Title: Quotes from the Analects on Filial Piety
Article 1:
The Analects, a collection of conversations and teachings of Confucius, emphasizes the importance of filial piety, the virtue of showing respect and obedience to one's parents. In this article, we will explore some quotes from the Analects that highlight the significance of filial piety.
1. "The Master said, 'While a man's father is alive, look at the bent of his will; when his father is dead, look at his conduct. If for three years he does not alter from the way of his father, he may be called filial.'" (Analects 1.11)
This quote emphasizes the importance of following the teachings and values of one's parents even after their passing. It suggests that true filial piety is demonstrated by maintaining the same moral and ethical principles as one's parents.
2. "The Master said, 'In serving his parents, a son may remonstrate with them, but gently; when he sees that they are not disposed to acquiesce, he shows an increased degree of reverence, but does not abandon his purpose; and should they punish him, he does not allow himself to murmur.'" (Analects 4.18)
This quote highlights the delicate balance between showing respect and expressing one's opinions to parents. It suggests that a filial child should be willing to respectfully disagree with their parents but should also be willing to accept their decisions and punishments without complaint.
3. "The Master said, 'In serving his parents, a son may exert his utmost strength; in serving his prince, he may employ his utmost resources; in serving his elder brother, he may display the utmost of his ability; in serving his younger brother, he may exhibit the utmost of his tenderness.'" (Analects 1.8)
This quote emphasizes the different ways in which filial piety is expressed towards different family members. It suggests that while serving parents requires utmost dedication and strength, serving siblings requires tenderness and care. It highlights the importance of understanding and fulfilling the specific needs of each family member.
4. "The Master said, 'A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies.'" (Analects 1.6)
This quote emphasizes the holistic nature of filial piety. It suggests that being a filial child goes beyond just showing respect to parents but extends to being respectful to elders in society. It also encourages the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth while maintaining filial obligations.
In conclusion, the Analects provide valuable insights into the concept of filial piety. These quotes highlight the importance of maintaining the teachings and values of parents, respectfully expressing one's opinions, fulfilling the specific needs of family members, and being respectful to elders in society. Filial piety, as emphasized in the Analects, serves as a foundation for building strong family relationships and contributing to a harmonious society.
Article 2:
The Analects, a collection of conversations and teachings of Confucius, places great importance on filial piety, the virtue of showing respect and obedience to one's parents. In this article, we will explore more quotes from the Analects that shed light on the significance of filial piety.
1. "The Master said, 'When a man's father is alive, observe the potential of his character; when his father has passed away, observe his behavior. If for three years he does not deviate from his father's ways, then he may be considered filial.'" (Analects 1.11)
This quote emphasizes the continuation of a father's teachings and values even after his passing. It suggests that true filial piety is demonstrated by upholding the same moral principles as one's parents.
2. "The Master said, 'When serving his parents, a son may offer gentle advice. If they are unwilling to listen, he should show even greater reverence. Even if punished, he should not complain.'" (Analects 4.18)
This quote highlights the delicate balance between expressing one's opinions and showing respect to parents. It suggests that a filial child should respectfully disagree with their parents, but should ultimately accept their decisions and punishments without complaint.
3. "The Master said, 'When serving his parents, a son should exert his utmost physical strength. When serving his ruler, he should exert his utmost resources. When serving his elder brother, he should exert his utmost abilities. When serving his younger brother, he should exhibit utmost tenderness.'" (Analects 1.8)
This quote emphasizes the different ways in which filial piety is expressed towards different family members. It suggests that while serving parents requires physical strength, serving siblings requires tenderness and care. It highlights the importance of understanding and fulfilling the specific needs of each family member.
4. "The Master said, 'At home, a youth should be filial, and in society, respectful to his elders. He should be sincere and truthful. He should love everyone and seek friendship with the good. After fulfilling these duties, he may then engage in polite studies when time permits.'" (Analects 1.6)
This quote underscores the comprehensive nature of filial piety. It suggests that being a filial child extends beyond showing respect to parents to also include respecting elders in society. It encourages the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth while fulfilling filial obligations.
In conclusion, the Analects provide valuable insights into the concept of filial piety. These quotes highlight the importance of upholding the teachings and values of parents, respectfully expressing one's opinions, fulfilling the specific needs of family members, and showing respect to elders in society. Filial piety, as emphasized in the Analects, serves as a foundation for building strong family relationships and contributing to a harmonious society.
论语关于孝顺父母的句子英文 篇三
2.1 子曰:“为政以德,譬如北辰居其所而众星共之。”
2.1. A prince, said the Master, should rule his state by virtue as the polar star which keeps its place among the stars turning around it.
2.2 子曰:“《诗》三百,一言以蔽之,曰:‘思无邪'。”
2.2. There are three hundred poems in the Book of Poetry, said the Master. In a word, there is nothing improper.
2.3 子曰:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻;道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”
2.3. If the people are governed by laws, said the Master, and order is kept by punishment, they would be obedient but not conscientious. If they are led by virtue and order is kept by the rites, they would be conscientious and act in agreement with what is right.
2.4 子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。”
2.4. At fifteen, said the Master, I was fond of learning. At thirty, I was established. At forty, I did not waver. At fifty, I knew my sacred mission. At sixty, I had a discerning ear. At seventy, I could do what I would without going beyond what is right.
2.5 孟懿子问孝。子曰:“无违。”樊迟御,子告之“孟孙问孝于我,我对曰,无违。”樊迟曰:“何谓也?”子曰:“生,事之以礼;死,葬之以礼,祭之以礼。”
2.5. When Meng Yi Zi asked about filial duty, the Master said, “Do nothing in disagreement with the rites.” When Fan Chi was driving his carriage for him, the Master told him how he answered the question of Meng Yi Zi. When Fan Chi asked for an explanation, the Master said, “Parents should be served in agreement with the rites while alive; when dead, they should be buried and the sacrifice be offered in agreement with the rites.”
2.6 孟武伯问孝。子曰:“父母唯其疾之忧。”
2.6. When the son of Meng Yi Zi asked about filial duty, the Master said, “Do not let your parents worry about their health! ”
2.7 子游问孝。子曰:“今之孝者,是谓能养。至于犬马,皆能有养;不敬,何以别乎?”
2.7. When Zi You asked about filial duty, the Master said, “Filial sons of today only take care their parents are well fed. But even dogs and horses are well fed now. What is the difference if their parents are fed without reverence? ”
2.8 子夏问孝。子曰:“色难。有事,弟子服其劳;有酒食,先生馔,曾是以为孝乎?”
2.8. When Zi Xia asked about filial duty, the Master said, “It is difficult to appear happy in trouble. If the young serve the old and feed them with wine and food before themselves, but with troubled looks, could they be called filial sons? ”
2.9 子曰:“吾与回言终日,不违,如愚。退而省其私,亦足以发,回也不愚。”
2.9. When I talked with Yan Hui all day long, said the Master, he never disagreed with me as if he were stupid. When he retired to do his work all by himself, I found nothing in disagreement with my teaching. Hui is not stupid at all.
2.10 子曰:“视其所以,观其所由,察其所安。人焉瘦哉?人焉瘦哉?”
2.10. See what a man does, said the Master, examine why he has done so, and observe whether he is content. Can his character remain hidden? Can it remain hidden?
2.11 子曰:“温故而知新,可以为师矣。”
2.11. One who can learn something new while reviewing what he has learned, said the Master, is fit to be a teacher.
2.12 子曰:“君子不器。”
2.12. An intelligentleman, said the Master, is not a mere implement.