
时间:2011-09-02 05:49:47
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Writing about the Beach - Part One

The beach is a magical place that captivates the senses and offers a sense of serenity and relaxation. As the waves crash against the shore, the warm sand between your toes, and the gentle breeze that caresses your skin, the beach provides a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

One of the most enchanting aspects of the beach is the sound of the waves. The rhythmic crashing against the shore creates a soothing melody that instantly transports you to a state of calm. Whether you're lying on a beach towel, listening to the waves in the distance, or taking a leisurely stroll along the water's edge, the sound of the waves is a constant reminder of the beauty and power of nature.

The feeling of the warm sand beneath your feet is another sensory delight that the beach offers. With each step, the sand molds to the shape of your foot, providing a gentle massage that relaxes and rejuvenates. The sensation of the sand between your toes is a tactile sensation that connects you to the earth, grounding you in the present moment and allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of your surroundings.

The beach is also a feast for the eyes. The endless expanse of glistening water stretching as far as the eye can see is a sight that never fails to inspire awe. The vibrant colors of the sky during sunrise and sunset create a breathtaking backdrop against the vast ocean, painting a picture of serenity and tranquility. The beach is also home to a myriad of fascinating creatures, from seagulls soaring through the air to crabs scuttling along the sand. Observing these incredible creatures in their natural habitat is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things.

The beach is not just a place to relax and unwind, but it is also a place for adventure and exploration. From swimming in the refreshing ocean to building sandcastles or even trying out thrilling water sports, there is an endless array of activities to enjoy. Whether you prefer the adrenaline rush of surfing or the peace and quiet of reading a book under a beach umbrella, the beach offers something for everyone.

In conclusion, the beach is a sanctuary for the mind, body, and soul. It is a place where worries melt away, and a sense of peace and tranquility washes over you. The combination of the soothing sound of waves, the warm sand beneath your feet, and the breathtaking beauty of nature creates an experience that is truly unforgettable. So, the next time you find yourself in need of a little escape, head to the beach and let its magic envelop you.

Writing about the Beach - Part Two

The beach is a place of endless wonder and beauty, offering a multitude of experiences that cater to all ages and interests. From the moment you step onto the soft sand, you are transported to a world of relaxation, adventure, and exploration.

One of the most enticing aspects of the beach is the opportunity to soak up the sun and bask in its warm embrace. Whether you're lounging on a beach chair, building sandcastles with your children, or engaging in a game of beach volleyball with friends, the feeling of the sun on your skin is a sensation that cannot be replicated. The sun's rays provide a natural source of vitamin D, boosting your mood and leaving you feeling energized and rejuvenated.

The beach is also a place where you can indulge in delicious treats and satisfy your taste buds. From savoring a refreshing ice cream cone to enjoying a picnic on the sand, the beach offers a variety of culinary delights. The salty sea air has a way of intensifying the flavors, making every bite even more delectable. As you savor each mouthful, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness.

For those seeking adventure, the beach offers a multitude of thrilling water sports and activities. Whether you're riding the waves on a surfboard, gliding through the water on a jet ski, or exploring the underwater world through snorkeling or scuba diving, there is something for every adrenaline junkie. The beach is a playground for water enthusiasts, providing endless opportunities for excitement and exhilaration.

Furthermore, the beach is a place of inspiration and creativity. The vast expanse of sand serves as a blank canvas, inviting you to create intricate sand sculptures or write messages in the sand. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore acts as a muse, stimulating your imagination and allowing your creativity to flow freely. The beach is a place where you can unleash your inner artist and create something beautiful.

In conclusion, the beach is a haven for relaxation, adventure, and creativity. It is a place where you can escape the pressures of everyday life and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Whether you're seeking tranquility, excitement, or inspiration, the beach has something to offer everyone. So, the next time you find yourself yearning for a change of scenery, head to the beach and let its wonders unfold before your eyes.

写沙滩的英语句子 篇三

写沙滩的英语句子 精选49句

1. 到了洞下沙滩,这时还在退潮,不时听到像狮子般那样狂吼的叫声。我们发现有一角沙滩已经退了一点,我和妈妈就脱了鞋子,下了柔软的沙滩,我就跑到前面,浪来了,我还是站在原地不动,浪花冲到我的衣服上,溅起了水花。过了一会儿,我的衣服和裤子全都湿透了。渐渐地,沙滩越来越大,露出了整个沙滩,我和爸爸在好几块大石头上看见了奇怪的生物,几个很像蘑菇的东西。用东西碰一下它就立刻缩回去,用东西挤一下它,它就会喷出水来。我们玩呀玩,大约到了下午4点钟才回家,我觉得这次端午节过得非常快乐!

2. Farinthedistancethesunwaschangingcolorfromayellowtoanorangeandthentoaredballhangingoverthehorizon.

3. Thehorizonwasalonggraylinebrokenoncebytheoutlineofashiporafisherman'sboat.

4. wateriscold!youshouldputsomeclotheson......

5. “哗

6. Summerissuchagreattimeintheyear!

7. Inaword,Ithinkthistripisveryunforgettableandmeaningful.

8. 第一次看海,是很小的时候了。海那样的美:金色的沙滩,蔚蓝的大海,耀眼的阳光,水天相接的孤线……那美丽的风景令人震撼。那鲜艳的色彩令人沉思。一抹黄,一抹蓝,一抹白,就凑成了美丽的沙滩,浩瀚的大海,无边的天空。充满童话世界般的色彩,每一种颜色都是那么酣畅淋漓。

9. Besides,therearemanypeopleonthebeach,andweoftentalktothemorplaywiththem.Therefore,it'sagoodchancetomakenewfriendsthere.

10. Weplayvolleyballonthebeach.Wealsocollectallkindsofshells.

11. Itwasasunnyday.IwenttoBeidaihewithmyparents.Ittookusaboutfourhourstogettherebycar.Therewerethousandsofpeopleonthebeach.Somewereplayingwiththesand.Somewereboatingandsomewereswimminginthesea.Wewalkedonthebeachforabouttwohours.Thenwebuiltasandcastle.Wealsopickeduplotsofbeautifulshells.Whatawonderfultriponthebeach.

12. 第一次看见海

13. Thefirsttimetoseethesea,isaverysmalltime.Astheseabeauty:goldenbeaches,bluesea,brightsunshine,thesolitaryhorizonline......Thebeautifulsceneryisshocking.Thebrightcolorsareareflection.Ayellow,ablue,atouchofwhite,ithasbecomeabeautifulbeach,thevastsea,boundlesssky.Fulloffairytaleworldofcolor,eachcolorissofullyanddelightfully.

14. 有时太阳走进了云堆中,它的光线却从云里射下来,直射到水面上。

15. Ireallylikethesea.Seeingitmakesmerelaxedandpeaceful.MyhomeisneartheseeandIlovewalkingonthebeach.

16. Thefirsttimetoseethesea,Iwillalwaysremember.

17. Onasunnyday,wewenttothebeach.

18. 亚龙湾是海南最美的景点。

19. Letthebreezegoesthroughmyhair,myclothesandeveryinchofmyskin.

20. Fromasfarasyoucouldseeontheleftandrightwasopenwaterandsand.Thesplashofsmallwasopenwaterandsand.

21. Whenitcomestosummer,myfavouritethingtodoisjusthangingoutatthebeach.

22. Iliketoplaybeachvolleyballwithmyfriends.Itdoesn'tmatterwhetherIloseorwin,butwhetherweenjoyourselvesornot.

23. 我来到了黄昏的海边,只见火红的太阳被裹上一层金黄色,染红了洁白的云霞,云霞似乎成了火烧云,千变万化、神秘莫测,有的像小马驹在田野间欢快地奔跑,有的像一只可爱的小狗正在撒娇,太阳也染红了无边无际的大海,顿时,微波荡漾的海面上撒遍了金黄色的光芒。

24. 第一次看海的感觉,我会永远记住

25. Herelaysthepeaceandtranquilitythatpoets,writers,andartistsaliketrytocaptureinwordsandpaint.

26. 果然过了一会儿,在那个地方出现了太阳的小半边脸,红是真红,却没有亮光。

27. 天空还是一片浅蓝,颜色很浅。

28. Well,Therearemanyvisitorsonthebeach.Theylookveryhappy.Wecanseemanyboatsontheriver,theylookverychangeable.

29. Wehaveagreattimeonthebeachtoday.Todayissunny.Sowegotothebeach.

30. theoceanispolluted!

31. thebeachwasverybeautiful.theseawassoblueandbig,birdsflewhappilyinlightbluesky.Iplayedwithmyfriendsthereandwetookmanywonderfulphtotos.whathappywewere

32. OnedayIandmyfamilywenttobeach.Itwasasunnyandcoolday.IwalkedonthebeachwithmydogMary.Mybrotherandmyparentswereplayingbeachvolleyballonthe。Wehaveagreattimeonthebeachtoday.Todayissunny.Sowegotothebeach.Well,Therearemanyvisitorsonthebeach.Theylookveryhappy.Wecanseemanyboatson。



34. sandisetching!

35. Thesplashofpiecesofseashellslayscatteredonthebeachandsmallholescoveredthesandwherethecrabshaddugin.thewindfeltsoftandwarmandthewaternotverychilling.

36. Theseebreezemakesmecomfortable.Walkingwithoutshoesfeelsgreat,becausethesandissosoft.

37. 初春的空气中散发着生命的气息,和煦的清风吹拂四季景色各异,实为罕 见,堪称人间仙境。

38. Letthesunshinesontomywholebodyandgivesmewarmth.

39. onthebeach

40. 我第一次看到大海,它比我想象中的大海不知要大多少倍,蓝色的海水涌起滚滚浪花,浪涛拍打着岸边的礁石,往远处望去,天和海连在一起,没有边际,空气清新,使人心旷神怡。

41. theseaseemssodamnbig!

42. Often,afterdinner,Ilikegoingtothebeachwithmyparentsorfriends.Aftersunset,theseabecomessodifferentfromdaytime.

43. Ilikethebeachwater,becausehiswateriswiththeskythesamecolor,onlyalittlesad,butIwanttouseourhappysadness,theseaawaywithusandjoy.

44. windsmellssalty!

45. Sometimes,wewillplaygamesonthebeachormakesomesandsculptures.It'sreallyfunny.

46. Theyareverybeautiful,ofcourse.Besides,wetakeashortbreakonthebeachandenjoythesunshineverymuch.

47. Ilikethesandbeachinthesun,becausehebeamedbelowappearsverybeautifulandshine.

48. 端午节这一天,我和爸爸妈妈还有亲戚们去洞下沙滩游玩。

49. 夜,太静了,而且月光又像朦胧的银纱织出的雾一样,在树叶上,廊柱上,藤椅的扶手上,人的脸上,闪现出一种庄严而圣洁的光。


