
时间:2017-08-02 01:33:37
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用英语句子介绍爸爸 篇一

My Amazing Dad: A True Role Model

My dad is the most incredible person I know. He is my role model and my hero. With his kind heart, strong character, and unwavering determination, he has taught me invaluable life lessons and shaped me into the person I am today.

First and foremost, my dad is an incredibly hardworking individual. He has always been dedicated to his job and strives for excellence in everything he does. As a successful businessman, he has taught me the importance of perseverance and the value of hard work. Seeing him overcome challenges and achieve his goals has motivated me to pursue my own dreams with the same level of dedication and determination.

In addition to his professional success, my dad is also a loving and caring family man. He always puts his family's needs before his own and goes above and beyond to ensure our happiness and well-being. Whether it's attending my school events, helping me with homework, or simply spending quality time together, my dad is always there for me. His unconditional love and support have given me the confidence to face any obstacle that comes my way.

Furthermore, my dad possesses an incredible sense of humor. He knows how to lighten the mood and make everyone around him laugh. His infectious laughter and witty jokes create a joyful and positive atmosphere wherever he goes. Growing up, my dad taught me the importance of finding humor in life's challenges and not taking things too seriously. This has helped me develop a positive outlook and be resilient in the face of adversity.

Lastly, my dad is a wise and wise person. He has a wealth of knowledge and experiences that he generously shares with me. Whether it's advice on relationships, career choices, or personal growth, my dad always provides me with valuable insights and guidance. His wisdom has been instrumental in shaping my decision-making skills and helping me navigate through life's uncertainties.

In conclusion, my dad is not only an amazing father but also an exceptional human being. His hard work, love, humor, and wisdom have had a profound impact on my life. I am grateful to have him as my dad and I aspire to be as remarkable as him.

用英语句子介绍爸爸 篇三

用英语句子介绍爸爸 精选71句

1. Hehasbigeyesandsmallnose.

2. generous大方、comprehensive包容的

3. Hisfatherwasapainter.他的父亲是画家。

4. generous、giving、gentle、caring、forgiving、selfless

5. mydadandi--weknowthescore

6. 爸爸和我

7. 忠实的、感激的、无畏的

8. Hegoestoworkbycareveryday.

9. mydadandi--weliketofish

10. Mydadisagoodmanandheisagreatdadaswell

11. 善良的、勇敢的、努力工作的、无私奉献的、虔诚的、有爱心的

12. mydadandi--wegoswimmingtoo,

13. Ilovemydad.Heiskind,smartandhard-working.

14. orbuildamodelplane,

15. Heisastrongmanwithblackhair.Heismorethanfortyyearsold.Heisanengineer.Heisstrictabouthiswork.Everyday,hegoestoworkearlyandcomesbacklate.Inhisfreetime,heoftendoesmanyinterestingthings.Helikesplayingfootball,swimmingandplayingthepiano.Healwaysplaysballgameswithmeeveryweekend.Heoftengoestoworkalldayandallnight,buthestillfindstimetohelpmewithmystudies.Heisstrictaboutmystudy,andheisstrictwithmeaswell.

16. mydadandi

17. 写我的爸爸的英语作文篇三

18. 摆飞机模型,

19. faithful、grateful、fearless

20. Mydadismyhero.Fatherisanimportantpersonwhoiseverybodyintheworldshouldlove,suchasme:)Myfather,Januszis55yearsold.Hehasxxxs.He'squitetall,butabitshorterthan

21. industrious勤劳的、decent体面的、dependable可信赖的

22. 甚至在我一句话都没说时

23. 描述父亲的英文单词:

24. 写我的爸爸的英语作文篇二

25. 有时他也会非常忙碌

26. 他知道我的意思

27. orfixabrokenchairortwo

28. patient有耐心的、beautiful漂亮、patient耐心、easy-going随和

29. 我的爸爸和我——我们心有灵犀,

30. Heistallandhandsome.

31. 对于每场单一游戏。

32. Hedidn'twanttobeafather.他不想成为父亲。

33. 我的爸爸和我——我们一起做每件事情。

34. mydad--he'sreallynice.

35. Mydadisatallandhandsomemiddle-agedman.HehasbigeyesandaprettyRomannose.Heisstrictwithme,butwheni'vefinishedmyhomework,he'dbegladtobringmeouttoplay.Mostimportantofall,helovesmeandmomverymuch.Ilovemydad.

36. honest、loyal、prayerful、compassionate、patient、wise

37. beforeievensayaword

38. 我的爸爸和我——我们知晓所有分数

39. Myfatherisastrongman.Hehasashorthair.Helikessports.Heisgoodatsinging.Ilovemyfather.Heusuallycheermeupsometimes.Weoftenswimonvacation.Thatisall.

40. 他理解的非常好。

41. 菲利斯·c·迈克尔

42. sometimeshe'sreallybusy,too

43. mydadandi--wethinkalike,

44. kind、brave、hard-working、devoted、faithful、loving

45. hereads,well,inbetween.

46. 我的爸爸——他真的非常棒。

47. Ilovemyfather.

48. buthetakesmejustthesame.

49. 我的爸爸和我——我们喜欢钓鱼

50. ofeverysinglega


51. 慷慨的、给予的、温柔的、体贴的、宽容的、无私的、

52. heknowsjustwhatimean

53. kind慈祥、careful关爱的、cheerful鼓励的、loving慈爱的

54. 扩展资料:

55. 修一两个破旧的椅子,

56. 或只是一个窗玻璃。

57. phyllisc.michael

58. 我的爸爸和我——我们也一起游泳

59. Heisafatherofthree.他是三个孩子的父亲。

60. Myfatherwaswearingapairofglasses,smalleyes,thinlips,becauseoverworkedwithwrinkles我父亲戴着一副眼镜,小眼睛,薄嘴唇,因为劳累有了皱纹

61. 诚实的、忠诚的、虔诚的、富有同情心的、耐心的、有智慧的

62. clever、witty、sad、humble、passionate、tender、strong

63. 每年一次,有时两次。

64. Mydadisagoodmanandheisagreatdadaswell.Heisastrongmanwithblackhair.Heismorethanfortyyearsold.Heisanengineer.Heisstrictabouthiswork.Everyday,hegoestoworkearlyandcomesbacklate.Inhisfreetime,heoftendoesmanyinterestingthings.Helikesplayingfootball,swimmingandplayingthepiano.Healwaysplaysballgameswithmeeveryweekend.Heoftengoestoworkalldayandallnight,buthestillfindstimetohelpmewithmystudies.Heisstrictaboutmystudy,andheisstrictwithmeaswell.Ilovemydad.Heiskind,smartandhard-working.

65. 聪明的、机智的、悲伤的、谦虚的、热情的、温柔的、坚强的

66. mydadandi--wedoeverything

67. Myfatheristall.Heisofmediumbuild.Hewearsapairofglasses.Mymotheristhinandhaslongblackhair.

68. hello,thisismyfather.

69. orjustawindowpane.

70. eachyearandsometimestwice.

71. 但他始终待我如一。


