
时间:2015-01-09 05:18:36
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写景英语好句子 篇一

A Serene Morning at the Seaside

As the golden sun rises from the horizon, its warm rays embrace the tranquil seaside. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore creates a soothing melody that echoes through the air. The gentle breeze carries the scent of salt and seaweed, invigorating the senses and awakening the spirit. Seagulls gracefully glide above the water, their wings spread wide against the clear blue sky. The sand, soft and cool beneath my feet, feels like a natural carpet inviting me to explore this picturesque paradise.

The turquoise water stretches out endlessly, merging seamlessly with the azure sky. The sunlight dances on the surface, creating a mesmerizing display of sparkling diamonds. Delicate sea shells and smooth pebbles decorate the shore, scattered like precious treasures waiting to be discovered. A lone sailboat gracefully sails across the horizon, its white sails billowing in the wind. It seems to be in harmony with the vast ocean, a symbol of freedom and adventure.

Walking along the beach, I feel the gentle touch of the water on my ankles, the coolness providing relief from the warmth of the sun. The sandpipers swiftly scurry across the sand, their tiny footprints marking their path. In the distance, children build towering sandcastles, their laughter echoing against the backdrop of crashing waves. The joy and innocence radiating from their faces are contagious, reminding me of the simple pleasures of life.

As the day progresses, the sky transforms into a vibrant canvas painted with shades of pink, orange, and purple. The setting sun casts a golden glow over the water, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The sounds of laughter and conversation fill the air as families and friends gather to witness the beauty of nature's masterpiece. The serenity of the seaside at dusk is a truly magical experience, a moment of tranquility and reflection.

Leaving the seaside, I carry with me the memories of this enchanting place. The beauty and serenity of the ocean remind me of the importance of taking a moment to appreciate the wonders of the world. Nature has a way of rejuvenating the soul and bringing a sense of peace and harmony. As I bid farewell to the seaside, I am grateful for the opportunity to witness its beauty and be reminded of the simple joys that surround us.

写景英语好句子 篇二

A Picturesque Morning in the Countryside

The countryside awakens with the soft glow of the rising sun, casting a golden hue over the rolling hills and meadows. Dewdrops glisten on blades of grass, reflecting the light like tiny diamonds. The air is crisp and invigorating, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth. The sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling create a symphony of nature, harmonizing with the tranquility of the countryside.

The vibrant colors of wildflowers carpet the fields, painting a breathtaking mosaic of pinks, purples, yellows, and whites. The delicate petals sway gently in the breeze, dancing to an invisible melody. Butterflies flit from flower to flower, their colorful wings adding to the picturesque scene. Bees buzz busily, collecting nectar and spreading life throughout the countryside. It is a world teeming with beauty and vitality.

Strolling along the winding paths, I immerse myself in the serenity of nature. The tall trees provide shade and shelter, their leaves whispering secrets as they sway in the wind. The babbling brook meanders through the landscape, its crystal-clear water reflecting the surrounding beauty. The sound of water trickling over rocks is a soothing lullaby, transporting me to a state of blissful tranquility.

In the distance, a rustic farmhouse stands proudly amidst the green fields. Its red roof and white walls are a charming contrast against the lush landscape. Smoke rises lazily from the chimney, a sign of warmth and comfort within. Cows graze leisurely in the nearby pasture, their gentle lowing adding to the symphony of nature. The countryside is a haven of peace and simplicity, a reminder of the beauty of a slower pace of life.

As the day progresses, the sun climbs higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the countryside. Shadows lengthen and the colors intensify, creating a breathtaking vista. The countryside is alive with the sights and sounds of life, a testament to the resilience and beauty of nature. It is a place where time stands still, allowing us to appreciate the wonders that surround us.

Leaving the countryside behind, I carry with me the tranquility and beauty that I have encountered. The countryside is a reminder of the simplicity and harmony that exists in nature. It is a place where one can find solace and inspiration, a sanctuary for the soul. As I bid farewell to the picturesque morning in the countryside, I am grateful for the opportunity to witness its beauty and be reminded of the power of nature to heal and uplift.

写景英语好句子 篇三

写景英语好句子 精选32句

1. 从这所房子可以看到山谷景色优美。

2. 难以形容的优美景色

3. Heretheskyandtheseaclearlymeetonthehorizon.WhenstandingatthetopoftheSunshineRock,youcanseemuchofthelandscapeofXiamen,andwhenstandingatitsfoot,youcangazeatthebeautifulgardenthatsurroundsit.

4. It’s out of this world. 这里真是人间仙境。

5. 太平洋上一些小岛的景色十分优美。

6. Thisisapictureofquietandelegantphoto:thereisfivestonetableeachwithastonebasinonthestonefloor,andthreestelesnexttotheedgeofthewoodswhichissometimesvisible

7. Gulangyuproducesbana


8. Thehousecommandsafineview.

9. Andheretoo,onthepleasantcoastthathadoncedrawnecstatictourists,lightswereamenace

10. It’s jaw-dropping. 这里美得令人惊叹。

11. Whenwetoppedthehill,wehadafineview.

12. TheforeigntouristsmarvelatthefineviewoftheWestLake.

13. [ɡreisful]adj.1.优美的;优雅的;雅致的;文雅的2.(尤指在困境中)得体的,有风度的;礼貌而周到的优美的。优雅的。adjgraceful

14. 我们登上山顶时,看到了优美的景色。

15. 一道微弱的光,给围绕在高坡上的树顶镶了一条花边,好象高脚杯的边缘,这些反映在微光中的树峰的侧影,一分钟比一分钟显得更为深黑。

16. 外国旅游者惊叹西湖的优美景色。

17. It’s awe-inspiring! 这真令人叹为观止!

18. springisalotofrain,summerishot,autumnisthebestseasoninayear,itiscoolandbusy,winteriscoldandsonetimessnowy.春天是多雨的,夏天是炎热的,秋天是一年中最好的季节,它很凉爽而且忙碌,冬天是寒冷的,有时会下雪。

19. SuchisGulangyu,abeautifulandinvitingisland,whereawarmwelcomeawaits.

20. 这里山清水秀,景色优美。

21. Forest-cladmountainsandlimpidstreamscompletethescenehere.

22. adj.优雅的;优美的变老也可以是一件优雅的事情。形容词,优雅的,也可翻译成有礼貌的优美的,文雅的;得体的,礼貌而周到的

23. theineffablebeautyofthescenery

24. GulangyuisasmallislandofXiamen.It’slikeagardenonthewater.Carsandbusesarenotallowedtodrivethere,whichmakestheislandsoquietthatmusicplayedonthepianoandviolincanbeheard.

25. 在这儿,当年陶醉过游客的景色优美的海岸上,灯火也是一种威胁。

26. ThesceneryisverybeautifulinthesmallislandsinthePacificOceans.

27. It takes my breath away. 这里美得令我窒息!

28. Gulangyu—Afairylandintheworld

29. 从这所房子可一览优美景色。

30. 月亮快要出来了。月亮还远着呢,可是在地平线后边,人们觉得它从黑暗的深渊上升。

31. Thehousehasapleasantoutlookoverthevalley.

32. It’s a picture-postcard scene! 这里风景如画!


