
时间:2012-01-03 03:24:21
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用英语说心情的句子有哪些 篇一

In this article, we will explore various sentences and phrases in English that can be used to express emotions and feelings. These sentences can be helpful in daily conversations, writing, or even when posting on social media. Let's dive into it!

1. I'm feeling ecstatic today! (表示非常兴奋)

2. She was overwhelmed with joy when she received the news. (表示非常高兴)

3. He is feeling down because he failed the exam. (表示情绪低落)

4. I'm feeling anxious about the upcoming presentation. (表示焦虑)

5. The movie was so touching, it brought tears to my eyes. (表示感动)

6. He is feeling frustrated as he has been trying to solve the problem for hours. (表示沮丧)

7. I'm feeling nostalgic as I look through old photo albums. (表示怀旧)

8. She is feeling relieved after submitting her final project. (表示如释重负)

9. He is feeling proud of his accomplishments. (表示自豪)

10. I'm feeling overwhelmed with work lately. (表示压力大)

These sentences can be used in various situations to convey different emotions. Whether it's expressing happiness, sadness, or anxiety, these phrases can help you accurately communicate your feelings in English.

用英语说心情的句子有哪些 篇二

In this article, we will continue exploring more sentences and phrases in English that can be used to express emotions and feelings. These sentences can be useful in various situations, from casual conversations to writing personal journal entries. Let's discover more ways to express our emotions in English!

1. She is feeling content with her life at the moment. (表示满足)

2. I'm feeling relieved now that the stressful project is over. (表示宽慰)

3. He is feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work he has to do. (表示不知所措)

4. She is feeling optimistic about the future. (表示乐观)

5. I'm feeling frustrated with the slow progress of my goals. (表示沮丧)

6. He is feeling grateful for the support he received from his friends. (表示感激)

7. I'm feeling bored and in need of some excitement. (表示无聊)

8. She is feeling motivated to achieve her dreams. (表示积极)

9. He is feeling hurt by the harsh criticism he received. (表示受伤)

10. I'm feeling proud of my accomplishments. (表示自豪)

These sentences provide a range of emotions and feelings that can be used to express oneself in English. By incorporating these phrases into your daily conversations or writing, you can effectively convey your emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.

用英语说心情的句子有哪些 篇三

用英语说心情的句子有哪些 精选60句

1. 情不知所起,一往而深。

2. 给你东西你得珍惜,特别是脸!

3. 人家以后再也不理你了啦!

4. 自卑才炫耀,缺爱才花心。

5. 阳光,终究穿过了心墙。

6. 在我失眠的时候,你要抱着我睡。

7. 宁做蚂蚁腿,不学麻雀嘴。

8. 愿爱情顺风顺水,渣男都去见鬼。

9. 心里有座坟墓,葬了未亡人。

10. 应酬多了,才知道清净的可贵。

11. 月黑沙黄,此际偏思汝。

12. 世上最心酸,明知却故犯。

13. 真正要走的人不会说再见。

14. 他高兴的压抑不住心跳!

15. 可能时间刚好


16. 三生有幸,纵使悲凉也是情。

17. 工作不是生活,生活里却有工作。

18. 股市猛于虎,房市猛于股。

19. 别那么骄傲,你没什么特别。

20. 最厉害的病毒,是爱和谎言。

21. 我不会撩汉,要不你撩我一下?

22. 不想被丢下,所以宁愿独自一人。

23. 因为爱你,所以我要我们在一起。

24. 自己没有的,就别去奢求。

25. 花有百样红,人与狗不同。

26. 三天不念口生,三年不做手生。

27. 是谁先说爱,又是谁先离开。

28. 我没有很好,你不嫌弃就好。

29. 有话说在明处,有药敷在痛处。

30. 让它的倒影浮现过去的依恋。

31. 每天都是新的开始,继续努力呀。

32. 多少人做了岁月奴,忘了年少梦。

33. 我这么好哄,可惜你就是不会。

34. 一个人可以自由,也可以放纵。

35. 奇迹就留给别人吧,我有你了。

36. 高贵不存在于血脉,而在心中。

37. 相濡以沫才有资格秀恩爱。

38. 南风知我意,吹梦到他心。

39. 你就委屈点,载我手里行不行。

40. 我爱你,就像你不爱我样的坚决。

41. 穷人不攀高亲,落雨不爬高墩。

42. 两家养驴驴瘦,合伙用船船漏。

43. 风轻云淡的过往,早已灰飞烟灭。

44. 亲爱的你在哪?我迷路了。

45. 有情饮水饱,无情吃饭饥。

46. 这些天,很想念你,所以想说。

47. 朝花夕拾,捡的尽是枯萎。

48. 风决定要走,云怎么挽留得了。

49. 有一个人,你来了,就好了。

50. 听悲伤的歌,看幸福的戏。

51. 藏的再深也会有痕迹。

52. 爱你像风,含蓄又洒脱。

53. 对迩很难断开了,放不了了。

54. 我不怕异地,只怕冷战。

55. 愿爱情天长地久,可惜有时尽。

56. 我饿了,想吃点爱情的苦。

57. 你病,有人照顾你,这就是幸福。

58. 思量嫉妒苦,包容便是福。

59. 别在我面前装,收起你的虚伪。

60. 你是我的一场梦,明天一切好说。


