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医院常用抗菌药物的英文词锦 篇一

Antibiotics are essential in the field of medicine, especially in hospitals where the risk of infection is high. Understanding the names and uses of commonly used antibiotics is crucial for healthcare professionals. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of commonly used antibiotics in hospitals, along with their English names and brief descriptions.

1. Penicillin: This is one of the oldest and most widely used antibiotics. It is effective against a wide range of bacterial infections and is often the first choice for treatment. Common types of penicillin include penicillin G, ampicillin, and amoxicillin.

2. Cephalosporin: This class of antibiotics is similar to penicillin in structure and function. Cephalosporins are commonly used to treat respiratory tract infections, skin infections, and urinary tract infections. Examples of cephalosporins include cephalexin, ceftriaxone, and cefuroxime.

3. Macrolide: Macrolides are used to treat respiratory tract infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis. They are also effective against certain skin and soft tissue infections. Common macrolides include erythromycin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin.

4. Tetracycline: Tetracyclines are broad-spectrum antibiotics that are effective against a wide range of bacterial infections. They are commonly used to treat acne, respiratory tract infections, and sexually transmitted infections. Examples of tetracyclines include doxycycline and minocycline.

5. Fluoroquinolone: Fluoroquinolones are potent antibiotics that are used to treat severe bacterial infections, such as urinary tract infections and respiratory tract infections. Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin are common examples of fluoroquinolones.

6. Aminoglycoside: Aminoglycosides are often used in combination with other antibiotics to treat serious infections caused by gram-negative bacteria. They are commonly used in hospitals for the treatment of sepsis and urinary tract infections. Examples of aminoglycosides include gentamicin and amikacin.

7. Carbapenem: Carbapenems are broad-spectrum antibiotics that are reserved for the treatment of severe infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. They are often used as a last resort when other antibiotics fail. Examples of carbapenems include imipenem and meropenem.

8. Vancomycin: Vancomycin is a potent antibiotic used to treat serious infections caused by gram-positive bacteria, including MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). It is commonly used in the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections, as well as bloodstream infections.

9. Linezolid: Linezolid is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by gram-positive bacteria, including MRSA and vancomycin-resistant enterococci. It is often used in the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections, pneumonia, and bloodstream infections.

10. Metronidazole: Metronidazole is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, such as those in the gastrointestinal tract. It is commonly used in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, dental infections, and certain types of diarrhea.

Understanding the names and uses of commonly used antibiotics in hospitals is essential for healthcare professionals. This list provides a brief overview of some of the most frequently used antibiotics. It is important to note that antibiotics should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, and misuse or overuse of antibiotics can contribute to antibiotic resistance.

医院常用抗菌药物的英文词锦 篇三




  甲氧苄啶 Trimethoprim 甲氧苄氨嘧啶, 美替普林, 磺胺增效剂, TMP,三甲氧普林

  溴莫普林 Brodimoprim Clafalix, BMP, Hyprim, 溴莫卜宁


  红霉素 Erythrom:ycin 福爱力, Eryc, EM

  琥乙红霉素 Erythromycin Ethylsucinate 琥珀酸乙酯红霉素, 红霉素琥乙酯, 乙琥威霉素, 利尹沙

  依托红霉素 Erytromycin Estolate 无味红霉素, Laurylin, Mistral, Eriscel

  阿红霉素 Azitromycin 阿泽红霉素, 阿奇霉素, 氮红霉素, 舒美特, 希舒美,


  白霉素 Leucomycin 吉他霉素, 阿波霉素, 利可霉素, Kitasamycin, Yosaxin

  罗红霉素 Roxithromycin 欣美罗, 罗力得, 小儿罗立特, Rulid

  螺旋霉素 Spiramycin 罗华密新

  乙酰螺旋霉素 Acetylspiramycin AC-SPM

  交沙霉素 Josamycin 交沙咪, 角沙霉素, Josaxin

  麦迪霉素 Midecamycin 麦地霉素, 美地霉素, 米地加霉素, Medemycin, 美他霉素

  乙酰麦迪霉素 Acetylmidecamycin 美欧卡霉素, 醋酸麦迪霉素, Midecamycin, Acetate, Miocamycin,

  罗他霉素 Rokitamycin 罗吉他霉素, 利可霉素, Ricamycin

  甲红霉素 Clarithromycin 克红霉素, 克拉霉素, 克拉仙, Klacid, Klaricid

  威毒素 Erythromycin Base 红霉素碱, Wyamycin

  麦白霉素 Meleumycin


  美他环素 Methacycline 飞梭霉素, 甲烯土霉素, 甲烯环素

  米诺环素 Minocycline 康尼, 二甲胺四环素, 美满霉素, 二甲胺四环素,Vectrin, Minomax, Minocin, Ultramyin,

  四环素 Tetracycline Copharlan, Telotrex, Tetramig

  金霉素 Aureomycin Chlortetracycline

  土霉素 Oxytetracycline 氧四环素, Copharoxy, Doxymycin, Imperacin,TERRAMYCIN

  多西环素 Doxycyclme 强力霉素, 脱氧土霉素, 福多力, 多喜霉素, Doryx, Vibramycin

  地美环素 Demeclocycline 去甲金霉素, DMCT, Temet, Dimeral



  吡哌酸 Pipemidic Acid PPA


  诺氟沙星 Nofloxacin 氟哌酸, 淋克星, Fulgram, Noroxin, AM-715 MK-0366, Brazan, Baccidal

  环丙沙星 Ciprofloxacin 悉复欣, 悉普欣, 悉普宁, 丽珠环丙, 特美力,环丙氟哌酸, 健宝灵, CIPRO, Bay-0-9867, Ciprobay, Ciproxin

  培氟沙星 Pefloxacin 培福新, 甲氟哌酸, 倍泰, Peflacine

  洛美沙星 Lomefloxacin 洛威, 罗氟酸, 欣美罗, 多龙, Bareon

  芦氟沙星 Rufloxacin 如氟沙星

  左旋氧氟沙星 Levofloxacin 可乐必妥, 左氟沙星, Cravit

  依诺沙星 Enoxacin 氟啶酸, 福禄马, 复克, FLUMARK, GYRAMID,Flumark

  氟罗沙星 Fleroxacin 复诺定, 多氟哌酸, 喹诺敌, 麦加乐定, 沃尔得FLX, Megelone, Quinodis, Ro-236240, AM-833

  氧氟沙星 Ofloxacin 氟嗪酸, 秦利必妥, 泰利特, 奥复星, 康泰必妥, 竹安新, TARIVID, 赞诺欣, Zanoxin, Oflocin, 泰利得, 正康

  培氟沙星 Pefloxacin 甲氟哌酸, 培氟哌酸, 培福新, 倍宁, Pefalcine


  柳氮磺胺吡啶 Sulfasalazine SASP, 水杨酰偶氮磺胺吡啶, Rorasul Salicylazosulfapyridine

  复方新诺明 SMZ+TMP SMZ Co, Cotrim

  磺胺嘧啶 Sulfadiazine 大安净, 地亚净, 磺胺哒嗪, SD

  磺胺甲噁唑 Sulfamethoxazole 磺爱胺甲基异噁唑, 新诺明, SMZ, SINOMIN

  磺胺米隆 Mafenide 甲磺灭脓, Sulfamylon, 氯苄磺胺, SML

  磺胺嘧啶银 Sulfadiazine Silver SD-Ag

  磺胺醋酰钠 Sulfacetamide Sodium 碘胺乙酰, 斑马眼药水, 目宁, SA, SC-Na

  磺胺脒 Sulfaguanidine 磺胺胍, 克痢定, 消困定, 止痢片, SG


  甲硝唑 Metronidazole 甲硝羟乙唑, 灭滴灵, 咪唑呢达, 灭滴唑, 佳尔钠FLAGYL, Klion, Arilin

  替硝唑 Tinidazole 服净, Fasigyn


  氯霉素 Chloramphenicol CHLOROMYCETIN

  无味氯霉素 Chloramphenicol Palmitate 棕榈氯霉素

  琥珀氯霉素 Chloramphenicol Succinate

  甲砜毒素 Thiamphenicol


  呋喃妥因 Nitrofurantoin 呋喃坦丁, 呋喃坦啶, 硝呋妥因, Cystit

  呋喃唑酮 Furazolidone 痢特灵, Nifurazolidone, FUROXON, Trifurox

  硝呋太尔 Nifuratel 硝呋拉太, 呋喃硫唑酮, 欧姆宁, Omnes

  多肽类 Methylmercadone 医.学教育网整理

  去甲万古霉素 Norvancomycim

  万古霉素 Vancomycin 稳可倍, 凡可霉素, 万古新, Vancoina, Diatracin,Vancor

  多粘菌素B Polymyxin B AEROSPORIN

  多粘菌素E Polymyxin E 粘菌素, 抗敌素, 可利迈仙, Colistin, Colimycine

  短杆菌肽 Gramicidin 滴眼剂Neosporin


  异烟肼 Isoniazid 雷米封, INH, Rimifon, Retozide, Zonazid

  乙胺丁醇 Ethambutol EMB, Etambin, Myambutol

  对氨基水杨酸 Paraminosalicylic Acid PAS, Teebacin Acid, Deapasil

  吡嗪酰胺 Pyrazinamide 异烟酰胺, PZA, Pezetamid, Pyrafat

  利福霉素SV Rifamycin SV 羟基利福霉素, 力复霉素, Rifocin, Rifocyn, Rifosten,

  利福定 Rifandin 利康霉素, 异丁基哌嗪力复霉素, Riconmycin

  利福喷丁 Rifapentine 环戊去甲利福平, 环戊基哌嗪力复霉素, RPE,Rifapentini

  紫霉素 Viomycin 结核放线菌素B, 佛罗里霉素, Vinactane, Viocin

  利福平 Rifampin 力复平, 甲哌利福霉素, 利米定, 威福仙, RFP

  卷曲霉素 Capreomycin 卷须霉素, 缠霉素, 结核霉素, CPC, CPM, CPR

  利福昔明 Rifaximin 利福西亚胺, Rifaxidin, Normix

  乙硫异烟胺 Ethionamide


  咪康唑 Miconazole 达克宁, 拜尼罗(康松无极膏), 无霉, 霉可唑, 双氯苯咪唑, 霉康唑, 美康唑, 密康唑, 克霉灵Micotin, Daktar, Andergin, Monistat

  益康唑 Econazole 癣敌, 氯苯咪唑硝酸盐, Ecostatin, Pevaryl, Pevary

  氟康唑 Fluconazole 达扶康, 麦道氟康, DIFLUCAN, Medoflucon

  酮康唑 Ketoconazole 里素劳, 皮康王, 采乐, NIZORAL

  特康唑 Terconazole 疗霉舒, 三并萘芬, Lamisil

  伊曲康唑 Itraconazole 伊他康唑, 斯皮仁诺, 伊康唑, IRC, R5121,Sporanox, 亚特那唑

  硝酸芬替康唑 Fenticonazole Nitrate Lomexin

  硝酸硫康唑 Sulconazole Nitrate Exelderm, Sulcosyn, SCZ

  联苯苄唑 Bifonazole 霉克, 孚琪, 白肤唑, 必佛那唑, Mycosporan,Mycospor, Bifazole

  两性霉素B Amphotericin B

  灰黄霉素 Grisefulvin Grivulfin

  制霉菌素 Nystatin 米可定, Nysfungin, , Mycostatin

  复方康钠乐霜 Kenacomb Co 金曲安缩松, 制霉菌素, 硫酸新霉素, 短杆菌肽

  氟胞嘧啶 Fluorocytosine 5-氟胞嘧啶, 安确治, Ancotil, 5-FC, Ancobon, Flucytosin

  环匹罗司 Ciclopirox Olamine 巴特芬, 环吡司胺, 环吡酮胺

  美帕曲星 Mepartricin 克霉灵, 甲帕霉素, Montricin

  丙噻酯 Protiofale Atrimycon

  依沙酰胺 Exalamide 克癣安

  布特那芬 Butenafine Hydrochloride Mentax

  特比萘芬 Terbinafine Lamisil, SF86-327


  三氮核苷唑 Ribavirin` 病毒唑, 利巴韦林, 尼斯可, VIRAZOLE

  无环鸟苷 Acyclovir 阿昔洛韦, Zovirax, 永信克疱, 丽珠克毒星, 舒维疗

  更昔洛韦 Ganciclovir 丽科伟, 鸟嘌异甘醚, DHPG, Cytovene

  因地那韦 Indinavir Crixivan

  奈非那韦 Nelfinavir Viracept

  利托那韦 Ritonavir Norvir

  西道法韦 Cidofovir Vistide, HPMPC

  喷昔洛韦 Penciclovir Vectavir, PCV

  布昔洛韦 Buciclovir DHBG, VIS-707

  喷昔洛韦 Penciclovir

  法昔洛韦 Famciclovir BRL39123

  万乃洛韦 Valaciclovir 明竹欣, MAXVIR

  法莫丁 Famotine 鼻通, 氯苯氢异喹, 抑感灵

  阿糖腺苷 Vidarabine Vira-A, Ara-A, Panavirin

  齐多夫定 Zidovudine 叠氮胸苷, Azidothymidine, AZT, RETROVIR

  膦甲酸钠 Foscarnet Sodium Foscavir, PFA, Terap

  甲磺酸地拉维定 Delavirdine Mesylate Rescriptor

  吗啉胍 Moroxydine ABOB, 病毒灵, Bioxine

  碘苷 Idoxuridine 碘甙, 疱诊净, IDU, 5-IDUR

  金刚烷胺 Amantadine

  聚肌胞 Poly-IC Polyinosinic-Polycytidylio Acid, PIC, 聚肌胞苷酸

  干扰素 Interferons IFN, Roferon-A, Berofor, Wellferon

  金刚乙胺 Rimantadine Hydrochloride 三环癸胺, Roflual, Ioride


  克林霉素 Clindamycim 氯林可霉素, 特丽仙, 克林美, 氯洁霉素, 林大霉素Cleocin, Dalacin

  林可霉素 Lincomycin 洁霉素, 林肯霉素


  黄连素 Berberine 小檗碱

  无味黄连素 Berberine Tannate 鞣酸小檗碱

  板蓝根 Isatis Tiactoria 大青叶

  穿心莲 Andrographolide 一见喜, 榄核莲, 穿琥宁, 穿心莲内酯, 炎琥宁

  鱼腥草素 Houttuynin 癸酰乙醛, 合成鱼腥草素, Capryt Ethaldehyde

  大蒜素 Allicin 阿里新, Aricine, 大蒜辣素, 蒜素


