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中班幼儿英语句子教案 篇一

Title: Introducing Animals to Preschoolers with English Sentences

Objective: To introduce preschoolers to different animals and teach them basic English sentences related to animals.

Age Group: 3-4 years old (middle class)

Materials Needed:

- Flashcards or pictures of different animals

- Whiteboard or blackboard

- Markers or chalk

- Animal toys or puppets (optional)

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (5 minutes):

1. Greet the children and ask them if they like animals.

2. Show them pictures of different animals and ask if they can name them.

3. Explain that today, we will learn about animals and how to talk about them in English.

Vocabulary (10 minutes):

1. Show flashcards or pictures of animals one by one and repeat the names of the animals.

2. Encourage the children to repeat the names after you.

3. Use gestures or animal sounds to make the activity more engaging.

Example Sentences (15 minutes):

1. Write simple sentences on the board using the target animals. For example:

- The cat is sleeping.

- The dog is barking.

- The bird is flying.

2. Read the sentences out loud and ask the children to repeat after you.

3. Use the flashcards or animal toys/puppets to act out the sentences and involve the children in the actions.

Sentence Building (20 minutes):

1. Divide the children into small groups.

2. Give each group a set of animal flashcards.

3. Instruct the children to choose two or three animals and create sentences using those animals.

4. Encourage them to use the sentence structure they learned earlier.

5. After the groups have finished, ask each group to share their sentences with the class.

Review and Closing (5 minutes):

1. Review the names of the animals and the sentences learned in the lesson.

2. Ask the children questions about the animals and encourage them to respond using the sentences they learned.

3. Thank the children for participating and tell them they did a great job.

中班幼儿英语句子教案 篇二

Title: Exploring Colors with English Sentences for Preschoolers

Objective: To introduce preschoolers to different colors and teach them basic English sentences related to colors.

Age Group: 3-4 years old (middle class)

Materials Needed:

- Color flashcards or pictures

- Whiteboard or blackboard

- Markers or chalk

- Colorful objects or toys (optional)

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (5 minutes):

1. Greet the children and ask them if they know any colors.

2. Show them flashcards or pictures of different colors and ask if they can name them.

3. Explain that today, we will learn about colors and how to talk about them in English.

Vocabulary (10 minutes):

1. Show flashcards or pictures of colors one by one and repeat the names of the colors.

2. Encourage the children to repeat the names after you.

3. Use colorful objects or toys to make the activity more engaging.

Example Sentences (15 minutes):

1. Write simple sentences on the board using the target colors. For example:

- The apple is red.

- The sky is blue.

- The grass is green.

2. Read the sentences out loud and ask the children to repeat after you.

3. Use the flashcards or colorful objects/toys to demonstrate the sentences and involve the children in the actions.

Sentence Building (20 minutes):

1. Divide the children into small groups.

2. Give each group a set of color flashcards.

3. Instruct the children to choose two or three colors and create sentences using those colors.

4. Encourage them to use the sentence structure they learned earlier.

5. After the groups have finished, ask each group to share their sentences with the class.

Review and Closing (5 minutes):

1. Review the names of the colors and the sentences learned in the lesson.

2. Ask the children questions about colors and encourage them to respond using the sentences they learned.

3. Thank the children for participating and tell them they did a great job.

中班幼儿英语句子教案 篇三

中班幼儿英语句子教案 精选82句

1. 活动延伸:

2. 能听懂What can you do?并能用“I ca…” 回答。

3. 教授:Who is it?

4. 复习单词:fly,walk.

5. 教学准备:

6. 视听法,在幼儿英语教学中,视听法有助于培养幼儿的学习兴趣,促进幼儿主动参与活动,是对课堂教学的有益补充。视听结合的方法比单纯依靠听觉或视觉来理解、记忆、储存的语言材料要多得多。视觉形象为幼儿提供形象思维的条件,促使幼儿自然和牢固地掌握英语。

7. 活动准备

8. 与小朋友问好,并且做小律动ld MacDonald have a farm。

9. 学习新单词:skip, swim, run

10. 教学重点难点

11. 培养幼儿的语音、语调,鼓励幼儿大胆参与英语活动,体验英语活动的乐趣。

12. 锻炼幼儿的听力。

13. 教师领读,小朋友跟读,(采用游戏的方式进行练习,让小朋友一边说单词,一边用头顶单词卡片)

14. 教授:当听到有人敲门时,该怎么回答?

15. 采摘完毕后,请小朋友帮忙洗蔬菜。教师将真的土豆和西红柿藏在菜篮子下,随意拿出某种蔬菜,请小朋友猜测。用快慢交替的方法让小朋友保持持续的注意力。

16. GreetingT:Hello,what’s your name?

17. 说活动过程:

18. 教师请几个小朋友来一起采摘。教师念哪个单词,小朋友就挖哪个。锻炼孩子的听力和反应力。可以全班分成几组进行练习。

19. 通过图片和动作表演让幼儿理解 what can it do的含义。


0. 教学目的:

21. 学习新单词fox 、elephant 。

22. 听懂、理解并会说出单词“bird”、“frog”、“monkey”。

23. 录音机、磁带。

24. 活动重难点

25. 练习:Who is it? Its me.

26. 活动过程

27. 出示一棵大树,在树上贴好自制的鸟。教师出示望远镜,并说:I can see a bird。 (小朋友跟读),用准备好的望远镜给小朋友上来表演,并准确说出句型“I can see a bird”

28. 播放ppt,出示三个动物,让小朋友分别说出三个单词。

29. T:Today, here comes a new friend.(出示绒毛玩具小兔)Look, what is this ? C:小兔 T:Yes bunny.

30. 活动目标:

31. 活动目标

32. 用相同的方法教授另外两个单词:frog和monkey

33. 活动准备:

34. 教学目标:

35. 听说法,它包括幼儿模仿、 跟读、齐读、抽读、纠错和改正这几方面,听说法有利于培养幼儿的语音及口语。在学习新单词的时候,我多数会运用这种方法,我会让幼儿通过“听我读、跟我读、大声读”的方式来学习新单词的读法,用“它是谁?怎样读?”的方式对幼儿进行提问和巩固,我还注意加强课堂基本用语的运用,训练幼儿的听力。

36. 活动内容:

37. 师对个别幼儿进行提问,检查个别幼儿对新单词的掌握情况。如提问个别幼儿单词elephant的时候,师会问:“它是谁?”(大象)“怎么读?”(elephant)如果幼儿声音小,可加上大声读的步骤。

38. 说活动设计思路:

39. 结束活动

40. 请幼儿选择旁边的一个小朋友为一组,两人互相问答:What can it do? It can ……

41. Who is it? 的连读。

42. 在游戏活动中复习已学过的动词, 愿意跟随教师一起念儿歌。

43. 教师用肢体、夸张的动作和发音引起小朋友热情后,轮流请小朋友上来挖土豆。其他小朋友在下面加油喊着土豆。

44. Greeting:

45. 在树上贴好猴子,在树下贴上青蛙。让小朋友自己来说一说,操练句型“I can see。”说出:“I can see a monkey。”“I can see a frog。”

46. 巩固幼儿对动物类单词的认识,能够清楚发音。

47. 活动过程:

48. 播放ppt,让小朋友猜一猜是什么东西在叫。(鸟叫声)。ppt出示鸟的图片teach“bird”

49. 做完律动,引导幼儿去old MacDonald的farm看一看。

50. 教学过程:

51. 乐意参加英语活动,对英语活动感兴趣。

52. 教幼儿说:who is it? Its me。

53. 能心情愉快地学习新单词,感受学习英语乐趣,体会到帮助他人的乐趣。

54. 说教学方法

55. 播放ppt,消失一个动物,让小朋友说出那个动物单词,并用句型说出“I can see…”

56. 运用听说法学习新单词,如:狐狸狐狸fox,幼儿通过教师的“听我读”“跟我读”和“大声读”三个小步骤初步掌握新单词的读法。

57. 韵律歌曲《walking jumping running》边唱边跳进场。

58. 鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。

59. 教师拿出锄头,夸张地挖土豆,一边挖,土豆一边出现,教师一边挖一边教授发音。小朋友说得越多,土豆出现的越多。

60. 说活动目标:

61. 教具准备:

62. 请小朋友上前洒水摘西红柿,一边洒教师一边询问“what is it?”小朋友要回答。其他小朋友在下面加油喊西红柿。

63. 小动物胸章;

64. 能分辨出西红柿与马铃薯,将所学单词与实物联系在一起,喜爱蔬菜。

65. 说活动准备:

66. 教师请小朋友上来洗蔬菜,接触到真的实物,可以加深印象。洗的过程中不让看到实物,凭手感说出单词。紧接着,教师说单词,小朋友就触碰实物,继续训练小朋友的听力。

67. 请幼儿选择一个小动物,并说出:I’m ……,I can ……

68. 结束。

69. 复习学过的 “小狗的全家”、“红黄绿”的儿歌。

70. 学会听与说tomato和potato。

71. 活动结束。老麦克与小朋友感谢和道别。老师带着小朋友再跳一边舒缓的ol dMacDonald have farm,让小朋友高度兴奋的精神放松下来。

72. 相同的方法操练。

73. 学会 Who is it? Its me的说法及用法。

74. 挖完土豆后来到西红柿园子。教师一边向西红柿洒水,一边摘西红柿,并且口试发音。用肢体动作吸引小朋友的注意。

75. 学会使用句型“I can see……”进行表达。

76. 游戏练习巩固

77. 学习水果单词。 (1)、apple。

78. 情况分析:

79. 多媒体课件(小动物及小动物的尾巴图片)

80. 教师变成ld MacDonald,请小朋友在农场帮忙。

81. 结束活动:

82. 出示小动物幻灯片(或图片),让幼儿用英语说出小动物的名字。


