
时间:2014-06-01 08:38:30
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晚安的句子用英语 篇一

Title: Good Night Sentences in English

Good night, my love. As the day comes to an end, I want you to know that you are the last thought on my mind before I close my eyes. I am grateful for your presence in my life, and I cherish every moment we spend together. Sleep well and dream sweetly, my dear.

Good night, my family and friends. As the moon rises and the stars begin to shine, I am reminded of the love and support you have always shown me. Your laughter and smiles bring warmth to my heart, and I am grateful for the memories we have created together. Rest well and wake up refreshed for a new day.

Good night, to all the dreamers out there. As you lay your head on your pillow, remember that dreams have the power to inspire and motivate. Let your imagination soar as you drift off to sleep, and wake up with renewed determination to chase after your goals. Sleep tight and let your dreams take flight.

Good night, to all the hardworking souls. As you finally find a moment of respite, know that your dedication and perseverance do not go unnoticed. Take this time to recharge and rejuvenate, for tomorrow is another opportunity to make a difference. Rest well and wake up ready to conquer the world.

Good night, to all the lonely hearts. As the world around you grows quiet, remember that you are never truly alone. Reach out to loved ones or find solace in a good book or movie. Embrace the silence and let it wash away the worries of the day. Sleep peacefully and wake up to a new beginning.

Good night, to all the restless minds. As you lay in bed, thoughts racing through your head, take a deep breath and let go of the day's worries. Allow yourself to be present in this moment and let sleep guide you to a place of tranquility. Rest peacefully and wake up with a fresh perspective.

Good night, to all the creatures of the night. As nature settles into its nocturnal rhythm, find comfort in the darkness. Whether you are a night owl or simply find solace in the quiet, embrace the stillness and let it envelop you. Sleep deeply and wake up ready to embrace the new day.

Good night, to all the souls seeking peace. As you close your eyes, visualize a world filled with love, kindness, and compassion. Let go of the negativity and embrace the beauty that surrounds you. Sleep soundly and wake up with a heart full of gratitude.

In conclusion, no matter who you are or where you are, may these good night sentences in English bring you comfort, peace, and a restful sleep. As we bid farewell to the day, let us embrace the night and all its possibilities. Good night, and sweet dreams.

(Word count: 605)

晚安的句子用英语 篇二

Title: Sweet Dreams: Good Night Sentences in English

Good night, my little one. As you drift off to sleep, know that you are loved beyond measure. May your dreams be filled with unicorns, rainbows, and all things magical. Sleep tight, my sweet child, and wake up ready to explore the wonders of the world.

Good night, to all the adventurers. As you lay under the starry sky, imagine the places you will go and the experiences that await you. Let your dreams take you on incredible journeys and may you wake up with a thirst for new discoveries. Rest well and wake up ready to conquer the unknown.

Good night, to all the artists and dreamers. As you close your eyes, may your dreams be filled with colors, melodies, and endless creativity. Let your imagination run wild and wake up inspired to create something beautiful. Sleep peacefully and wake up ready to share your unique voice with the world.

Good night, to all the nature lovers. As the moonlight filters through the trees, imagine yourself in the midst of a lush forest or by the tranquil shores of a crystal-clear lake. Let the sounds of nature lull you to sleep and wake up feeling connected to the earth. Rest deeply and wake up ready to protect and preserve our beautiful planet.

Good night, to all the bookworms. As you curl up with a good book, let the words transport you to different worlds and introduce you to fascinating characters. Immerse yourself in the stories and let them carry you off to dreamland. Sleep peacefully and wake up with a hunger for more literary adventures.

Good night, to all the music lovers. As you listen to your favorite melodies, let the soothing tunes calm your mind and relax your body. Allow the music to carry you away and envelop you in its gentle embrace. Sleep soundly and wake up with a song in your heart.

Good night, to all the dreamers of love. As you close your eyes, may your dreams be filled with romance, passion, and eternal love. Let your heart guide you to a place of pure bliss and wake up with a renewed belief in the power of love. Rest well and wake up ready to share your love with the world.

Good night, to all the believers in miracles. As you say your prayers and make your wishes, know that miracles happen every day. Trust in the magic of the universe and let your dreams become a reality. Sleep deeply and wake up with gratitude for the miracles in your life.

In conclusion, may these good night sentences in English fill your dreams with joy, adventure, creativity, and love. As you close your eyes, embrace the possibilities that the night brings. Good night, and may you have the sweetest dreams.

(Word count: 606)

晚安的句子用英语 篇三

1. 生活很累,但要爱自己。晚安!

2. Think of you when the fullest, miss you when the most carefree, worry about always running with you, greetings to you first, I wish you happy day and night, I wish you a good dreamGood night!

3. 人间无趣,但有先生你。晚安!

4. Don't let yourself live too tiredWe should learn to think and ignore, learn not to demand, learn to hide deeplyRelax yourself, seek catharsis, relieve the exhausted mindGood night!

5. 人与人之间有距离,但心里时刻挂念,生水与水之间有距离,但地心下一直相牵,发条短信道声晚安,梦里我们相见。

6. Today's rain, like the arrival of miss landing, greetings are not only in the night, blessings are hidden in the bottom of my heart forever, the rain stops and misses endlessly, but still worries about the night, sleep, good night! uuuuuuuuu

7. 岁月静好,从年少到暮夕,唯有深情共白头。晚安。

8. I don't want to send you money, food or lieI want you to have a good sleep.

9. 让夜风带走一天的疲惫,让月光驱走一天的烦恼,让星星点亮一天的好心情,祝你轻松入眠,美梦连篇,晚安。

10. 最喜欢听你说的那句晚安,在我心里弥漫着暖味,你的晚安是我听到过最温暖的小情歌,亲爱的,你是我的得之我幸,失之我命!

11. 熬得住,出众;熬不住,出局,这就是人生。晚安。

12. 风里有花香,身边有最爱的人。晚安。

13. 发给你的是思念,你接收的是祝福,传递下去是快乐;体会到的是关怀,感觉到的是真心,分享的才叫生活;晚安!好梦!想你!

14. 可能你不是最好的,但是有你,却比什么都好。晚安!

15. 轻轻的闭上眼睛,慢慢的酝酿心情,将白天所有烦恼不快撒向天空,随着流星的坠落一起沉淀,愿今夜有个好梦,晚安!

16. 安静的夜晚,寄上我热和的祝福,带走我深深的问候,愿我的一声祝福洗走你劳动的劳累,一句晚安带你进进美丽的梦境!

17. Send off the busy day, forget the troubles of the day, recall the beauty of the day, review the joy of the day, and then close your eyes, sleep well, good night! uuuuuuuuuuu Fond dream!

18. 批阅犹豫,订正烦恼,整理开心,总结快乐,公布幸福,恭喜你:你是个好心情的优秀生。今晚毕业典礼,奖品:好梦一帘。

19. 愿你容得下生命的不完美,也经得起世事的颠簸。晚安。

20. 漆黑一片,手机来照亮,看一看,瞧一瞧,晚安问候就来到,爬出被窝兜一圈,回来保准睡大觉,再道一声:晚安!

21. 你的日常生活里加上我,你会不会觉得挤,晚安噢。

22. 每当黑夜降临,便是我想你的开始,星星不眨眼,你就为它闪耀,今天是北半球黑夜最长的一天,也是我一年中想你最多的一晚!

23. 揉一揉太阳穴,耸一耸肩,辛苦一天不容易;抖一抖双脚,转一转头,舒舒服服睡觉去!祝你身体健康,睡眠好!

24. 你追逐世界,我追逐你的背影。晚安。

25. 一夜好梦,忘记所有忧愁;一夜香甜,抛却所有烦恼;一夜深睡,甩掉所有苦痛;一觉醒来,开启新的美好。好好睡吧,朋友晚安。

26. 努力不一定成功,但放弃一定失败。晚安!

27. 我在心里爱你想你疼你宠你!我在梦里吻你抱你抚你护你!相思朝朝暮暮!岁岁年年!相思天长地久!花好月圆,祝亲爱的好梦。

28. 希望你的可爱,可以治愈一切不可爱。晚安好梦。

29. 送走一天的忙碌,忘掉一天的烦恼,重温一天的快乐,回想一天的美好,然后闭上眼睛,睡个好觉,晚安!美梦!

30. 有一份祝福的机会,摆在我面前我没有珍惜,于是后悔莫及。若再给我一次机会,我一定会对你说:晚安哦!

31. 好多人做不好自己,是因为总想着做别人!晚安!

32. 遥遥的梦亮起一盏灯,听我心愿一声声,但愿你平安一程又一程,但愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝您今晚安然入睡,好梦!

33. 想你的时候最充实,念你的时候最逍遥,牵挂老是跟你跑,问候把你最先到,愿你日日乐陶陶,祝你夜夜梦美好。晚安!

34. If you feel tired and tired, you should restWhen it gets dark, it's time for you to go to bedIt takes courage to end a day; tomorrow needs courageGood night, friend!

35. 劝烦恼打个小盹,让快乐冒个小泡;让痛苦小憩歇会儿,让幸福接连赛跑;哄晦气睡个长觉,等好运悄悄来到。明天是崭新的一天!

36. 夜晚的宁静是美好的,有你的陪伴是幸福的,有你的照顾是贴心的,生活对我来说,永远都是有意义的!

37. 没有坚定的意念,就不要许美丽的誓言。晚安。

38. Spring sunshine is shining on you, warm spring breeze is blowing on you, beautiful flowers are welcoming you, stars are accompanying you, my text messages bless you, late at night, good night to you! uuuuuuuuuuuuu

39. 睡吧,有我在你门外站岗放哨,你安心的睡吧,大胆的睡吧。

40. 一闪一闪亮晶晶,天上的星星眨眼睛,寂静的夜空,送你一堆好梦,愿你在人生的旅途中,烦恼都成空,朋友,晚安!

41. 夜深了,天上的星星都已经睡了!此时此刻,只想发个信息,告诉你,晚安,吾爱!知道我在梦中等你吗?

42. 轻轻的问候,赶走你的烦恼;柔柔的关怀,散去你的困恼;甜甜的嘱咐,吹跑你的疲劳;美美的祝福,送去美梦伴绕。晚安!

43. 忘记白天工作的劳累,抛开日常生活的琐碎,让习习晚风当床,让丝丝清凉当被,让我美好祝福陪你入睡,晚安!好梦!

44. 念着你,一遍一遍。却不想打扰你,希望你睡的安然,像一只无忧的小猪猪。亲爱的,晚安!

45. 送走一天的忙碌,忘掉一天的烦恼,回想一天的美好,重温一天的快乐,然后闭上眼睛,睡个好觉,晚安!美梦!

46. What can I do if I can't sleep at night? Count, too vulgar; take sleeping pills, too harmful to the body, simply silent on your blessings, you will surely sleep soundly, good night!

47. 今天下雨,就像降落来临,问候不只是在在夜里,祝福永恒藏在在心底,雨停而不止,夜深却牵挂依然,宝贝,晚安!

48. 你也在那月影里稀的地方吗?月到中秋,分外想你。看见那团圆圆的月亮吗?那就是我想你念你牵挂你的心!爱你吻你!晚安!

49. 今夜星光灿烂,好运随时来。疲惫的身体带着倦意慢慢入睡,愿你做一个好梦,梦中流星滑落让你愿望成真,晚安!

50. 何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,乃是为你自己。晚安。

51. 最幸福的爱情没有言语,最浪漫的爱,就是和你一起慢慢变老。晚安!

52. 冗长的黑暗中,你是我唯一的光。晚安。

53. At night, the stars in the sky have gone to sleepAt this moment, I just want to send a message to you, good night, my love! Do you know I'm dreaming of you?

54. 放下你的烦恼,感受夜的美妙,任时光逍遥,任流星闪耀,用真诚的微笑,换幸福的拥抱,祝你睡个好觉,晚安。

55. 把平凡的小事做到极致,也是一种强大的超能力。晚安。

56. 失败的是事,绝不应是人,晚安。

57. 我很骄傲也很傲娇,傲娇是我的傲骨,骄傲是因为有你。晚安。

58. 空蔚蓝,杜鹃纷飞,曾经萍水相逢,欢聚一堂,蓦然回首,唯有友谊存留;夜幕降临,钟声悠悠,时光已逝,唯朋友独留,晚安!

59. 夜里,那满天繁星,就是我凝视你的眼睛。那皎洁明月,就是我思念你的神情。晚风轻轻拂来,带去我的问候:夜深了,做个好梦!

60. 今天的你也辛苦了,回家后就好好休息一下吧,晚安。

61. 美梦在呼唤,周公在招手;忙碌一天洗个澡,工作一日睡个觉;记得盖好被关好窗,做个梦明天真舒畅;晚安,祝明天有个好心情!

62. 一夜好梦,忘记所有忧愁;一夜香甜,抛却所有烦恼;一夜深睡,甩掉所有苦痛;一觉醒来,开启新的美好。朋友晚安。

63. When night comes, it is the beginning that I miss youIf the stars don't blink, you will shine for itToday is the longest night in the northern hemisphere and the night that I miss you most in a year.

64. 对于大多数人而言,平凡就是幸福。有时候,幸福无处可寻,但只有认为自己幸福的人才能享受到幸福。

65. There is a chance of blessing before meI do not cherish it, so I regret it laterIf you give me another chance, I will say to you: good night!

66. 思念不因劳累而改变,祝福不因休息而变缓,问候不因疲惫而变懒,关怀随星星眨眼,牵挂在深夜依然,轻轻道声:祝你晚安!

67. 与你共度的时光,多久都不足够。晚安哦。

68. Reviewing hesitation, correcting troubles, organizing happiness, summarizing happiness, announcing happiness, congratulations: you are an excellent student in a good moodTonight's graduation ceremony, prizes: good dreams.

晚安的句子用英语 篇四

1. 愿我的祝福像高高低低的风铃,给你带去叮叮铛铛的快乐!如果你在梦中也会笑出声来,那一定是我带给你的!

2. The quiet night, the beautiful sky, the light breeze, and the concern for you have always been in your heartLong blessings, drops of greetings, may you have sweet dreams, good night!

3. 朝起朝落的日子,总有一个笑,可以伴着黑夜进入梦乡,进入没有虚假的世界,晚安,世界!你好,明天!

4. I just talked to the moon on the phone and asked it to shine and sleep with you, and sent an email to the stars to embellish the night sky with your dreamsThey promised, good night, good dreams!

5. 睡梦醒来好想你,随手发去短信息;不知最近可如意,工作生活皆顺利;愿我祝福永伴你,道声晚安祝吉利。

6. 减少蜗居时间,亲近大自然。晚安!

7. 再烦,也要记得微笑;再急,也要注意语气;再苦,也别忘记坚持;再累,也要爱惜自己。再忙,我也祝福你:今夜好梦!

8. let a person be afraid is not the end of the world, but the dream is lost 、~~~让人害怕的不是世界末日,而是梦想的遗失、、、、、

9. Send you some happiness, wish you a peaceful sleep, give you a moment of relaxation, wish you a peaceful sleep, send you a text message, wish you a beautiful dream, send you a word, good night my friend.

10. 睡吧,晚安!今夜星光月夜皆归你,我也归你。

11. Good night message to your girlfriendMay all happiness accompany youLooking up is spring, bowing down is autumnMay all joy follow youThe moon is a poem, the moon is a picture!

12. A good night's dream, forget all sorrow; a sweet night, abandon all worries; a deep night's sleep, shake off all pain; wake up, open a new beautySleep well, good night, friend.

13. Everyone knows that life is not just for life, but for happinessBut the happiness of man lies in the happiness of his heartLife itself is happiness.

14. 工作是忙是闲,让健康永远;联系是多是少,让问候永远;距离是远是近,让牵挂永远;生活是苦是甜,让平安永远。晚安,好梦!

15. 不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要轻言放弃。晚安。

16. 你知道我为什么经常晚上吗?因为经常想你想得睡不着。晚安!



18. 早点睡吧,你想要的,梦里都有,晚安。

19. 伸伸懒腰上床睡觉,烦恼压力统统赶跑,甜甜蜜蜜做个好梦,对了,别把空调开得太大,被弄感冒了;祝好梦!晚安!

20. Today it rains, just like missing the landing, greetings are not only in the night, blessings are hidden in the bottom of my heart forever, the rain stops and misses endlessly, but still in the deep of the night, baby, good night!! uuuuuuuuu

21. 凡事不必太在意,一切随缘随心,缘深多聚聚,缘浅随它去。晚安!

22. 有心的人,再远也会记挂对方;无心的人,近在咫尺却远在天涯。

23. 总想把世界上最好的都给你,却发现世界最好的就是你。愿你好梦!

24. 每天都冒出很多念头,那些不死的才叫做梦想。晚安!

25. 我们的名字有一天会在一起,在结婚证上,在户口本里。晚安!

26. 勤劳一天,可以得到一天的安然,卸下工作负累快乐坦然,放松轻松自然怡然,进入梦乡吧,晚安,祝你做个甜甜美美的好梦。

27. 我没有面包,没有清酒,有的只是余生的一腔孤勇。晚安!

28. Have a good mood, such as having a sweet blessingI wish you health and happinessI wish I could wish you happiness forever.

29. 送你一些快乐,愿你安心入眠,送你轻松一刻,愿你安然入睡,送你短信一条,愿你美梦相伴,送你一句话语,晚安我的朋友。

30. 每一个疲惫的灵魂都希望得到片刻喘息,每一份失落的心情都希望得到短暂的安抚。让一切失落和疲惫消逝在黑夜中,祝好梦!

31. 星星亮着,夜空就不会黑暗;问候伴着,心灵就不会孤单;祝福传递,温暖送你。愿你今晚有个好梦,晚安!

32. Forget the tiredness of working during the day, put aside the triviality of daily life, let the night breeze be the bed, let the silk cool be the quilt, let me bless you to sleep, good night! Sweet dream!

33. Maybe work is boring, maybe life is boring; when the sunset has gone away, rest is the most critical moment; may happiness always accompany you, wish good dreams can be realized; good night!

34. 尊重现在,善待自己,往事不记后事不提。晚安。

35. 总会有一束阳光驱散你所有的阴霾,带给你万丈光芒。晚安!

36. 一天,我和妹妹正在睡觉,突然从床上爬来一只蟑螂,我和妹妹都哭了,他说是你的亲戚,从你家赶来的,为了给我道一声晚安。

37. Starry night, stars blink for you happy; there is a breeze night, the breeze blows away trouble for you; there are text messages night, text messages bring you wishes; wish you a good dream, good night.


