danny's hat too big or too small?

Ss:Danny's hat is too small.

T:Yes,Danny's hat is too small. Danny's head is stuck. Jenny is helping him.



What happened to the rabbit ?

Is the rabbit happy?

Who helps the rabbit?

Does the rabbit come out of the mud?

What will happen next?

英语重点题设计意图范文 篇四

一、 课程类型:


二、 教学目标:

一) 认知目标






在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,帮 助学生加强记忆力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力,激发创造能力。

三、 教材分析:


四、 教学重点:

1. 学会审题和谋篇

2. 掌握多样化的表达方式

3. 熟练各段中的固定写作套路

五、 教学难点:

1. 如何帮助学生运用写作策略,促进学生自主写作。

2. 使学生了解谋篇的重要性,培养谋篇的能力和习惯。

六、 教学方法:



七、 教学设计:

Step 1. Warming up

Come up with some proverbs for the students to put them into Chinese.

Recitation is of the first importance in any language learning!

Practice makes perfect! …

What do you learn from the above proverbs?

Step 2. Presentation

Make it clear to the students the importance of writing in English subject of the college entrance exams and then the goals of this lesson.

Step 3. Exhibition

Show on the whiteboard a writing.

英语重点题设计意图范文 篇五

标签:音乐 to amy and of

Teaching Procedures


All the class is set in the TV interview show—Heart Garden made by channel , I pide the class in to three groups as the guests of this TV interview show:Frends of the characte

r, Nutritionists, Psychologists. The teacher play the role of the host Step1 Lead--in

the VCR----Are teens trying to stay slim to an extreme from BBC ,then transpose to our calss,which can lead students to the TV show situation

T: “Good moring ,Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to Heart Garden made by Channel YOUNG STV .I am the ’s topic is Dying to be thin. There are three groups :Frends of the character, Nutritionists, ’s talk together to slove the problem , let’s see which group can get the most stars accroding to your active you ready? ”

S: “Yes! ”.

T: “First ,let me show you some you know them”

Show students some pop stars’pictures

T: “Whom do you like better, the thin or the fat? How can we become thin?

S: “The thin.”

T: “How can we become thin?Let’s discuss ways of losing weight.”

Suggested answers:

Going on a dietExercising in a gym or other places Receiving surgical treatment(外科治疗)Taking weight-loss pills

T: Do you think eating weight-loss pills is effective and good?”

S: “ No!’

T: “ Good!But the unfortunate thing also happened to our character--Amy .Let’s welcome Amy.”


Step2: Reading

1th E--mail

T: What happened to Amy? Please read the first e-mail quickly and retell ’t worry ,I’ll give you some hints:

Used to go to the gym ----Now( Take weight-loss pills)--- Why ( be ashamed of?)---- How? (Feel ? )---But Mum said: dangerous and priceless

(In this step ,first ask students to discribe the events step by step and then ask all the class to retell again)


2th E--mail

T: “Good job!In the first e-mail ,we know that Amy took the weight-loss pills and lost 7kg,which let her feel very tired. But then ,what happened? Did she scucess? Listen to the second E-mail, fill in the blanks.”

T:Well done! Since we know the general idea of 2th e—mail ,let’s read it and do T or F ;

is now recovering from a bad cold in hospital.()

Dong donated part of his liver to save Amy’s life. ()

follows doctor’s advice and often goes to the gym. ( )

Amy eats lots of fruit and vegetables. ( )

a slim and attractive figure, we can damage our health. ( )

Answers: FTFTF


1th and 2th e--mail

T:“Now that we have read the tow e—mails .Let’s analyse detailly,I think there’re three periods about Amy’s mood, what is her mood in each period”?

Period One (in the first E-mail)

英语重点题设计意图范文 篇六














2. 过去分词的运用



2. 过去分词在真实的生活语境中的使用。






