
时间:2019-06-08 02:49:36
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有关高考家长稿件范文英语 篇一

Title: The Role of Parents in Supporting Their Children During the College Entrance Examination


The college entrance examination, known as the Gaokao in China, is a crucial event in the lives of millions of Chinese students. It is a highly competitive and stressful time, not only for the students but also for their parents. In this article, we will discuss the important role that parents play in supporting their children during this challenging period.


1. Emotional support:

During the college entrance examination, students often experience a wide range of emotions, including anxiety, stress, and self-doubt. Parents can provide emotional support by being understanding, patient, and encouraging. They should listen to their children's concerns and fears, and reassure them that their efforts will be rewarded. By creating a positive and supportive environment at home, parents can help alleviate their children's stress and boost their confidence.

2. Practical support:

In addition to emotional support, parents can also provide practical assistance to their children during the college entrance examination. This can include helping them with their study schedule, providing a quiet and conducive study environment, and offering guidance on exam preparation techniques. Parents can also assist in organizing study materials, such as textbooks and past exam papers, and help their children create a study plan that is both effective and manageable.

3. Communication with school:

Parents should maintain good communication with their children's school and teachers during the college entrance examination period. They should attend parent-teacher meetings and stay informed about their children's progress and performance. By staying involved in their children's education, parents can address any concerns or difficulties promptly and work together with the school to find solutions. This open communication channel can also help parents stay updated on important announcements and changes in the examination process.

4. Balancing expectations:

While it is natural for parents to have high expectations for their children's performance in the college entrance examination, it is important to strike a balance. Unrealistic expectations can put excessive pressure on students and hinder their performance. Parents should focus on encouraging their children to do their best rather than pushing them to achieve unattainable goals. It is crucial to remind children that their worth is not solely determined by their exam scores, and that there are various paths to success in life.


Parents play a vital role in supporting their children during the college entrance examination. By providing emotional and practical support, maintaining communication with the school, and balancing expectations, parents can help their children navigate through this challenging period and achieve their academic goals. The love, understanding, and encouragement from parents are invaluable resources that can greatly contribute to their children's success in the college entrance examination and beyond.

Word count: 613 words

有关高考家长稿件范文英语 篇二

Title: The Importance of a Healthy Parent-Child Relationship During the College Entrance Examination


The college entrance examination is not only a test of academic knowledge but also a test of the parent-child relationship. The bond between parents and their children can greatly influence the students' performance and well-being during this stressful period. In this article, we will explore the significance of a healthy parent-child relationship and how it can positively impact the college entrance examination experience.


1. Trust and communication:

A healthy parent-child relationship is built on trust and open communication. During the college entrance examination, it is crucial for parents to listen to their children's concerns, fears, and aspirations. By actively engaging in conversations and genuinely understanding their children's perspectives, parents can create a supportive environment where their children feel comfortable discussing their worries and seeking guidance. This trust and communication foster a sense of emotional security, allowing students to better cope with the pressures of the examination.

2. Respect for autonomy:

While parents play an important role in supporting their children, it is equally important to respect their autonomy. Students should be given the freedom to make their own decisions regarding their study methods, schedules, and goals. By respecting their children's choices and allowing them to take ownership of their education, parents can empower their children and enhance their self-confidence. This sense of autonomy can lead to greater motivation and a stronger sense of responsibility, ultimately improving their performance in the college entrance examination.

3. Encouragement and positive reinforcement:

Positive reinforcement and encouragement are vital for students during the college entrance examination. Parents should celebrate their children's achievements, no matter how big or small, and provide constructive feedback to help them improve. By focusing on their children's strengths and progress, parents can boost their self-esteem and foster a positive mindset. This positive reinforcement creates a nurturing environment that encourages students to stay motivated and persevere through challenges.

4. Balancing academic and emotional well-being:

While academic success is important, parents should also prioritize their children's emotional well-being during the college entrance examination. It is crucial to remind students to take breaks, engage in activities they enjoy, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Parents can play an active role in ensuring their children have a balanced routine that includes both study time and relaxation. By promoting a healthy work-life balance, parents can help prevent burnout, reduce stress, and ensure that their children are able to perform at their best.


A healthy parent-child relationship is a key factor in supporting students during the college entrance examination. By fostering trust, respecting autonomy, providing encouragement, and prioritizing emotional well-being, parents can create an environment that promotes their children's success and overall well-being. The college entrance examination is not only a test of academic knowledge but also an opportunity for parents to strengthen their bond with their children and guide them towards a brighter future.

Word count: 611 words

有关高考家长稿件范文英语 篇三














有关高考家长稿件范文英语 篇四




在这个学期里我们已经进行了二个单元的考试,虽然说这些考卷难度是有点高,但是在试卷中我发现了一些问题。有些学生的成绩起伏比较大,从考卷来看是因为不认真,粗心原因造成的。还有些学生以前三年级的时间成绩还可以,但现在的成绩徘徊在七八十分,那是为什么呢?其实原因很简单,现在已经是六年级了,句子和单词的量大量增加,要记和背的内容也大量增加,而且单词还需要默写,那些比较来懒,不愿意背单词的学生成绩肯定考不高。英语是一门特殊的学科,光靠学校几节课时间是远远不够的,还需要在家里花时间预习和巩固。在学校老师会尽最大的努力进行教学,但课余时间还需要广大家长大力配合。如:听录音、背诵要家长多督促;每课的单词(课文A B部分)这是基础之基础,得督促孩子读熟。





要教育好一个孩子并不是一项简单的工作,它牵涉到社会、学校和家庭多个方面。作为英语老师,在课堂的时间有限,更多的时间是孩子们在家,家长的督促与鼓励,相比之下我们力量是微小的,只有有了你们的加入,才能形成家校联合的强大力量。如果家长能配合学校的工作,双管齐下,我想这样的教育效果会好很多。 让我们同心协力,共同配合把你们的孩子,我们的学生教育好。说了这么多,希望我们向着共同的目标:让我们一起支持并帮助孩子踏踏实实地学好英语,和孩子共同成长。谢谢!

有关高考家长稿件范文英语 篇五

It is said that Chinese parents are the most responsible parents in the world, which sounds like a compliment to Chinese parents, but if you think about it, sometimes it may be a kind of irony. Parents keep staring at their children, and they almost drive their children crazy. Mingming is a law college student.

It seems that he can't get rid of his shackles. His mother is going to have a spring outing with his classmates, but his mother comes to visit him. Li Ming says he can't leave his mother alone, she will always look at him.

College life should be a season far away from parents' nagging, but students like Li Ming can't persuade their parents to give them some space. Just like Li's mother, he said he knew she loved him, but he hoped that she could treat him like an , not a pupil. Chinese parents care too much about their children.

Some people call them every day just to ensure the safety of their children. But too much interference will drive the students crazy. They have grown up and need private space.

Parents should realize that their child will be an and they must learn to let go gradually.




有关高考家长稿件范文英语 篇六



作为孩子的英语老师,我想通过这个家长会,和你们共同探讨一下 “怎样帮助孩子学好英语”、“家长和教师如何共同帮助孩子学习成长”等问题,希望各位家长针对各自孩子在生活、学习等方面的表现,提出宝贵意见,一起帮助孩子快乐学习、健康成长。




一、 要给孩子们营造宽松的学习环境。














