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高中英语完成句子练习 篇一

The Importance of Practicing Sentence Completion Exercises in High School English

As high school students, it is crucial for us to continuously improve our English language skills. One effective way to do so is by practicing sentence completion exercises. These exercises not only help us expand our vocabulary and improve our grammar, but they also enhance our critical thinking and analytical skills. In this article, we will explore the importance of practicing sentence completion exercises in high school English.

To begin with, sentence completion exercises are beneficial for expanding our vocabulary. By encountering various sentence structures and contexts, we are exposed to a wide range of words and phrases. This exposure helps us understand the meanings of unfamiliar words and learn how to use them correctly. For example, when completing a sentence such as "The _______________ of the book was captivating," we are required to choose an appropriate word that accurately describes the book. This exercise challenges us to think critically and choose the most fitting word from our vocabulary. Through regular practice, our vocabulary repertoire expands, enabling us to express ourselves more effectively in both spoken and written English.

Furthermore, sentence completion exercises improve our grammar skills. As we complete sentences, we must pay attention to subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and word order. These exercises help us identify and correct grammatical errors, enhancing our overall language proficiency. For instance, when completing a sentence such as "If I _______________ enough money, I would travel around the world," we need to choose the correct verb form to ensure grammatical accuracy. By consistently practicing these exercises, we become more aware of grammar rules and apply them correctly in our own writing and speaking.

In addition, sentence completion exercises enhance our critical thinking and analytical skills. When faced with incomplete sentences, we need to consider the context and meaning of the sentence before choosing the appropriate word. This process requires us to think critically, analyze the given information, and make informed decisions. For example, when completing a sentence such as "The protagonist's decision _______________ the course of events," we must carefully consider the possible outcomes and choose a word that accurately reflects the impact of the decision. This exercise helps us develop logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. These skills are not only valuable in English class but also in other academic subjects and real-life situations.

In conclusion, practicing sentence completion exercises is highly beneficial for high school students learning English. These exercises expand our vocabulary, improve our grammar skills, and enhance our critical thinking abilities. By dedicating time and effort to these exercises, we can significantly enhance our language proficiency and excel in both spoken and written English. Therefore, it is essential for us to incorporate sentence completion exercises into our regular English practice routine.

高中英语完成句子练习 篇二

How Sentence Completion Exercises Can Boost Your High School English Skills

In high school, English language skills play a crucial role in our academic success and future endeavors. To excel in this subject, it is essential to practice various language exercises, including sentence completion exercises. These exercises not only enhance our vocabulary and grammar skills but also improve our reading comprehension and writing abilities. In this article, we will explore the ways in which sentence completion exercises can boost our high school English skills.

First and foremost, sentence completion exercises are highly effective in expanding our vocabulary. By encountering diverse sentence structures and contexts, we are exposed to a wide range of words and phrases. This exposure helps us understand the meanings of unfamiliar words and learn how to use them correctly. For example, when completing a sentence such as "The _______________ of the story left me in awe," we are required to choose an appropriate word that accurately describes our emotional response. This exercise challenges us to think critically and choose the most fitting word from our vocabulary. Through regular practice, our vocabulary repertoire expands, enabling us to express ourselves more effectively in both spoken and written English.

Moreover, sentence completion exercises improve our grammar skills. As we complete sentences, we must pay attention to subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and sentence structure. These exercises help us identify and correct grammatical errors, enhancing our overall language proficiency. For instance, when completing a sentence such as "If I _______________ a magician, I would make everyone happy," we need to choose the correct verb form to ensure grammatical accuracy. By consistently practicing these exercises, we become more aware of grammar rules and apply them correctly in our own writing and speaking.

Additionally, sentence completion exercises enhance our reading comprehension abilities. When faced with incomplete sentences, we need to consider the context and meaning of the sentence before choosing the appropriate word. This process requires us to analyze the given information, make connections, and infer missing details. For example, when completing a sentence such as "The author's use of vivid imagery _______________ the reader's imagination," we must carefully consider the effect of imagery on the reader and choose a word that accurately reflects this impact. This exercise helps us develop critical reading skills and improve our ability to understand and interpret written texts.

Furthermore, sentence completion exercises contribute to our writing proficiency. By practicing these exercises, we become more adept at constructing coherent and well-structured sentences. We learn how to choose appropriate words, use correct grammar, and convey our ideas effectively. These skills are crucial for writing essays, reports, and other academic assignments. Additionally, sentence completion exercises encourage creativity and enable us to explore different writing styles and techniques. Through regular practice, our writing skills improve, enabling us to produce high-quality written work.

In conclusion, sentence completion exercises are a valuable tool for high school students learning English. These exercises expand our vocabulary, improve our grammar skills, enhance our reading comprehension abilities, and boost our writing proficiency. By incorporating sentence completion exercises into our English practice routine, we can significantly enhance our language skills and excel in this subject. Therefore, it is essential for us to recognize the importance of these exercises and dedicate time and effort to mastering them.

高中英语完成句子练习 篇三

高中英语完成句子练习 精选68句

1. At noon the meeting was at an end (结束了). (end)

2. Although he felt uncomfortable, he worked hard as usual(像往常一样努力工作). (usual)

3. It seemed(看来) as if he had known the bad news. (seem)

4. When you are in trouble, you can turn to (求助于) your parents and your friends. (turn)

5. We came up with (提出了) several choices, such as(例如)going boating, climbing a mountain, and

6. She worried about(担忧)her health. (worry)

7. Only then did he realize (他意识到) that his carelessness caused such great damage to the basketball

8. 完成句子。[小题1]Not only did it _______ us_______ to nature and give us _______ from heavy school work., it also _______the friendship among us.它不仅让我们更接近自然,从繁重的学业中得到放松,也促进了我们之间的友谊。[小题2]These days, _______traffic rules and _______ are not _______, _______ serious harm to life andenvironment. Changing this situation _______ _______ effort on the part ofeveryone.近来,违反交通规则和扔垃圾很普遍,造成了对生活和环境的严重危害。改变这种情况需要每个人极大的努力。[小题3]And third, _______ _______about your future. Such a _______ _______ towards life can be helpful in_______ your _______.第三,对未来保持乐观。这样的一种对生活的积极态度有助于提高我们的情绪。[小题4]_______ too much on mouseclicking makes us lazier and less _______ both _______and _______.过于依赖点击鼠标使我们更懒惰,在精神上和身体上更少创造性。

9. He was sentenced to death_(被判处死刑) for murdering(谋杀) the president.(sentence)

10. The monument was built in honour of (纪念) the dead in the war. (honour)

11. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard (发现很难) to make good friends with

12. [小题1]___________________ her daughter from the smog, Chai Jing shuts herdaughter at home. (protect)为了保护女儿不受雾霾的影响,柴静把女儿关在家里。[小题2]Basic goods, as well as upto RMB¥90,352,800, __________________ to the Red CrossSociety by March 3rd, 2015, in Zhongshan City, where the charitycampaign was launched.  (donate)[小题3]You ___________________the flowers; the weather forecast says it’s going to rain in the followingthree days. (water)[小题4]Anyone ___________________a cellphone in their pocket in the classroom during the examination will bedeclared cheating. (carry)[小题5] J. K. Rowling has writtena lot of novels, some of them ___________________ several foreign languages.(translate)[小题6]Since the new cellphoneapp of NPC and CPPCC was developed, the delegates have received___________________ advice as they did last year. (twice)[小题7]If people___________________environmental protection while developing economy in thepast few decades, China might have a better ecological environment now. (pay)[小题8]After the air crash, manyjournalists rushed to the airport to inquire ___________________. (come)[小题9]Not until Mr. Green was diagnosedwith cancer ___________________ how precious health was. (realize)[小题10]The issue of fair andequal education has aroused widespread concern, __________________ for morestudents from less-developed areas to be enrolled in universities. (make)

13. People think highly of (高度评价) the movies. (think)

14. She burst out crying (突然大哭起来). (burst out)

15. As a kind girl, she is willing to(乐意)help others. (willing)

16. Great works are performed not by strength , but by perseverance. 完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。 -Samuel Johns

17. Paraphrase the sentences[小题1]The government has announced to rescue thecultural inheritance at any cost.The government has announced to rescue the cultural inheritance________________ _______ .[小题2]Whatever her faults, I’llstand by her side.Whatever her faults, I’ll ________ _________ _______ her.[小题3]“Be cautious about thestatistics because we draw our conclusion on the basis of them,”he said.“Be cautious about the statistics ______ ______ to ______ our conclusion ,”hesaid.[小题4] They attempted topersuade him to give up the original plan, but in vain(徒劳地).______was a ______ of effort for them to attempt to persuade him to give up theoriginal plan.[小题5]As the National Day iscoming, the children are getting more excited.With the National Day _______ _______ ________, the children are getting moreexcited.[小题6] All the football playersof Guangzhou Hengda are training hard, intending to get the champion in the AFCChampions League._______ the _______ of getting the champion in the AFC Champions League, allthe football players of Guangzhou Hengda are training hard.[小题7] If she took the trip toNew York, I would go to see her off at the airport.______ she ______ the trip to New York, I would go to see her off at theairport.[小题8]‘Dad, Where Are We Going’,a popular TV reality show on Hunan Satellite TV, leaves a deep impression onme.I’m ______ a lot ______ ‘Dad, Where Are We Going’, a popular TV reality show onHunan Satellite TV.

18. He always offers me help when I am in trouble (处于困境).(trouble)

19. I’m getting along well with (与……相处得很好) a boy in my class.(get)

20. 在空格处填入适当的内容或使用括号中单词的正确形式。[小题1]Have you ever had acase________ someone accused your journalist of getting the wrong end of thestick?[小题2]________ (为了不) wake up the sleeping baby, he spoke quietly.[小题3]Only if you ask manydifferent questions________acquire all the information you need to know.[小题4]Burns are called first,second or third degree burns, ________ (取决于) whichlayers of the skin are burned.[小题5]________ (apply) to hiswork, he didn’t know what is happening around him.[小题6]The ________ (injure) wereall sent to the nearest hospital by the firefighters.[小题7]Cold drinks are ________ (需求量大) in the summer[小题8]They had no time toarrange their own wedding, so they have it________ (organize)by a company[小题9]I thought of mygrandma________ (每当)I saw the picture taken with her[小题10]I think this is the firsttime that we have met. Never beforeeach other________ (我们从未见过).

21. The car blew up(爆炸)and killed five people around. (blow)

22. 课文填空[小题1]But he became ______whenhe thought about helping ordinary people  _____ to cholera. 但他一想到要帮助那些得了霍乱的普通百姓时,他就感到很振奋。[小题2]Now when people_______  _______ England you find Wales ________ as well. 如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。[小题3]Only if you ask manydifferent questions _____  _____ _______ all the information you need toknow. 你只有提出很多不同的问题之后才有可能获得你需要知道的信息。[小题4]Remove clothing usingscissors _______  ________ unless it is stuck to the burn. 除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把它脱掉(必要时可用剪刀帮助)。[小题5]At first my new _________were difficult  to  ____________.一开始新的环境让我很难忍受。[小题6]Hit by _____ ______  __ fresh air, my head ached. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。[小题7]However, I ________ _________ of Wang Ping when we reached ________ looked like a large market becauseof  too many carriages ______ by in all ________. 可是,当我们到达一个看上去像大市场的地方时,由于太多车子朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。

23. This boy had dreamed of/ about being (梦想为) a police officer since he was just a boy. (dream)

24. Judging from (从.....判断) his expression, he has a good chance of winning. (judge)

25. It was (正是)my brother who first had the idea to fly kites at weekends.

26. Geography also plays a part (起作用) in making dialects. (play)


28. 动词填空[小题1]Harrison Ford is thoughtto be one of the few movie stars __________(work) as a carpenter before.[小题2]Tom took a taxi to theairport , only _____________ (find) his plane high up in the sky.[小题3]_________________(realize) that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.[小题4]With the incomes_______________(rise) continuously , some people now can afford expensiveclothing of the fastest fashion.[小题5]If I’ve got nothing toshare, I may leave my micro-blog __________ (untouch) for weeks.[小题6]His brother , who____(serve) in the army for five years,is now running afarm in our village.[小题7]Sam is going to talk aboutthe history of his country, but I’d rather he ______ (focus)more on itsculture.[小题8]It is required in thelibrary regulations that any book borrowed __________ (return) by due time, orthe borrower will be fined.[小题9]People who are thinkingabout _________(adopt) a dog as their pets are worried that they will fight.[小题10]The woman is alwayslooking forward to ________ (live) a rich life.

29. What she was really concerned about(她真正关心的) was whether she could go outdoors and walk the

30. 动词填空 [小题1]Great changes_______(take) place in our country in the past thirty years.[小题2]Peter prefers to stay athome watching TV rather than _______(go) there alone.[小题3]He had his leg _____(break) while playing football.[小题4]In some countries, missinga bus means _______(wait) for another half an hour.[小题5]___

____(chat) on line tookhim a lot of time, which led to his failure in the exam.[小题6]---Do you know our citywell?---No, this is the first time I ____ (come) here.[小题7]_______(achieve) success,you should concentrate on what you are doing.[小题8]She was shy, so she asked_________(introduce) to the people present.[小题9]When I entered, theteacher, along with her lovely students, _______(dance) to the music.[小题10]I never thought you _____(bring) me such a nice present.

31. It was the first time that I had talked with my mother face to face(与母亲面对面谈话).(face to face)

32. [小题1]The only decent hotel in town had hung out a “Full House” sign, sotheir only choice was __________________at a small inn. (put)这镇上唯一像样的旅馆挂牌“客满”,他们只好投宿一家小店.[小题2]-He is so lucky to win thegold medal in the world championship.-But I guess he __________________ tough training. (go)-他真幸运在世界锦标赛中获得金牌。-但我想他肯定经过了严格的训练。[小题3]What a shame! Not at all__________________ at that time that we should start developing good habits tosave our planet. (strike)真遗憾啊!那时我没想到我们必须开始养成好习惯来拯救这颗星球。[小题4]Experts' advice touniversity students is that __________________ not only pay and benefits butalso working conditions and the job's outlook when landing a job. (account)专家给大学生的建议是:他们找工作时不仅要考虑工资和收益,也要考虑工作环境和职业前景。[小题5]With __________________ inglobal economy, the cooperation between Chinese manufacturing enterprisesshould be intensified. (grow)随着全球经济竞争加剧,我国制造企业之间的相互协作应进一步增强。[小题6]Up to now, we__________________ if we can all work together, we will be able to create abetter tomorrow! (convince)到目前,我们已深信不疑如果大家万众一心,我们一定能够创造一个更加美好的明天。[小题7]My family are fascinatedby the program “Running Man” and we will watch it every week __________________our work. (busy)我们家人对《奔跑吧兄弟》这个节目着了迷,不管我们工作多忙,每周都会看。[小题8]China Dream is meant tolet Chinese people __________________ those in any other country in the world.(live)中国梦就是要让中国人在全世界人民中生活最幸福。[小题9]There are three kinds ofcloth to make a dress with, none__________________ easily. (tear)这儿有三种布料可以用来做裙子,它们都不容易撕破。[小题10]__________________ by thegovernment to stop pollution is one of the issues that concern the public most.(measure)政府将采取什么措施来遏制污染是民众最关心的问题之一。

33. The poor girl had gone through (经历了) many difficulties since her parents died. (go)

34. 选词填空 答案写在题后的横线上

35. 从方框内选择适当的短语,并用其适当形式完成下列句子(每个短语限用一次)

36. Having suffered from (已经患了) heart trouble for years, Mr. White has to take some medicine

37. Never giving up(永不放弃)is his personality, so you need not worry about him.

38. He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep(本来该睡觉

39. His mother had been out of work(已经失业了) for half a year, which made them poorer than ever.

40. It was the first time that he had persuaded his parents to (说服父母) stay for the Christmas meal with

41. These black slaves fought for(为……而战)freedom(自由) all their life.(fight)

42. We can hardly wait to (迫不及待地) see them! (hardly)

43. The man was put into/in prison ( 被投入xxx) for killing 10 persons. (put)

44. 单词拼写[小题1]An unhappy home_______________(环境) can affect a child’s behavior.[小题2]It is not___________________(方便) for me to come now; I am busy.[小题3]His paintings will be________________(展示) to the public at the end of thismonth.[小题4]Unable to speak a word oflanguage, he __________________(交流) by gestures.[小题5]Scientists have made agreat _________________(突破) in the area of genetics.[小题6]The fire ________________(spread)very quickly because of the strong wind last night.[小题7]Courage is one of the best_________________(quality) of a good solider.[小题8]___________________(tradition),the company’s main markets have been in Britain .[小题9]It’s difficult to travelthrough the town on a ___________________ (fog) morning.[小题10]To our surprise, we were___________________ (forbid) to enter the hall by the guard.

45. 完成句子[小题1]这次游历对我的人生有深远影响,让我永远难忘。This field trip ______________________________________________________________,which will never fade from my memory.[小题2]大多数司机只是从他身边驶过,把人体交通标志视为理所当然的事情。Most drivers just pass by, _____________________________________________________.[小题3]Johnson 的同事因他对市场的适时把握而称他为天才。Johnson’s colleagues _________________________________ a genius for his abilityto time markets.[小题4]马克吐温很早离开校园并在年少时就动身去新奥尔良,下定决心要去南美发大财。Mark Twain left school early, and as an adolescent, _________________________________________________________________________________in South America, set off for New Orleans.[小题5]我今晚没有心情去参加宴会。______________________________________________________ the dinner partytonight.

46. The doctor advised him to drink more water(建议他喝多点水). (advise)

47. 句型转换 [小题1]My trip to Tibet is sowonderful that I am eager to tell you about it.My trip to Tibet is so wonderful that I __________ wait to _________ it withyou.[小题2]If one wants to stayhealthy, he should do exercise instead of taking certain pills, which actuallyaffects people’s health.If one wants to keep _______, he should _______ _______ instead of takingcertain pills, which actually has a bad _______ on people’s health.[小题3]Now when they think backto the experience, they are proud of it.Now when they look _______ _______ the experience, they take_____________________ it.[小题4]Though you want to surfthe Internet, you should be busy preparing for the coming mid-term exam.Though you want to surf the Internet, you _________ _________ to be busy_______ _______ for the coming mid-term exam.[小题5]She cried out as soon asshe heard the news.__________ __________ the news, she cried out.[小题6]Mother always took me fora walk after supper when I was young.Mother _______  _________ take me for a walk after supper when I wasyoung.[小题7]He insists that he shouldbe sent to work in the remote area.He insists _____ ______ sent to work in the remote area.

48. As a matter of fact(事实上), he was late for school this morning. (matter)

49. They haven’t made up their mind(决定)whether to go swimming or not. (make)

50. I will prefer to stay at home (更愿意待在家里)if it rains. (stay)

51. I happened to (碰巧) have some money on me, so I bought the book for the poor boy. (happen)

52. While walking the dog (遛狗时), you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. (walk)

53. By now, many new schools have been set up (建立) after the big earthquake. (set)

54. I insisted that we (should)discuss (讨论) the problem again. (discuss)

55. 完成句子[小题1]妈妈和爸爸外出度假,比预期的时间提前一天返回家中。Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier _________ ___________.[小题2]很多青少年感到孤独,好像没有人理解他们以及他们正在经历的变化。Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes theyare __________ __________.[小题3]你最好带上钥匙以防我不在家。You’d better take the keys __________ __________ I’m out.[小题4]老板必须被告知工作的进展情况。Nobody knows when the project will be completed. The boss has to be kept__________ ____________ the progress of the work.[小题5]羊毛市场从先前的衰退中恢复过来。The wool market has __________ ___________ its earlier weakness.[小题6]女性组成英国五分之二的劳动力。Women __________ _________ two-fifths of the British labour force.[小题7]希腊的经济从长远看会变好的。The economy of Greece will run better __________ _________ ____________________.[小题8].我,也就是你们的英语老师,有很多朋友,其中大部分是外国人。I, who ________ your English teacher, have a lot of friends,________ _________________ are foreigners.

56. As we all know (众所周知), British English is a little different from American English.(as)

57. 句型转换与翻译句子[小题1]You should have thecourage to admit your mistakes.You should have the courage to admit that ________ _________ _________.[小题2]Despite many invitations,he would always decline to visit Oxford.________ ________ _________ many invitations, he would always decline to visit Oxford.[小题3]If I had not seen it withmy own eyes, I would not have believed it.________I _________ _________ it with my own eyes, I would not have believedit.[小题4]The newly broadened squareis four times as big as that one.The newly broadened square is four times _______ _______ _______ that one.[小题5]He preferred reading totraveling when he was at high school.He preferred _________ __________ __________ ________ travel when he was athigh school.[小题6]我成功说服他不去看比赛。I have managed to _________ him __________ __________ going to the match.[小题7]纵火烧房一事应由谁来负责?Who  __________ ___________ ___________ for setting the house on fire.[小题8]你学习越努力,取得的进步就会越大。The _________ you study, the greater __________ you will __________.[小题9]皮鞋的价格从100美元到250元不等。The prices of leather shoes __________ __________ 100 dollars _________ 250dollars.[小题10]如此专注地注视着那辆车从他身边开过,他没有注意到朋友们来了。She was so ________ _______ watching the car passing by, she didn’t notice hisfriends coming.

58. Tired of / Having got tired of (厌倦了) staying indoors for days, we are longing to go out. (tired)

59. Fill in the blanks with thecorrect forms of the given verbs[小题1]If you don’t eat less, you’ll end up________ (look) like a whale.[小题2]_______ (misunderstand) byothers when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience.[小题3]The secretary asked herboss whether he had anything more ________ (type) before she went back home.[小题4]The US government was shutdown on October 1st because of some financial problems. So far it________ (solve) and everything returns to normal.[小题5]Helen ________ (leave) herkeys in the office so she had to wait until her husband came home.[小题6]The need ________ (love)and _______ (love) separates humans beings from other animals.[小题7]There is no _______ (joke)about matters of life and death.[小题8]______ (move) forward intothe future, it is important to stop _______ (cry) over past mistake.

60. They were trapped (被困在) in the burning building yesterday. (trap)

61. 完成句子。[小题1]Not only did it _______ us_______ to nature and give us _______ from heavy school work. it also _______the friendship among us.它不仅让我们更接近自然,从繁重的学业中得到放松,也促进了我们之间的友谊。[小题2] These days, _______traffic rules and _______ are not _______, _______ serious harm to life andenvironment. Changing this situation _______ _______ effort on the part ofeveryone.近来,违反交通规则和扔垃圾很普遍,造成了对生活和环境的严重危害。改变这种情况需要每个人极大的努力。[小题3]And third, _______ _______about your future. Such a _______ _______ towards life can be helpful in_______ your _______.第三,对未来保持乐观。这样的一种对生活的积极态度有助于提高我们的情绪。[小题4] _______ too much on mouseclicking makes us lazier and less _______ both _______and _______.过于依赖点击鼠标使我们更懒惰,在精神上和身体上更少创造性。

62. His income added up to (共计) $1000 a month. (add)

63. 注重思考,积累经验。同时,还可做些经典题(高考真题、全真模拟等),以提高实战能力。

64. We have a lot of work to do, so we have to make full use of time(充分利用时间). (use)

65. 蝶儿来这里欢舞,蝉儿来这里鸣叫,小鸟来这里玩耍,秋蛩来这里低吟。院里有一棵老李,到了春四月,树上开满了青白的花朵。碰到有风的日

66. 写作 第三节 完成句子[小题1]The scientist took a very________(science) approach to science[小题2]He gave a ________ (humor)account of their trip to Spain first.[小题3]I read the book in________ (translate), not in the original Norwegian.[小题4]One of the main ________(attract) of the job is the high salary.[小题5]So many thousands of__________(terrify) people died every time there was an outbreak.[小题6]Frick had a ________(prefer) for pre-twentieth century Western paintings.[小题7]It will _________________(吸引) those who love Impressionist andPost-Impressionist paintings.[小题8]The reputation of thismuseum________ ______(在于) the variety of its artcollection.[小题9]_________ _______(只有)you ask many different questions will you acquire all theinformation you need to know.[小题10]They must use research to_________themselves ______(告知) the missing parts of thestory.[小题11]Remove clothing usingscissors______ _________ (如有必要) unless it is __________ (粘在) the burn.[小题12]It shows that a knowledgeof first aid can _______ a __________(起作用).[小题13]The Chinese nation________ ________(由…组成)56nationalities, among which the Han Ethnic Group is the largest, ________________ (占)94% of the people.[小题14]The footballer was________ ________ (被指控)taking money for ________(故意地)not scoring goals so as to let the other team win.[小题15]China ____________________(位于) in the east of Asia, ______(cover) anarea of 9, 600, 000 square kilometers.

67. Although he is faced with a lot of trouble, he never loses heart (丧失信心).

68. If you have some trouble with (与……有麻烦) your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for


