
时间:2013-07-07 07:23:16
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街灯下的雪夜英语作文 篇一

Under the Streetlight on a Snowy Night

It was a cold winter night. Snowflakes were falling from the sky, covering the entire city in a blanket of white. As I walked down the street, I noticed the streetlights casting a warm glow on the snow-covered ground. The scene was simply enchanting.

Under the streetlight, I saw children playing and laughing, their rosy cheeks contrasting beautifully against the white backdrop. They were building snowmen and having snowball fights, their joy contagious to anyone who witnessed it. The streetlight illuminated their excited faces, making the scene even more magical.

As I continued my walk, I saw couples walking hand in hand, their footsteps leaving imprints on the fresh snow. They whispered sweet nothings to each other, their breath visible in the cold air. The streetlight created a romantic ambiance, making their love seem even more special.

Under the streetlight, I saw an old man sitting on a bench, watching the world go by. He had a peaceful smile on his face, as if reminiscing about his own snow-filled memories. The streetlight provided him with comfort and a sense of security in the dark winter night.

Under the streetlight, I felt a sense of tranquility and serenity. The snowflakes falling gently around me created a sense of calmness within. The streetlight acted as a guiding light, leading me through the snow-covered path.

Under the streetlight, I realized the beauty of the snow night. It was a moment frozen in time, a scene that captured the essence of winter. The streetlight added an extra touch of magic and warmth to the already breathtaking view.

As I reached the end of the street, I turned back to take one last look at the streetlight under the snow night. It was a sight I would never forget. The streetlight had transformed a cold winter night into a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

Under the streetlight on a snowy night, I experienced a sense of joy, love, peace, and beauty. It was a moment that reminded me of the simple wonders that life has to offer. I walked away with a smile on my face, grateful for the enchanting experience I had just witnessed.

街灯下的雪夜英语作文 篇二

A Night of Solitude Under the Streetlight

It was a bitterly cold winter night. The snow was falling relentlessly, creating a thick layer of white on the ground. As I walked down the street, the only source of light came from the streetlights. The scene was quiet and serene, but also filled with a sense of solitude.

Under the streetlight, I saw empty benches covered in snow, waiting for someone to sit on them. The streetlight cast a dim glow, creating long shadows that seemed to stretch into infinity. The silence was deafening, and the loneliness was palpable.

As I continued my walk, I saw a stray cat huddled under a parked car, seeking shelter from the biting cold. Its eyes reflected the dim light from the streetlamp, revealing a sense of fear and vulnerability. The streetlight provided some comfort to this lonely creature, but it couldn't erase the solitude it felt.

Under the streetlight, I saw a homeless person, wrapped in layers of tattered blankets, trying to stay warm. The streetlight illuminated their tired face, revealing the hardships they had endured. The light provided them a glimmer of hope, but it couldn't erase the loneliness they felt in the harsh winter night.

Under the streetlight, I felt a sense of isolation and desolation. The falling snowflakes seemed to emphasize the vast emptiness around me. The streetlight's weak glow served as a reminder of the solitary journey we all must face at times.

Under the streetlight, I realized the harsh reality of life. It was a moment that made me reflect on the struggles and hardships faced by those less fortunate. The streetlight shed light on the hidden corners of society, revealing the solitude that often goes unnoticed.

As I reached the end of the street, I turned back to take one last look at the streetlight under the snow night. It was a sight that left a lasting impression on me. The streetlight had become a symbol of the solitude and isolation that can exist in our lives.

Under the streetlight on a snowy night, I experienced a sense of loneliness, reflection, and awareness. It was a moment that reminded me of the importance of reaching out to those who might be experiencing their own winter of solitude. I walked away with a heavy heart, determined to make a difference in the lives of those who face the harsh realities of life alone.

街灯下的雪夜英语作文 篇三



  雪,年年如约而至,看尽素雪点点,眉间挥散不去的忧愁,系着那个落寞的背影…… 岁月如棋盘,光阴是棋子,我们只是一个寂寞的棋手,以为守住棋子,看清人世悲欢,便把握的住命运。殊不知,千江万岭,走过的每一条路,叫不归。 人生路上,会邂逅许多不同的人,知己或陌路,亲近或疏远,皆是过客,也只能陪看一段风景。 恰巧,邂逅了一场夜雪,一位老人,在街灯下,雪影里…… 昏黄的光笼罩着街道,白眉夹着雪花翻飞,落回的'窠巢,嘶哑的叫声断断续续,打破这雪夜的寂静。 我独自走在街道上,一位看似年过花甲的老人,从幽暗的巷口走出来,口中喃喃着。花白的头发尖顶着雪花,疏淡的眉梢凝着冰屑,睫上聚着晶莹的珠。热气从鼻息中冒出,朦胧了我的眼。 我只淡淡地看了她一眼,便不再注意。他猛地抓住我的臂膊,似询问又像自言自语:“你也没有丢,我的也没有丢。”我怔住了,迷迷糊糊间应了一声:“嗯。”我莫名其妙地看着她,她迷茫的看着我的脸。

  Snow, year after year as promised, see all the plain snow spots, eyebrows waving away the sadness, tied with the lonely back Time is like a chessboard, time is a chessboard, we are just a lonely chess player, thinking that to hold the chessboard, to see the joys and sorrows of the world, we will grasp the fate. As we all know, thousands of rivers, thousands of mountains, walk every road, call not return. On the road of life, we will meet many different people, confidants or strangers, close or distant, all passers-by, but also can only accompany to see a section of scenery. Coincidentally, I met a snow at night, an old man, under the street lamp, in the snow shadow Dusky yellow light enveloped the street, white eyebrows flying with snowflakes, falling back to the nest, hoarse call intermittent, breaking the silence of the snow night. I walk alone in the street, an old man who seems to have passed the flower armour, comes out of the dark lane and mumbles in his mouth. White hair pointed with snow, thin eyebrows with ice, eyelashes with crystal beads. The heat came out of my nose and clouded my eyes. I only glanced at her lightly, then I stopped paying attention. He grabbed me by the arm, like asking and saying to himself, "you haven't lost it, neither have mine." I was stunned, vaguely replied, "well." I looked at her inexplicably, she looked at my face in confusion.

  只一会儿,她便松开了我的手,向后退了几步,坐在雪白的地毯上,下意识地打了一个寒战,缩了缩脑袋。 我蹲下身去,抚了抚她额前的碎发,轻声问:“老奶奶,你叫什么名字?有家人的电话吗?”话落,她紧紧的皱着眉头,身子颤抖着,不说话。我坐到她旁边,也不语了。 “墙角的那只猫,曾经替我抓过一只又大又肥的老鼠。诺,就在那儿,它说冷,我就把外套给他了。我的良心没有丢。”她突然出声了, 手指着卧在阴暗的墙角的一只死猫,上面盖着厚重的棉衣,衣服上积了层薄雪。 我静静的注视着她,无语。 她缓缓起身,喃喃说道:“我回去了。”随后,又隐入阴暗的小巷中,只留给我一道,落寞离去的背影…… 我以为她是回家了。 但几天后,听邻居们玩笑似的谈起,一个神经病人从医院里逃了出来,隔了几天,竟然又自己回去了。 我不知道她经历了什么,也不知她如今怎样了。那一夜,她的话,烙在我的心上…… 是几时,我们丢了最重要的东西,心意阑珊,尘埃落定,心中那盘棋,让岁月赢了去。 走

过的岁月,无法重来,如同行过的棋局,不可复制。但山高水远,邂逅过的人,终有一日会重逢。 在举棋不定间,难捱的辰光,灯下的絮雪,就那么远去了,远去了……

  Just a moment later, she let go of my hand, stepped back a few steps, sat on the white carpet, subconsciously hit a shiver, shrunk his head. I squatted down, stroked her forehead hair and asked softly, "grandma, what's your name? Do you have a family phone? " Words fall, she tightly frowns, body trembles, do not speak. I sat next to her and didn't speak. "The cat in the corner once grabbed a big fat mouse for me. No, it's right there. It says it's cold. I'll give him my coat. I didn't lose my conscience. " She suddenly made a noise, pointing to a dead cat lying in the dark corner, which was covered with heavy cotton padded clothes and covered with thin snow. I watched her silently, speechless. She got up slowly and murmured, "I'm back." Later, I hid in the dark alley, leaving me alone, the back of lonely leave I thought she was going home. But a few days later, the neighbors joked that a neurotic escaped from the hospital, and after a few days, he went back on his own. I don't know what she's been through or how she is now. That night, her words were branded on my heart When did we lose the most important thing? When did we lose our mind? When did the dust settle down? When did we win the game. The years we have passed cannot be repeated, such as the chess games we have played together. But the mountains are high and the waters are far away. Those who meet will meet again one day. In the indecision, the hard day light, the light under the snow, so far away, far away...


