
时间:2014-05-01 08:41:47
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拒绝表白的英文句子狠 篇一

Title: Brutal English Sentences to Reject a Confession


Rejecting someone's confession can be a difficult and uncomfortable situation. However, sometimes it is necessary to be direct and straightforward in order to avoid any misunderstandings or false hopes. In this article, we will provide you with some brutal English sentences that can be used to firmly reject a confession.


1. "I appreciate your feelings, but I am not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you."

This sentence clearly states that while you acknowledge the person's feelings, you do not reciprocate them. It is important to be honest and upfront to avoid leading the person on.

2. "I value our friendship and I don't want to risk ruining it by getting into a romantic relationship."

By emphasizing the importance of the existing friendship, you make it clear that you do not want to jeopardize it by taking things further romantically.

3. "I'm sorry, but I just don't see you in a romantic way."

This sentence is direct and leaves no room for misinterpretation. It clearly states that you do not have romantic feelings for the person.

4. "I think it's best if we remain friends and not pursue anything more than that."

By suggesting that friendship is the best path forward, you make it clear that you do not want to entertain any romantic possibilities.

5. "I appreciate your courage in confessing your feelings, but I cannot reciprocate them."

This sentence acknowledges the person's bravery in expressing their feelings while firmly stating that you cannot return those feelings.


Rejecting a confession is never easy, but it is important to be honest and clear in order to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings. These brutal English sentences can help you communicate your rejection firmly while still showing respect and understanding towards the other person's feelings.

拒绝表白的英文句子狠 篇二

Title: Harsh English Phrases to Reject a Confession


Sometimes, it becomes necessary to use harsher language when rejecting a confession, particularly if the person does not understand or respect your initial rejection. This article provides you with some harsh English phrases that can be used to firmly reject a confession and discourage any further advances.


1. "I have made it clear that I am not interested in you, and yet you continue to pursue me. Please stop."

This sentence is direct and assertive, setting clear boundaries and emphasizing the person's persistent behavior.

2. "I have no interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with you. Please respect my decision and move on."

This phrase firmly rejects the person's confession while also demanding respect for your decision.

3. "I am not attracted to you in any way, and I do not appreciate your relentless pursuit. Leave me alone."

This sentence not only rejects the confession but also addresses any unwanted advances or harassment, making it clear that you want the person to stay away from you.

4. "Your constant attempts to win me over are becoming pathetic. I have zero interest in you, and that will never change."

This harsh phrase leaves no room for doubt or misunderstanding. It emphasizes your lack of interest and dismisses any hope the person may have had.

5. "I have been clear from the beginning that I do not have any romantic feelings for you. It's time for you to accept that and move on."

This sentence reminds the person that your rejection has been consistent and that it is now their responsibility to accept it and let go.


While it is important to be assertive and clear in rejecting a confession, it is equally important to prioritize your own safety and well-being. If someone continues to pursue you despite your rejection, it may be necessary to involve others or seek professional help. Remember, you have the right to say no and to protect yourself from unwanted advances.

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