高考新增91个英语词汇及用法 篇一
1. Artificial intelligence (AI) - 人工智能
Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a computer or machine to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.
2. Virtual reality (VR) - 虚拟现实
Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation that allows users to experience and interact with a three-dimensional environment.
3. Cybersecurity - 网络安全
Cybersecurity refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
4. Big data - 大数据
Big data refers to large and complex data sets that cannot be easily managed or analyzed using traditional data processing methods.
5. Internet of Things (IoT) - 物联网
Internet of Things refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, appliances, and other objects embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity, which enables them to collect and exchange data.
6. Renewable energy - 可再生能源
Renewable energy refers to energy that is generated from natural resources that are constantly replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water.
7. Global warming - 全球变暖
Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
8. Gender equality - 性别平等
Gender equality refers to the equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of women and men, regardless of their gender.
9. Sustainable development - 可持续发展
Sustainable development refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
10. Cultural diversity - 文化多样性
Cultural diversity refers to the existence of a variety of different cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
高考新增91个英语词汇及用法 篇二
11. Climate change - 气候变化
Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and other aspects of the Earth's climate system, especially as a result of human activities.
12. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - 转基因生物
Genetically modified organisms are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.
13. Digital literacy - 数字素养
Digital literacy refers to the ability to use digital technology, communication tools, and networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to function in a knowledge society.
14. Online learning - 在线学习
Online learning refers to the use of the internet and digital technologies to deliver educational content and facilitate learning outside of a traditional classroom setting.
15. Sustainable agriculture - 可持续农业
Sustainable agriculture refers to the practice of farming in a way that is environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially responsible, while ensuring the long-term productivity of the land.
16. Genetic engineering - 基因工程
Genetic engineering refers to the manipulation of an organism's genetic material to achieve desired traits or characteristics.
17. E-commerce - 电子商务
E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.
18. Biodegradable - 可生物降解的
Biodegradable refers to substances that can be broken down and decomposed by natural processes, such as bacteria or fungi, into harmless components.
19. Sustainable fashion - 可持续时尚
Sustainable fashion refers to the production, use, and disposal of clothing and accessories in a way that minimizes environmental impact, promotes social responsibility, and ensures economic viability.
20. Online privacy - 网络隐私
Online privacy refers to the right of individuals to control the collection, use, and dissemination of their personal information on the internet.
高考新增91个英语词汇及用法 篇三
1.《新课程标准》要求高中学生词汇量达到3500左右(根据笔者统计比较准确的数字是3434个单词以及265个单独列出的'国家名称及相关信息和数字、星期、月份等----这就总共达到3699个单词,还不包括词组和短语)。《新课程标准》是国家纲领性文件,理应成为全国以及各独立命题的省、市高考词汇量的目标标准,天津、广东、湖北等地也在不断扩大词汇量,甚至今年有些省市比如湖南就直接明确提出词汇范围参照《新课程标准》。据此笔者大胆推断今后几年北京市高考词汇还将要继续增加,但范围还是跟这几年一样基本不会超出课标,因为近年增加的词汇中只有去年的一个单词original是课标外的新词, 但其源词即其名词形式origin也是包括在课标内的。
2.这次增加的91个单词有很多是英语学习和实际生活中经常见到和用到的基础词,在现行的主流教材课本中都属于比较高频的词汇。其实象人教版和外研版等高中课本都很注意词汇扩展以符合课标要求。今年增加的新词比如access,anyway,battery,cheat,culture,honey,horrible, movie, observe等等都应该是大家耳熟能详的,只要平时基本功比较扎实的同学就不必将他们看成负担为此徒生烦恼。