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电影的经典句子英文 篇一

In the realm of cinema, there are certain lines that have transcended time and become iconic. These classic movie quotes not only capture the essence of the film they originate from, but also resonate with audiences long after the credits roll. Here, we explore some of the most memorable and powerful lines in cinema history.

"Here's looking at you, kid." - Casablanca (1942)

This famous line from the timeless romance film Casablanca, spoken by Humphrey Bogart's character Rick Blaine to Ingrid Bergman's character Ilsa Lund, has become synonymous with love and longing. It encapsulates the bittersweet nature of their relationship and has been referenced in countless other films and television shows.

"May the Force be with you." - Star Wars (1977)

A phrase that has become a pop culture phenomenon, "May the Force be with you" is a recurring line in the Star Wars franchise. It represents the idea of hope, guidance, and the power of good triumphing over evil. Fans of the series often use this phrase as a form of greeting or farewell, further cementing its place in cinematic history.

"I'll be back." - The Terminator (1984)

Arnold Schwarzenegger's iconic line from the science fiction film The Terminator has become one of the most recognized movie quotes of all time. Spoken in a robotic tone, this line has since been parodied, imitated, and referenced in various contexts. It perfectly captures the relentless determination and unwavering presence of Schwarzenegger's character.

"There's no place like home." - The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Dorothy's heartfelt plea in The Wizard of Oz has become a universal sentiment. This line represents the longing for familiarity and the comfort of one's own surroundings. It reminds us of the importance of home and the emotional connections we have to the places we call our own.

"I'm king of the world!" - Titanic (1997)

Spoken by Leonardo DiCaprio's character Jack Dawson as he stands on the bow of the Titanic, this line embodies a sense of freedom, triumph, and youthful exuberance. It has become an iconic movie quote that symbolizes the euphoria and joy of embracing life's adventures.

These classic movie quotes have stood the test of time and continue to resonate with audiences today. They capture the essence of the films they originate from and have become a part of our cultural lexicon. Whether it's love, hope, determination, or the longing for home, these lines evoke powerful emotions and remind us of the magic of cinema.

电影的经典句子英文 篇二

In the world of cinema, classic movie quotes have the ability to transport us to different worlds and evoke a wide range of emotions. These iconic lines have become ingrained in popular culture and continue to inspire and resonate with audiences today. Here, we explore some more timeless and memorable movie quotes.

"Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump (1994)

Tom Hanks' character Forrest Gump delivers this profound line that has become a metaphor for life's unpredictability. It reminds us to embrace the unknown and find joy in the surprises that come our way. This quote has become a symbol of optimism and resilience.

"I see dead people." - The Sixth Sense (1999)

This chilling line, spoken by Haley Joel Osment's character Cole Sear, has become synonymous with the supernatural thriller The Sixth Sense. It captures the eerie atmosphere of the film and has become a popular catchphrase used to reference the presence of ghosts or the paranormal.

"Why so serious?" - The Dark Knight (2008)

Heath Ledger's haunting portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight gave us this iconic line, which has become a symbol of chaos and unpredictability. It captures the essence of the Joker's character and has been widely referenced and imitated in popular culture.

"I'll have what she's having." - When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

This humorous line, delivered by Estelle Reiner's character in a memorable restaurant scene, has become a classic example of comedic timing and wit. It perfectly captures the hilarity of the situation and has become a go-to phrase for expressing desire or interest in something.

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." - Apocalypse Now (1979)

Robert Duvall's character Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore utters this line in the war film Apocalypse Now, encapsulating the intensity and surrealism of war. It has become a memorable quote that reflects the devastating impact of conflict and the unique experiences of those involved.

These classic movie quotes have the power to transport us, make us laugh, and evoke deep emotions. They have become ingrained in our culture and continue to inspire and entertain audiences around the world. From profound life lessons to chilling revelations, these lines remind us of the enduring impact of cinema and the art of storytelling.

电影的经典句子英文 篇三


3. 死亡不是生命的终点,遗忘才是。


4. 走人生的路就像爬山一样,看起来走了许多冤枉的路,崎岖的路,但最终会到达山顶。


5. 星星在哪里都是很亮的,就看你有没有抬头去看他们。


6. 不管前方的路有多苦,只要走的方向正确,不管多么崎岖不平,都比站在原地更加接近幸福。


7. 只要你肯领略,就会发现人生本是多么可爱,每个季节里有很多足以让你忘记所有烦恼的赏心乐趣。




9. 我希望你能活出最精彩的自己,我希望你能见识到令你惊奇的事物,我希望你能体验从未有过的情感,我希望你能遇见一些想法不同的人,我希望你为你自己的人生感到骄傲 。如果你发现自己还没有做到,我希望你有勇气重头再来。


10. 我们读诗写诗,非为它的灵巧。我们读诗写诗,因为我们是人类的一员。而人类充满了热情。医药,法律,商业,工程,这些都是高贵的理想,并且是维生的必需条件。但是诗,美,浪漫,爱,这些才是我们生存的原因。


11. 如果你不出去走走,你就会以为这就是全世界。


12. 如果我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样?我必须做到,我别无选择。


13. 你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。

电影的经典句子英文 篇四


14. 有信心不一定会成功,没信心一定不会成功。


15. 决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。


16. 有时候你只需要花二十秒,疯狂地一鼓作气。仅仅花上二十秒,鼓起勇气,即便有多尴尬。然后我向你保证,会有好事发生的。



