
时间:2019-05-08 06:20:48
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命运的英语作文 篇一

The Power of Destiny

Destiny, often referred to as fate, is a concept that has fascinated humanity for centuries. It is the belief that our lives are predetermined, that certain events and outcomes are inevitable. Whether one believes in the power of destiny or not, it is undeniable that it plays a significant role in shaping our lives.

Destiny can manifest itself in various ways. Some people believe in the influence of astrology and the alignment of the stars at the time of their birth. Others attribute their destiny to divine intervention or a higher power. No matter the belief system, the idea of destiny provides comfort and serves as an explanation for the twists and turns of life.

One of the most profound examples of destiny is found in the story of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. Despite facing numerous setbacks and failures, Jobs persevered and went on to revolutionize the world of technology. His journey serves as a testament to the power of destiny, as it seemed that everything in his life was leading him towards his ultimate purpose.

However, it is important to note that destiny does not guarantee success or happiness. It merely sets the stage for our lives, presenting us with opportunities and challenges. It is up to us to make the most of these circumstances and shape our own destinies. We have the power to overcome adversity and make choices that will shape our future.

In conclusion, destiny is a powerful force that influences our lives in ways we may not fully understand. Whether it is through astrology, divine intervention, or simply the natural course of events, destiny shapes our path and presents us with opportunities for growth and self-discovery. It is up to us to embrace these opportunities and make the most of our lives.

命运的英语作文 篇二

Embracing the Unknown: Navigating the Path of Destiny

The concept of destiny has long captivated the human imagination. It is the belief that our lives are predetermined, that there is a grand plan for each and every one of us. While some may find comfort in the idea of a predetermined path, others may view it as a restriction on their free will. However, regardless of one's perspective, it is undeniable that destiny plays a significant role in shaping our lives.

Destiny is not a fixed path, but rather a series of choices and opportunities that present themselves to us. It is up to us to navigate this path, to make decisions and take actions that align with our true purpose. While we may not have control over every aspect of our lives, we have the power to make choices that will shape our destiny.

One of the most famous examples of embracing destiny is found in the story of Helen Keller. Despite being blind and deaf from an early age, Keller went on to become a renowned author and activist. She embraced her destiny and used her challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Her story serves as a reminder that we can overcome adversity and shape our own destinies.

Destiny also teaches us the importance of resilience and adaptability. Life is filled with unexpected twists and turns, and our ability to navigate these challenges determines our ultimate destiny. By embracing the unknown and being open to new experiences, we can discover our true potential and create a fulfilling life for ourselves.

In conclusion, destiny is not a predetermined path, but rather a series of choices and opportunities that shape our lives. It is up to us to navigate this path, to make choices that align with our true purpose and embrace the unknown. By doing so, we can shape our own destinies and create a life of fulfillment and purpose.

命运的英语作文 篇三

  Zhu is a special man who prefers to appear in front of the audience with a born black face rather than a carefully made-up one ;Zhu is a direct and warm-hearted man who has the nature of a northwest big man deep in his blood; Zhu is an emotional man who has strong responsibility and great passion for his forever identity ,a soldier ,and endless love for his family ,which comes first before being a host of CCTV. There's no doubt that the former little-experienced young man has become a popular TV personality, who's liked by millions of people throughout the country. Famous for the face-to-face talk show "Art Life", Zhu Jun made incredible achievements and his fame is rising higher and higher.

  Having being an actor of "xiang sheng", Zhu masters different skills of speaking. Before he went to CCTV, he had been in Lanzhou military area command for many years and already married a fine girl. At that time, he was a host in Lanzhou TV station and more or less famous in his hometown. But then CCTV went there to make a feature show and his life began to change. He was luckily chosen to host the show with Yang Lan, who was quite popular then. Thanks to the show, he was appreciated by a famous director called GaoLimin and also became friends with Yang .She suggested he go to Beijing and try to develop his career. Her words woke him up.

  After a period of self-struggle, Zhu took all his savings of 2000 yuan and left Lanzhou for Beijing, for his dream. He lived in a small and cheap hotel and even couldn't find a way to get into the door of CCTV. He couldn't contact with Gao and Yang at first. But his stable heart beat the difficulties. Later he found out that Gao was just looking for him. So he was nearer to his dream. His chance came when the director asked him to host the "East South West North and Middle" show . Soon he became known to the audience all over China. He could be recognized by passers-by when walking in the streets. It made him confident and happy.

命运的英语作文 篇四


  Some people think that our destiny has been fixed and unchangeable since we were born. But from Li Yanhong’s perspective, destiny is merely a steering wheel of our life and we can control it in the direction we want.


  When Li was in grade one in senior middle school, he demonstrated superior talent in computer skills than other students. Therefore, his school selected him as a representative to participate in the national computer skills competition for middle school students. Before setting out, Li was full of confidence in getting a prize. But out of his expectation, he even failed to get the third prize.


  It was a big blow to Li at that time. But when he walked into the bookstore of Taiyuan, the capital city of Shanxi Province, he learnt the reason for his failure immediately. He found that there were a wealth of computer books that could by no means be spotted in his hometown. That is to say, his competitors had natural advantages over him in accessing information.


  This granted Li the first time to see the relationship between one’s outlooks and his destiny, making Li eager to go to outside world to have a look!


  During the later 20 years, no matter he was studying in Peking University or studying computer in the U.S or working in the Silicon Valley, Li had enormously broadened his horizon with all these experiences which even had huge impact on his later establishment of Baidu Co., Ltd.


  Several years ago, John Thornton, the former president of Goldman Sachs, launched a leadership course and specially invited some CEOs of large multinational companies to give lectures.


  One day, Li was invited to talk about the success of his company, Baidu. When he finished his lecture, Thornton said to him, “I think you personality is quite different from those of other successful entrepreneurs in our eyes because yours is quite soft and not hard. But still you are very successful and I believe you will get more successful in the future.”


  As the CEO of Goldman Sachs, Thornton had almost met all successful entrepreneurs around the world. But from the comment he made on Li’s personality, we can see that people of various personalities all have the chance to succeed. The key factor is that whether we can fully utilize our own personality advantage to do our business. For instance, some people are good at communication and should work hard towards their own advantage. These people are highly willing to communicate with clients, so maybe they will be super sales representatives in the future. Therefore, the key issue is to make objective evaluation of yourself and see what profession can accommodate your personality.


  When Li was studying his postgraduate in America, he registered for a research group in his school. At that time, the professor in charge of the interview, probably felt dissatisfied with Li’s answers and asked him casually, “Are you from China? Does China have computers?”


  Although the professor did not mean to hurt Li purposely, his question did cast blow to his heart. Li thought that China was such a big country that how was it possible for China not to have computers in even 1990s? The professor’s question seemed more than an insult to his mother land, China. But it also provoked Li’s internal unyielding spirits and confidence of realizing his “China dream”. That was why Li would later give up his sable job and comfortable life in America and come back to China to establish his company.


  In the initial phase of his company, everything was very difficult. Li and his partners, 8 people totally, rented two rooms as offices in a hotel. Even thought the condition was harsh, they were all convinced of one dream that they resolved to create Chinese own searching engine!


  Later, in order to surpassed the giant competitor, Google, which took up 60% of the market in China, they formed technology study group known as the “Lightning Plan”. When they were hungry, they usually ate instant noodles; when they were tired, they would sleep where they sat. After waking up, they would continue their work. All these gradually led to Baidu’s biggest Chinese searching engine in the world.

命运的英语作文 篇五

  How to see the fate? There is no consensus among people about fate. Some people think one’s fate is destined while he comes into the world. Simultaneously, some people think one’s fate is controlled by himself.

  The former always think only rare people is lucky and destined. Hence, when opportunity comes, they

usually let it be rather than take effective measure, and say fate is unfair to them.

  On the contrary, quite a few people claim that fate is unfair to everybody. Only by struggling and sweating, you’ll attain success and luck, you’ll enjoy a high-standard life. It just as old saying goes “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

  As far as I am concerned, I agreed the latter. Thus, in order to get master degree, I am paying painstaking on my lesson. In other words, the hard you work, the much progress you get.

  Obviously, from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw a conclusion that fate is equitable to every one. Through struggling, you’ll achieve you goal and good fate.

命运的英语作文 篇六

  A man who can be self reliant on a desert island, a person with both subjective and diligence. He used his experience to tell the world that only when we are good at creating, being good at labor and being the master of fate can we become an explorer and an inventor before we can understand the true meaning of life. He is the hero of Daniel Defoe, the hero of the novel "Robinson Crusoe", the hero of Robinson.

  The novel mainly talks about the frustrations and meaningful life of the hero Robinson. He would not listen to his parents' advice, and go sailing in an arbitrary way. Although he was under wind and waves in the first two voyages, he was saved every time. In his third voyage, he was thrown into the waves of a no human habitation on the island, and began his 28 years of adventure.

  Facing the deserted island, Robinson didn't shrink from the blow of his fate. He lived with his intelligence and industrious hands and lived on the island for 28 years. He is pioneering and enterprising and believes that knowledge is power. After years of efforts, the island has gradually witnessed a thriving scene: houses, rice, sheep, dogs and cats. Who knows what hard work Robinson has done behind this success? Although he has got the material needs, he also needs spiritual comfort, a lack of a friend. The last "Friday" came to fill the hole. "Friday" was a prisoner saved by Robinson, because that was Friday, so he named him "Friday". From then on, Robinson taught English, dressed, and hunted on Friday... So Friday became a faithful servant and friend of Robinson, who depended on each other and lived on the island for a few years. Later, a British ship was discovered by accident. Robinson and Friday finally got the chance to leave the island and return to the hometown that had been away for many years, and created the miracle of changing fate.

  Robinson who has rich creativity and never give up the spirit of hard work, he embodies not succumb to the fate of the true colour of a hero. Whenever he encountered difficulties, my mind would raise suspense, and whenever he relied on his clever mind and industrious hands to solve difficulties, I would feel gratified. Through reading Robinson Crusoe, I deeply understood that in the future life and work, we should be like Robinson, self reliant and never give up, not to bow to difficulties and become masters of fate.






