伊索寓言英文版:The Farmer and the Eagle 农夫与老鹰【精简3篇】

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伊索寓言英文版:The Farmer and the Eagle 农夫与老鹰 篇一

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who lived in a small village. He worked hard every day to provide for his family and tend to his crops. One day, while he was working in his field, he noticed a wounded eagle lying on the ground. The farmer felt sorry for the eagle and decided to take care of it.

The farmer gently picked up the eagle and brought it back to his farmhouse. He cleaned the eagle's wounds and provided it with food and water. Over time, the eagle's wounds healed and it regained its strength. The farmer was delighted to see the eagle recovering and decided to set it free.

As the farmer released the eagle, it spread its wings and soared into the sky. The farmer watched in awe as the eagle flew higher and higher, disappearing into the distance. He felt a sense of joy and fulfillment, knowing that he had helped a creature in need.

Weeks passed, and the farmer continued his daily routine. One day, as he was working in his field, he noticed a shadow blocking the sunlight. He looked up and saw the eagle perched on a branch of a nearby tree. The eagle seemed to be watching him intently.

Curious, the farmer approached the tree and looked at the eagle. To his surprise, the eagle dropped a shiny object at his feet. It was a gold coin. The farmer couldn't believe his eyes. He looked up at the eagle and saw a twinkle in its eyes, as if it was thanking him for his kindness.

From that day on, the farmer's life changed. The eagle would visit him regularly, bringing him gifts of gold coins. The farmer became wealthy and prosperous, all thanks to the eagle's gratitude.

This fable teaches us the importance of kindness and compassion. The farmer's act of helping the wounded eagle was rewarded in unexpected ways. It reminds us that even the smallest act of kindness can make a significant difference in someone's life.

伊索寓言英文版:The Farmer and the Eagle 农夫与老鹰 篇二

In a small village lived a hardworking farmer. He dedicated his days to tending his crops and taking care of his animals. One day, as he was working in his field, he saw a majestic eagle soaring above him. The farmer admired the grace and strength of the eagle and felt a sense of awe.

As he continued his work, he noticed that the eagle seemed to be circling around him. The farmer wondered if something was wrong. He followed the eagle's flight path and discovered a small bird's nest on the ground. The nest was home to a baby bird, and it seemed to be in distress.

The farmer carefully picked up the baby bird and placed it back in its nest. As he did so, the eagle flew down and perched on a nearby tree branch. The farmer watched as the eagle looked at him, as if it was expressing its gratitude.

Days turned into weeks, and the farmer continued his daily routine. One morning, he woke up to a loud noise outside his house. He rushed outside and saw a group of people gathered around a fallen tree. The tree had fallen on a house, trapping a family inside.

Without hesitation, the farmer rushed to help. He used his farming tools to clear the debris and free the trapped family. As he did so, he noticed the eagle circling above him, as if it was guiding him. The farmer felt a surge of strength and determination, knowing that he was doing the right thing.

News of the farmer's heroic act spread throughout the village. The villagers praised him for his bravery and selflessness. The farmer, however, knew that it was the eagle who had guided him and given him the strength to help others.

From that day on, the farmer and the eagle formed a bond. The eagle would often visit the farmer, perching on his shoulder and soaring above him. The farmer felt a deep connection with the eagle, knowing that they had helped each other in times of need.

This fable teaches us the value of helping others and the power of gratitude. The farmer's act of kindness towards the baby bird was rewarded when the eagle guided him to save a trapped family. It reminds us that when we show kindness and gratitude, we can make a positive impact on the lives of others.

伊索寓言英文版:The Farmer and the Eagle 农夫与老鹰 篇三

  The Farmer is a very jolly and kind man. He is also diligent. He wakes up early every morning and goes to work smiling.

  Farmer: Hmm… The air is so fresh this morning. And the sun is also so bright. It’s a beautiful day! Look at those birds and flowers. I fell so happy.

  The Farmer always sings while he works in his field.

  Farmer: La, la, la. La, la, la. La, la, la. La, la, la I’m finished for today. I better go home now.

  On his way home, the Farmer hears a strange sound.

  Farmer: What is that sound? It sounds like a bird’s cry. It must be in danger. I must go and help.

  The Farmer follows the cry.

  Farmer: Where is that cry coming from?

  Eagle: Over here, sir. Please come quickly. Please, help me. I am trapped.

  Farmer: There you are! I found you at last! Poor bird. Are you okay? Please wait. I will get you out.

  Eagle: Please hurry! My wings hurt.

  The Farmer tries his best. He cuts the net with his knife.

  Farmer: I’m almost done. There are you The net is cut. You are free now. Fly away.

  The Eagle is freed from the net, but he doesn't fly away. He is injured.

  Eagle: I can’t move. My wings hurt. Boo-hoo-hoo.

  Farmer: Don't cry. What’s the matter, Eagle?Are you hurt? Oh, your wings! Don't worry. I’ll take care of you. You will fly again.

  Eagle:Really?I can’t believe it. You’re not going to eat me?

  The Farmer takes the Eagle to his house. He takes good care of the Eagle.

  Farmer: You are getting better every day. You’ll be able to fly soon. Eat this, it’s very delicious.

  Eagle: You are a kind man. I will never forget your kindness.

  The Eagle is almost well. But the Farmer’s neighbors hear about the Eagle and tell the Farmer to sell it.

  Neighbor: I hear you have an Eagle.

  Farmer: Why yes, how did you know?

  Neighbor: What are you going to do with it?

  Farmer: Let it go,of course.

  Neighbor: You must be kidding! Eagle meat is good medicine. You should eat it.

  Neighbor2: No, no, don't do that. Eagles are worth a lot of money. You should sell it and get a good price.

  Neighbor: That’s right.

  Farmer: Thanks for the advice. But I’m going to let it go.

  Neighbor: Tsk. Tsk.

  Nieghbor2: He must be crazy.

  The neighbors can’t understand the Farmer. They leave the house. A few days later, the Eagle’s wings are cured.

  Farmer: Okay, Eagle. Flap your wings. Try to fly a little. Yes , that’s it! Very good. Now you can fly again.

  Eagle: My wings don't hurt anymore. I can really fly again. Thank you, Farmer.

  The Eagle flies away.

  Farmer: Look at it fly! What a beautiful bird!

  Weeks pass and the Farmer forgets about the Eagle. The Farmer is tired today and decides to take a nap. He lies down on the

grass next to a big, high wall. The Eagle sees the Farmer.

  Eagle: Get up, Farmer! Quickly!

  The Eagle flaps his wings hard. The Farmer hears it and wakes up.

  Farmer: Oh, hello there, Eagle. How have you been? Are your wings okay? But you look worried. What’s wrong?

  Eagle: I must warm him. What can I do? I know!

  Then suddenly, the Eagle snatches the Farmer’s hat.

  Farmer: Hey, give it back! What are you doing? Come back!

伊索寓言英文版:The Farmer and the Eagle 农夫与老鹰【精简3篇】

