
时间:2018-08-06 01:27:48
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抗疫句子英文_ 篇一

Title: United We Stand: Overcoming the Pandemic Together


The ongoing pandemic has brought the world to a standstill, affecting every aspect of our lives. However, in the face of adversity, we have witnessed the true strength of human resilience and determination. This article explores the importance of unity in overcoming the challenges posed by the pandemic.


1. Solidarity and Support:

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of standing together as a global community. Countries have come together to share knowledge, resources, and support in combating the virus. The spirit of solidarity has been evident in the establishment of global initiatives such as COVAX, which aims to provide equitable access to vaccines for all nations. This unity has been crucial in accelerating the development and distribution of vaccines, ultimately leading to a more effective response to the pandemic.

2. Adapting to Change:

The pandemic has forced us to adapt to new ways of living and working. People have embraced remote work, online learning, and virtual social interactions. This adaptability is a testament to our resilience and ability to find innovative solutions even in the most challenging times. By embracing change, we have been able to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on our daily lives and continue to move forward.

3. Healthcare Heroes:

The pandemic has highlighted the extraordinary dedication and bravery of healthcare workers around the world. These frontline heroes have risked their lives to save others, working tirelessly to provide medical care and support to those affected by the virus. Their selflessness and unwavering commitment have inspired and united communities globally, reminding us of the power of compassion and empathy.

4. Community Engagement:

Communities have played a vital role in the fight against the pandemic. From organizing food drives for vulnerable populations to sewing masks for healthcare workers, individuals have come together to support one another. This sense of community engagement has fostered a collective responsibility towards public health and safety, reinforcing the idea that we are all in this together.


The COVID-19 pandemic has tested our resilience and resolve. However, it has also shown us the power of unity in overcoming adversity. By standing together, supporting one another, and adapting to change, we can emerge stronger from this crisis. The pandemic has reminded us of the importance of global solidarity and community engagement, values that will continue to guide us as we navigate the challenges ahead.

Word count: 457

抗疫句子英文_ 篇二

Title: Lessons Learned: Building a Resilient Future Post-Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for the world, exposing vulnerabilities in various sectors and systems. As we slowly emerge from the crisis, it is crucial to reflect on the lessons learned and build a more resilient future. This article explores key areas where improvements and adaptations are needed to prepare for future challenges.


1. Healthcare Infrastructure:

The pandemic has highlighted the need for robust healthcare infrastructure worldwide. Investments in healthcare systems, including increased funding, improved medical facilities, and enhanced research and development, are crucial to effectively respond to future health crises. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure will enable faster detection, containment, and treatment of diseases, ultimately saving lives and minimizing the impact on societies.

2. Digital Transformation:

The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation across various sectors. Remote work, telehealth, and online education have become the new normal. Investing in digital infrastructure, expanding internet access, and promoting digital literacy are essential to ensure equal opportunities for all, even during times of crisis. Embracing technology can enhance efficiency, accessibility, and resilience in both public and private sectors.

3. Supply Chain Resilience:

The disruption caused by the pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains. Overreliance on a single country or region for essential goods and medical supplies proved to be a significant challenge. Diversifying supply chains, promoting local production, and building strategic stockpiles are key measures to enhance resilience. Collaboration between governments, businesses, and international organizations is essential to ensure the stability and sustainability of supply chains.

4. Crisis Preparedness and Early Warning Systems:

The pandemic has emphasized the need for robust crisis preparedness plans and early warning systems. Governments and international organizations must invest in research, surveillance, and rapid response capabilities to detect and respond to emerging health threats promptly. Improved coordination and information sharing between countries are crucial to prevent the spread of future pandemics.


The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us valuable lessons about the importance of resilience and preparedness. By investing in healthcare infrastructure, embracing digital transformation, strengthening supply chains, and enhancing crisis preparedness, we can build a more resilient future. The pandemic has urged us to reevaluate our systems and policies, ensuring that we are better equipped to face future challenges. Let us learn from this crisis and work together to create a more resilient and prosperous world.

Word count: 383

抗疫句子英文_ 篇三




Novel coronavirus pneumonia:新型冠状病毒肺炎(简写NCP)novel ['n?v(?)l] n.小说 adj.新型的 novelty ['n?v(?)lt?] n.新奇的事物

innovation [,?n?'ve???n] n.创新

corona [k?'r??n?] n.王冠 virus ['va?r?s] n.病毒 disease n.病,疾病pneumonia [nju?'m??n??] n.肺炎outbreak n.(疾病的)发作 v.爆发fear:n.害怕,恐惧 threat [θret] n.威胁,恐吓unprecedented [?n'pres?dent?d] adj.史无前例的seriousness[?s??r??sn?s] n.严重性undoubtedly [?n'da?t?dl?] adv.毫无疑问地,确实地 without doubt 毫无疑问

indeed 确实

effort ['ef?t] n.努力,力量 可数/不可数ensure [?n'??:] v.确保,保证properly ['pr?p(?)l?] adv.适当地,正确地resource [r?'s?:s] n.资源,财力 v.向...提供资金mobilize ['m??b?la?z] v.动员,调动 mobile adj.可移动的pandemic [p?n'dem?k] n.传染病(大规模的) infect [?n'fekt] v.传染 infectionepidemic [ep?'dem?k] situation 疫情 epidemic 流行病(在人群中传播的)treat [tri:t] v.治疗 treatment n.治疗


fever 发烧 have a fevercough 咳嗽cover 遮盖shortness of breath 呼吸急促fatigue 乏力sneeze 打喷嚏


isolate ['a?s?le?t] v.(使)隔离,孤立 isolate yourself if necessaryN95 mask [mɑ?sk] N95口罩surgical ['s??d??k(?)l] mask 外科医用口罩protective clothing 防护服protective mask 防护面罩goggles[?g?glz] 护目镜 glasses sunglasses


1.spread 传播

2.online courses 网课 n. take online courses 上网课 v.

3.lockdown 封锁 lockdown of the city 封城


be helpful to do sth. 对...有帮助 lockdown of Wuhan is helpful to stop the inflection.selfless devotion [d?'v???(?)n] 无私奉献respect [r?'spekt] n.尊重Keep going 加油save a life 救人angel in white 白衣天使discharge from the hospital 出院



1.There is a Novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak

in Wuhan in December,2019.


from animals to humans 动物传人from humans to humans 人传人droplet transmission 飞沫传播Droplet transmission is one of the main kinds transmission of the virus.


People will be remembered for them selfless devotion.


Every nurse and doctor deserve our respect! 每一位医生护士都值得我们尊敬!People actively face it,together with Wuhan to fight the epidemic.



Open the window,ensure good room ventilation. 打开窗户,保证室内通风。Avoid going to crowded places. 避免人群密集的地方。Wash your hands more often. 勤洗手。Wear a protective mask when you go out./Put on mask when you get out.出门戴口罩。If you feel ill,seek help from doctors. 如果感觉生病了,去看医生。Use 75% alcohol or the 84 disinfectant to disinfect when you come home.


It can protect you from the virus. 能够有效隔绝病毒。It’s suggested that you change it every 4 hours. 建议四小时换一次。People still wear a mask these days. 人们最近仍然带着口罩。Protective masks can protect you from droplet! 防护面罩可以阻挡飞沫!Students will take online courses at home to prevent the transmission of the virus.


There are both advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling.


At this particular time,we should go out as little as possible,isolated if necessary.





