
时间:2013-07-09 03:31:17
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晚安温馨句子英文简短 篇一

Goodnight, my love. May your dreams be as beautiful as you are.

Sleep tight, my dear. Tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities.

Rest well, my sweetheart. You deserve all the peace and happiness in the world.

Sweet dreams, my angel. I'll be right here, watching over you.

Goodnight, my darling. Know that you are loved and cherished.

Dream big, my precious. The world is yours to conquer.

Close your eyes, my dear. Let go of all worries and drift into a blissful sleep.

May the stars guide you, my love. Sleep peacefully under their gentle glow.

Goodnight, my sunshine. Tomorrow will bring a brand new dawn.

Dream sweetly, my sweetheart. I'll be waiting to hear all about them in the morning.

Rest easy, my love. Let go of all tensions and embrace the calmness of the night.

Sleep soundly, my dear. You are safe and loved beyond measure.

Goodnight, my angel. May your dreams be filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities.

Dream peacefully, my darling. Tomorrow holds the promise of a brighter future.

Close your eyes, my love. Let the world fade away and enter a realm of tranquility.

May the night bring you peace, my sweetheart. Tomorrow will bring new adventures.

Sleep deeply, my precious. Let go of all worries and surrender to the beauty of the night.

Goodnight, my darling. Know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Dream fearlessly, my love. The world is waiting for your incredible journey.

Rest well, my dear. Tomorrow is a new day to make your dreams come true.

晚安温馨句子英文简短 篇二

Goodnight, my love. As the moon rises, may all your worries dissipate.

Sleep tight, my dear. The night is here to wrap you in its embrace and bring you solace.

Rest well, my sweetheart. Tomorrow is a blank canvas, waiting for your colorful dreams.

Sweet dreams, my angel. May your sleep be filled with serenity and tranquility.

Goodnight, my darling. Know that you are cherished and adored beyond words.

Dream big, my precious. Let your imagination soar and create a world of endless possibilities.

Close your eyes, my dear. Let the stillness of the night guide you to a peaceful slumber.

May the stars watch over you, my love. Sleep under their gentle gaze and feel their protective warmth.

Goodnight, my sunshine. As the darkness falls, remember that you are the light in my life.

Dream sweetly, my sweetheart. I eagerly await the stories your dreams have to tell.

Rest easy, my love. Release all tension and sink into the softness of the night.

Sleep soundly, my dear. The night is your sanctuary, where dreams come to life.

Goodnight, my angel. May your dreams be filled with love, laughter, and boundless joy.

Dream peacefully, my darling. Tomorrow holds the promise of a brighter and better day.

Close your eyes, my love. Let go of all worries and surrender to the tranquility of the night.

May the night bring you peace, my sweetheart. Tomorrow brings new opportunities and adventures.

Sleep deeply, my precious. Let the rhythm of your breaths lull you into a blissful sleep.

Goodnight, my darling. Know that you are cherished and loved unconditionally.

Dream fearlessly, my love. The world is your playground, waiting for your magic touch.

Rest well, my dear. Tomorrow is a new day to create beautiful memories and write your story.

晚安温馨句子英文简短 篇三

星辰与月光, 晨雾与日出, 鸟雀与枯木, 你与梦境深处。少时梦中,多半是你的轮廓。是悸动的根源, 是柔和的隐喻, 是求而不得的叹息, 是青春美妙与苦楚。竟也是我骨中,半生参悟。



有人捏着你的罪过依依不饶 但总有人不在乎你的一切 跨过山河来保护你 就像漫漫长夜总有天明 总有人拉你上岸。我在人间贩卖黄昏,只为收集世间温柔去见你。

若是我平生所愿.. 抬眼是你,行文是你,丹青是你,执伞所依之人是你,古巷所伴之人是你,四下之地,处处是你。



过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾被初阳蒸融了。夜的深处,是密密的灯盏,它们总在一起,我们总要再见 再见 为了再见。

我有整个宇宙想讲给你听,张嘴却吐不出半粒星尘。在等待你的时间里, 我独自以祈祷建造了一座圣殿。诺言是日复一日转动的经筒, 所有的孤独都在净化着虔诚。也许你遇见一个彩虹般的人 也




我乘上思念化作的船。漂啊,漂啊,去看你。独眠在山谷的你, 我翻山越岭跨过山河。走着,走着,去寻你。到那时我也会拥有美好的生活吧,身旁有他,心中有光,脚下有路,身后有家。

从前的日子变得慢 车马 邮件 都慢 一生只够爱一个人。这世界没有一件事是虚空而生的,站在光里,背后就会有阴影,这深夜里一片静默,是因为你没有听见声音。



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