
时间:2018-08-02 02:33:44
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堆雪人的英语作文 篇一

Title: Building a Snowman

Snow days are always a special treat during the winter season. The sight of fresh, powdery snow falling from the sky fills everyone with excitement and the desire to go outside and play. One of my favorite activities to do on a snowy day is building a snowman.

To build the perfect snowman, you need the right kind of snow. It should be wet enough to stick together but not too slushy. The first step is to gather a large amount of snow, usually by rolling it into a ball. This will be the base of the snowman. It's important to make sure the bottom snowball is packed tightly so that it doesn't fall apart later on.

After the base is built, the next step is to create the middle and top parts of the snowman. These are made by rolling smaller snowballs and stacking them on top of each other. It's important to make each snowball slightly smaller than the previous one to create the classic snowman shape. Once the snowballs are stacked, it's time to add the final touches.

Decorating the snowman is the most fun part! You can use various objects to give your snowman personality. Common options include sticks for arms, rocks for eyes, and a carrot for a nose. Some people even use old hats and scarves to dress up their snowmen. The possibilities are endless!

While building a snowman is a fun activity, it also requires patience and creativity. It's important to take your time and make sure each snowball is firmly packed before adding the next one. It's also fun to get creative with the decorations and give your snowman a unique look.

Once your snowman is complete, it's time to step back and admire your masterpiece. The joy of building a snowman is not only in the process but also in the final result. It's a great feeling to see your creation standing tall and proud in the winter landscape.

In conclusion, building a snowman is a classic winter activity that brings joy and excitement to people of all ages. From gathering the right kind of snow to decorating the snowman with various objects, the process is filled with fun and creativity. So, the next time it snows, grab a scarf and a carrot, and head outside to build your own snowman!

堆雪人的英语作文 篇二

Title: A Snowman Adventure

It was a bright and sunny winter morning when I decided to build a snowman. The snow had fallen overnight, creating a thick blanket of white covering the ground. As I stepped outside, I could feel the cold air on my cheeks, and I knew it was the perfect day for a snowman adventure.

I started by gathering a large amount of snow and rolling it into a ball to create the base of the snowman. With each roll, the snowball grew bigger and heavier, making it more challenging to maneuver. But I was determined to build the biggest snowman ever.

After successfully creating the base, I moved on to the middle and top parts of the snowman. Rolling the snowballs became even more difficult as they needed to be smaller and lighter. However, I didn't let the challenges deter me. I was determined to build a snowman that would stand out among the rest.

As I stacked the snowballs on top of each other, I couldn't help but imagine the adventures my snowman would have. I envisioned him traveling to far-off lands, meeting new snowmen friends, and experiencing thrilling snowball fights. The thought made me smile as I continued to build.

Once the snowman was complete, it was time to decorate. I gathered sticks for arms, rocks for eyes, and a carrot for a nose. I even found an old hat and scarf to add a touch of personality. My snowman looked alive, ready to embark on his grand adventure.

As the sun began to set, I stood back and admired my creation. The snowman stood tall and proud, as if ready to take on the world. I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I had not only built a snowman but also brought him to life with my imagination.

As the days passed, my snowman slowly melted away, returning to the earth from which he came. But the memories of that snowy adventure will always remain. Building a snowman taught me the importance of imagination, perseverance, and the joy of creating something from nothing.

In conclusion, building a snowman is not just about rolling snowballs and decorating with sticks and rocks. It's about the adventure and imagination that comes with it. So, the next time it snows, don't just build a snowman, create a story and let your imagination run wild.

堆雪人的英语作文 篇三

  Do you know what a snowman is? Let us a make!

  First, we a big ball of snow. Then we make another is smaller than the first snowball.

  Now we make another very small snowball. We put it on top. Let us make a face on the snowman. Carrot is his nose. Some little rockets for his mouth and eyes. Two sticks for his arms.This hat are on the top for his hat.

  Ok!The snowman is wonderful.

堆雪人的英语作文 篇四

  Autumn girl left, winter girl came, under a day and night of snow, the earth seems to be covered with a layer of snow-white.


  White coat, the house like a layer of white coat, leaves on the tree are all gone, silver wrapped, especially wrapped, beautiful.


  Children come out to play together. First, roll a snowball as the snowman's body, roll a snowball as the snowman's head, take a water Tung as the snowman's hat, take a stone as the snowman's eyes, take a rob as the snowman's nose, take a spicy as its mouth, and then take a broom as the snowman's hand. After a while, a snowman is ready. We smile happily around the snowman.


堆雪人的英语作文 篇五

  Today, It is snowy. we make a snowman outside the house. We are happy.

  First. We make a big baII of snow. Then we make another snowbaII. This one is smaIIer than the first. We put this snowbaII on that snowbaII. We make another smaII snowbaII, we put it on top. We make a face on the snowman. The carrot is his nose some LittIe rocks for his mouth and eyes. We have two sticks for his arms.

  Snowman is wonderfuI! I Like snowman.

堆雪人的英语作文 篇六

  Two days ago, a heavy snow came. And now, the snow stopped and it’s time for fun. This morning, I go to outside door and make snowman with my friends. We prepare some tools and then we start. We did it many times before, so it’s easy. We pull snow together and shape it. Last, we make a face for it, eyes, nose, ears and mouth. It’s very funny and we are happy.




