初中my best friend英语作文【优选3篇】

时间:2016-01-02 01:36:33
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初中my best friend英语作文 篇一

My Best Friend - Lucy

Lucy is my best friend. We have been friends since we were in kindergarten. She has a warm and friendly personality, and she always knows how to cheer me up when I'm feeling down.

One of the things I admire about Lucy is her intelligence. She is one of the smartest students in our class and always gets top grades. Whenever I struggle with a difficult subject, Lucy is always there to help me understand. She is patient and explains things in a way that is easy to comprehend. Thanks to her, my grades have improved a lot.

Moreover, Lucy is a great listener. Whenever I have a problem or need someone to talk to, she is always there for me. She listens attentively and offers valuable advice. I can trust her with my deepest secrets, knowing that she will keep them confidential. She is truly a loyal and trustworthy friend.

In addition to her intelligence and listening skills, Lucy is also very talented. She is an amazing artist and can create beautiful paintings and drawings. I am always in awe of her artistic abilities. Whenever I need help with a project or need a creative idea, Lucy is the first person I turn to.

Furthermore, Lucy has a great sense of humor. We always have a lot of fun together, whether we are telling jokes or playing games. She knows how to make me laugh, even when I'm feeling sad. Spending time with her always brightens my day.

In conclusion, Lucy is not only my best friend but also an incredible person. Her intelligence, listening skills, talent, and sense of humor make her an exceptional friend. I am grateful to have her in my life. She has taught me the importance of being kind, supportive, and loyal. I cherish our friendship and know that it will last a lifetime.

初中my best friend英语作文 篇二

My Best Friend - Tom

Tom is my best friend. We have known each other since we were toddlers and have shared countless memories together. He is like a brother to me, always there when I need him.

One of the things I admire about Tom is his determination. He never gives up, no matter how challenging the situation may be. Whether it's studying for exams or trying to achieve a goal, Tom always puts in his best effort. His perseverance inspires me to work hard and never lose hope.

Moreover, Tom is a great athlete. He excels in various sports, including basketball, soccer, and swimming. Whenever we play together, he pushes me to give my best and never settle for mediocrity. He teaches me the importance of discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship. I am grateful for his influence on my physical fitness and overall well-being.

In addition to his determination and athletic abilities, Tom is also a kind-hearted person. He is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Whether it's volunteering at a local charity or offering support to a friend in distress, Tom is always there to make a positive difference. His kindness inspires me to be a better person and to always be there for others.

Furthermore, Tom has a great sense of adventure. We love exploring new places and trying new things together. Whether it's hiking in the mountains, camping by the lake, or visiting historical landmarks, we always have a great time. Tom's adventurous spirit reminds me to embrace new experiences and enjoy the wonders of the world.

In conclusion, Tom is not only my best friend but also a remarkable individual. His determination, athletic abilities, kindness, and sense of adventure make him an extraordinary friend. I am grateful for his presence in my life and the lessons he has taught me. Our friendship is one that I treasure and know will endure the test of time.

初中my best friend英语作文 篇三

初中my best friend英语作文


  my best friend英语作文_第1篇:

  Many of my friends, but my best friend is Jiang Wenxuan. She has a beautiful frame, weeping eyes, pink mouth, tied in a ponytail, is pretty tall and thin. Jiang Wenxuan not only good-looking, it is one of the best in the class to learn, and her many times were rated as excellent painting and composition.

  Jiang Wenxuan study well because she is a good listening in class, answer this question is very comprehensive, and her composition is good, careful. There is a teacher in the topic, finally when it comes to reading the topic, the teacher called for several students to answer the question, don't let the teacher satisfied, the teacher called Jiang Wenxuan and Jiang Wenxuan leisurely read out of his own answer, again slowly sit down and listen to the teacher after approvingly nodded, then the answer to the Jiang Wenxuan complement, Jiang Wenxuan modest to listen to

the teacher's supplement, hurriedly and perfect their own answers. When the teacher the topic all finished coaching, I discovered Jiang Wenxuan check their homework, I secretly admire in the heart: Jiang Wenxuan really not the kui is a good student! Jiang Wenxuan word write very neatly, composition is wonderful! Every time the selection operation, her award, the truth from the bottom of my heart, I envy her.

  Jiang Wenxuan can like painting, her favorite cartoon young girl, affected by her I also like to draw cartoons, but can't compare with her, no matter what drawing game every time, she always win, I am frustrated, Jiang Wenxuan seemed to see my thoughts, every time when I draw what is insufficient, she always give me a change, my painting is beautiful in her pen.

  Jiang Wenxuan regard me as his best friend, I also take Jiang Wenxuan as my best friend, we talk to each other, help each other, care about each other, because we know the true meaning of friendship!





  my best friend英语作文_第2篇:

  My friend Chen Yiying has a pair of black shiny eyes, long hair is dark black, her face is white. She likes to smile, a laugh with two small dimple, have more cute.

  On one occasion, the teacher let the students to participate in the competition each do a small bookmark. I was doing at home on Saturday, bookmarks, yi ying come to my house to play. Suddenly, I found I do wrong, is that with a piece of cloth to stick. She saw it, said: "without a Lynn, what are you stick? In this place as long as don't draw on a person become?" Yeah, why didn't I think! Yi ying has a master of painting, she volunteered to help me out a beautiful and lovely little girl, and then to guide me how to give the little girl with color. To make bookmarks, I found myself a bookmark is one of the most delicate, review won the first prize in the class. Yi ying often play her strengths to help me, I will do something for her.

  Once, yi ying is doing a little, she wants to be a beautiful flower to do adornment, but she will not do, do a few times have failed. I asked her: "what do you want to do handmade flowers?" She nodded. I hurriedly brought material, I think the most beautiful silk flowers. Yi ying saw said: "really beautiful, without a Lin, thank you." I say you're welcome, friends should help each other.

  In class small making comparison, yi ying's works is the most beautiful, the teacher also praised her say: "yi ying, you did great!" Yi ying turned his head smiled, at me from her smile I feel strong feelings between us.

  Yi ying is under each other and help each other and I forged a deep friendship.






初中my best friend英语作文【优选3篇】

