
时间:2014-05-08 08:14:34
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关于法律的新闻范文英语 篇一

Title: New Legislation Aims to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence

In a significant step towards protecting victims of domestic violence, the government has recently passed new legislation that aims to strengthen the legal framework surrounding such cases. The Domestic Violence Act, which was signed into law last week, will provide greater support and assistance to individuals who have been subjected to abuse within their own homes.

Under the new law, perpetrators of domestic violence will face stricter penalties and longer sentences. In addition, the act introduces measures to ensure the safety of victims, such as the provision of restraining orders and the establishment of dedicated shelters. These shelters will offer a safe haven for those fleeing abusive relationships and will provide them with access to counseling and other necessary resources.

Moreover, the legislation highlights the importance of educating the public about domestic violence. It mandates the inclusion of domestic violence prevention programs in schools and universities, aiming to raise awareness among younger generations and promote a culture of respect and equality.

The passing of this act has been widely praised by advocacy groups and legal experts. They argue that it represents a significant step forward in addressing the issue of domestic violence and providing much-needed support to victims. The new legislation sends a clear message that domestic violence will not be tolerated and that those responsible for such acts will face the full force of the law.

However, there are concerns about the implementation of the act and the availability of resources to effectively support victims. Critics argue that without adequate funding and support services, the legislation may not have the desired impact. They call on the government to ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to provide comprehensive support to victims and to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Overall, the introduction of the Domestic Violence Act is a positive development in the fight against domestic violence. It demonstrates the government's commitment to protecting victims and holding perpetrators accountable. However, ongoing efforts are needed to ensure the effective implementation of the legislation and the provision of necessary support services.

关于法律的新闻范文英语 篇二

Title: Landmark Supreme Court Decision Sets Precedent for Online Privacy Rights

In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of protecting online privacy rights, setting an important precedent for future cases involving digital privacy. The case, which involved a dispute between a technology company and the government over access to user data, has sparked a nationwide debate on the balance between privacy and national security.

The Supreme Court's decision affirmed that individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy when it comes to their digital communications and data. The court held that the government must obtain a warrant before accessing such information, just as they would for physical documents or property. This ruling is seen as a significant victory for advocates of digital privacy, who argue that individuals should have the same protections online as they do offline.

The case has also raised concerns about the reach of government surveillance and the potential violation of civil liberties. Privacy advocates argue that the government's ability to access vast amounts of personal data without a warrant poses a significant threat to individual freedoms. They call for stricter safeguards and increased transparency to ensure that government surveillance is conducted within the bounds of the law.

On the other hand, proponents of national security argue that access to digital data is crucial in the fight against terrorism and other serious crimes. They contend that the Supreme Court's ruling may hinder law enforcement's ability to effectively investigate and prevent potential threats. They stress the need for a balance between privacy rights and national security interests.

The Supreme Court's decision has sparked a nationwide conversation about the need for updated legislation to address the complexities of digital privacy. Many argue that existing laws are outdated and ill-equipped to deal with the challenges posed by rapidly advancing technology. They call on lawmakers to enact comprehensive legislation that strikes the right balance between privacy rights and law enforcement needs.

In conclusion, the Supreme Court's ruling on online privacy rights is a significant step towards protecting individual freedoms in the digital age. It sets an important precedent for future cases and highlights the need for comprehensive legislation to address the challenges of digital privacy. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial that legal frameworks adapt to ensure the protection of civil liberties.

关于法律的新闻范文英语 篇三

Another international flight to the United States has been cancelled amid continued security worries.

British Airways scrubbed废止 one of three daily flights from London to the Washington area Thursday, the latest in a series of cancellations of international flights bound for the United States.

British Airways spokesman John Lamphill, "The British government directed British Airways to cancel flight 223. We can only assume that is due tosecurity reasons, but we have no other explanation."

Wednesday, another British Airways flight was detained several hours upon arrival at Washington's Dulles Airport while . authorities questioned a number of passengers and conducted extra baggage screening. All passengers were eventually allowed to disembark.

FBI spokeswoman Debbie Wierman said authorities acted on "routine interest" rather than a specific threat or allegation.

"There were names listed on the manifest of the plane that matched [the names of] persons that . law enforcement officials were interested in interviewing. It was routine interest on our part, and, when it was all said and done, we had no concerns or worries."

But not everyone sees the stepped-up security effort as benign.;One passenger from the delayed British Airways flight vented his displeasure. "This was detention without due process, as far as I am concerned. I am an American citizen and I expect to be treated as such in my own country."

Last week, Air France canceled a half-dozen flights between Paris and Los Angeles. Wednesday, an AeroMexico flight bound for the United States was also scrubbed after . officials raised security concerns with their Mexican counterparts.

The Associated Press quotes a spokesman for Mexico's government as complaining that . officials did not share specific information about what provoked their concerns.

Two weeks ago, the . Department of Homeland Security raised the nation's alert status to "orange" - the second highest level on a five color-coded scale. Earlier this week Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge announced new airline security measures, including an initiative to have sky marshals aboard certain flights operated by foreign carriers.

关于法律的新闻范文英语 篇四

The student delegation of Hamburg visited our middle school. One morning at the end of March, the fountain spouted water with a height of 1 m, and the colored flags fluttered in the wind. There was a blackboard at the gate of the school with big words and German on it.

They said, "welcome to our school. The whole school is ready for a grand party. About six o'clock, A modern bus slowly drove into the gate and stood in the middle of the driveway.

Warm applause rang out. The delegation members got off one by one. We shook hands with each other in the company of the headmaster.

They walked into the reception room. ③ a short welcome meeting was held. The headmaster gave a brief speech and introduced the situation of the school to them.

Then they visited the school and they learned from us The school's superior equipment, such as the computer room, was very surprised, electronic teaching room and audio classroom. They wanted to know how the course was carried out, so they took part in a primary English class in the class. The teacher and the students cooperated very well.

In addition to English, they were surprised to find that our students mastered English so well. They also took German class, the second foreign language taught in our school It's very interesting for us to invite German tourists to lunch. They all want to use chopsticks.

They are not used to it, but they appreciate Chinese food very much. When we eat, they are still the same. Some performances are singing, laughing and free talking.

Although language is a barrier to communication, if we can't express our ideas in words, we communicate with gestures to make us aware How important it is to master a foreign language to strengthen the friendship between people all over the world. ① spray [sprei] V ② Gala ['ga: l'geil] n ③ reception room ④ audio ['-: DIU] a ⑤ appreciation ['pri: Mier] V ⑥ obstacles [' & BST KL] n.


汉堡学生代表团参观了我们的中学①②③④⑤⑥⑦汉堡学生代表团参观了我们中学3月底的一个早晨,喷泉喷出了①米高的水,彩旗迎风飘扬,学校门口放着一块黑板,黑板上写着大字还有德语,说:欢迎来到我们学校全校都准备好了一场盛大的晚会②大约六点钟,一辆现代化的大巴缓缓驶入大门,站在车道中间,热烈的掌声响起,代表团成员一个个下车,我们在校长的陪同下互相握手,他们走进了接待室③举行了一个简短的欢迎会,校长作了简短的致辞,并向他们介绍了学校的情况,然后带他们参观了学校,他们对我们学校优越的设备,如计算机室感到非常惊讶,电子教学室和音频教室他们很想知道这里的课程是如何进行的,所以在课堂上参加了一个初级英语课老师和学生们合作得很好除了英语他们惊讶地发现我们的学生英语掌握得如此好他们还上了德语课我们学校教的第二外语我们请德国游客吃午饭很有趣,他们都想用筷子,这是他们不习惯的,但他们很欣赏中国菜,我们吃饭的时候,他们还是一样,有些表演是唱着笑的混合在一起的自由交谈虽然语言是交流的障碍,但如果我们不能用语言表达我们的想法,我们用手势交流让我们意识到掌握一门外语能加强世界人民之间的友谊有多么重要①spray[sprei]v②gala['ga:l'geil]n③ 接待室④音频['&:diu]a⑤欣赏['普里:米埃]v⑥障碍物['&bst kl]n。

关于法律的新闻范文英语 篇五

The Indian Space Research Organisation's GSAT-9on board the Geosynchronous Satellite LaunchVehicle (GSLV-F09), launches in Sriharikota in thestate of Andhra Pradesh. —AFP


India launched a communications satellite on Fridayfor its smaller neighbours to share, part of its effortsto build goodwill in the region and counter Chineseinfluence, but arch-rival Pakistan said it would stayaway from the project.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who came to office promising to strengthen ties withneighbours such as Sri Lanka, Nepal and even Pakistan, has called the satellite a gift to southAsia.


“The successful

launch of South Asia Satellite is a historic moment. It opens up new horizons ofengagement,” he said soon after an Indian-made rocket carrying the satellite lifted off from theSriharikota space centre in southern India.


So far Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Malpes have signed up tomake use of the satellite. Pakistan said it was working on its own satellite and did not join.


The South Asia Satellite will offer participating countries television services and for bank ATMs and e-governance, and may even serve as a backup for cellularnetworks, especially in places where the terrestrial connectivity is weak, the Indian foreignministry said.

关于法律的新闻范文英语 篇六

伊万卡代替父亲主持反人口贩运圆桌会议Ivanka Trump revved up her White House role byleading a meeting in her father's absence.日前,伊万卡·特朗普在老爸缺席时主持了一次会议,为她在白宫的角色做好了准备。While President Trump delivered a commencementaddress to graduates at the . Coast GuardAcademy in New London, Conn., last Wednesday,Ivanka led Congress in a bipartisan about global human trafficking in theRoosevelt Room.当特朗普总统上周三在康涅狄格州新伦敦的美国海岸警卫队学院给毕业生做演讲的时候,伊万卡则在白宫罗斯福厅就国际人口贩卖问题主持国会进行讨论。"We have been conducting interagency meetings to understand the scope of the issue ofhuman trafficking, as well as gathering recommendations from the academic, public, andprivate sector," said Ivanka, according to CNN.据CNN报道,伊万卡说:“我们一直在进行跨部门会议,深入了解人口贩卖事件的范围,同时从学校、公众以及私营部门搜集各种建议。”"Today, we bring an additional and critical group to the table, legislative leaders, to discussconcrete steps through legislation."“今天我们请来了另外的关键团队--如立法领导们来到会议现场,共同讨论通过立法的具体步骤。”Ivanka reportedly spoke for two minutes and said in part that combating human traffickingwas "a moral and strategic interest domestically and abroad."据报道,伊万卡演讲了约2分钟,并称打击人口贩卖问题“无论在国内还是国外都具有道德和战略利益”。The meeting was another indication of the first daughter's influence in government. As anunpaid "adviser" to the president, Ivanka has sat in on meetings with world leaders andrepresented the . at the W20 summit in Germany, which focused on gender equality.此次会议是对这名第一女儿在政府的影响力的另一种展现。作为总统一名无偿的“顾问”,伊万卡已经开始与全球领导人一起参加会议。并出席了在德国举行的聚焦性别平等的W20峰会。Ivanka was also rumored to have influenced her father's decision to launch a missile strike inSyria in April and his stance on issues such as family leave. In March she admitted that her rolewas "unprecedented."据传,伊万卡还在四月份对叙利亚发射导弹以及家庭休假问题上影响了她父亲的决断。她在三月份时承认,自己的角色是“史无前例的。”


