
时间:2015-09-05 02:38:24
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和父母吵架英语范文作文 篇一

Title: Resolving Conflicts with Parents


Conflicts between parents and children are common in every family. When disagreements arise, it is important to address the issue in a respectful and constructive manner. This essay aims to provide some suggestions on how to resolve conflicts with parents.


1. Communication is key:

Open and honest communication is essential in resolving conflicts with parents. It is important to express your thoughts and feelings calmly and respectfully. Avoid shouting or using offensive language, as it will only escalate the situation. Instead, choose your words carefully and listen attentively to your parents' perspective.

2. Understand each other's point of view:

Try to understand your parents' viewpoint and the reasons behind their actions or decisions. Put yourself in their shoes and consider their concerns and intentions. By showing empathy and understanding, you can bridge the gap in understanding and find common ground.

3. Find a compromise:

Conflicts often arise due to different expectations or desires. Instead of insisting on your own way, find a compromise that satisfies both parties. Discuss possible solutions and be willing to make concessions. This shows maturity and willingness to work towards a resolution.

4. Seek guidance from a neutral party:

In some cases, conflicts may become too heated or complicated to resolve on your own. Consider seeking guidance from a trusted adult or family friend who can provide a neutral perspective. They can help mediate the discussion and offer valuable advice on finding a resolution.

5. Apologize and forgive:

After a heated argument, it is important to apologize for any hurtful words or actions and seek forgiveness. Holding grudges and harboring negative emotions will only strain the relationship further. By showing humility and the willingness to make amends, you can rebuild trust and strengthen your bond with your parents.


Conflicts with parents are a natural part of growing up, but it is crucial to address them in a mature and respectful manner. By practicing effective communication, understanding each other's point of view, finding compromises, seeking guidance when needed, and offering apologies and forgiveness, conflicts can be resolved, and relationships can be strengthened.

和父母吵架英语范文作文 篇二

Title: Learning from Conflicts with Parents


Conflicts between parents and children can be challenging and emotionally draining. However, these conflicts also present an opportunity for personal growth and learning. This essay aims to explore the lessons that can be learned from conflicts with parents.


1. Developing communication skills:

Conflicts with parents provide an opportunity to develop and refine your communication skills. By expressing your thoughts and emotions effectively, you can learn to articulate your needs and wants more clearly. You can also learn how to listen actively and empathize with your parents' perspective. These skills are valuable not only in resolving conflicts but also in future relationships and professional settings.

2. Building resilience and emotional intelligence:

Dealing with conflicts requires emotional resilience. It teaches you how to manage your emotions and respond appropriately to stressful situations. Through conflicts, you can also develop emotional intelligence by recognizing and understanding your own emotions and those of others. This self-awareness can help you navigate conflicts more effectively in the future.

3. Understanding differing perspectives:

Conflicts often arise due to differing perspectives and values. By engaging in discussions with your parents, you can gain a deeper understanding of their point of view. This exposure to different perspectives cultivates empathy, tolerance, and open-mindedness. It helps you appreciate the diversity of opinions and fosters a spirit of collaboration rather than confrontation.

4. Learning to negotiate and compromise:

Conflicts with parents teach you the importance of negotiation and compromise. It is unrealistic to expect to get everything you want, and conflicts provide an opportunity to practice finding common ground. Learning to give and take, and finding win-win solutions, is a valuable life skill that can be applied to various situations.

5. Strengthening the parent-child bond:

While conflicts can strain the parent-child relationship, they also present an opportunity to strengthen it. By working through conflicts together, you can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other. It allows for open conversations, increased trust, and an overall stronger bond between parents and children.


Conflicts with parents are not easy, but they can be transformative. By developing communication skills, building resilience and emotional intelligence, understanding differing perspectives, learning to negotiate and compromise, and strengthening the parent-child bond, conflicts can be turned into valuable learning experiences. Embrace these conflicts as opportunities for personal growth and strive to resolve them in a respectful and constructive manner.

和父母吵架英语范文作文 篇三

Dear Xiaoming: I'm very glad to hear from you again. Regarding the problems in your letter, I have three suggestions for you to consider first. You don't have to worry about your study, because your learning attitude determines everything.

Now that you are aware of your problem, you must have the confidence to overcome it, so come down and have a rest. In addition, you should read some English novels and watch more English movies. These are effective ways to improve your listening and speaking ability.

Finally, you can form a good habit of keeping a diary every day. Writing is a kind of comprehensive ability. The above three methods can be used for you to practice.

I believe you will get a good result in the coming exam. I sincerely look forward to your reply, Li Hua.




和父母吵架英语范文作文 篇四





和父母吵架英语范文作文 篇五






和父母吵架英语范文作文 篇六

I had a lot of things with my parents, happy, sad, sad, angry and so on. But my parents and I have had the most serious conflicts with their parents.

My parents always think of me as a child will never grow up, no matter what I want to do seems to have after they had agreed to do, if I do not go according to their intention to do so, they will say that I was rebellious, and I speak very tired.

Once, I went to a classmates home to play, and parents say, lunch time, I have not come back, my parents have always come back, but to the 3 in the afternoon, I did not come back, they worry, I fear that what happened, then like ants on a hot pan - round and round, at home no longer sit still, looking for me. When I came back, I started to see mom and dad very pleased, but after nearly 1 minutes of time, like a face like, became angry and said: xxxhow do you come back now, you know how much we worry?xxx xxxIm not going out for a while, didnt I tell you, as to really angry?xxx.xxx I said. xxxWhy not?xxx Dad said. xxxDo you know how worried we are? How can you do that?xxx!xxx. xxxThats what Im saying. You cant manage it, huh?xxx!xxx And then I went back to my room.

I was in the room that has been in the memory of mom and dad to take care of me, and I together happy life, I just think of mom and dad said, I feel very guilty, I would like to apologize for mom and dad.

When I was having dinner, I came out of the room with guilt, walked up to my father and mother, and said, xxxsorry, mom and Dad, Im wrong. I should tell you when I went out.xxx.xxx Mother touched my head and said, xxxit doesnt matter. Its good to know whats wrong. I know its time to change. Dont have the next time.xxx.xxx xxxWell, theres no next time.xxx.xxx I said happily.

Also from this, I began to understand the understanding of parents.


