
时间:2013-06-02 09:17:38
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有趣的事英语作文 篇一

The Funny Incident at the Zoo

Last weekend, my family and I decided to visit the local zoo. It was a sunny day, perfect for exploring and observing different animals. Little did we know that we were about to witness a hilarious incident that would leave us laughing for days.

As we strolled through the zoo, we came across the monkey exhibit. The monkeys were swinging from tree to tree and seemed to be having a great time. Suddenly, a mischievous monkey spotted a group of children standing near the enclosure. With a twinkle in its eye, the monkey decided to put on a show.

To our surprise, the monkey started imitating the children's actions. If one child jumped up and down, the monkey would do the same. If another child clapped their hands, the monkey would follow suit. It was like a game of copycat, and the children were thoroughly entertained.

Soon, a crowd had gathered around the monkey exhibit, laughing and cheering for the clever primate. The monkey, realizing that it had become the center of attention, continued to mimic the children's movements with perfect precision. Some children even tried to outsmart the monkey by performing complicated dance moves, but the monkey effortlessly replicated them, much to everyone's amusement.

The funniest moment occurred when one little girl started doing somersaults. The monkey, determined not to be outdone, attempted to do a somersault as well. However, being a monkey, it didn't quite succeed and ended up falling on its back. The entire crowd erupted in laughter, including the monkey itself, as if it knew how comical the situation was.

After a while, the monkey seemed satisfied with the attention it had received. It waved goodbye to the children and swung away gracefully, leaving behind a group of delighted spectators. We couldn't stop laughing and talking about the incident for the rest of the day.

This funny incident at the zoo reminded me of the joy and laughter that can be found in unexpected places. It showed how animals, just like humans, have a sense of humor and can bring happiness to those around them. It was truly a memorable experience that made our visit to the zoo even more enjoyable.

有趣的事英语作文 篇二

The Hilarious Cake Baking Mishap

Last week, I decided to surprise my family by baking a cake. I had watched numerous baking tutorials online and felt confident in my abilities. Little did I know that this baking adventure would turn into a hilarious mishap that we would all remember for years to come.

I started by gathering all the necessary ingredients and following the recipe step by step. Mixing the batter was easy, and soon the kitchen was filled with the sweet aroma of vanilla. I poured the batter into the cake pan and placed it in the oven, eagerly waiting for the cake to rise and turn golden brown.

After the recommended baking time, I carefully took the cake out of the oven. To my disappointment, it looked nothing like the perfect cakes I had seen in the tutorial videos. The cake had risen unevenly and had a lopsided shape. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of it.

Undeterred, I decided to continue with the decoration process. I whipped up some frosting and attempted to spread it smoothly on the cake. However, the frosting turned out to be too runny, and it began dripping down the sides of the cake, creating a messy and hilarious look.

As if that wasn't enough, I then attempted to write a celebratory message on the cake using icing. Unfortunately, my handwriting skills were not up to par, and the message came out looking like a series of squiggly lines. It was a disaster, but we couldn't help but find it incredibly amusing.

When it was finally time to taste the cake, we discovered that despite its less-than-perfect appearance, it was actually quite delicious. The flavors were spot on, and we couldn't help but laugh at the irony of a lopsided, messy cake turning out to be a culinary success.

This hilarious cake baking mishap taught me that sometimes the best moments are the ones filled with laughter and imperfection. It reminded me to not take myself too seriously and to find joy in the unexpected. My family and I still chuckle whenever we think about the "lopsided masterpiece" that I created in the kitchen that day.

In the end, the cake might not have looked Pinterest-worthy, but it brought us together and created a lasting memory. It showed me that even in the face of failure, there is always something to laugh about and cherish.

有趣的事英语作文 篇三

  Friday's physical education class, I and Wang Duo Da, Gaoyi ring to play the eagle to catch chicks.

  By me when the eagle, high instrument ring to when the hen, Wang Duo up to the chicken. The game started, the hen struggled to protect the chicks, but I still caught the chicks.

  This is a real class we can really happy ah!




有趣的事英语作文 篇四

  Saturday morning, I heard the door outside the children shouting my name, a careful, the original is Yang Bin. But I was still in bed, did not open the door, while he walked the stairs while shouting my name, until the downstairs so far, the Yang Bin really interesting.


有趣的事英语作文 篇五

  In a sunny day, sunny day I had a few small partners together to the foot of the mountain to play.

  I said: "We play swimming together," they said good, the game began, after a while the game is over. We all went home.

  We play happily to go home ... ...




有趣的事英语作文 篇六

  One afternoon, extracurricular activities, a few students are playing the eagle to catch the chicken game. I saw the boy running sweating, trying to catch the last chick, the girl was stretching his hands to protect the chicks behind him.

  They can have fun!




