
时间:2015-02-09 01:48:20
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表示不开心的英文句子有哪些 篇一

In our daily lives, there are times when we feel unhappy or down. During these moments, expressing our emotions can be cathartic and help us process our feelings. In this article, we will explore some English sentences that convey unhappiness or sadness.

1. "I feel so miserable today."

This sentence expresses a deep sense of unhappiness and despair. It indicates that the person is feeling extremely low and unhappy.

2. "I can't shake off this feeling of sadness."

This sentence suggests that the person is experiencing a persistent state of sadness that is difficult to overcome. It conveys a sense of helplessness and despair.

3. "I'm feeling really down in the dumps."

This sentence implies that the person is feeling extremely unhappy and depressed. It suggests a feeling of being emotionally drained and lacking motivation.

4. "I'm heartbroken."

This sentence indicates that the person is experiencing intense sadness and emotional pain, usually as a result of a loss or a breakup. It conveys a deep sense of sorrow and grief.

5. "I'm devastated."

This sentence expresses a feeling of extreme sadness and shock. It suggests that something has happened that has deeply affected the person and left them feeling emotionally shattered.

6. "I'm feeling blue."

This sentence is a more casual way of expressing unhappiness or sadness. It suggests a feeling of melancholy or sadness without specifying the cause.

7. "I'm at my wits' end."

This sentence indicates that the person is feeling extremely frustrated and overwhelmed. It suggests a sense of being unable to find a solution or a way out of a difficult situation.

8. "I'm feeling so empty inside."

This sentence conveys a deep sense of sadness and emotional emptiness. It suggests that the person is feeling a lack of fulfillment or purpose in their life.

9. "I just want to curl up and cry."

This sentence expresses a strong desire to retreat from the world and release emotions through crying. It suggests a feeling of vulnerability and emotional exhaustion.

10. "I feel like I'm drowning in sadness."

This sentence implies that the person is feeling overwhelmed by sadness and unable to cope with their emotions. It conveys a sense of being emotionally engulfed and suffocated.

These sentences provide various ways to express unhappiness or sadness in English. It is important to remember that it is normal to experience these emotions and expressing them can be a healthy way to cope and seek support.

表示不开心的英文句子有哪些 篇二

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs. There are times when we feel unhappy or disappointed, and during these moments, it can be helpful to express our emotions. In this article, we will explore some English sentences that convey unhappiness or sadness.

1. "I'm feeling really let down."

This sentence suggests that the person is feeling disappointed or betrayed by someone or something. It conveys a sense of sadness and disillusionment.

2. "I'm fed up with everything."

This sentence implies that the person is feeling tired and frustrated with their current situation or circumstances. It suggests a desire for change and a lack of motivation.

3. "I'm so frustrated I could scream."

This sentence expresses a feeling of intense anger and irritation. It suggests that the person is feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with their emotions.

4. "I'm feeling so lonely."

This sentence conveys a sense of isolation and sadness. It suggests that the person is feeling a lack of connection or companionship.

5. "I'm feeling rejected."

This sentence indicates that the person is feeling excluded or unwanted. It suggests a sense of hurt and emotional pain.

6. "I'm so tired of pretending to be happy."

This sentence implies that the person is feeling exhausted from putting on a facade of happiness. It suggests a desire for authenticity and a need to express true emotions.

7. "I'm feeling lost and confused."

This sentence suggests that the person is feeling uncertain and unsure about their life or a particular situation. It conveys a sense of sadness and a lack of direction.

8. "I'm feeling dejected."

This sentence indicates that the person is feeling low in spirits and disheartened. It suggests a sense of hopelessness and despair.

9. "I'm feeling overwhelmed by sadness."

This sentence expresses a feeling of being emotionally engulfed by sadness. It suggests a sense of being unable to cope with intense emotions.

10. "I'm feeling like a failure."

This sentence conveys a sense of disappointment and self-doubt. It suggests that the person is feeling inadequate and unsuccessful.

These sentences provide different ways to express unhappiness or sadness in English. It is important to remember that it is okay to feel these emotions and seeking support from loved ones can help us navigate through difficult times.

表示不开心的英文句子有哪些 篇三

1. 也请你从回忆里走出来,因为我们都不会再是记忆中的样子了。

2. 每个城市都是印记,而我孑然见证了一场有一场的别离与伤逝。

3. 在我们懵懂的时候,总会有这么个人,让我们为他犯贱很多年

4. 有些人。多你一个不多。少你一个不少。没你我照样过得很好。

5. 伤秋的倾诉,踩着夜的影子,跟随一路呜咽的秋风,走走停停。

6. 情断了,绑不住,试着放手,走与不走,留与不留,我不想懂。

7. 无言故意从你身边擦肩而过,只是让你感觉到我想挽留的经过。

8. 我用了我所有的力气想念一个人,那个人却从来不会为我停留。

9. My heart is broken.


