
时间:2011-08-06 08:23:34
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英语描写环境的好句子 篇一

Nature's Symphony: A Reflection of a Beautiful Environment

The gentle breeze rustles the leaves, creating a soothing melody that resonates through the air. The golden rays of the sun illuminate the surrounding landscape, highlighting the vibrant colors of nature. The scent of blooming flowers fills the air, creating a fragrant symphony that awakens the senses. This is a glimpse of the beauty and serenity that the environment has to offer.

As I walk through the lush green meadows, the soft grass tickles my bare feet, and the coolness of the earth beneath me provides a refreshing sensation. The chirping of birds harmonizes with the rustling of leaves, creating a symphony of nature's melodies. The tranquil sound of flowing water from a nearby stream adds to the symphony, creating a peaceful atmosphere that calms the soul.

The environment is a masterpiece of art, with its picturesque landscapes and breathtaking views. Towering mountains reach up towards the sky, their peaks covered in a blanket of snow. The crystal-clear lakes reflect the beauty that surrounds them, creating a mirror image of tranquility. The vibrant colors of the flowers in full bloom paint a beautiful canvas, showcasing nature's creativity.

Not only is the environment visually stunning, but it also offers a sanctuary for wildlife. The melodious songs of birds fill the air as they flit from tree to tree, their colorful feathers adding a touch of vibrancy to the surroundings. Squirrels scurry about, their playful antics bringing a smile to my face. The gentle rustling of leaves hints at the presence of deer, gracefully moving through the underbrush.

The environment is not just a feast for the eyes and ears, but also a source of nourishment for the body and soul. The fresh, crisp air invigorates the lungs, rejuvenating the body with every breath. The abundance of flora and fauna provides sustenance for both humans and animals, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all living beings.

In this fast-paced world, the environment offers a sanctuary for those seeking solace and peace. It is a reminder of the beauty and power of nature, and the importance of preserving it for future generations. As I immerse myself in the sights, sounds, and scents of the environment, I am reminded of the beauty and harmony that exist in the world around us.

英语描写环境的好句子 篇二

The Healing Power of Nature: A Haven of Tranquility

In the heart of the countryside, where the air is pure and the silence is deafening, lies a haven of tranquility. The environment envelops me in its peaceful embrace, offering respite from the chaos of everyday life. The lush green fields stretch as far as the eye can see, inviting me to explore and immerse myself in its beauty.

The gentle murmur of a nearby stream accompanies me on my journey, its rhythmic flow soothing my troubled mind. As I walk along its banks, the coolness of the water against my skin revitalizes my senses. The scent of wildflowers fills the air, their delicate fragrance adding to the enchantment of the surroundings.

The environment is a sanctuary for wildlife, a place where animals roam freely and flourish. The graceful flight of a butterfly captures my attention, its vibrant wings fluttering in the sunlight. The gentle rustling of leaves hints at the presence of a hidden creature, adding an air of mystery to the environment. Birds sing their melodious songs, their voices harmonizing with the sounds of nature.

As I ascend a hill, a breathtaking panorama unfolds before my eyes. The beauty of the landscape takes my breath away, leaving me in awe of nature's magnificence. Rolling hills extend into the distance, their peaks adorned with majestic trees. The azure sky stretches above me, as if reaching out to touch the earth. It is a sight that fills me with a sense of wonder and gratitude.

The environment is a source of healing, offering solace to those burdened by the stresses of life. The tranquility of the surroundings seeps into my soul, soothing my troubled mind and uplifting my spirits. The simple act of being in nature allows me to reconnect with myself and find inner peace. It is a reminder that amidst the chaos of the world, there is still beauty and serenity to be found.

In this fast-paced and technology-driven world, it is easy to forget the healing power of the environment. Yet, it is essential to our well-being and the well-being of the planet. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can find solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose. The environment is a gift that should be cherished and protected, for it is through its beauty and tranquility that we can find true peace.

英语描写环境的好句子 篇三

The Majestic Wonders of the Ocean

The ocean, with its vastness and power, is a realm of wonder and awe. Its rhythmic ebb and flow, the crashing of waves against the shore, and the salty tang of the sea breeze create an environment that is both captivating and mesmerizing.

Standing on the sandy shore, one can feel the vastness of the ocean stretching out before them. The horizon seems endless, merging seamlessly with the sky in a display of boundless beauty. The waves, like liquid mountains, rise and fall with a grace and power that is unparalleled. The sound of crashing waves is like a symphony, filling the air with a melody of energy and life.

Diving beneath the surface, a whole new world unfolds. The ocean teems with vibrant colors and diverse marine life. Schools of fish swim in perfect unison, their scales shimmering in the sunlight. Coral reefs are a kaleidoscope of hues, home to an array of exotic creatures. The gentle sway of seaweed and the delicate dance of jellyfish create a mesmerizing underwater ballet.

The ocean is a place of constant change and unpredictability. Stormy seas unleash their fury, with towering waves crashing against the rocks. The air is thick with salt and mist, as the wind howls and the rain lashes down. It is a reminder of the immense power and raw beauty that nature possesses.

Yet, even in the midst of tumultuous waters, there is a sense of tranquility and harmony. The gentle rocking of a boat on calm seas, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the soothing sound of water lapping against the hull create a sense of peace and serenity. The ocean has the power to both humble and comfort, reminding us of our place in the grand tapestry of the natural world.

The ocean is a source of inspiration, a muse for artists and poets alike. Its ever-changing hues of blue and green, the play of light on the surface, and the untamed beauty of its inhabitants evoke a sense of wonder and creativity. The ocean's vastness and mystery invite exploration and discovery, urging us to delve deeper into its depths and unravel its secrets.

In the embrace of the ocean, one can find solace, adventure, and a profound sense of connection to the world around us. It is a reminder of the delicate balance of life and the importance of protecting and preserving this magnificent ecosystem. The ocean is a treasure trove of beauty and wonder, a testament to the power and resilience of nature.

英语描写环境的好句子 篇四

1. ——环山樵《薛宝钗·雪竹》竹坞无尘水槛清,相思迢递隔重城。

2. 花若怜,落在谁的指尖。

3. 就像古诗里说的:“峰与天关接,舟从地窟行”,天仿佛一下子被山拉低了许多。

4. 2)春天,是求实者勤奋者的季节。

5. 忆相逢,几回魂梦与君同。

6. Rather cold today, isnt it?

7. 让自己看清了男人的另一面。

8. 从此在各自的幸福里,那些以前的旧时光,那些你教会我的事,我会永远记得。

9. 天似乎要转晴了。

10. Ilovesummerverymuch.Insummer,it’shot,andsometimesit’srainy.PeoplewearT-shirts,shortsandsunglasses.Girlslovetoweardressesandskirts.

11. Itsbeginningtorain.

12. 90天的重复会形成稳定习惯。

13. 那一刻,心弦被触动了,原来这就是它面对死亡时选择的方式,即使走到了生命的尽头,也要把它最美的一面展现出来,不想带着任何遗憾离开。

14. I just got up and the sun, glowing, put in fine fig, lighting up the whole world.

15. 你用健美的肩膀,挽起高山大海。

16. 入我相思门,知我相思苦,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。

17. ——纳兰性德《菩萨蛮·白日惊飚冬已半》牛羊散漫落日下,野草生香乳酪甜。

18. 嗅一嗅墙角的一缕花香,自然,纯真,清爽,不曾被霓虹灯光浸染,不曾被汽车尾气熏染。

19. 描写海风的优美句子树荫下,点点碎阳落在她的身旁,如细细光屑挥洒,耀眼般美丽。

20. 从远处看,就像有一位穿着绿衣裳的姑娘正在照着镜子梳妆打扮。

21. 西南方有一片竹林,林子遮天蔽日,棵棵翠绿挺拔。

22. 自修,不是单纯为了谋生,而是为了在自学基础上创造生活,创造未来。

23. Spring sunshine is gentle, radiation in people's body how warm it! It brings us happiness and expectation.

24. If we go on polluting water,the last drop of water will be our tears. 如果我们继续污染水,最后一滴水就是我们的眼泪。

25. 陪我笑过的人我可能以经忘了,陪我哭过的人永远都不会忘记。

26. 或许是命运的不幸注定要将自己缤纷多彩的梦撞碎。

27. 开始的动作,像是俯身,又像是仰望。

28. When the sky blue again,the rivers become clean,and the grass is always green,we'll live a healthier and happier life.当天空再次变蓝,河流变得干净,草地总是绿色的时候,我们将过上更加健康和幸福的生活。

29. The pierce the clouds the sun like root gold, arranged in a crisscross pattern, the grayish blue and gray clouds sewn into a very beautiful pattern.

30. 晚安语句精选你爱的人当时没有爱上你,甚至不把你放在眼里,也许是你的福气。

31. 心理学之父威廉·詹姆斯说过,我们这个时代最伟大的发现就是人们可以通过改变思维方式来改变自己的生活,而思维方式是一种选择,我们可以用积极的思想对待事物,也可以用消极的思想对待事物。

32. 她高贵,她端庄,她美善。

33. 记忆里朝阳不怎么喝酒,不怎么说话,但是总是知道很多,他总能叫出我们不曾记过的那些名字,甚至还能听音儿说出是谁的作品,他总是神一样的存在。

34. I hope it will keep fine.

35. 人本是人,何须学做人。

36. 人生不过是一场旅行,你路过我,我路过你,然后,各自修行,各自向前。

37. 树叶绿得像一块无瑕的翡翠。

38. 生命里对你好的每个人,都不是义务的。

39. 从这个角度说,孙悟空的厉害在于,它没有任何欲望,没有任何可以被他人操纵的弱点,它连死亡都不存在,连求生的欲望都不需要。

40. Sunlight through the thin clouds, shining white ground, reflecting a silver light, Yao people eye color.

41. 初夏的阳光从密密层层的枝叶间透射下来,地上印满铜钱大小的粼粼光斑。

42. 做人要如烛,永远照亮别人。

43. --罗贯中赞关羽诗句将军气概与天平,匹马单刀独自行。

44. 红红火火,街头处处充满着浓浓的迎新春味道。


