医院及医疗疾病科目常用的英语词汇 篇一
In the field of medicine, it is crucial to have a good command of medical terminology and vocabulary. Whether you are a healthcare professional or a patient, understanding these terms is essential for effective communication and accurate diagnosis. In this article, we will explore some commonly used English words and phrases related to hospitals and medical diseases.
1. Hospital departments and units:
- Emergency room: the area of the hospital where patients with urgent medical conditions are treated.
- Intensive care unit (ICU): a specialized unit where critically ill patients receive constant monitoring and intensive medical care.
- Operating room (OR): the designated area where surgical procedures are performed.
- Pediatrics: the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents.
- Obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN): the medical specialty that focuses on women's reproductive health, pregnancy, and childbirth.
- Cardiology: the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.
- Oncology: the medical specialty that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.
2. Medical professionals:
- Doctor/physician: a licensed medical professional who diagnoses and treats diseases and injuries.
- Nurse: a healthcare professional who assists doctors and provides direct patient care.
- Surgeon: a doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures.
- Anesthesiologist: a doctor who specializes in administering anesthesia during surgery.
- Radiologist: a doctor who interprets medical imaging studies, such as X-rays and MRI scans.
- Pathologist: a doctor who examines tissues and organs to diagnose diseases.
3. Medical equipment and tools:
- Stethoscope: a medical instrument used to listen to sounds produced by the body, such as the heartbeat and lung sounds.
- Scalpel: a sharp surgical knife used for making incisions.
- Syringe: a device used to inject fluids or medications into the body.
- X-ray machine: a machine that produces images of the internal structures of the body using X-rays.
- MRI scanner: a machine that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the body's organs and tissues.
4. Medical conditions and diseases:
- Diabetes: a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels.
- Hypertension: high blood pressure, which can lead to various cardiovascular diseases.
- Asthma: a respiratory condition that causes difficulty in breathing.
- Arthritis: inflammation of one or more joints, resulting in pain and stiffness.
- Cancer: a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.
These are just a few examples of the medical vocabulary used in hospitals and medical settings. Having a basic understanding of these terms can greatly enhance communication and facilitate better healthcare outcomes for both patients and healthcare professionals.
医院及医疗疾病科目常用的英语词汇 篇二
In the field of medicine, understanding medical terminology is crucial for effective communication and accurate diagnosis. Whether you are a healthcare professional or a patient, being familiar with commonly used English words and phrases related to hospitals and medical diseases is essential. In this article, we will explore further into this topic and expand our knowledge of medical vocabulary.
1. Hospital procedures and examinations:
- Blood test: a laboratory analysis of a blood sample to diagnose and monitor various medical conditions.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG): a test that records the electrical activity of the heart to assess its function.
- Colonoscopy: an examination of the colon using a flexible tube with a camera to detect abnormalities.
- Biopsy: the removal of a small sample of tissue for examination under a microscope to diagnose diseases.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): a non-invasive imaging technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the body's structures and organs.
2. Medications and treatments:
- Antibiotic: a medication used to treat bacterial infections.
- Antidepressant: a medication used to alleviate symptoms of depression.
- Analgesic: a medication used to relieve pain.
- Chemotherapy: the use of drugs to kill cancer cells or prevent their growth.
- Physical therapy: a treatment that involves exercises and techniques to improve mobility and function.
3. Medical conditions and diseases:
- Stroke: a sudden interruption of blood supply to the brain, leading to neurological damage.
- Pneumonia: an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs.
- Diabetes mellitus: a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels.
- Alzheimer's disease: a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior.
- Multiple sclerosis: a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system.
4. Medical jargon and abbreviations:
- NPO: nothing by mouth (no food or drink allowed).
- SOB: shortness of breath.
- TIA: transient ischemic attack (a mini-stroke).
- COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (a chronic lung condition).
- ETOH: alcohol.
By expanding our medical vocabulary, we can enhance our ability to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals and better understand medical information. It is important to continue learning and updating our knowledge to ensure the best healthcare outcomes for ourselves and those around us.
医院及医疗疾病科目常用的英语词汇 篇三
营养室Nutrition Dept.
床病 室Clinical Pathology
医务室(医 站)Clinic
研讨室Meeting Room,Seminar Room
医师研究室Physicians‘ Office
医师讨 室Physicians‘ Meeting Room
研究室Study Room
男化妆室/男厕所Men‘s Restroom / Gentlemen‘s Restroom
身心障碍专用厕所Disabled Restroom
储藏及仓库中央供应室Central Supply Center
中央库房Central Storage
供应室Supply Room
清洁工具室Janitors Room
急诊清洁室ER Janitor
调 室Dispatch Room
司机室/司机调 室Drivers‘ Lounge
值日室Duty Room
值班休息室Duty Office
医师休息室Physicians‘ Lounge
儿童游戏场Recreation Area
医 器材贩卖部Medical Supply Dispensary
椅借用区Movable Beds
住院病 组Inpatient Records Unit
兵役复检室Military Service Examination
社会服务室Social Worker Room
社区副院长室Community Deputy Superintendent
社会服务科Social Service Section
门诊病 组Outpatient Records Unit
保险作业组 Insurance Declaration Section
急诊批价ER Cashier
科主任办公室Dept. Chief Office
政单位疾病分析组Diseases Classification Unit
病 室/组Medical Records Room/Unit/Section
门诊组Outpatient Unit/Section
住院组Inpatient Admissions
秘书室Administration Office
感染控制委员会Infection Control Commission
营养部Food & Nutrition Department
总务室General Affairs Office
总务组General Affairs Section
医品组Quality Assurance Section
医勤组Medical Service Section
医学工程室Medical Engineering Office
医 副院长室Medical Deputy Superintendent
药剂科主任室Pharmacy Chief
床科部中医科Chinese Medicine
中医科-内科Chinese Internal Medicine
中医科-针灸科Chinese Acupuncture
小儿科-心脏Pediatric Cardiology
小儿科-外科Pediatric Surgery
小儿科-心肺Pediatric Cardiopulmonary
小儿科-感染Pediatric Infectious Diseases
小儿科-胃肠Pediatric Gastroenterology
小儿科-眼科Pediatric Ophthalmology
小儿科-神经科Pediatric Neurology
小儿科-遗传科Pediatric Genetics
小儿科-预防注射Pediatric Vaccinations
小儿科-青少 门诊Adolescent Health
小儿科-过敏免疫风湿科Pediatric Allergy Immunology
小儿科-血液肿瘤科Pediatric Hematology & Oncology
小儿科- 科Pediatric Urology
小儿科-内分 科Pediatric Endocrinology
小儿科-重症医学科Pediatric Intensive Care
新生儿科加护病房Newborn ICU
小儿加护病房Pediatric ICU
儿童急救加护医学科Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
小儿心肺功能室Pediatric PFT
优生保健科Perinatal Genetics
内科Internal Medicine
内科-一般门诊Internal Medicine:General
内科-日间化学治 Day Chemotherapy
内科-胸腔科Pulmonary Medicine
内科-内分 科Endocrinology
内科-内分 暨代谢科Endocrinology and Metabolism
内科-心脏(血管)内科Cardiology Dept.
内科-血液肿瘤科Hematology and Oncology
内科- 人医学门诊Geriatrics
内科-肝胆胰内Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Medicine
内科-感染科Infectious Disease
家庭牙医科Family Dentistry
牙科-特别门诊Dental Specialty Clinic
牙科一般门诊(初诊)Dental Clinic-Initial Visit
牙科复诊(约诊)Dental Clinic-Appointment Only
口腔颚面外科Oral Maxillo-facial Surgery
口腔病 诊断科Oral Pathology
儿童牙科Pediatric Dentistry
外科-小儿Pediatric Surgery
外科-手外科Hand Surgery
外科-消化系Gastrointestinal Surgery
外科-一般门诊Surgery-General Clinic
床科部外科-大肠直肠Colo-rectal Surgery
外科-整形Plastic Surgery
外科-甲 腺乳腺Thyroid and Breast Surgery
外科-乳房Breast Surgery Clinic
外科-心脏Cardiac Surgery
外科-心脏血管Cardiovascular Surgery
外科-胸腔Thoracic Surgery
外科-美容外科Cosmetic Surgery
外科-肝胆Hepatic Surgery
外科-肝胆胰外Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Surgery
外科-重建整形Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
外科-胃肠及一般Gastroenterology & General Surgery
骨外伤科Orthopedic Traumatology
外科加护病房Surgery ICU
皮肤科-一般门诊Dermatology-General Clinic
皮肤科-职业性皮肤病Occupational Dermatology
耳鼻喉科ENT Dept.(Otolaryngology)
耳鼻喉科-一般门诊General ENT Clinic
耳鼻喉科-门诊小手术Minor Surgery
耳鼻喉科-鼻窦内视镜门诊Sinus Endoscopy
科-一般门诊Urology-General Clinic
科- 性 失禁Incontinence Clinic
科-男性 孕症Male Infertility Clinic
科-性功能障碍Sexual Dysfunction Clinic
妇产科Obstetrics and Gynecology
妇产科- 孕症Infertility Clinic
妇产科-子宫颈癌Cervical Carcinoma Clinic
妇产科-羊水穿 Amniocentesis
妇产科-妇科肿瘤Gynecological Oncology
妇产科-子宫颈病变Cervical Dysphasia Clinic
妇产科-妇 期Menopause Clinic
妇产科-快速子宫颈抹片Express Smear Service
妇产科-抹片及乳房检查Pap Smear
妇癌科Gynecologic Oncology
妇科 学科Gynecology Urology
眼科-青光眼Glaucoma Clinic
眼科-斜弱视Strabismus and Amblyopia
眼科-视网膜Retina Section
眼科-一般门诊Optometry-General Clinic
眼科-兵役检查Military Service Eye Exam
眼科-视 保健Vision Protection Clinic
床科部眼科-萤光摄影Fluorescent Photography
眼科 射Ophthalmologic Laser Therapy
精神科-身心内科Psychosomatic Clinic
精神科-焦虑忧郁失眠门诊Anxiety and Insomnia Clinic
精神科-癌症团体心 治 Group Cancer Therapy
精神科-儿童青少 特别门诊(限18岁以下) Youth Psychiatry
核医科Nuclear Medicine
疼痛科Pain Management
麻醉科Anesthesiology(Anesthesia) Dept.
解剖病 科Anatomical Pathology
预防注射科Prophylactic Immunization
病 科Pathology
青少 谘询特别门诊Juvenile Psychiatry Department
家庭医学科Family Medicine
社区医学部Community Medicine
心血管加护病房Cardiac CU(CCU)
心血管中心Cardiovascular Center
心脏血管外科加护病房Cardiovascular Surgery ICU
急诊Emergency Dept.
急诊医学科Emergency Medicine
内视镜科Endoscopy Section
高危险妊娠症学科High-risk Pregnancy
安 护Hospice Center
职业病科Occupational Medicine
放射肿瘤科Radiation Oncology
保健科Preventive Medicine
运动医学科Sport Medicine
外伤加护病房Trauma ICU
健康检查中心Health Evaluation Center
脑血管中心Cerebral Vascular Clinic
神经医学中心Brain Center
烧伤中心Burn Center
癌症中心Cancer center
癌症防治中心Cancer Control and Prevention Center
高压氧治 中心Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center
肥胖防治中心Weight Reducing
床科部洗肾中心Hemodialysis Center
医学美容中心Medical Cosmetic Center
医学影像中心Medical Image Center
运动 健中心Rehabilitation-Exercise Cente
病人保健推广中心Diabetic Center
中西合作医 中心Chinese-Western Cooperative Treatment Center
社区护 Home Care
护 之家Nursing Home
护 部Nursing Dept. / Nursing Department
护 长室Head Nurse
医 技术CT登记处CT Admission
X光摄影室(借片室)X-ray Room
孕症谘询室Infertility Consultation Room
内分 检查室Endocrine Examination Room
内科诊查室Internal Medicine Clinic
化学治 Chemo-Therapy
心导管室Cardiac Catheterization Room
心脏血管中心Cardiovascular Center
心脏血管检查室Cardiovascular Examinations
心脏超音波Heart Echo
水 室Hydrotherapeutics
生化实验室Biochemical Lab
生 检查科Physiological Exam
皮肤病 诊断中心Dermological Pathological Center
石膏室Plaster Room
光子刀治 中心Photon Knife Center
多功能超音波室Multi-Function Echo Room
血库Blood Bank
血清免疫学实验室Immu-serological Lab
血管功能检查室Vascular Function Test
血管摄影室Cardiac Angiography
动 检查室Urokinetic Exam. Room
技术室Technical Support Division
乳房超音波Breast Echo
儿童治 室Pediatric Therapy Room
儿童物 治 室Pediatric Physical Therapy
儿童职能治 室Pediatric Occupational Therapy
呼吸治 Respiratory Therapy
放射免疫分析室Radioimmunoassay Unit
放射科登记室Radiology Registration
医 技术放射线治 科Radiotherapy
科微波热 室Genitouro Urologic
超音波Urology Echo
物 治 Physical Therapy
物 职能治 室Occupational and Physical Therapy
公共空间大厅 Hall
中药局 Chinese Medicine Pharmacy
公用电话 Public Telephone/Pay Phone/Telephone/Public Phone
日常生活训 区Daily Activity Training
日间门诊 Clinic Area
日间 院 Adult Day Care Center
日间照护 Day Care Center
出院室 Discharge Office
加护病房 Intensive Care Unit(ICU)
打卡刷卡区 Clock In / Out
民众意 箱 Suggestions
各科门诊 Out-Patient Departments(OPD)
早产儿室 Premature Babies
住院室 Admissions
义工服务台 Volunteer Services
义工室 Volunteers
更衣室 Dressing Room
夜间门诊 Evening Clinic
注射室 Injections
治疗 室 Treatment Room
社福卫教室 Social Work and Health Education
门诊大厅 Outpatient Hall
门诊注射室 Outpatient Injection
门诊部 Out-patient
门诊满意调查回收意 箱Suggestion Box
门诊检验 OPD Laboratory
待产室 Labor Room
急诊暂 观察室ER Observation Room
恢复室 Recovery Room
候诊区 Waiting Area
晒衣场Clothes Drying
气喘卫教室Asthma Health Education Room
消毒室 Sterilization
消毒锅区 Equipment Sterilization
病房 Ward
病毒室 Viral Laboratory
健儿门诊 Well Baby Clinic
健检中心 Physical Examination Center
健检室 Physical Examination
产後护理 中心 Postpartum Care Center
发烧筛检站 Fever Clinic
诊 室 Consulting Room
新生儿病房 Neonatal Ward
隔 离检疫舍 Quarantine House
取药处 Medicine Receiving
转诊中心 Referral Center
药物谘询 Drug Information
药库 Drug Storage
接待,服务及休闲区 水间Kitchen / Drinking water / Hot Water
育婴室 Nursery Room / Mother and Baby Room
哺乳室 Nursery Room