
时间:2019-01-04 08:49:35
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Disappointed in Friendship: Article 1

Friendship is often considered one of the most important and cherished relationships in our lives. It is a bond built on trust, support, and understanding. However, there are times when friendships can disappoint us, leaving us feeling hurt and let down. In this article, we will explore some English sentences that express the feeling of disappointment in friendship.

1. "I thought we were closer than this."

This sentence signifies the disappointment of realizing that the friendship was not as strong or meaningful as initially believed. It conveys a sense of betrayal or a realization that the other person did not value the friendship as much as expected.

2. "I never expected this from you."

This sentence expresses surprise and disappointment in the actions or behavior of a friend. It implies that the person's actions were unexpected and hurtful, causing the friendship to be viewed in a different light.

3. "I feel let down by our friendship."

This sentence conveys the feeling of being disappointed and betrayed by a friend. It implies that the friend's actions or behavior have caused a sense of disillusionment and a loss of trust in the friendship.

4. "You've changed, and not for the better."

This sentence expresses disappointment in a friend who has undergone a negative transformation. It suggests that the person has deviated from their previous positive qualities and has become someone who is no longer enjoyable or trustworthy to be around.

5. "I thought you would always have my back."

This sentence conveys the feeling of disappointment when a friend fails to provide the expected support or loyalty. It implies that the friend has not lived up to the expectations of being there during difficult times.

6. "I feel like our friendship was one-sided."

This sentence expresses the disappointment of realizing that the friendship was imbalanced, with one person giving more effort and support than the other. It conveys a sense of feeling taken for granted or undervalued.

7. "I never thought our friendship would end like this."

This sentence signifies the disappointment of realizing that the friendship has come to an unexpected and disappointing end. It implies a sense of sadness and disbelief at the loss of what was once a meaningful connection.

In conclusion, friendships can sometimes disappoint us, and it is important to express our feelings of disappointment in a healthy and constructive manner. These English sentences provide a way to communicate our emotions and thoughts when faced with the letdown of friendship.

Disappointed in Friendship: Article 2

Friendships are meant to be a source of joy, support, and companionship. However, there are instances when friendships fail to meet our expectations, leaving us feeling disappointed and hurt. In this article, we will explore some English sentences that capture the essence of disappointment in friendship.

1. "I trusted you, but you let me down."

This sentence portrays the feeling of disappointment and betrayal when a friend fails to live up to the trust placed in them. It implies a sense of hurt and disillusionment in the relationship.

2. "I feel like I'm always the one making an effort."

This sentence expresses the disappointment of feeling like the only one invested in the friendship. It conveys a sense of imbalance and one-sidedness, where one person consistently puts in more effort than the other.

3. "I thought we had a stronger bond than this."

This sentence signifies the disappointment of realizing that the friendship was not as strong or meaningful as initially believed. It conveys a sense of sadness and a loss of trust in the connection.

4. "You've changed, and not for the better."

This sentence expresses disappointment in a friend who has undergone a negative transformation. It suggests that the person has deviated from their previous positive qualities and has become someone who is no longer enjoyable or trustworthy to be around.

5. "I feel like I'm being taken for granted."

This sentence conveys the disappointment of feeling undervalued and unappreciated in a friendship. It implies that the friend fails to recognize and acknowledge the efforts and support provided.

6. "I never expected to be treated this way by a friend."

This sentence signifies the disappointment of experiencing mistreatment or disrespect from a friend. It implies a sense of shock and disbelief at the friend's behavior.

7. "Our friendship has become more of a burden than a joy."

This sentence expresses the disappointment of realizing that the friendship has become more draining and exhausting than fulfilling. It implies a sense of heaviness and emotional exhaustion in the relationship.

In conclusion, disappointment in friendship is a common and relatable experience. These English sentences provide a way to articulate our feelings and communicate our disappointments in a constructive manner. It is important to address these emotions and work towards resolving any issues in order to maintain healthy and fulfilling friendships.

对友情失望的句子英文 篇三
































